Authentication using social-auth library in grails for facebook,google,twitter - grails

I am following the example given in link but everytime it authenticates using google,its getting redirected to error page.I tried with localhost and also with domain they are providing in example.Plz help.

Can you try the latest Grails demo from SocialAuth 4.2 SDK
If it doesn't work then you can POST issue on


Doorkeeper client server

On railscast epidose "#353 OAuth with Doorkeeper", it has no client application set up. How to set up client application server to avoid the This webpage is not available on browser, instead return something.
I've already tried the following found on this link, but it still doesn't work for me.
Refer this repository by RyanB.

cloud 9 and laravel5.1 not displaying validation error

new to laravel and experimenting on an ordering app using cloud9 and laravel5.1 . I was able to create authentication and make the ordering work. but my problem is when I try to login or register with the wrong credentials the error message is not displaying, and sometimes it shows up out of the blue.. does the https or http matters when laravel tries to redirect? you can view the full source code here:
you can try it by visiting this link:
Instead of simply using redirect(), try using:
redirect()->intended($this->redirectPath(), 302, [], true);
to force Laravel to send as HTTPS. if it works then the issue is on redirect.

Google Auth does not work in template mvc project

So I have VS 2013 update 4 and I created ASP.NET MVC application from template and configured Google authentication by using UseGoogleAuthentication method and passing client ID and secret. But for some reason once I click 'Accept' button google page I'm redirected to the page I expect but there is an error 500 in the browser console and nothing on the page itself.
I read a lot of articles and enabled all required APIs in Google Developer console. But nothing seems to work for me.
Also I have another custom authentication middleware that worked just fine before and stopped working once I enabled Google. I use nuget package version 3.0.1.
If I disable my custom auth middleware Google still does not work.
Please advise.
OK, here's why should probably stay with default values. So default redirect URL is /signin-google built-in to Google middleware. And because my URL is /Account/ExternalLoginCallback I thought it was a good idea to set it when configuring GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions.
Once removed CallbackPath = new PathString("Account/ExternalLoginCallback") from configuration it just worked.

Steam OpenId in MVC application

I have never done an openid application before. I did see that MVC 5 has some built in oauth sign ins. I was able to get these to work no problem, as they are already built.
But I am completely unsure how to get the steam openid to work in MVC. Does anyone have some sample code of there MVC Steam OpendID stuff? Or does anyone know a good tutorial for this?
Go to Tools > Library Package Manager > Package Manager Console and type:
Install-Package Owin.Security.Providers
Open your App_Start\Startup.Auth.cs, and add:
using Owin.Security.Providers.Steam;
Then, in the ConfigureAuth method, add:
app.UseSteamAuthentication("your API key");
You can get an API key from
A "Steam" button should be added to your login page.
Here is an excellent tutorial on how to integrate openid with ASP.NET MVC, and it do have working code, and instructions. Please have a look and get going.
Hope this helps. API / OAuth2Client with MVC4 & C#

im trying to implement a custom OAuth2Client for my ASP MVC4 Application so that the users can login with their Account.
Based on this Code, i tried to give it a shot. Unfortunately, im always getting an error 400 "bad request". Any ideas on this? My Login-Urls look like this:
You can find my gist here:
I got it working on my own. Backdraft: You have to authorize your application on every login. But for connecting your account with an existing account in your application, its just perfect.
Please find the experimental implementation under:
