You must be authenticated to make requests - GoogleAuthenticator -

I am trying to upload videos using the .NET API on an Android Phone using Xamarin. I am unable to authenticate and I get the error in the subject line. Here is the code from Xamarin:
I used HttpScoop and it appears there is no web traffic.
I am using the web application ID:
Client ID for web applications
Client ID:
Email address:
Client secret:
Redirect URIs:
JavaScript origins:
Here is how I create the Google Authenticator:
GoogleAuthenticator Auth ()
return new Google.Apis.Authentication.OAuth2.GoogleAuthenticator (ClientID, new Uri (""), Google.Apis.Youtube.v3.YoutubeService.Scopes.YoutubeUpload.ToString());

I found out I must call GetUI. This opens a browser window where the user logs into Google.
StartActivity(auth2.GetUI (this));
auth2.Completed += (sender, eventArgs) => {
if (eventArgs.IsAuthenticated) {
MakeAlert("Is auth", "Accepted!");
} else {
// The user cancelled
MakeAlert("Is not auth", "failure");


Example of Login with Tiktok (web) flow

I would like a user to login with tikok on the web and get his basic information like:
union_id (uniq user identifier provided by tiktok)
The Tiktok Login Kit for Web Documentation seems to be missing a full example on how to implement the full sequence of calls. Also some things are not explained at all (like the callback URL). Can someone share their full solution with code example on how to integrate tiktok login onto a webpage.
Heres a full example of the tiktok login for web implementation:
setup a tiktok developer account
create a new app, this will generate a CLIENT_KEY and CLIENT_SECRET.
create 2 backend endpoints that you control, for example: : builds a tiktok URL and redirects the user to that endpoint (where the user will be prompted to login). : once the user has finished the login with tiktok flow, tiktok sends an authorizationResponse to this endpoint. The authorizationResponse contains info that you need to fetch the users data.
in section "Platform Info": insert the callback URL and redirect domain. The callback URL being the second of the 2 server endpoints listed above. Tiktok will send the authorizationResponse to that URL once the user successfully loggs in and grants or declines the required permissions. In redirect domain simply add the domain without the exact path.
fill out all info for your app and wait for approval, this can take up to 1-3 days.
once approved, you are ready to implement the full flow, which consists of multiple steps/requests.
(A) send the user from your frontend to your first backend endpoint From there, the user will be redirected to the tiktok auth page.
(B) once the user finished the authorization, tiktok sends a authorizationResponse to your callback URL (, which contains a variable code. With the code you can request the access_token and open_id of the user.
(C) use the access_token and open_id to request basic user info.
(A) Send User to Tiktok Authentication Page
In your frontend, redirect the user to Then run the following nodejs backend code on your /auth route. For this example we use an express app (req = request object, res = response object):
// IMPORTANT, it is your responsibility to store a csrf token
// in your database, to be able to prevent xss attacks, read more
// here (section 2.1) =>
const createCsrfState = () => Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);
const csrfState = createCsrfState();
res.cookie('csrfState', csrfState, { maxAge: 60000 });
let url = '';
url += `?client_key=${CLIENT_KEY}`;
url += '&';
url += '&response_type=code';
url += `&redirect_uri=${encodeURIComponent('')}`;
url += '&state=' + csrfState;
// redirect the user to the generated URL
// user will be prompted to login with tiktok
// and authorize needed permissions
This code redirects the user to a tiktok url, where the user is prompted to sign in with tiktok and grant access.
(B) Handle authorizationResponse, use code to get access_token and open_id
Once the user finished the login process, tiktok sends an authorizationResponse to your second backend server endpoint In that callback you recieve variables state and code.
// express example with
// `req` = request object
// `res` = response object
// check if the csrf token is valid
// its the developers responsibility
// to setup a validation logic.
if (!validateCsrfToken(req.query.state)) {
throw new Error("invalid csrf token");
async function getAccessTokenAndOpenId(code, TIKTOK_CLIENT_KEY, TIKTOK_CLIENT_SECRET) {
let urlAccessToken = '';
urlAccessToken += '?client_key=' + TIKTOK_CLIENT_KEY;
urlAccessToken += '&client_secret=' + TIKTOK_CLIENT_SECRET;
urlAccessToken += '&code=' + code;
urlAccessToken += '&grant_type=authorization_code';
const resp = await;
return {
const code = req.query.code;
const { openId, accessToken } = await getAccessTokenAndOpenId(code, TIKTOK_CLIENT_KEY, TIKTOK_CLIENT_SECRET);
(C) Get basic user info
async function getBasicInfo(accessToken, openId) {
let urlBasicInfo = ``;
const data = {
access_token: accessToken,
open_id: openId,
fields: [
const resp = await, data);
const userBasicInfo = await getBasicInfo(accessToken, openId);
// 🥳 done!

Azure AD Ms Identity callback URL (error AADSTS50011)

I'm integrating Azure AD and MS-Identity on a web app with Angular.
It works on my machine, but when I deploy it, I get an issue with the callback URL.
First, to make sure the callback URL is ok, I extract it from the microsoft login popup window's URL:
Then, I url decode the content. The URL seems fine and it is available in my Azure app's redirect URL.
Then I login to Microsoft normally and I get this error (AADSTS50011):
Then I inspect the URL again (inside the query string from the urldecoded popup window's URL) and now the URL seems to have been "tampered with".
It's now something like this:
instead of
so I wonder if it's part of the problem or if it's normal behavior.
It is also mentionned "If you contact your administrator, send this info to them." I suppose I'm the "administrator" so what can I do with that "Copy info to clipboard" info to investigate the problem?
Is your application hosting on http (80) or https (443)? If your app service is terminating your TLS connection and handling that for you instead of your app, your sign-on will construct the redirect using the http request scheme. I hooked into the OnRedirectToIdentityProvider event to correct the scheme.
.AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApp(options =>
Configuration.Bind("AzureAd", options);
options.Events ??= new OpenIdConnectEvents();
options.Events.OnRedirectToIdentityProvider += _fixRedirect;
private async Task _fixRedirect(RedirectContext context)
context.Request.Scheme = "https";
context.ProtocolMessage.RedirectUri =
context.ProtocolMessage.RedirectUri.Replace("http", "https");
await Task.CompletedTask;

Cannot get control back from web view to react native app in OAuth flow

I'm trying to implement Google OAuth 2 signin using FormidableLab's react-native-app-auth library in my react native android application as shown below:
googleLoginPressed = async () => {
const config = {
serviceConfiguration: {
authorizationEndpoint: '', tokenEndpoint: '',
clientId: app_params.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, redirectUrl: 'https://<my_domain>/oauth/google',
scopes: ['openid', 'profile', 'email'], additionalParameters: { 'response-type': 'code' },
try {
const result = await authorize(config);
} catch (error) {
This invokes a web view with Google's signin page and I could successfully authenticate myself. Google then correctly redirects to my oauth callback endpoint and populates the oauth code in the redirect url like it should. At this point, I expect react-native-app-auth to get the control back from the webview to application. Instead, the web view stays open at the redirect url page.
I have added necessary website association configuration under AndroidManifest.xml and the following code under to check for getting the control back to application from the redirect url:
public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { // this is not getting hit
Uri appLinkData = intent.getData();
if (appLinkData != null) {
bar = appLinkData.getPath();
What I tried so far
I ensured my app can open Universal links. So website association must be working fine.
Also tried replicating the entire setup on iOS. Same result. The webview shows Google correctly redirecting to oauth endpoint but app fails to get control back.
How do I get control back from oauth web view to my react-native code?
If you are using Claimed HTTPS Schemes, which is the most recommended security option for mobile apps, you are likely to also need an interstitial page after login, that triggers the Universal Link.
My blog post has further info and a code sample you can run, though it uses plain Kotlin rather than React Native.

Get access_token using Windows Service's or Console App. for Instagram Api

My windows service is collect instagram datas from instagram api. I was using client_id but this uses format is removed.
Instagram api is want to access_token but Oauth 2.0 is web-based. or not?
I using .NET and my application type is windows service and web request don't work because this call url: "" is have one more contain redirect. so web response haven't contain my web application link also auto redirect is open..
what should I do?
Steps to get instagram access token
register ur application in instagram account.
get a client id and client secret.
Step 1: HIT the below url.
step 2: after hitting above url you will be taken to login page. enter the login credentials and take the code from address bar.
it will be live for only 20 seconds i guess.
step 3: The code which you got put it in CODE parameter in the below source code, then run the below code in console application n hit breakpoint at response. you will get access token and userid.
public void GetDataInstagramToken()
NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection();
parameters.Add("client_id", "CLIENT-ID");
parameters.Add("client_secret", "CLIENT-Secret");
parameters.Add("grant_type", "authorization_code");
parameters.Add("redirect_uri", "REDIRECT-URI");
parameters.Add("code", "CODE");
WebClient client = new WebClient();
var result = client.UploadValues("", "POST", parameters);
var response = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(result);
// deserializing nested JSON string to object
var jsResult = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response);
string accessToken = (string)jsResult["access_token"];
catch (Exception)
//exception catch

can't get access token using refresh token

I wrote desktop application on java, which have access to the Google drive. (it just uploads and downloads files).
At the moment access type is online. when I need to access files/folders to the drive, I
redirect he browser to a Google URL and get access code:
String code = "code that was returned from brouser"
GoogleTokenResponse response = flow.newTokenRequest(code).setRedirectUri(REDIRECT_URI).execute();
GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential().setFromTokenResponse(response);
everything works well! but I need to have that redirection only first time.
When I google, in the Google Drive API documentation I found that I can get refresh token via browser redirection and save it on DB for instance. (In the other word, I can use offline access).
And every time when I need to read data from google drive, I get access token using refresh token without redirection. is not it?
so I get refresh token like that:
question 1
I get code, from the browser redirecting. it's refresh token, is not it?
now, I need to get access token using that refresh token.
type: "POST",
url: '',
data: {
client_id: "",
client_secret: 'OWasYmp7YQ...4GJaPjP902R',
refresh_toke: '4/hBr......................xwJCgQI',
grant_type: 'refresh_token'
success: function(response) {
but I have error 400;
question 2) when I try to change redirect url I have that error: *
Invalid parameter value for redirect_uri: Non-public domains not allowed: https://sampl.ecom
so, must I create web applications Client ID , instead of installed application from google APIs console? Can't I change Redirect URI in installed application? I'm confused, I don't know, which should I use.
1) when you try to have offline access, you get authorization code which may be redeemed for an access token and a refresh token.
For isntance:
&client_id=[your id]
&scope=[access scopes]
after you get authorization code, you cat get refresh token.
static Credential exchangeCode(String authorizationCode)
throws CodeExchangeException {
try {
GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow = getFlow();
GoogleTokenResponse response =
return flow.createAndStoreCredential(response, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("An error occurred: " + e);
throw new CodeExchangeException(null);
See the section on Implementing Server-side Authorization tokens for more information.
and after you get refresh token , you must save it. see that sample for mor information.
2) If you don't have installed application, you should create web applications to change redirecting URL.
