Can scatter plot points be expanded? - highcharts

I'm trying to create an 'average' point in a scatter chart that when clicked, will expand to show the 'component' points, similar to how Hans Roslings 'Gapminder' application does to provide more detail from aggregate/container points.
Is this something that Highcharts can do?


Highchart bubbles with arrows inside

I want to draw a bubble chart using Highcharts with an arrow or a pointer that points to a certain position on the circumference of the bubble depending upon a data value.
Think of it like this: each bubble is like a gauge without any calibrations. It has just a dial which points to a single point on the bubble surface, preferably on the inside.
This is an example image of the bubble for reference:
Is this possible? Or am I reaching?
I got an answer from the Highcharts forum where I'd posted the same question:

Core Plot: Move the legend on the plotting area

I achieved to plot my 5 lines, but wherever I place the legend, it doesn't allow me to see clearly the interception of some lines.
There is a way to allow the user to move/drag the legend along the plotting area?
No. You could position the legend outside the plot area so it doesn't overlap the plot or subclass CPTLegend and override the user interaction methods (-pointingDeviceDownEvent:atPoint:, etc.) to implement the dragging behavior.

How to add crosshair vertical line in line graph using Core Plot framework?

I am using core plot framework for drawing the line graph in iPhone and it is working fine.I am displaying system time on X- axis and Temperature on Y- axis.I need to draw the cross hair vertical line that indicate the selected value on the line graph. for example
I would highly appreciate if someone can give me some suggestion to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance.
You can use another axis or scatter plot to draw the line. Using an axis is simpler if all you need is a single horizontal or vertical line. Set all of the tick and grid line styles to nil and use the orthogonalCoordinateDecimal to position it in the correct location. There is a demo using a scatter plot to draw a crosshairs over the selected point in the Mac version of the CPTTestApp example app.

Spacing between plot border and start of data plotting in highcharts

The problem starts with the fact i have a very small area to plot a chart and i need to have markers on it as well. Now because of the small area, the markers are getting cut off and they are a key piece of information. So is there any way by which i can add some spacing between the border of the plot and the actual start of the data plot itself ?
Heres a running example:
Set minPadding and maxPadding for xAxis. This will work as long, as yod don't have scrolling/panning options enabled.

Highstock marker points do not display on line series with grouped data

Using highstock v1.2.2 I am trying to set a few red marker points on a line series with approximately 8000 points.
However, the marker points are only displayed when the data is not being grouped.
When i increase the size of my navigator and the data is grouped, the marker points are no longer displayed.
I searched the highstock api and didn't find anything helpful. All i found was this issue: Fixed issue with disappearing point markers after switching from non, that was fixed about a year ago.
I also tried to increase the turboThreshold attribute with no luck. So how can i display marker points on a large data set when the points are grouped?
You say that you set "a few" marker points. In that case, the markers will disappear when those individual points are grouped with other points, since the global option is that markers are disabled.
As an alternative, you should consider using flags for the points you want to emphasize. Or to make them look like regular point markers, you can even use a scatter series on top of the line series.
