Synplify .edn file HCLKBUF mistake - buffer

Synthesizing my VHDL code in Synplify, it produces HCLKBUF instead of CLKBUF in .edn file . I tried it with :
attribute syn_isclock of clk16mhzA :signal is true;
as seen below, however it does not work. How can I get CLKBUF in edn file?
entity AAA
clk16mhzA:in std_logic ;
attribute syn_isclock of clk16mhzA :signal is true;
end AAA;


Can MSXML XPath select attributes? ( UPD: real issue was with default no-prefix namespace )

I want to try parsing Excel XML Spreadsheet file with MSXML and XPath.
It has a root element of <Workbook xmlns.... xmlns....> and a bunch of next-level nodes <Worksheet ss:Name="xxxx">.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>
<Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"
<Worksheet ss:Name="Карточка">
<Worksheet ss:Name="Баланс">
At a certain step I want to use XPath to get the very names of the worksheets.
NOTE: I do not want the get the names indirectly, that is to select those Worksheet nodes first and then enumerating them manually read their ss:Name child attribute nodes. That I can do, and it is not the topic here.
What I want is to utilize XPath flexibility: to directly fetch those ss:Name nodes without extra indirection layers.
procedure DoParseSheets( FileName: string );
rd: IXMLDocument;
ns: IDOMNodeList;
n: IDOMNode;
sel: IDOMNodeSelect;
ms: IXMLDOMDocument2;
ms1: IXMLDOMDocument;
i: integer;
s: string;
rd := TXMLDocument.Create(nil);
rd.LoadFromFile( FileName );
if Supports(rd.DocumentElement.DOMNode,
IDOMNodeSelect, sel) then
ms1 := (rd.DOMDocument as TMSDOMDocument).MSDocument;
if Supports( ms1, IXMLDOMDocument2, ms) then begin
'xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" '+
'xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" '+
'xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" '+
ms.setProperty('SelectionLanguage', 'XPath');
// ns := sel.selectNodes('/Workbook/Worksheet/#ss:Name/text()');
// ns := sel.selectNodes('/Workbook/Worksheet/#Name/text()');
ns := sel.selectNodes('/Workbook/Worksheet/#ss:Name');
// ns := sel.selectNodes('/Workbook/Worksheet/#Name');
// ns := sel.selectNodes('/Workbook/Worksheet');
for i := 0 to ns.length - 1 do
n := ns.item[i];
s := n.nodeValue;
When I use the dumbed down '/Workbook/Worksheet' query MSXML correctly return the nodes. But as soon as I add the attribute to the query - MSXML returns empty set.
Other XPath implementations like XMLPad Pro or correctly return the list of ss:Name attribute nodes. But MSXML does not.
What would be the XPath query text to help MSXML return the attribute nodes with given names ?
UPD. #koblik suggested a link to MS.Net selector (not MSXML one) and there are two examples there
Example 1: book[#style] - All elements with style attributes, of the current context.
Example 2: book/#style - The style attribute for all elements of the current context.
That is the difference I told in the "NOTE" above: I don't need those books, I need the styles. I need attribute-nodes, not element-nodes!
And that Example 2 syntax is what MSXML seems to fail at.
UPD.2: One tester shows an interesting error claim:
The default (no prefix) Namespace URI for XPath queries is always '' and it cannot be redefined to 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet'
I wonder if that claim about no default namespaces in XPath is really part of standard or just MSXML implementation limitation.
Then if to delete the default NS the results are how they should be:
Variant 1:
Variant 2:
I wonder if that claim about no default namespaces in XPath is really part of standard or just MSXML implementation limitation.
UPD.3: Martin Honnen in comments explains that line: See for XPath 1.0 (as supported by Microsoft MSXML), it clearly states "A QName in the node test is expanded into an expanded-name using the namespace declarations from the expression context. This is the same way expansion is done for element type names in start and end-tags except that the default namespace declared with xmlns is not used: if the QName does not have a prefix, then the namespace URI is null". So in XPath 1.0 a path like "/Workbook/Worksheet" selects elements of that name in no namespace.
UPD.4: So the selection works with '/ss:Workbook/ss:Worksheet/#ss:Name' XPath query, returning "ss:Name" attributes nodes directy. In the source XML document both default (no-prefix) and "ss:" namespaces are bound to the same URI. This URI is acknowledged by the XPath engine. But not the default namespace, which can not be redefined in MSXML XPath engine ( implementing 1.0 specs ). So to make it work, the default namespace should be mapped to another explicit prefix ( either already existing one or a newly created ) via URI and then that substitute prefix would be used in the XPath selection string. Since namespaces matching goes via URI not via prefixes it would not matter if prefixes used in the document and in the query match or not, they would be compared via their URIs.
ms.setProperty('SelectionLanguage', 'XPath');
and then
ns := sel.selectNodes(
'/AnyPrefix:Workbook/AnyPrefix:Worksheet/#AnyPrefix:Name' );
Thanks to Asbjørn and Martin Honnen for explaining those trivial after-the-fact but not obvious a priori relations.
The issue is that MSXML doesn't support default namespaces when using XPath. To overcome this, you must give the default namespace an explicit prefix, and use this:
'xmlns:d="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" '+
'xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" '+
'xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" '+
Note how I added the d prefix to the default namespace. Then you can do the selection like this:
ns := sel.selectNodes('/d:Workbook/d:Worksheet/#ss:Name');
The reason this works is that when parsing the XML data, MSXML associates the namespace to each node. At this stage it does handle the default namespace, so the Workbook elements get associated with the urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet namespace.
However, note that it does not store the namespace prefixes! Thus you can use your own prefixes for the namespaces when you set SelectionNamespaces.
Now, when doing the XPath selection, if the nodes have a namespace you have to specify namespaces for all elements in the XPath, like my example above. And then you use your own prefixes which you set with SelectionNamespaces.

Delphi - How to Exclude/turn off all values in a set?

Delphi XE6 - I have a set. I would like a simple way to turn ALL elements off. i.e. instead of Exclude, something like ExcludeALL. I have tried to loop through all elements, but I get an error.
TSearchParametersType =
(smDUNSAvailable = 1,
// Now create a set type, where we can have a variable that has all the values of TSearchParametersType
TSearchParametersSet = set of TSearchParametersType;
i : Integer;
sSearchStatus: TSearchParametersSet;
for i := smDUNSAvailable to smNameMiss do
Exclude(sSearchStatus, i);
The error I get is "Incompatible Type: 'Integer' and TSearchParametersType. "
Is there a simple way to Exclude ALL, other than MANUALLY going through every element?
From the documentation:
Every set type can hold the empty set, denoted by [].
So you can assign the empty set to your variable like this:
sSearchStatus := [];
FWIW, your code fails because smDUNSAvailable and smNameMiss are of type TSearchParametersType and so not compatible with the variable i which is of type Integer. In order to make your code work you would need to change the loop variable to be of type TSearchParametersType.
Let me start by saying that David's answer is the correct one.
I'll just post another one to show how you could do it manually. This code might come in handy some other time:
sSearchStatus: TSearchParametersSet;
SearchParametersType : TSearchParametersType;
sSearchStatus := [smDUNSHit, smDUNSMiss, smDUNSAbsent, smRegistryAvailable, smRegistryHit];
for SearchParametersType := low(TSearchParametersType) to high(TSearchParametersType) do
Exclude(sSearchStatus, SearchParametersType);

What's wrong in Classic ASP StoredProcedure insert statement

Here is the classic ASP code
Set objCommandSec = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
With objCommandSec
Set .ActiveConnection = MyConn
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.CommandText = "ReportsPDFInsert"
.CreateParameter "#StatsID", adInteger, adParamInput
.Parameters("#StatsID") = xStats_ID
.CreateParameter "#MemberID", adInteger, adParamInput
.Parameters("#MemberID") = xMemberID
.CreateParameter "#LanguageID", adInteger, adParamInput
.Parameters("#LanguageID") = 1 '1=EN
.CreateParameter "#PDFFilename", adVarWChar , adParamInput
.Parameters("#PDFFilename") = PDFFilename
End With
Here is the stored procedure code
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ReportsPDFInsert]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
#StatsID INT
,#MemberID INT
,#LanguageID INT
,#PDFFilename NVARCHAR(50)
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
INSERT INTO [dbo].[ReportsPDF]
I get error as
Error number: -2147217904
Error description: Procedure 'ReportsPDFInsert' expects parameter '#StatsID', which was not supplied.
Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
If I execute the stored procedure itself, then it is working fine. I have similar classic asp code in other page, and that works fine as well. yes, I made sure xStats_ID does have value. I printed just before the .Execute and I see the value.
Please somebody shed some light. Thanks
Try appending the parameters explicitly using something like this:
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("#StatsID",adInteger, adParamInput,xStats_ID)
instead of .Parameters("")
Here is another post that might help:
How to make a parametrized SQL Query on Classic ASP?
Only today I figured what was the problem.
I haven't included the file for the constants to work.
And I don't know why it was throwing some other error message.
good reason to move away from Classic ASP [only if my boss listens]
Try dropping the "#" in your parameter names.

Translating PowerPoint VBA code to Delphi, "keep source formatting" issue

I am working with Delphi(2010), but I'm new with PowerPoint(2010)
I've found two codes for copying slides with "keep source formatting":
Sub test1()
Dim orig_slide, new_slide As Slide
Dim slide_range As SlideRange
Set orig_slide = ActivePresentation.Slides(2)
Set slide_range = ActivePresentation.Slides.Paste(6)
Set new_slide = slide_range.Item(1)
new_slide.Design = orig_slide.Design
new_slide.ColorScheme = orig_slide.ColorScheme
End Sub
Sub test2()
ActiveWindow.View.PasteSpecial (DataType = ppPasteOLEObject)
End Sub
They both are giving desired results in PowerPoint but in Delphi i get exceptions :
test1, line
new_slide.Design = orig_slide.Design
exception class EOleSysError with message 'Member not found'
test2, line
ActiveWindow.View.PasteSpecial (DataType = ppPasteOLEObject)
exception class EOleException with message 'View.PasteSpecial : Invalid request. The specified data type is unavailable'
I am using Slide Sorter View, copying and pasting are working ok, I'm only trying to add "keep source formatting" command.
Thanks in advance
I think I've found a solution :
This code in Delphi (doesn't work)
var OrigSlide, NewSlide : Variant;
NewSlide.Design := OrigSlide.Design;
on the right side, Delphi seems to accept only variant_variable, it doesn't accept
Left side seems to work in opposite way ?!?
When I replaced it with this code, it works
OrigSlide := OrigSlide.Design;
NewSlide.Design := OrigSlide;
But I can only guess why.

Finding elements with XPath in Delphi

I am trying to find an element in an XML document in Delphi. I have this code, but it always says 0 elements in the log:
function TForm1.KannaSidu: Boolean;
Doc: IXMLDOMDocument;
List: IXMLDomNodeList;
Doc := CreateOleObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM') as IXMLDomDocument;
LogTx('Error on page');
LogTx(IntToStr(List.length)+' elements');
So how do I make XPath work?
In the example code I find online for the selectNodes method, it is preceded by code that sets the document's SelectionNamespaces property via setProperty. Some even set SelectionLanguage, too.
Doc.setProperty('SelectionLanguage', 'XPath');
Based on the element names you're searching for, I guess you're processing an HTML file. The basic HTML elements are in the namespace, so try this:
List := Doc.selectNodes('/x:html/x:head');
See also:
selectNodes does not give node list when xmlns is used on Microsoft's forum.
If you're just trying to load a plain html file as xml, it would probably have multiple reasons to fail and choke on things like:
You have to test that it actually loads correctly before doing anything else:
if not Doc.load(filename) then
raise Exception.Create('XML Loading error:' + Trim(Doc.parseError.reason));
It will give you the specific reason for the failure like this one:
XML Loading error:End tag 'head' does not match the start tag 'link'.
IXMLDOMDocument.Load() does not raise an exception if something goes wrong with your file or with its content. Try the following to be sure there is nothing bad with it:
if Doc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 then
ShowMessage('Error : ' + + Doc.parseError.reason)
ShowMessage('No problem so far !');
I suck at XPath but maybe if html is your root node you don't need to include it in your query string, so try the following :
