present view on part of screen; disable surrounding views but keep them visible - ios

When the user presses a button, a text view should pop up in the middle of the screen. Two requirements:
1) Whatever was displayed before should still be visible (except where covered by the text view or keyboard).
2) If the user taps outside the text view or keyboard, nothing should happen.
I thought that if I presented the text view in its own VC, that would address #2, because I think that's how modal presentations work. However, when I do this, even though I set the background of the text view's VC to transparent and tried reducing the frame, all I get is the text view surrounding by black. Nothing is visible behind the presented VC.
It has come to my attention that apparently when you use a tab bar controller, that object does all of the presenting, no matter what VC actually sends the present message to itself. I am using a tab bar controller. Maybe this is part of the issue and forecloses the option of using presentViewController. So I need a different method!

You can just add a transparent view the size of the whole screen and put your textView in that. The transparent view won't allow touches to pass through. Then whenever the user is done entering text, you can just remove that transparent view (and the textView along with it) from its superview.


Preventing touches from happening behind a view?

I'm programmatically presenting a view ontop of my main view controller's view. On the view I'm programmatically presenting there are buttons. The problem comes when I tap on one of these buttons, I'm interacting with the view I've presented my view overtop of. For example, I've got some buttons behind the view I'm presenting, and if I tap in the view where the covered up buttons are, the code still is getting run for the buttons behind the view even though they're hidden behind.
The only way I can think to stop this is to add tags to each of the views within my presented view and then do some logic like "while I'm presenting this view, go through all of the subviews on the main VC, and if those tags don't equal any of the tags in the presented view, turn off user interaction"
It seems super common to present a view overtop of other buttons/views. Is there a better way to accomplish this?
Turn on User Interaction Enabled for the covering view. Now touches cannot fall through to the covered buttons behind it.

pop view controller with enabled/open keyboard in ios 8

i am trying to implement some chatroom-like view controller (e.g. Messages-app on iPhone), and i would like to keep the keyboard enabled/open when this (chatroom-like) view controller gets dismissed and therefore gets popped from the stack, BUT dismiss it together with the view, i.e. sliding it out of the screen together with the chatroom-view-controller.
For the desired effect, just open the Messages-app on the iPhone, go into one chatroom/conversation, set the focus on the input-textfield so that the keyboard comes up, but then go back to the last view without dismissing the keyboard.
I always get this weird animation that the chatroom-view (-controller) is sliding out of the screen to the right (which is desired), but the keyboard gets dismissed to the bottom of the screen...
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? I have already tried it with so many versions, from become/resign first responder in all the different view will/did appears...
My assumption is that it could have something to do with my custom pan gesture recognizer for popping the chatroom-view-controller from the stack of the navigation controller, but neither the docs nor the web contain such issues...
you don't need to keep your keyboard visible, instead you can make snapshot of chatroom controller right before it being dismissed.
Edit: I just created simple app with navigation controller which pushed controller contains text field. Then on app tried to pop that controller when keyboard is visible. And..all view was dismissed together with keyboard, so your wanted behaviour is given by default.

iOS popover with a close button outside

I need to create below thing
Currently i'm using WYPopover , but I can't create the button since it's outside of the popover. Is there any existing solution out there ? Many thanks
Create a bigger popover UIView holding all your child elements (current popover + button) and make its background transparent or however you wish.
Popover-controller's are exclusively used in iPad. If you want to use in iPhone, you should create it in a custom way.
I am not familiar with the XYPopover in Github, but normally the custom created popover should be dismissed whenever the user taps any place in the screen. That is one of the key feature of the popovers.
Normally the custom popovers are build like, adding a hidden parent view and then the visible image of a popover frame on it.
You should to do the following,
Avoid dismissing the parent view on tap of parent-hidden-view.
Add a close button at the area where you want to show the close button, on top of the parent-hidden-view.
Capture the button click and dismiss the view (remove the view from superview)
How to customize your need
Creating custom popover view is not a big task. It will take maxim one day, try it your self.
One Parent view with clear color
One background image of a popover frame.
View-inside popover (this needs to be customized for UIPopover also).
Close button.

When animating a viewController on top, the one in the back disappears.

I have a viewController which displays a map with annotations. When I click on a bar button, another viewController is supposed to animate on top of that. This works, BUT, when the animation completes, the viewController in the back disappears. It reappears again when the animated viewController closes again.
Here is a video of what happens - hopefully that will make things more clear:
Let me know if I should include the code as well.
When you present a view controller it is expected to take the full screen. As such, the view controllers 'below' it have their views removed from the stack to save resources which are expected to not be required.
You can change your presented view controller to do something like:
Either, don't be presented, just add a subview and animate it in.
Or, pass an image of the original view to the presented view, this becomes the background and that presented view animates a subview in over the image background.

don't want the modal view to move up on keyboard show

I have a viewcontroller from here I am getting a popover. From this popover i am presenting a view as modal view.
There is a textview in it. When editing begins, the entire modal view moves up (which usually people desire). But I do not want it that way.
Is there any way, i can block my modal view from moving up and down on keyboard show and hide ?
If I guessed correctly then you need to set
instead of what you are probably using right now
