jQuery Mobile Site using an ajax $.get() to check username availability returning previous page code in return data - jquery-mobile

I have a simple JQM site I'm working on. I'm trying to validate the availability of a username on the fly in a form. I'm using jquery $.get() ajax to return "success" or "fail" however the return data is being replace with the code of the previous page.
$(document).on('pageinit', function () {
// check to see if username is available
$("#username").change(function() {
$.get("controller.php", { action: "check_username", username: username }, function(data) {
The controller.php is checking for availability of the username and return "pass" or "fail" When I do the console.log(data) which I'm expecting to be pass or fail, it's logging out the code from the previous page??
I'm thinking maybe it's a JQM caching issue so I tried to disable cache with no effect. I was orginally using a JQM dialog box to display the form. Thinking that had something to do with it I pulled that out and loaded a straight link. That didn't fix it so I tried to load the page directly using
$.mobile.changePage( "user-new.php", { reloadPage: true});
I am stumped. Why would a $.get ajax call return data be returning code from the previous page?

Here's a face palm! My controller was authenticating and kicking it back out to a login page. Apparently php redirects act funky with ajax return data. Rather then returning the login page code it was returning the previous page code. I Removed the authentication and it works fine. Unbelievable! I'm going to go work at a gas station or something :)


How to handle session expire in partially loaded divs in mvc

I have 2 divs on a page, based on the click id on left i load the content in the right div.
But when session expires, i am expecting the page to redirect to Login, but it does not behave tht way.
some times the button wont work or some times the login screen loads in the right div.
Any suggestions to handle this session expire?
By default, the IIS simply returns the login-page with an HTTP status code 200 when the session is expired. This makes your ajax not see it as an error.
So you need to do a check in your controller action to see whether the Session has expired, and if it has, you can return an HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized).
After that, in your ajax, you can use somthing like this:
error: function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
if(xhr.status == "401"){ window.location.href = "/login";

Rails 5: Google Tag Manager will not fire

I am using Google Tag Manager and it just stopped working on the landing page that client's are redirected to after filling out a form. It works if you refresh the page, but doesn't work on redirects.
I know this smells like turbolinks, so I've modified the javascript function like so many articles have recommended:
document.addEventListener('turbolinks:load', function(event) {
console.log(event, dataLayer)
var url = event.data.url;
'virtualUrl': url
console.log("getting it")
'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'
var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src='https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f);
In my console, I see the console.log(event, dataLayer) but there is no request to: https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=GTM-######
When I refresh the page, I see the same things logged to my console, but there IS a request to https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=GTM-######.
Does anyone know how to make this request fire or understand what might be going wrong?

mobilefirst logout redirect to new page

I am using jquery mobile and I am using $.mobile.changePage( "#newpage"); option when the user authentication is done to move to next page. in the next page I have a logout button and when user clicks on that it has to logout and on success it has to come back to the login screen again.
WL.Client.logout('CustomAuthenticatorRealm',{onSuccess: WL.Client.reloadApp})
in this code onsuccess it is reloading the same url. i tried to change it like onSuccess: $.mobile.changePage( "#loginpage");
but it is not working. any suggestions please
Hi I got it working ..
Instead making a page change I used onSuccess: WL.Client.reloadApp and for all the pages where I am using the load page function i have added changeHash: false so that the same url follows till the end . now it works fine as I expected
I am not sure about that #loginpage bit, but that depends on your multiple pages implementation.
Anyway, try this instead as the onSuccess callback:
$.mobile.changePage("#loginpage", { changeHash: false });

Auth pop up returning blank page

When I submit an auth call to google to I get the popup from the google window, then when I submit my credentials and press submit it forwards on to something like
https://auth.firebase.com/v2/FIREBASEREF/auth/google/callback?state= etc
And then all I get is a blank (blue background) screen.
$('#loginButton').click(function() {
myFirebaseRef.authWithOAuthPopup("google", function(error, authData) {
if (error) {
console.log("Login Failed!", error);
alert("Login Failed, please try again.")
} else {
console.log("Authenticated successfully with payload:", authData);
myUserID = authData.uid;
The same is also happening when trying to auth with Github, I can press "submit" or "login" etc. and then it just loads a blank page at auth.firebase.com
Any ideas?
FWIW if anyone ends up on this issue: I was getting the exact same thing... the oauth popup was blank and not doing anything. I fixed it by removing the async/await from my form handler:
<form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}>
<button type="submit">Sign In with Google</button>
onSubmit = async event => {
await this.auth.signInWithPopup(this.googleProvider)
Sometimes this should be an permissions issue related with the domain where you're trying to do the request like localhost or
In that case, Go to Firebase Console -> Authentication -> Sign-In Method then scroll down to Authorized domains and add your current domain from you're trying to sign in e.g.
Note: This is just for dev purposes, in case you want to deploy your app to Prod, you shouldn't have this configuration. For multiples environments you should check here
Another Note: If you're working with Javascript, you might add an event.preventDefault() before to call firebase.authWithOAuthPopup(...) to be able to obtain the result of the promise that return the authWithOAuthPopup function.
My solution was adding inAppBrowser from cordova and it no longer returned blank page.

jQuery Mobile Secure Pages

I'm developing a jquery mobile site that is only available to users that are logged in.
I have a function that checks a server for their logged in status:
function checkLogin() {
$(function () {
$.getJSON(root_url + 'manageUsers/checklogin/?callback=?', null,
function (data) {
if (data.logged == 'false') {
$("#index_Container").html("<h2>Login Required</h2></div><p>We've noticed you're not logged in, please login to use this app.</p><p><a href='login.html' data-role='button'>Click here to login</a></p>").trigger('create');
} else {
I can't seem to figure out how to implement this so everytime the index page is loaded and any other page loads this is fired prior to rendering anything else on the page. Currently, the page will load and show the HTML, then do $.mobile.changePage('login.html'):
EDIT: If anyone has any ideas on how to implement this in a better way I'd love to know, every page in the app requires the user to be logged in.
In order to have this function run every time you load anew page, you will need to bind it to the pagebeforeload event, and potentially cancel the user navigation if it does not validate the login.
$( document ).bind( "pagebeforeshow", function( event, data ){
event.preventDefault(); //prevents usual load of page
You will have to make changes to checkLogin, notably because as the page does not exist yet, so you cannot make changes to the DOM. You can see an quick and dirty example in this fiddle, giving hints as to how do it considering the asynchronous nature of your call.
