When training a softmax classifier, I used minFunc function in Matlab, but it didn't work, the step size would reach TolX quickly and the accuracy is not even 5%. There must be something wrong but I just couldn't find it.
Here is my Matlab code about the cost function and gradient:
z=x*W; %x is the input data, it's an m*n matrix, m is the number of samples, n is the number of units in the input layer. W is an n*o matrix, o is the number of units in the output layer.
a=sigmoid(z)./repmat(sum(sigmoid(z),2),1,o); %a is the output of the classifier.
J=-mean(sum(target.*log(a),2))+l/2*sum(sum(W.^2)); %This is the cost function, target is the desired output, it's an m*n matrix. l is the weight decay parameter.
the formula can be found here. Can anyone point out where my error is?
I found the error, I should not use the sigmoid function, it should simply be exp.
Denote a[2, 3] to be a matrix of dimension 2x3. Say there are 10 elements in each input and the network is a two-element classifier (cat or dog, for example). Say there is just one dense layer. For now I am ignoring the bias vector. I know this is an over-simplified neural net, but it is just for this example. Each output in a dense layer of a neural net can be calculated as
output = matmul(input, weights)
Where weights is a weight matrix 10x2, input is an input vector 1x10, and output is an output vector 1x2.
My question is this: Can an entire series of inputs be computed at the same time with a single matrix multiplication? It seems like you could compute
output = matmul(input, weights)
Where there are 100 inputs total, and input is 100x10, weights is 10x2, and output is 100x2.
In back propagation, you could do something similar:
input_err = matmul(output_err, transpose(weights))
weights_err = matmul(transpose(input), output_err)
weights -= learning_rate*weights_err
Where weights is the same, output_err is 100x2, and input is 100x10.
However, I tried to implement a neural network in this way from scratch and I am currently unsuccessful. I am wondering if I have some other error or if my approach is fundamentally wrong.
If anyone else is wondering, I found the answer to my question. This does not in fact work, for a few reasons. Essentially, computing all inputs in this way is like running a network with a batch size equal to the number of inputs. The weights do not get updated between inputs, but rather all at once. And so while it seems that calculating together would be valid, it makes it so that each input does not individually influence the training step by step. However, with a reasonable batch size, you can do 2d matrix multiplications, where the input is batch_size by input_size in order to speed up training.
In addition, if predicting on many inputs (in the test stage, for example), since no weights are updated, an entire matrix multiplication of num_inputs by input_size can be run to compute all inputs in parallel.
The neural network applications I've seen always learn the weights of their inputs and use fixed "hidden layers".
But I'm wondering about the following techniques:
1) fixed inputs, but the hidden layers are no longer fixed, in the sense that the functions of the input they compute can be tweaked (learned)
2) fixed inputs, but the hidden layers are no longer fixed, in the sense that although they have clusters which compute fixed functions (multiplication, addition, etc... just like ALUs in a CPU or GPU) of their inputs, the weights of the connections between them and between them and the input can be learned (this should in some ways be equivalent to 1) )
These could be used to model systems for which we know the inputs and the output but not how the input is turned into the output (figuring out what is inside a "black box"). Do such techniques exist and if so, what are they called?
For part (1) of your question, there are a couple of relatively recent techniques that come to mind.
The first one is a type of feedforward layer called "maxout" which computes a piecewise linear output function of its inputs.
Consider a traditional neural network unit with d inputs and a linear transfer function. We can describe the output of this unit as a function of its input z (a vector with d elements) as g(z) = w z, where w is a vector with d weight values.
In a maxout unit, the output of the unit is described as
g(z) = max_k w_k z
where w_k is a vector with d weight values, and there are k such weight vectors [w_1 ... w_k] per unit. Each of the weight vectors in the maxout unit computes some linear function of the input, and the max combines all of these linear functions into a single, convex, piecewise linear function. The individual weight vectors can be learned by the network, so that in effect each linear transform learns to model a specific part of the input (z) space.
You can read more about maxout networks at http://arxiv.org/abs/1302.4389.
The second technique that has recently been developed is the "parametric relu" unit. In this type of unit, all neurons in a network layer compute an output g(z) = max(0, w z) + a min(w z, 0), as compared to the more traditional rectified linear unit, which computes g(z) = max(0, w z). The parameter a is shared across all neurons in a layer in the network and is learned along with the weight vector w.
The prelu technique is described by http://arxiv.org/abs/1502.01852.
Maxout units have been shown to work well for a number of image classification tasks, particularly when combined with dropout to prevent overtraining. It's unclear whether the parametric relu units are extremely useful in modeling images, but the prelu paper gets really great results on what has for a while been considered the benchmark task in image classification.
I implemented a binary Logistic Regression classifier. Just to play, around I replaced the sigmoid function (1 / 1 + exp(-z)), with tanh. The results were exactly the same, with the same 0.5 threshold for classification and even though tanh is in the range {-1,1} while sigmoid is in the range {0,1}.
Does it really matter that we use the sigmoid function or can any differentiable non-linear function like tanh work?
Did you also change the function in the training, or you just used the same training method and then changed the sigmoid to tanh?
I think what has very likely happened is the following. Have a look at the graphs of sigmoid and tanh:
sigmoid: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plot+sigmoid%28x%29+for+x%3D%28-1%2C+1%29
tanh: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plot+tanh%28x%29+for+x%3D%28-1%2C+1%29
We can see that in the tanh case, the value y = 0.5 is around x = 0.5. In the sigmoid, the x = 0.5 gets us roughly y = 0.62. Therefore, what I think has probably happened now is that your data doesn't contain any point that would fall within this range, hence you get exactly the same results. Try printing the sigmoid values for your data and see if there is any between 0.5 and 0.62.
The reason behind using the sigmoid function is that it is derived from probability and maximum likelihood. While the other functions may work very similarly, they will lack this probabilistic theory background. For details see for example http://luna.cas.usf.edu/~mbrannic/files/regression/Logistic.html or http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~tom/mlbook/NBayesLogReg.pdf
The range of the function should be {0,1} as it represents probability of the outcome.
Could someone please explain to me how to update the bias throughout backpropagation?
I've read quite a few books, but can't find bias updating!
I understand that bias is an extra input of 1 with a weight attached to it (for each neuron). There must be a formula.
Following the notation of Rojas 1996, chapter 7, backpropagation computes partial derivatives of the error function E (aka cost, aka loss)
∂E/∂w[i,j] = delta[j] * o[i]
where w[i,j] is the weight of the connection between neurons i and j, j being one layer higher in the network than i, and o[i] is the output (activation) of i (in the case of the "input layer", that's just the value of feature i in the training sample under consideration). How to determine delta is given in any textbook and depends on the activation function, so I won't repeat it here.
These values can then be used in weight updates, e.g.
// update rule for vanilla online gradient descent
w[i,j] -= gamma * o[i] * delta[j]
where gamma is the learning rate.
The rule for bias weights is very similar, except that there's no input from a previous layer. Instead, bias is (conceptually) caused by input from a neuron with a fixed activation of 1. So, the update rule for bias weights is
bias[j] -= gamma_bias * 1 * delta[j]
where bias[j] is the weight of the bias on neuron j, the multiplication with 1 can obviously be omitted, and gamma_bias may be set to gamma or to a different value. If I recall correctly, lower values are preferred, though I'm not sure about the theoretical justification of that.
The amount you change each individual weight and bias will be the partial derivative of your cost function in relation to each individual weight and each individual bias.
∂C/∂(index of bias in network)
Since your cost function probably doesn't explicitly depend on individual weights and values (Cost might equal (network output - expected output)^2, for example), you'll need to relate the partial derivatives of each weight and bias to something you know, i.e. the activation values (outputs) of neurons. Here's a great guide to doing this:
This guide states how to do these things clearly, but can sometimes be lacking on explanation. I found it very helpful to read chapters 1 and 2 of this book as I read the guide linked above:
(provides essential background for the answer to your question)
(answers your question)
Basically, biases are updated in the same way that weights are updated: a change is determined based on the gradient of the cost function at a multi-dimensional point.
Think of the problem your network is trying to solve as being a landscape of multi-dimensional hills and valleys (gradients). This landscape is a graphical representation of how your cost changes with changing weights and biases. The goal of a neural network is to reach the lowest point in this landscape, thereby finding the smallest cost and minimizing error. If you imagine your network as a traveler trying to reach the bottom of these gradients (i.e. Gradient Descent), then the amount you will change each weight (and bias) by is related to the the slope of the incline (gradient of the function) that the traveler is currently climbing down. The exact location of the traveler is given by a multi-dimensional coordinate point (weight1, weight2, weight3, ... weight_n), where the bias can be thought of as another kind of weight. Thinking of the weights/biases of a network as the variables for the network's cost function make it clear that ∂C/∂(index of bias in network) must be used.
I understand that the function of bias is to make level adjust of the
input values. Below is what happens inside the neuron. The activation function of course
will make the final output, but it is left out for clarity.
O = W1 I1 + W2 I2 + W3 I3
In real neuron something happens already at synapses, the input data is level adjusted with average of samples and scaled with deviation of samples. Thus the input data is normalized and with equal weights they will make the same effect. The normalized In is calculated from raw data in (n is the index).
Bn = average(in); Sn = 1/stdev((in); In= (in+Bn)Sn
However this is not necessary to be performed separately, because the neuron weights and bias can do the same function. When you subsitute In with the in, you get new formula
O = w1 i1 + w2 i2 + w3 i3+ wbs
The last wbs is the bias and new weights wn as well
wbs = W1 B1 S1 + W2 B2 S2 + W3 B3 S3
wn =W1 (in+Bn) Sn
So there exists a bias and it will/should be adjusted automagically with the backpropagation
Is it a good practice to use sigmoid or tanh output layers in Neural networks directly to estimate probabilities?
i.e the probability of given input to occur is the output of sigmoid function in the NN
I wanted to use neural network to learn and predict the probability of a given input to occur..
You may consider the input as State1-Action-State2 tuple.
Hence the output of NN is the probability that State2 happens when applying Action on State1..
I Hope that does clear things..
When training NN, I do random Action on State1 and observe resultant State2; then teach NN that input State1-Action-State2 should result in output 1.0
First, just a couple of small points on the conventional MLP lexicon (might help for internet searches, etc.): 'sigmoid' and 'tanh' are not 'output layers' but functions, usually referred to as "activation functions". The return value of the activation function is indeed the output from each layer, but they are not the output layer themselves (nor do they calculate probabilities).
Additionally, your question recites a choice between two "alternatives" ("sigmoid and tanh"), but they are not actually alternatives, rather the term 'sigmoidal function' is a generic/informal term for a class of functions, which includes the hyperbolic tangent ('tanh') that you refer to.
The term 'sigmoidal' is probably due to the characteristic shape of the function--the return (y) values are constrained between two asymptotic values regardless of the x value. The function output is usually normalized so that these two values are -1 and 1 (or 0 and 1). (This output behavior, by the way, is obviously inspired by the biological neuron which either fires (+1) or it doesn't (-1)). A look at the key properties of sigmoidal functions and you can see why they are ideally suited as activation functions in feed-forward, backpropagating neural networks: (i) real-valued and differentiable, (ii) having exactly one inflection point, and (iii) having a pair of horizontal asymptotes.
In turn, the sigmoidal function is one category of functions used as the activation function (aka "squashing function") in FF neural networks solved using backprop. During training or prediction, the weighted sum of the inputs (for a given layer, one layer at a time) is passed in as an argument to the activation function which returns the output for that layer. Another group of functions apparently used as the activation function is piecewise linear function. The step function is the binary variant of a PLF:
def step_fn(x) :
if x <= 0 :
y = 0
if x > 0 :
y = 1
(On practical grounds, I doubt the step function is a plausible choice for the activation function, but perhaps it helps understand the purpose of the activation function in NN operation.)
I suppose there an unlimited number of possible activation functions, but in practice, you only see a handful; in fact just two account for the overwhelming majority of cases (both are sigmoidal). Here they are (in python) so you can experiment for yourself, given that the primary selection criterion is a practical one:
# logistic function
def sigmoid2(x) :
return 1 / (1 + e**(-x))
# hyperbolic tangent
def sigmoid1(x) :
return math.tanh(x)
what are the factors to consider in selecting an activation function?
First the function has to give the desired behavior (arising from or as evidenced by sigmoidal shape). Second, the function must be differentiable. This is a requirement for backpropagation, which is the optimization technique used during training to 'fill in' the values of the hidden layers.
For instance, the derivative of the hyperbolic tangent is (in terms of the output, which is how it is usually written) :
def dsigmoid(y) :
return 1.0 - y**2
Beyond those two requriements, what makes one function between than another is how efficiently it trains the network--i.e., which one causes convergence (reaching the local minimum error) in the fewest epochs?
#-------- Edit (see OP's comment below) ---------#
I am not quite sure i understood--sometimes it's difficult to communicate details of a NN, without the code, so i should probably just say that it's fine subject to this proviso: What you want the NN to predict must be the same as the dependent variable used during training. So for instance, if you train your NN using two states (e.g., 0, 1) as the single dependent variable (which is obviously missing from your testing/production data) then that's what your NN will return when run in "prediction mode" (post training, or with a competent weight matrix).
You should choose the right loss function to minimize.
The squared error does not lead to the maximum likelihood hypothesis here.
The squared error is derived from a model with Gaussian noise:
P(y|x,h) = k1 * e**-(k2 * (y - h(x))**2)
You estimate the probabilities directly. Your model is:
P(Y=1|x,h) = h(x)
P(Y=0|x,h) = 1 - h(x)
P(Y=1|x,h) is the probability that event Y=1 will happen after seeing x.
The maximum likelihood hypothesis for your model is:
h_max_likelihood = argmax_h product(
h(x)**y * (1-h(x))**(1-y) for x, y in examples)
This leads to the "cross entropy" loss function.
See chapter 6 in Mitchell's Machine Learning
for the loss function and its derivation.
There is one problem with this approach: if you have vectors from R^n and your network maps those vectors into the interval [0, 1], it will not be guaranteed that the network represents a valid probability density function, since the integral of the network is not guaranteed to equal 1.
E.g., a neural network could map any input form R^n to 1.0. But that is clearly not possible.
So the answer to your question is: no, you can't.
However, you can just say that your network never sees "unrealistic" code samples and thus ignore this fact. For a discussion of this (and also some more cool information on how to model PDFs with neural networks) see contrastive backprop.