Lua Insert table to table - lua

Basic table, how they should be. But me need do it by function, how i can do that?
local mainMenu = {
caption = "Main Window",
description = "test window",
buttons = {
{ id = 1, value = "Info" },
{ id = 2, value = "Return" },
{ id = 3, value = "Ok" },
{ id = 4, value = "Cancel" }
popup = true
Table should be based on outside params, and code one table for each variable of options - not better way. I make a function for that, they should create basic options like caption or description and pop up, and insert values to buttons table (if option enabled - add button). But here the problem, they wont insert to tmp table, buttons table and their values for next options.
function createMenu()
tmp = {}
--buttons insert
if( then
table.insert(tmp, {buttons = {id = 1, value = "Info"}});
elseif(config.return) then
table.insert(tmp, {buttons = {id = 2, value = "Return"}});
--table main
table.insert(tmp, {
caption = "Main Window",
description = "test window",
popup = true
return tmp
How i can fixing them?

From looking at your createMenu function, two obvious problems stick out:
assigning to global tmp a new table every time createMenu is
using the return keyword as a key in config.
One can be a problem if you use tmp somewhere else in your code outside the createMenu function. The obvious fix is to change it to:
local tmp = {}
For the second problem, you can use a lua keyword as a table key if you really want but you won't be able to use the . dot syntax to access this since Lua will parse this the wrong way. Instead, you need to change:
Edit: After reading your comment and checking the example table, it looks like only the button table is accessed by numerical index. In that case, you'll want to use table.insert only on button. If you want to create the table to have associative keys then you'll have to do something like this:
function createMenu()
local tmp =
--table main
caption = "Main Window",
description = "test window",
popup = true,
--button table
buttons = {}
--buttons insert
if then
table.insert(tmp.buttons, {id = 1, value = "Info"});
elseif config['return'] then
table.insert(tmp.buttons, {id = 2, value = "Return"});
return tmp
This will produce the mainMenu table you're describing in your question.


Can't find a way to save a table of data

I have been working on a survival game base on "Booga Booga" but i cant seem to find out how to load player data on the game. The data im trying to load is saved in the for loop that follows:
module.SaveData = function (player, DT)
local data_saved = {}
local setData = player.inventory.Inv:GetChildren()
for i, v in pairs(setData) do
table.insert(data_saved, {[v] = {
value = v.Value,
name = v.Name
Data_Store:SetAsync(player.UserId, data_saved)
I've done multiple things to attempt to solve this problem
I've tried load with http service
I've already attempted loading the raw table
and I've tried to use a global data store instead
here is my code that loads the data as of now:
CF.PlayerInventorySetup(plr) -- not relavent
p = plr -- not relavent
local PD =require(game.ServerScriptService.DataHandler)
local plrdata =PD.FetchData(plr)
for i, v in pairs(plrdata) do -- this is what im having trouble with
if not plr.inventory.Inv:FindFirstChild(v) then
local newint ="NumberValue")
newint.Name = -- the ouput says: string expected, got nil
newint.Value = v.value --
newint.Parent = plr.inventory.Inv
I actually don't know wtf to do.
Before we talk about a solution, let's talk about what's happening when you save the data. Let's say for example, your inventory is a list of NumberValues like this :
Fish (value of 3)
Iron (value of 10)
Grass (value of 8)
Your FetchData function expects that the saved player data is formatted like this :
{ value = 3, name = "Fish" },
{ value = 10, name = "Iron" },
{ value = 8, name = "Grass" },
However, the result of the loop in the SaveData function would be this :
{ Fish(NumberValue) = { value=3, name="Fish" }},
{ Iron(NumberValue) = { value=10, name="Iron" }},
{ Grass(NumberValue) = { value=8, name="Grass" }},
On every step of the loop, you are pushing a new dictionary into the data_saved table.
The FetchData function expects that dictionary to have keys for "name" and "value". But, you've pushed that data one layer deeper, so those keys don't exist where the FetchData code expects them to and it throws errors.
So to fix your issue in the SetData function, remove the outer layer of that table, and just use the raw data.
table.insert(data_saved, {
value = v.Value,
name = v.Name

Minimal NeoVim lua config for using nvim-cmp with lsp

I'm trying to write my own NeoVim Lua based config, stripped down to the minimum I need and with the goal to understand at least most of the config. LSP setup is working fine and is the only source I configured for nvim-cmp:
local cmp = require("cmp")
cmp.setup {
sources = {
{ name = 'nvim_lsp' }
local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()
capabilities = require('cmp_nvim_lsp').update_capabilities(capabilities)
After some startup delay the completion is working in the sense that I see popups with proposed completions, based on information from LSP.
But I cannot select any of the proposed completions. I can just continue to type which reduces the proposed completions, but I cannot use tab, arrow keys, ... to select an entry from the popup. I saw in the docs that one can define keyboard mappings but cannot make sense out of them. They are all rather sophisticated, require a snippet package to be installed, ...
I would prefer to select the next completion via tab and to navigate them via arrow key. "Enter" should select the current one.
Could somebody show me a minimal configuration for this setup or point me to more "basic" docs?
Nvim-cmp requires you to set the mapping for tab and other keys explicitly, here is my working example:
local cmp = require'cmp'
local lspkind = require'lspkind'
snippet = {
expand = function(args)
-- For `ultisnips` user.
mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.insert({
['<Tab>'] = function(fallback)
if cmp.visible() then
['<S-Tab>'] = function(fallback)
if cmp.visible() then
['<CR>'] = cmp.mapping.confirm({ select = true }),
['<C-e>'] = cmp.mapping.abort(),
['<Esc>'] = cmp.mapping.close(),
['<C-d>'] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4),
['<C-f>'] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4),
sources = {
{ name = 'nvim_lsp' }, -- For nvim-lsp
{ name = 'ultisnips' }, -- For ultisnips user.
{ name = 'nvim_lua' }, -- for nvim lua function
{ name = 'path' }, -- for path completion
{ name = 'buffer', keyword_length = 4 }, -- for buffer word completion
{ name = 'omni' },
{ name = 'emoji', insert = true, } -- emoji completion
completion = {
keyword_length = 1,
completeopt = "menu,noselect"
view = {
entries = 'custom',
formatting = {
format = lspkind.cmp_format({
mode = "symbol_text",
menu = ({
nvim_lsp = "[LSP]",
ultisnips = "[US]",
nvim_lua = "[Lua]",
path = "[Path]",
buffer = "[Buffer]",
emoji = "[Emoji]",
omni = "[Omni]",
This is working great for me. The mapping part corresponds to the config for key mapping in the table. You can tweak your conf based on my config to make it work for you.

Full path to the required value

How do I get the full path to the required value in the table? I want to track changes in another table through a proxy table.
I understand that I need to use metatables and __index in it. But I haven't been able to come up with a tracker yet.
Sample table structure:
Objects = {
Panel = { layer = 1, x = 600, y = 328, w = 331, h = 491;
objects = {
label = { layer = 1, x = 0, y = 0, text = 'header' };
Window = { layer = 2, x = 400, y = 100, w = 100, h = 100;
objects = {
label = { layer = 1, x = 0, y = 0, text = 'lorem ipsum dorem' };
Path: Objects.Panel.objects.Window.objects.label.text
I tried to create a metatable for each of the tables and collect the result of each call to __index into a table in order to roughly understand which key and value were retrieved or changed in order to synchronize these values ​​with other tables.
This will prove itself to be horrendously slow and memory inefficient. Anyway, you were right on the track: proxy and handle __index and __newindex metamethods to your liking. This being said you also need to track the state of the proxy somehow.
You can try to hide it with some closures and upvalues but the easy way is to store the information directly in the proxy tables:
function make_tracker (o, name)
local mt = {}
mt.__index = function (proxy, key)
local path = {unpack(rawget(proxy, "__path"))} -- Stupid shallow copy
local object = rawget(proxy, "__to")
table.insert(path, key)
if type(object[key]) == "table" then
return setmetatable({__to = object[key], __path = path}, mt)
return table.concat(path, ".") .. " = " .. tostring(object[key])
return setmetatable({__to = o, __path = {name}}, mt)
__to fields indicates what proxy should point to and __path is there to cover fields we have trespassed so far. It does a shallow copy, so that one can use subproxies with local variables. name parameter is there to initialize the name of the first table, as you just simply can't know that. You use it like this:
local tObjects = make_tracker(Objects, "Objects")
local subproxy = tObjects.Panel.objects.Window
-- prints:
-- Objects.Panel.objects.Window.objects.label.text = lorem ipsum dorem
-- Objects.Panel.objects.label.text = header
-- Objects.Panel.objects.Window.x = 400
Of course, I doubt that appending the path to the original value is what you want. Modify insides of else block:
return table.concat(path, ".") .. " = " .. tostring(object[key])
according to your needs, e.g:
register_tracked_path(table.concat(path, "."))
return object[key]
If you want to handle modification of values you need to extend the metatable with similar __newindex.

Clear text object from in Corona SDK

I have a search feature in Corona SDK that displays results from my website. The first run works perfect but the second search results lay over top the old results.
txt_mybest get repeated and inserted in to a scroll view. I can figure out how to remove the previous results.
If I remove the scroll group it becomes unusable
local function sumbitConnented( event )
if ( event.isError ) then
local alert = native.showAlert( "Connection Error", "Your information was not sent.
Please check your connection" , { "OK" }, onComplete )
nyHeight = 35
local t_ninja = json.decode( event.response )
for key in pairs(t_ninja) do
local xxteam_name = t_ninja[key]["team_name"]
nyHeight = nyHeight + 60
txt_mybest = display.newText("Team: "..xxteam_name,0,0,native.systemFont,13)
txt_mybest.anchorX = 0
txt_mybest.x = 85
txt_mybest.y = 38 +nyHeight
txt_mybest:setTextColor( 20/255, 20/255, 20/255 )
function onSearchRelease()
sendInfo = {["findTeam"] = findTeam.text}
local headers = {
["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
["Accept-Language"] = "en-US",
local params = {}
params.headers = headers
params.body = json.encode( sendInfo )
network.request( ""..muserID, "POST", sumbitConnented, params )
Hopefully "Bohemian" has the mental ability to comprehend this question
you can use txt_mybest.text= "your new text" .. this will change text for your display.newText object as long as the object exsits.
You can add a display group in your scroll view and add all the text in it. When you want to remove the results, simply remove the group and add another one into scroll view. Like that you won't risk destroying your Scroll View and your results would clear off easily.

Lua return index of a nested table

This is my first attempt to use Lua tables and I'm getting on with it quite well. I'm struggling with one thing though, heres (a small sample of) my table as it currently stands:
objects = {
["1/1/1"] = { tl = 1, startVal = 1, stopVal = 0 },
["1/1/2"] = { tl = 11, startVal = 1, stopVal = 0 },
["1/1/3"] = { tl = 22, startVal = 1, stopVal = 0 },
["1/1/4"] = { tl = 33, startVal = 1, stopVal = 0 },
The typical operation of this is that I use the "1/1/1" values as a lookup to the inner tables and then use those values in various functions. This all works well. Now, I need to go the other way, say I have tl = 22 coming in, I want to return the top value ("1/1/3" in this case).
I think I need to do something with the inpairs I keep seeing on the web but I'm struggling to implement. Any help would be massively appreciated.
You can't use ipairs because your table is an associated array not a sequence, so you have to use pairs. Also, there is no search function builtin to Lua, so you have to loop over all items yourself, looking for the right field value:
function findTL(tbl)
for key, data in pairs(tbl) do
if == tlSearch then
return key
local key = findTL(objects, 22)
If you want something a tad more object-oriented you could do this:
objects.findTL = findTL -- ok because first arg is the table to search
local key = objects:findTL(22)
isn't it better to take the value directly?
I don't know if it will work also with slashes, but if not, you may replace it by 'x' for example. Then it will be:
