how do I restrict ipad app to ios6 only? - ios

Ive developed an app which I want to upload to the AppStore, but the code contains various methods which can only be used in IOS6. Is it just simply a case of setting the SDK to 6 before uploading, or is there more to it than that? The last thing I want is for people to download it on an iPad running IOS5 and the app crashing on them because it doesnt support the operating system!

You just need to adjust your deployment target to the iOS you want to support, if it is iOS 6, just set it to iOS 6.0.


Xcode 9 compiled app and iOS 9.5.3 (iPad 2)

Anyone noticed issues with apps that are created with Xcode 9 and do not seem to work on iOS 9.5.3 and in this case an older iPad 2?
I have a customer that downloaded my app that I’ve complied and uploaded with Xcode 9, but when he installs the app it crashes straight away, and on some occasions in a flash of 2 sec. will display the interface builder screen layout of the app (ie all the views, buttons etc that are visible on interface builder but with a normal app nicely hidden until needed etc).
The minimum development target in Xcode is set to 8.2 so I assume it will and should be backwards compatible?
Seems like the device is jailbroken.. My latest app version includes a check for a jailbroken device, and does not allow the app to load when it detects one.
I Could reproduce the exact behaviour when triggering this validation check.

Xcode not showing iOS 6 UI

I have an application build on Xcode 4.6 and iOS 6.1, but now apple requirement of submitting app must be published using Xcode 5.0. I set the deployment target to 6.1 in Xcode 5 and publish the app to app store.
I have a plan to shift completely to ios7 later but when I run app from Xcode 5 I am getting old UI but if i am downloading from store I am getting the ios7 UI which is not optimised and all loping very bad.
How to fix this issue?
Some UI elements are iOS version depended (no matter on what Xcode version your app was compiled). If you are using iOS 7 (on the simulator or on a real device) your UIAlertView for example will have the new iOS 7 UI. (Blurred white with blue writing)
I'm guessing that your iPhone has iOS 7 on it while you are trying to run your app from Xcode on iOS 6 simulator.
On a device running iOS 7, all of the system UI—such as alerts and
notifications—uses the iOS 7 appearance, even if your app is currently
using an earlier appearance.
iOS 7 UI Transition Guide
If you want to keep the legacy UI and still use Xcode 5 you can read this great tutorial.
I'd still advise against this, staying behind will stack more and more problems that you'll need to solve eventually.

App won't work on iPhone 4

What settings do I have to change to allow my app to work on iPhone 4? Some people can install it on their iPhone 4's but have problems and others can't.
Is it related to the Required Device Capabilities entry?
Under the general tab for your project check what your deployment target is set to. If you have it set to iOS 7 then iPhone users running iOS 4,5,6 will not be able to install your app. Set this to the minimum iOS 7 version you want to support and then you will need to make sure your app works on all those iOS versions for it to run on all iPhone 4s.

Should we run iPhone application in xcode 5 with ios simulator 7?

I have generated a build in Xcode 4.6 and tested it in iPhone 5 device with iOS 7.4 and its working fine and I was not getting any issues such as status bar missing, UIButton background missing etc. But if I run the same code in Xcode 5 with iOS simulator7 then I was getting issues such as status bar missed, background of UIButton missed and I couldn't able to change the table view back ground color. So finally should I run my code in Xcode 5 with iOS simulator 7 and fix all the issues? OR can I directly push this app in to App Store with out checking it in Xcode 5. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
In Xcode 4.6 the base SDK is for iOS6. So if you build an application on Xcode 4.6 it will run iOS 7 but it will not be able to use the API's provided by Apple for iOS7. It will a iOS6 app running on iOS7 like many other apps do.
In Xcode 5.0 the base SDK is for iOS7. This means that you can use the latest APIs provided for iOS7. You are getting these errors when building in Xcode 5.0 because those APIs might not be supported in the new iOS7 SDK.
What I mean to say is that if you want your app to be a native iOS7 app then you need to build it on Xcode 5. Building on Xcode 5 will allow your app to feel like an iOS7 app. Though you will face a lot of errors as a lot of iOS6 APIs have been deprecated in iOS7.
If you want to support both iOS6 and iOS7 I suggest you build it on Xcode 5. Again you will have to keep in mind that some iOS7 API's are not available for iOS6 therefore you will have to keep a check on that.
To get a better idea I suppose you should have a look at this document.
iOS7 transition guide
Thank You.
You should definitely build and test in Xcode 5, why run the risk of shipping a bad product? For me you must properly test this in Xcode 5, on all deployment intended devices and the simulator.
Follow the iOS 7 UI Transition Guide to fix all the issues you have in XCode 5 and then submit the app to the store.

Can an application that uses a storyboard be deployed in an iPhone not running on iOS 5

The storyboard is a very powerful and easier way to build iOS apps. But I just want to know if apps made using them will work on iOS earlier than 5.0. For example, will it work on iPhone original or iPhone 3G
If it will not, to be able to run it on all iOS versions, do I just use the old method (I mean nibs and programmatically creating MVC)?
Short answer is: no.
Storyboard is a iOS 5 or later technology. It will work on any device running iOS5. Apps using UIStoryboard will not work on iOS 4 or iOS 3.
You should think of it in terms of iOS versions and not physical devices, although, obviously, any device not capable of running iOS 5 won't be able to use UIStoryboard, either.
