How to update groupings via Mailchimp API? - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to subscribe and update members of a Mailchimp list from my Rails 3.2 app via the API.
Everything is working fine, except that I am unable to set interest groups.
What is the correct format for setting groupings.
I've tried
merge_vars: 'GROUPINGS' => [
'id' => group_id,
'groups' => ['array', 'of', 'groups']
merge_vars: 'GROUPINGS' => [
'id' => group_id,
'groups' => "comma,separated,groups"
merge_vars: 'GROUPINGS' => [
0 => [
'id' => group_id,
'groups' => "comma,separated,groups"
and several other variations.
Nothing seems to work and the docs are unclear

Took me some time but I finnaly figured out the correct format :
#gb.lists.subscribe({:id => list_id,
:email => {:email =>},
:merge_vars => {:FNAME => self.firstname,
:groupings => [{:id => grouping_id,
:groups => ["name","of","groups"]
:double_optin => false,
:send_welcome => false,
:update_existing => true})
I'm using rails 3.1.11 and gibbon 0.5.0
Hope this will help !


getting wrong user with laravel sanctum

I am using Laravel Sanctum to provide a personal access token to my clients.
I am using these guards in auth.php:
'guards' => [
'web' => [
'driver' => 'session',
'provider' => 'users',
'client' => [
'driver' => 'token',
'provider' => 'clients',
'hash' => false
'providers' => [
'users' => [
'driver' => 'eloquent',
'model' => App\Models\User::class,
'clients' => [
'driver' => 'eloquent',
'model' => App\Models\Client::class,
I give my clients tokens using the following code:
$client = Client::find($id);
$token = $client->createToken('CLIENT_TOKEN');
but whenever I try to access the user with $request->user() I get the wrong user. while the token is completely different from what the retrieved user is.
I am using laravel-swoole package as my webserver.

How to connect magento 2 to Redis

I have a magento 2 installation on docker, i would like to work with redis api, but not for magento2's session or page caching.
I would like to use the get() and set() commands to store strings, hash tables and many more.
Majorly what i need is a way to connect to a redis installed on docker instance that is on the same network as a magento 2 installation which is also on docker.
Thanks in advance.
I'm using Redis docker, maybe this will help you:
'session' => [
'save' => 'redis',
'redis' => [
'host' => 'redis',
'port' => '6379',
'password' => '',
'timeout' => '2.5',
'persistent_identifier' => '',
'database' => '0',
'compression_threshold' => '2048',
'compression_library' => 'gzip',
'log_level' => '1',
'max_concurrency' => '10',
'break_after_frontend' => '5',
'break_after_adminhtml' => '30',
'first_lifetime' => '600',
'bot_first_lifetime' => '60',
'bot_lifetime' => '7200',
'disable_locking' => '1',
'min_lifetime' => '60',
'max_lifetime' => '2592000'
'cache' => [
'frontend' => [
'default' => [
'backend' => 'Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis',
'backend_options' => [
'server' => 'redis',
'database' => '1',
'port' => '6379'

How to send messages using AWS Pinpoint service using PHP SDK

Hi I am trying to send a message using AWS Pinpoint with the PHP SDK, but I am getting an error. Any ideas why? Here is my code:
$client = new PinpointClient([
'version' => 'latest',
'region' => 'us-east-1',
'credentials' => [
'key' => 'MYIAMAWSKEY',
'secret' => 'MYAWSSECRET',
$result = $client->sendMessages([
'ApplicationId' => 'MyAppId',
'MessageRequest' => [
'Addresses' => [
'AnIOSDeviceToken' => [
'BodyOverride' => 'aaa',
'ChannelType' => 'APNS',
'RawContent' => 'bbb',
'Context' => ['ccc' => '222'],
'TitleOverride' => 'ddd',
'MessageConfiguration' => [
'APNSMessage' => [
'Action' => 'OPEN_APP',
'Body' => 'Hello',
'RawContent' => 'World',
'SilentPush' => false,
'Title' => 'Hello World!!!',
I get the following error:
StatusCode: 400
StatusMessage: Invalid notification: Notification is malformed
According to the API Docs, 'MessageConfiguration' needs to be inside the 'MessageRequest' field. Please make sure your input parameters fully match the documented API Parameter Syntax.

Print "signature_required" option in Fedex label - Rails

I'm using the fedex gem version 3.9 and cannot get the "signature required" option printed on my fedex label.
This is how it looks:
label = fedex.label(
:filename => "public/labels/#{label_name}",
:shipper => shipper,
:recipient => recipient,
:packages => packages,
:service_type => service_type,
:signature_required => true,
:shipping_options => shipping_options)
I remember this used to work a couple of months ago but now it doesn't.
Let me know if you have any suggestions.
Turns out that the signature options should be sent as part of the packages. Then it prints the label with the right signature initials
packages = [{
:weight => {:units => "LB", :value => 3},
:dimensions => {:length => 10, :width => 5, :height => 4, :units => "IN" },
:special_services_requested => {:special_service_types => "SIGNATURE_OPTION", :signature_option_detail => {:signature_option_type => "DIRECT"} }
label = fedex.label(
:filename => "public/labels/#{label_name}",
:shipper => shipper,
:recipient => recipient,
:packages => packages
:shipping_options => shipping_options)

Inconsistent display of checkboxes on PDF form filled with PDFtk

I am filling PDF forms in my rails app with the pdf-forms ( gem, based on PDFtk. Text fields work as I would expect, but my checkbox fields do not. The boxes display well in Chrome, but in Preview and Mail the checkbox fields appear empty.
class FormsController < ApplicationController
require 'pdf_forms'
def acord25
#policy = Policy.find(params[:id])
pdftk ='/usr/local/bin/pdftk')
# find out the field names that are present in form.pdf
pdftk.get_field_names 'lib/pdfs/acord25.pdf'
# take form.pdf, set the 'foo' field to 'bar' and save the document to myform.pdf
pdftk.fill_form '/lib/pdfs/acord25.pdf', "acord25.pdf",
"F[0].P1[0].Form_CompletionDate_A[0]" => #policy.dateIssued,
"F[0].P1[0].Producer_FullName_A[0]" =>,
"F[0].P1[0].Producer_MailingAddress_LineOne_A[0]" =>,
"F[0].P1[0].Producer_MailingAddress_LineTwo_A[0]" =>,
"F[0].P1[0].Producer_ContactPerson_FullName_A[0]" => #policy.legalVesting,
"F[0].P1[0].Producer_ContactPerson_PhoneNumber_A[0]" =>,
"F[0].P1[0].Producer_FaxNumber_A[0]" =>,
"F[0].P1[0].Producer_ContactPerson_EmailAddress_A[0]" =>,
"F[0].P1[0].NamedInsured_FullName_A[0]" =>,
"F[0].P1[0].NamedInsured_MailingAddress_LineOne_A[0]" => #policy.client.address.titlecase,
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_CoverageIndicator_A[0]" => 1,
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_OccurrenceIndicator_A[0]" => 1,
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_GeneralAggregate_LimitAppliesPerLocationIndicator_A[0]" => 1,
"F[0].P1[0].Policy_PolicyNumberIdentifier_A[0]" => #policy.policyNumber,
"F[0].P1[0].Policy_EffectiveDate_A[0]" => #policy.dateEffective,
"F[0].P1[0].PolicyExpirationGeneral[0]" => #policy.term.dayEnd,
"F[0].P1[0].Insurer_FullName_A[0]" => "Lexington Insurance Company",
"F[0].P1[0].Insurer_NAICCode_A[0]" => 19437,
"F[0].P1[0].Insurer_FullName_B[0]" => "Commerce & Industry Insurance Company",
"F[0].P1[0].Insurer_NAICCode_B[0]" => 19410,
"F[0].P1[0].Insurer_FullName_C[0]" => "Great American Insurance Company",
"F[0].P1[0].Insurer_NAICCode_C[0]" => 37532,
"F[0].P1[0].Insurer_FullName_D[0]" => "Admiral Insurance Company",
"F[0].P1[0].Insurer_NAICCode_D[0]" => 24856,
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_InsurerLetterCode_A[0]" => "A",
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_EachOccurrence_LimitAmount_A[0]" => 1000000,
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_FireDamageRentedPremises_EachOccurrenceLimitAmount_A[0]" => 50000,
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_MedicalExpense_EachPersonLimitAmount_A[0]" => "Excluded",
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_PersonalAndAdvertisingInjury_LimitAmount_A[0]" => 1000000,
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_GeneralAggregate_LimitAmount_A[0]" => 2000000,
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_ProductsAndCompletedOperations_AggregateLimitAmount_A[0]" => 2000000,
"F[0].P1[0].Vehicle_InsurerLetterCode_A[0]" => "A",
"F[0].P1[0].Vehicle_HiredAutosIndicator_A[0]" => 1,
"F[0].P1[0].Vehicle_NonOwnedAutosIndicator_A[0]" => 1,
"F[0].P1[0].Policy_PolicyNumberIdentifier_B[0]" => #policy.policyNumber,
"F[0].P1[0].Policy_EffectiveDate_B[0]" => #policy.dateEffective,
"F[0].P1[0].Policy_ExpirationDate_B[0]" => #policy.term.dayEnd,
"F[0].P1[0].Vehicle_CombinedSingleLimit_EachAccidentAmount_A[0]" => 1000000,
"F[0].P1[0].ExcessUmbrella_InsurerLetterCode_A[0]" => "B",
"F[0].P1[0].ExcessUmbrella_OccurrenceIndicator_A[0]" => 1,
"F[0].P1[0].ExcessUmbrella_DeductibleIndicator_A[0]" => 1,
"F[0].P1[0].ExcessUmbrella_Umbrella_DeductibleOrRetentionAmount_A[0]" => #policy.coverages.first.deductibleOcc,
"F[0].P1[0].Policy_PolicyNumberIdentifier_D[0]" => #policy.policyNumber,
"F[0].P1[0].Policy_EffectiveDate_D[0]" => #policy.dateEffective,
"F[0].P1[0].Policy_ExpirationDate_D[0]" => #policy.term.dayEnd,
"F[0].P1[0].ExcessUmbrella_Umbrella_EachOccurrenceAmount_A[0]" => 10000000,
"F[0].P1[0].ExcessUmbrella_Umbrella_AggregateAmount_A[0]" => 10000000
send_file("#{Rails.root}/acord25.pdf", filename: "#{} - #{} - #{#policy.policyNumber} (#{}).pdf", type: "application/")
TL;DR: Checked boxes display in Chrome, but not in Preview or Mail.
I appreciate any help or leads on what the problem might be. Thank you!
Turns out the PDF form was corrupted. Had to recreate form, not a PDFTK issue.
