I cannot navigate or post when there is a parameter on the url (when navigated to any entity)
xxx only works when i am at a url like
but when i am at a url that has a entity parameter like
non of the <a\> tags work and non of remote form posts work
When I attach to mouse click on Chrome, I saw that on a url like http://localhost:3000/xxx the jquery function below returns undefined (the situation which navigation works without problem), but when on a url like http://localhost:3000/xxx/12 function returns jQuery.fn.init[0]
The function (jquery excerpt) is this
if ( !( eventHandle = elemData.handle ) ) {
eventHandle = elemData.handle = function( e ) {
// Discard the second event of a jQuery.event.trigger() and
// when an event is called after a page has unloaded
return typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && jQuery.event.triggered !== e.type ?
jQuery.event.dispatch.apply( elem, arguments ) : undefined;
I am developing a CRUD system in Phalcon PHP (version 1.3.4).
My goal is to create a link (delete row), that asks for confirmation on click (JavaScript confirmation box) and then goes (request type POST) to the link.
So lets say a user clicks on the "delete row" button.
JavaScript confirmation "Are you sure you want to delete this row?"
User clicks "yes"
Webpage does a POST to "/users/delete/1"
I know CakePHP has a function (FormHelper::postLink()) that does exactly that.
I was wondering if Phalcon PHP also had a function like this.
I see three possibilities to achieve what you want. One is to create a macro in Volt template, second is to add a function to your View. Third and closest to - what I understand is your wish - is to extend Phalcons tag helper and this is part I will describe here.
Phalcon has its own Tag helper to allow you to easily create some elements. postLink is not a part that is implemented there, but you can easily achieve it. In my example I have namespace of Application with class of Tag that extends from \Phalcon\Tag. This is my base for this tutorial.
// Tag.php
namespace Application;
class Tag extends \Phalcon\Tag
static public function postLink() {
return '<strong>TEST TAG</strong>';
To force Phalcon DI to use this class, it is necessary to override it's standard declaration from engine by declaring it by hand as a new DI service:
// services.php
$di['tag'] = function() {
return new \Application\Tag();
You can test if it is working properly by typing {{ tag.postLink() }} in Volt template or with $this->tag->postLink() if using phtml template.
Now you can fill your Tag::postLink() method with HTML and parameters you wish it will produce:
namespace Application;
class Tag extends \Phalcon\Tag
static $forms = [];
static public function postLink($title, $url, $options = array()) {
// random & unique form ID
while ($randId = 'f_' . mt_rand(9000, 999999)) {
if (!isset(self::$forms[$randId])) {
self::$forms[$randId] = true;
// dialog message
$dialogMessage = isset($options['message']) && $options['message'] ? $options['message'] : 'Are you sure you want to go on?';
$html = <<<HTML
<form action="{$url}" method="post" id="{$randId}">
<!-- maybe not necessary part -->
<input type="hidden" name="confirmed" value="1" />
return $html;
Now you can run it like this:
{{ tag.postLink('delete', '/users/delete/1') }}
{% set formOptions = ['message' : 'Are you sure you want to delete user Kialia Kuliambro?'] %}
{{ tag.postLink('delete', '/users/delete/1', formOptions) }}
{{ tag.postLink('delete', '/users/delete/1', ['message' : 'Are you sure you want to delete user Kialia Kuliambro?']) }}
Have fun extending :)
There's a few ways to implement such behavior in phalcon. Before anything, we need to understand how views and view helpers work in phalcon. And if you pay close attention, you'll notice, both .volt and .phtml have direct access to the DI.
In volt, for example, you can access the flash service, and output its messages by calling:
{{ flash.output() }}
which gets converted to the phtml: <?php echo $this->flash->output(); ?>
Thus my solution focuses on defining a new service in the DI which volt can access. In CakePHP, the syntax for postLink(), looks something like: echo $this->Form->postLink() while the function is actually defined in a class named FormHelper. So my solution will do the same thing, define a class FormHelper, then inject it into the view under the name Form.
Create an app/helpers/ directory.
Update your app/config/config.php file adding a reference to our new directory: 'helpersDir'=> APP_PATH . '/app/helpers/'
Update your app/config/loader.php file adding $config->application->helpersDir to the registered directories.
Create a new file app/helpers/FormHelper.php
Copy-paste the following code into the file:
use Phalcon\Tag;
class FormHelper extends Tag
protected $_lastAction = '';
public function dottedNameToBracketNotation($name)
$first = array_shift($parts);
$name=$first . ($parts ? '[' . implode('][', $parts) . ']' : '');
return $name;
protected function flatten(array $data, $separator = '.')
$result = [];
$stack = [];
$path = null;
while (!empty($data)) {
$key = key($data);
$element = $data[$key];
if (is_array($element) && !empty($element)) {
if (!empty($data)) {
$stack[] = [$data, $path];
$data = $element;
$path .= $key . $separator;
} else {
$result[$path . $key] = $element;
if (empty($data) && !empty($stack)) {
list($data, $path) = array_pop($stack);
return $result;
protected function _confirm($message, $okCode, $cancelCode = '', $options = [])
$message = json_encode($message);
$confirm = "if (confirm({$message})) { {$okCode} } {$cancelCode}";
if (isset($options['escape']) && $options['escape'] === false) {
$confirm = $this->h($confirm);
return $confirm;
public function h($text, $double = true, $charset = 'UTF-8')
return htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE, $charset, $double);
protected function _lastAction($url)
$action = $url;//Router::url($url, true);
$query = parse_url($action, PHP_URL_QUERY);
$query = $query ? '?' . $query : '';
$this->_lastAction = parse_url($action, PHP_URL_PATH) . $query;
public function postLink($title, $url = null, array $options = [])
$options += ['block' => null, 'confirm' => null];
$requestMethod = 'POST';
if (!empty($options['method'])) {
$requestMethod = strtoupper($options['method']);
$confirmMessage = $options['confirm'];
$formName = str_replace('.', '', uniqid('post_', true));
$formOptions = [
'name' => $formName,
'style' => 'display:none;',
'method' => 'post',
if (isset($options['target'])) {
$formOptions['target'] = $options['target'];
$out .= $this->hiddenField(['_method','value' => $requestMethod]);
$fields = [];
if (isset($options['data']) && is_array($options['data'])) {
foreach ($this->flatten($options['data']) as $key => $value) {
$out .= $this->hiddenField([$this->dottedNameToBracketNotation($key),'value' => $value]);
$out .= $this->endForm();
//This is currently unsupported
if ($options['block']) {
if ($options['block'] === true) {
$options['block'] = __FUNCTION__;
//$this->_View->append($options['block'], $out);
$out = '';
$url = '#';
$onClick = 'document.' . $formName . '.submit();';
if ($confirmMessage) {
$options['onclick'] = $this->_confirm($confirmMessage, $onClick, '', $options);
} else {
$options['onclick'] = $onClick . ' ';
$options['onclick'] .= 'event.returnValue = false; return false;';
$out .= $this->linkTo($options);
return $out;
Edit your app/config/services.php file and add in:
$di->set('Form',function () {
return new FormHelper();
(you could make "Form" lowercase if you want, both work. I made it capital to closer resemble CakePHP's syntax. Do note that Volt is case sensitive when trying to access services but phtml will lowercase it.)
Edit the template you want to test the code on, such as app/views/index/test.volt
Copy-paste the following code into there:
{{ Form.postLink(' Delete','',['confirm':'Are you sure you want to delete #4?','data':['a':['b','c']]]) }}
Alternatively for phtml, use: <?php echo $this->form->postLink(' Delete', '', array('confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete #4?', 'data' => array('a' => array('b', 'c')))); ?>
Run it, and watch it work its magic, just render your index/test.volt template by visiting /index/test in your address bar. (Make sure you defined such an action in your index controller)
In terms, of other solutions, you could also use $compiler->addFunction() to make functions available to volt, one at time. The page in the manual gives the example of $compiler->addFunction('shuffle', 'str_shuffle');. You can attempt to override the factoryDefault for "tag" in the DI, and use the helper we already defined which extends tag. So you'd just change it from "form" to "tag" like so: $di->set('tag',function () {return new FormHelper();}); but, as you can see, it won't make the function postLink() available to volt as a function, you'll notice you still need to access it as tag.postLink(). Rather, all the \Phalcon\Tag functions are actually hard-coded into the volt engine. You can see this clearly by viewing the zephir source code of the \Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler class available over here. For your convenience, and in case the link ever gets broken, I have posted a snippet here which shows the "tag" functions in volt are actually hard-coded into it:
if method_exists(className, method) {
let arrayHelpers = this->_arrayHelpers;
if typeof arrayHelpers != "array" {
let arrayHelpers = [
"link_to": true,
"image": true,
"form": true,
"select": true,
"select_static": true,
"submit_button": true,
"radio_field": true,
"check_field": true,
"file_field": true,
"hidden_field": true,
"password_field": true,
"text_area": true,
"text_field": true,
"email_field": true,
"date_field": true,
"tel_field": true,
"numeric_field": true,
"image_input": true
let this->_arrayHelpers = arrayHelpers;
if isset arrayHelpers[name] {
return "$this->tag->" . method . "(array(" . arguments . "))";
return "$this->tag->" . method . "(" . arguments . ")";
So, if you'd like to "hack" in a few more methods by extending the \Phalcon\Tags class, you're out of luck. However, as demonstrated on the volt documentation page, there exists the concept of registering custom extensions to work with volt. The documentation gives the example of: $compiler->addExtension(new PhpFunctionExtension());
Where the source of the class is:
class PhpFunctionExtension
* This method is called on any attempt to compile a function call
public function compileFunction($name, $arguments)
if (function_exists($name)) {
return $name . '('. $arguments . ')';
This would allow volt access to any function you'd like, without having to manually register every possible function you could possibly ever need. You can test this by trying to access str_shuffle in volt, like we did before with $compiler->addFunction('shuffle', 'str_shuffle'); but this time without having to register it.
In terms of other solutions, you could also try to integrate CakePHP and PhalconPHP together, and attempt to call CakePHP's view helpers from PhalconPHP, but then you'd run into a problem of CakePHP not understanding your router setup you have configured in Phalcon. But, if you're determined, you could code all the routes and config for CakePHP and run it alongside PhalconPHP, but I'd highly discourage such a desperate workaround. And, finally, if you understand how the function works, and you barely use it, you could get away with just hard-coding the HTML in the first place. Honestly, CakePHP's logic doesn't look so sound to me in the first place because it has to corrupt your HTML document with a form inserted which can bother your layout. I think it would make more sense to generate a form dynamically with JavaScript, if we're using JavaScript already, and append it to the <body> when the button is clicked, then submit the form we just created dynamically. But, you wanted a CakePHP implementation, so I coded it as close to the logic they used as possible. It's not perfect, in terms of supporting all their features, such as block, but it should suit most of your needs.
I can always revise my implementation, but I think it demonstrates how to work with Phalcon pretty well for those migrating from CakePHP.
I'm fetching google contacts in a webapp using the Google JavaScript API and I'd like to retrieve their pictures.
I'm doing something like this (heavily simplified):
var token; // let's admit this is available already
function getPhotoUrl(entry, cb) {
var link = entry.link.filter(function(link) {
return link.type.indexOf("image") === 0;
if (!link)
return cb(null);
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open("GET", link.href + "?v=3.0&access_token=" + token, true);
request.responseType = "blob";
request.onload = cb;
function onContactsLoad(responseText) {
var data = JSON.parse(responseText);
(data.feed.entry || []).forEach(function(entry) {
getPhotoUrl(e, function(a, b, c) {
console.log("pic", a, b, c);
But I'm getting this error both in Chrome and Firefox:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/photos/media/<user_email>/<some_contact_id>?v=3.0&access_token=<obfuscated>. This can be fixed by moving the resource to the same domain or enabling CORS.
When looking at the response headers from the feeds/photos endpoint, I can see that Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * is not sent, hence the CORS error I get.
Note that Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * is sent when reaching the feeds/contacts endpoint, hence allowing cross-domain requests.
Is this a bug, or did I miss something from their docs?
Assuming you only need the "profile picture", try actually moving the request for that image directly into HTML, by setting a full URL as the src element of an <img> tag (with a ?access_token=<youknowit> at the end).
E.g. using Angular.js
<img ng-src="{{contact.link[1].href + tokenForImages}}" alt="photo" />
With regard to CORS in general, there seem to be quite a few places where accessing the API from JS is not working as expected.
Hope this helps.
Not able to comment yet, hence this answer…
Obviously you have already set up the proper client ID and JavaScript origins in the Google developers console.
It seems that the domain shared contacts API does not work as advertised and only abides by its CORS promise when you request JSONP data (your code indicates that you got your entry data using JSON). For JSON format, the API sets the access-control-allow-origin to * instead of the JavaScript origins you list for your project.
But as of today (2015-06-16), if you try to issue a GET, POST… with a different data type (e.g. atom/xml), the Google API will not set the access-control-allow-origin at all, hence your browser will deny your request to access the data (error 405).
This is clearly a bug, that prevents any programmatic use of the shared contacts API but for simple listing of entries: one can no longer create, update, delete entries nor access photos.
Please correct me if I'm mistaken (I wish I am); please comment or edit if you know the best way to file this bug with Google.
Note, for the sake of completeness, here's the code skeleton I use to access contacts (requires jQuery).
<button id="authorize-button" style="visibility: hidden">Authorize</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
var clientId = 'TAKE-THIS-FROM-CONSOLE.apps.googleusercontent.com',
scopes = 'https://www.google.com/m8/feeds';
// Use a button to handle authentication the first time.
function handleClientLoad () {
gapi.client.setApiKey ( apiKey );
window.setTimeout ( checkAuth, 1 );
function checkAuth() {
gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: clientId, scope: scopes, immediate: true}, handleAuthResult);
function handleAuthResult ( authResult ) {
var authorizeButton = document.getElementById ( 'authorize-button' );
if ( authResult && !authResult.error ) {
authorizeButton.style.visibility = 'hidden';
var cif = {
method: 'GET',
url: 'https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/mydomain.com/full/',
data: {
"access_token": authResult.access_token,
"alt": "json",
"max-results": "10"
headers: {
"Gdata-Version": "3.0"
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true
dataType: "jsonp"
$.ajax ( cif ).done ( function ( result ) {
$ ( '#gcontacts' ).html ( JSON.stringify ( result, null, 3 ) );
} );
} else {
authorizeButton.style.visibility = '';
authorizeButton.onclick = handleAuthClick;
function handleAuthClick ( event ) {
gapi.auth.authorize ( { client_id: clientId, scope: scopes, immediate: false }, handleAuthResult );
return false;
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=handleClientLoad"></script>
<pre id="gcontacts"></pre>
If you replace cif.data.alt by atom and/or cif.dataType by xml, you get the infamous error 405.
ps: cif is of course related to ajax ;-)
In my jQuery Mobile application, I am creating some dynamic pages.Here is the code
function createPages()
$header = "<header data-role='header'><h1>Dynamically created pages</h1></header>";
$content = "<div data-role='content' class='content'><p>This is a dynamically generated page</p></div>";
$footer = "<div data-role='footer'><h1>Audimax</h1></footer>";
$section= "<section id='"+"#fav"+$i+"' data-role='page' data-url='"+"fav"+$i+"' class='dynamic'>";
$new_page = $($section+$header+$content+$footer+"</section>");
The pages are being created properly and being added to the DOM and I can navigate to them. The problem is that I simply can,t attach any event handlers to the dynamic pages.I am using ids of the dynamic pages with jquery "live" but to no avail.Any help is greatly appreciated.
Why not bind the event handlers when you add the new pseudo-page to the DOM?
function pageShowFunction () {
console.log(this.id + ' has triggered the `pageShow` event!');
function createPages()
$header = "...";
$content = "...";
$footer = "...";
$section= "<section id='"+"#fav"+$i+"' data-role='page' data-url='"+"fav"+$i+"' class='dynamic'>";
$new_page = $($section+$header+$content+$footer+"</section>").bind('pageshow', pageShowFunction);
It's normally better to bind directly to elements rather than delegating the event handling.
P.S. You didn't post your event binding code so I can't give any specific comments on that code, perhaps you can update your question with that code if this doesn't fix your issue.
Upgrade the jquery core to 1.7.1 from
and then
$(selector).live( eventName, function(){} );
Can be replaced with the following on signature
$(document).on( eventName, selector, function(){} );
It then works for dynamic elements.
In my web app , I am showing rates of stocks.I am using jquery autocomplete to show options while entring stocks name. But I have built local copy of javascript array. I want to show the options from this local array , If search term is not found in local array then ajax call must be made to get the list from server side.
Thanks !!!
//Local array
var local_array=["option1","option2"];
//jqueryUI call of autocomplete function
if(search term is found in local array)
show suggestion from local array.
make ajax call to show suggestions of stock names.
Here's the actual code
$(function() {
var cache = {'option1':'option1','option2':'option2'}, lastXhr;
$( "#stock_rates" ).autocomplete({
minLength: 2,
source: function( request, response ) {
var term = request.term;
if ( term in cache ) {
response( cache[ term ] );
lastXhr = $.getJSON( "stock_rates.php", request, function( data, status, xhr ) {
cache[ term ] = data;
if ( xhr === lastXhr ) { response( data ); }
The example pages for jQuery UI autocomplete have an example of exactly this issue.
http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#remote-with-cache. Click the 'View Source' link on that page to see the code for the example.
The key part is that 'source' takes arguments.
source: function(request, response){
You need to read request, either fetch the value from your cache, or do a request, and then call the response function and pass it the matched values.
Your problem now is that the format that you are storing in your cache is wrong. The cache just stores data as it would be returned from your getJSON call, indexed by the search term. It is up to you do to do the prefix checking and such.
To continue the way you are trying now, you'll either need to populate the cache properly.
var cache = {
"o": ['option1', 'option2'],
"op": ['option1', 'option2'],
// ....
"option1": ['option1'],
"option2": ['option2']
Otherwise, you could store the data differently and put more logic in your 'source' function to do the prefix checking on a static array or something. That all really depends on the data you are caching though.
Use search event of autocomplete and check your condition in that event and based on that return true or false if you want to make a ajax call respectively.
Below is the sample code.
if(search term is found in local array)
return false;
return true;