Customizing context menu in TinyMCE 4.0 - contextmenu

I have been using editor.plugins.contextmenu.onContextMenu.add to customize the contextmenu plugin in TinyMCE 3.x but cannot use it in version 4.0
Here is the error I receive:
TypeError: a.plugins.contextmenu.onContextMenu is undefined
and my code for plugin is:
tinymce.PluginManager.add("example", function(a,b) {
a.plugins.contextmenu.onContextMenu.add(function(th, menu, event) {
//my code for customizing contextmenu
a.addButton("exampleHelp", {
text : "help",
icon : !1,
onclick : function() {
//some code
Does it relate to init function which I had been using in version 3.X?

I was able to reverse engineer a solution by looking at the table plugin code.
plugins: "contextmenu",
contextmenu: "link image inserttable | cell row column deletetable | myMenuItem"
// Inside plugin
editor.addMenuItem('myMenuItem', {
text: 'My Menu Item',
context: 'div', // not sure what this does
onPostRender: postRender,
onclick: function() { console.log('hi!'); }
// Determine whether menu item is visible
function postRender() {
handleDisabledState(this, 'div.myCustomItem');
function handleDisabledState(ctrl, selector) {
function bindStateListener() {
ctrl.visible(editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), selector));
editor.selection.selectorChanged(selector, function(state) {
if (editor.initialized)
editor.on('init', bindStateListener);
So the context menu should only render if it's inside a div.myCustomItem element. If you want the context menu item to always be visible, comment out handleDisabledState()

For now I found a temporary solution:
// console.log($(a.getDoc()).find(' .mce-floatpanel.mce-menu'));
// find a way to add it into current context menu instead of deleting it
$(a.getDoc()).find(' .mce-floatpanel.mce-menu').remove();
var i;
var o=[]
o.push({text:'menu option', menu:o})
t=new tinymce.ui.Menu({items:o,context:"contextmenu"}),t.renderTo(document.body)
// fix positioning
var r={x:n.pageX,y:n.pageY};
r.x+=n.clientX,r.y+=n.clientY),t.moveTo( r.x,r.y),
a.on("remove",function() {t.remove(),t=null})
I remove the default context menu and replace it with my customized menu. But I still need to know how I can add my items to default context menu

I found a solution on how to customise TinyMCE's (4.1.9) contect menu on the fly, see my response and proposed solution on this page:


In high chart how to add event for label click

In high chart there is an event for clicking on the bar. But bar is small in height it is impossible to click on it. Hence I want the event in high chart for further processing.
E.g. I want the event for month name in following example.
Thanks In advance.
If you don't want to use JQuery you can use it as follows
{ = "pointer";
label.onclick = function(){
alert('You clicked on '+this.textContent);
complete code at
Alternate solution, maintained since Highcharts v3 is to use Custom Events plugin. Plugin adds a lot of new event, natively not supported by Highcharts.
Events are added the same way as official events in Highcharts, and we don't need to re-inspect every release the DOM:
xAxis: {
labels: {
events: {
click: function () { ... }
I get Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'forEach' when running the solution from Malay Sarkar in Internet Explorer. Here's a workaround I used which works in both Chrome and IE.
for (let i = 0; chart.xAxis[0].labelGroup.element.childNodes.length; i++)
chart.xAxis[0].labelGroup.element.childNodes[i].onclick = function(){
alert('You clicked on '+this.textContent);

Do not close tooltip when input has focus after click

How can I make tooltip do not be closed if input has focus? It works when it gets focus with tab, but if I use mouse to focus on input, tooltip will be closed on mouseout even if input has focus.
I can do
$('input').tooltip().off("mouseover mouseout");
But this will dissable tooltip on hover and I just need to dissable mouseout when input has focus.
Try this:
Working Example
close: function (event, ui) { //when the tooltip is supposed to close
if ($('input').is(':focus')) { // check to see if input is focused
$('input').tooltip('open'); // if so stay open
New and Improved Method:
Better Working Example
hide: {
effect: 'explode'// added for visibility
}).mouseleave(function () { // on mouse leave
if ($('input').is(':focus')) { // if input is focused
ui.tooltip.preventDefault(); //prevent the tooltip's default behavior
$('input').tooltip('open'); // leave the tooltip open
}).focusout(function () { // on focus out
$('input').tooltip('close'); // close the tooltip
API documentation:
open method
close event
Instead of adding all these other listeners, I looked into the actual and decided the most effective way is to just inherit the widget and add an extra flag
Here's a demo
(function ($) {
$.widget("custom.tooltipX", $.ui.tooltip, {
options: {
focusPreventClose: false
close: function (event, target, content) {
if (this.options.focusPreventClose && $(this.element).is(":focus")) {
// Don't call the parent's close() call but therefore have to add event on focus out
this._on({ focusout:this.close });
} else {
focusPreventClose: true
Compared to the other solution, this doesn't require us to do more work with the extra open calls (which actually does several other calls within it). We simply prevent the tooltip to close when we have the focus on the element, as requested by original post.
The only thing you need to do to fix the ui error is just pass it in as a parameter per documentation.
$(document).tooltip({ selector: "[title]" }).mouseleave(function(event, ui) {
if ($('input').is(':focus')) {

jquery mobile trigger click doesn't work the first time

I have a jquery mobile form with several radio inputs whit the options "DS", "NO" and "YES". I want when I click a button it simulates a click on the "YES" option of all radio buttons.
I use this code:
$(".replay-yes").each(function(index, element){
But I need to do click two times in the button to achieve the desired result. If I put the line '$(element).trigger("click")' two times it works, but I think it should work with a single call to the click event.
You can see all the code at
You need to change its' status using .prop and then refresh it .checkboxradio('refresh').
Working demo
Update - Uncheck other buttons
$("#btn-all-yes").click(function () {
$('[data-role="controlgroup"]').find("[type=radio]").each(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('replay-yes')) {
$(this).prop('checked', true).checkboxradio("refresh");
} else {
$(this).prop('checked', false).checkboxradio("refresh");
Old answer
$(".replay-yes").each(function(index, element){
$(element).prop('checked', true).checkboxradio("refresh");
Similar issue
Try to initialize the click on page load:
$(".replay-yes").each(function (index, element) {
//-^^^^^^^----------this way
Tryout in fiddle here

how to add standard textbox command to jqgrid context menu

If context menu is added to jqGrid using Custom values to Context Menu Items in JQgrid and text filed inline editing is used, textbox standard context menu is not available, it is replace with jqGrid context menu.
How to add standard textbox context menu commands ( Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select all ) to jqGrid conext menu or how to show standard context menu for textbox inline editing?
On inline edit, if standard menu is opened by right clicking on yellow background or in autocomplete box and after that standard browser context menu is opened, custom menu is not closed, two menus appear.
How to fix this ?
It's not easy to implement in context menu commands like "Copy", "Paste", ... so I decide to modify my demo from the answer on your previous question. In the new demo the context menu appears only if the page contains no selected text.
The first problem is that the original code of the jquery.contextmenu.js contains the following code fragment:
$(this).bind('contextmenu', function(e) {
// Check if onContextMenu() defined
var bShowContext = (!!hash[index].onContextMenu) ? hash[index].onContextMenu(e) : true;
if (bShowContext) display(index, this, e, options);
return false;
So the contextmenu handler return always false and prevent creating of the standard context menu. I fix the code to the following (you can download full modified code here):
$(this).bind('contextmenu', function(e) {
// Check if onContextMenu() defined
var bShowContext = (!!hash[index].onContextMenu) ? hash[index].onContextMenu(e) : true;
currentTarget =;
if (bShowContext) {
display(index, this, e, options);
return false;
The code of createContexMenuFromNavigatorButtons functions described here I modified
onContextMenu: function (e) {
var rowId = $("tr.jqgrow").attr("id"), p = grid[0].p, i,
if (rowId && getSelectedText() === '') {
return true;
} else {
return false; // no contex menu
to use getSelectedText() and to create the context menu only if no text is selected. As the result you will be see your custom context menu only if no text is selected and see the standard context menu (which depend on web browser) if the text selection exist:
UPDATED: I modified my bug report about jquery.contextmenu.js with additional information based on the answer. I hope that the changes will be soon in the main code of jquery.contextmenu.js included in the plugins subdirectory.
UPDATED 2: How you can see here all the fixes are already in the main code of jqGrid on the github and in included in the jqGrid 4.3.
UPDATED 3: If you want to have the standard context menu for all enabled <input type="text" ...>, <input type="textarea" ...> and <textarea ...> elements you should just modify a little the code inside of onContextMenu callback. For example
onContextMenu: function (e) {
var p = grid[0].p, i, lastSelId,
$target = $(,
rowId = $target.closest("tr.jqgrow").attr("id"),
isInput = $':text:enabled') ||
$'input[type=textarea]:enabled') ||
if (rowId && !isInput && getSelectedText() === '') {
see one more demo where inline editing will be activate by double-click.

jqueryUI Sortable: handling .disableSelection() on form inputs

example: i have an un-ordered list containing a bunch of form inputs.
after making the ul .sortable(), I call .disableSelection() on the sortable (ul) to prevent text-selection when dragging an li item.
..all fine but I need to re/enable text-selection on the form inputs.. or the form is basically un-editable ..
i found a partial solution #
enableSelection, disableSelection seem still to be un-documented:
any thoughts?
solved . bit of hack but works! .. any comments how i can do this better?
apply .sortable() and then enable text-selection on input fields :
stop: function () {
// enable text select on inputs
.bind('mousedown.ui-disableSelection selectstart.ui-disableSelection', function(e) {
// enable text select on inputs
.bind('mousedown.ui-disableSelection selectstart.ui-disableSelection', function(e) {
A little improvement from post of Zack - jQuery Plugin
preventDisableSelection: function(){
return this.each(function(i) {
$(this).bind('mousedown.ui-disableSelection selectstart.ui-disableSelection', function(e) {
And full solution is:
stop: function () {
// enable text select on inputs
// enable text select on inputs
jQuery UI 1.9
$("#list selector").bind('click.sortable mousedown.sortable',function(e){
selector = input, table, li....
I had the same problem. Solution is quite simple:
The following will disable selection for the entire document, but input and select elements will still be functional...
function disableSelection(o) {
var $o = $(o);
if ($o.find('input,select').length) {
$o.children(':not(input,select)').each(function(x,e) {disableSelection(e);});
} else {
But note that .disableSelection has been deprecated by jquery-ui and will someday go away.
EASY! just do:
$( "#sortable_container_id input").click(function() { $(this).focus(); });
and replace "sortable_container_id" with the id of the element that is the container of all "sortable" elements.
Quite old, but here is another way:
// ...
// Add all non draggable parts by class name or id, like search input texts and google maps for example
cancel: '#my-input-text,',
