ios paper app: swipe from off screen - ios

I am studying Paper App from Fifty Three and find it very interesting the way they used for various gesture.
To differentiate the gesture from the PAN that they use for drawing, to turn the pages, you need to swipe from off the screen(as in outside of iPad screen) into the view to work.
How to implement that?

I don't have access to Paper's code, but I would guess they are using a UIPanGestureRecognizer only along the sides. Since the recognized 'captures' the touch, it wouldn't trigger their main drawing mechanism, but would catch only slides from offscreen - it might be only about 10-20pts wide.


iOS Pinch to zoom/rotate optimization for small items

I am playing with the pinching/dragging/rotating gestures (working with the gestures, not raw touch events). It works nice, but I have noticed one problem. For pinching/rotating both fingers need to be inside the view. As long as the view is large enough its not a problem, but as soon as the view becomes very small (in regards to the parent thats a scrollview), it feels a little bit like struggle to get the view "back". I have been checking some other apps, and Whatsapp does that the best. When you add a emoticon to an image inside Whatsapp, you can do all the gestures without the need to have both fingers on the view. For example, I made the emoticon really small, put two fingers so that the emoticon lies between them, and the gesture recognizer applies my movement to the emoticon (but not the to the scrollview which is the superview). When I do it inside my App the gestures are being applied to the scrollview as long as I dont place both fingers on the view I want to transform
Is there some setting on the gestures so it does that or do I have to work with raw touch events and calculate my own stuff ?

How to tie together gestures and animation

I'm as beginner as you can get when it comes to iOS animation.
I know you can do fixed (non-gesture-controlled) animations, where you animate a property of a view over a fixed period of time. This however is entirely different than using a gesture to control the animation.
You know how you fold a sheet of 8x11 paper to put it in an envelope and mail it... you fold it in thirds. Well basically, my boss wants an interface such that 2/3rds of it is shown on the screen at a time, and the other third is slid on/off screen with a gesture. So basically, the screen would show either thirds 1 and 2, or thirds 2 and 3 depending on whether you swipe left or right.
Now this also means doing things like snapping/rubberbanding, bouncing, acceleration/deceleration, sticky. I have no clue where to even start to do something like this. I'm assuming those types of motions are not already built into any of the iOS framework and if you want snapping/rubberbanding, bouncing, acceleration/deceleration, you'd have to program that entirely from scratch.
Like how would a view know my artificial snap/bounce points are, and sticky behavior, such that you remove your finger from the screen before an arbitrary position is reached, and the view bounces back to it's previous position.
Where would you suggest I start on researching how to drive animations with gestures?
I suggest you take a look at Core Animation. You can do some really complex animations including accelerations, deceleration, bounce and others.
You could easily create a UIPanGestureRecognizer to track when someone has dragged their finger across the screen. Attach an action wasDragged to your gestureRecognizer
From the documentation:
A panning gesture is continuous. It begins (UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan) when the minimum number of fingers allowed (minimumNumberOfTouches) has moved enough to be considered a pan. It changes (UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged) when a finger moves while at least the minimum number of fingers are pressed down. It ends (UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded) when all fingers are lifted.
In wasDragged check what state the gestureRecognizer is in. If state is UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged, then you can adjust the size or position of your UIView so that it appears like you are dragging it out. If state is UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded, check whether the point at which the gesture ended is greater than your threshold point (e.g. halfway across the screen). If it isn't, then snap the view back using an animation, if it is then snap the view into where you want it.
Hope this makes sense.

Scroll With Curve Path

In my app there is a menu which will be a scroll of Labels. I would like them to scroll vertically BUT on a arc. Here is an example:
I have created a demo, but its working on dragging up and down. not working while scrolling. I am sharing my demo code also. Demo Code
Any help will be appreciable guys.
Have you take a look at this tutorial? Rotating wheel control
Maybe yours is a special case 😉
better use collection view or tableview... and then transform cell according to visible index to give the effect of scroll...
One of Apple's WWDC lectures, I think this one: Advanced Scrollviews and Touch Handling Techniques covers using a UIScrollview's gesture recognizers in your own views to get the same touch and deceleration behavior that users have come to expect. The example had views moving in an arc, but it was an OpenGL 3D arc, like a carnival carousel.

Proper way to imitate infinite view and animate it on iOS

I'm working on a control that looks like a wheel and is used for fast or precise scrolling of content. Here's an example from coach's eye app:
My first take looks like this:
Currently the vertical lines are implemented as set of UIViews. Sure enough these vertical line views could be easily replaced with image views to customise the look.
Each time user pans:
I modify frame.origin.x on all of the vertical line views
If some of the views go off screen - I remove them
If there's a gap on the left or on the right I create new views to fit the place
When user finishes the pan gesture, I start repeat NSTimer (with like 0.05 of a second) to animate decelerating of wheel movement. On each loop of timer in a nutshell:
Calculate distance to move lines and move them
Calculate velocity deceleration amount and adjust the velocity
A couple of questions:
Are there any iOS frameworks (e.g. CoreGraphics, CoreAnimation, UIKitDynamics) that are suited better for implementing these tasks than UIKit APIs I have used?
Can you suggest a better / more correct way to implement "infinite scrolling wheel" control ?
Can you suggest a better way to implement deceleration after user finishes panning the wheel?
I had made my "infinite scrolling wheel" control by customizing SSRollingButtonScrollView. I think you should look at it once. I hope it will help you.
Apple already have a nice algorithm implemented for acceleration and deceleration - in UIScrollView. And you can use that, behind the scenes, to control other views / interaction. This is enabled by connecting the pan gesture from the scroll view to another view and acting as the delegate of the scroll view.
Check out the Enhancing User Experience with Scroll Views WWDC video for guidance.

Fluid full screen view transitions on iOS

I have a simple app that has a set of coloured views, one red, one green and one blue.
I am trying to make it so that when a swipe gesture is made the current view will switch to the next one in the list in a fluid manner, it looks like moving a long piece of paper with different colours on it.
Is there a way to do this (CoreAnimation)?
You could first look into UIScrollView. It seems to me that what you are trying to accomplish is the same you have, say, in Mobile Safari on an iPhone, when you show all your current pages and can go from one to the next by scrolling. This tutorial is particularly close to what you describe.
If you are looking into more advanced kind of transformations, than Core Animation would be the option.
Actually, nothing prevents using both approaches, UIScrollView to handle the swipe, Core Animation to add more animation to the pack...
You could use a UIScrollView to accomplish this. Add all of your colored views as subviews to the scroll view. Make sure your contentSize is setup appropriately and optionally setup paging to make the scrolling always snap to a certain border. See the scroll view programming guide for more info Scroll View Programming Guide
