RawHeaders.Values in Delphi 2010 - delphi

I'm using the component in delphi indy idhttp 2010 and I have the following problem, I'm trying to get all the values ​​of rawheaders idHTTP1.Request.RawHeaders.Values ​​['User-Agent'], the only one I know of is user agent and I wonder where I can find the list of values ​​to use in RawHeaders.Values​​.
Does anyone could help me?

Your question can be read in few ways.
You ask about "to get all the values ​​of rawheaders" - that is "read, not modify".
And then you tell about "values ​​to use in RawHeaders.Values​​" - which is "write, not read".
Actually it is hard to guess what did you meant here.
Well, if you want to read all the values that are contained there, you are to start from documentation for idHTTP1.Request: http://www.indyproject.org/docsite/html/TIdEntityHeaderInfo.html
There you click on "properties" link, select "RawHeaders" property and - after reading property RawHeaders: TIdHeaderList; - come to http://www.indyproject.org/docsite/html/TIdHeaderList.html
There you read that RawHeaders - just as expected - are a subclass of TStringList thus you can read it with all the usual TStrings-related methods.
s := idHTTP1.Request.RawHeaders.CommaText;
with idHTTP1.Request.RawHeaders do for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin s := Strings[i]; ... end;
for s in idHTTP1.Request.RawHeaders do begin ... end;
Alternatively if you want to write some sane and safe values, you are to start from documentation for idHTTP1.Request: http://www.indyproject.org/docsite/html/TIdEntityHeaderInfo.html
There you can see the link to "Hypertext Transfer Protocol version 1.1" where you can find most of them
Or you can add some custom non-standard headers with "X-" prefix, after testing that your server would not break when found them.
Also note that there are some frequently use though non-standard headers or their parameters, like in content-disposition. Some of them are probably retroactively described by communities like HTML5 working group. Or maybe not,
Also note that there are a number of sub-protocols built on top of HTTP. Like WebDAV. Like file transfer in Gnutella2 protocol, etc. They may add their own custom headers, that were not described in their founding HTTP protocol. Read the documentation on those protocols, you may be interested in (if any).


Live Data in FireDac

Is it possible in FireDac get live data from database (SQL Server in my case) without updating DataSources like it was in Paradox. The closest things I could found was Live Data Window of FDTable, but information is very scanty and I don’t even sure that Live Data Window means that data is updated automatically. I need it for some obvious reasons. For example database sends some alert and user sees it without TTimer or constantly updating some specific DataSource.
I never used LiveDataWindows for any of my programs, but I Think, as you mentioned above, you should give FDTable a try.
Here is the Link on how to set it up correctly on MSSSL Server as well.
Embarcadero docwiki
You can build a little trial app using the code from docwiki:
// Set locale ID to German phone book collation
// Use the the punctuation and other symbols case insensitive sorting
FDTable1.FormatOptions.SortOptions := [soNoSymbols];
FDTable1.IndexFieldNames := 'NAME';
FDTable1.TableName := 'CUSTOMERS';

Save OLE Embedded documents in Outlook email to file

I am using late binding to connect to MS Outlook and to open and extract info from outlook emails using the MailItemobject.
I am trying to save attachments to file. This is fairly straightforward in most instances using the Attachment object and its SaveAsFile method.
However, it does not work where the Attachment Type is olOLE. I believe this only relates to documents embedded in emails created in RTF format (hopefully few and far between nowadays).
Via the Attachment object it is possible to access MAPI properties not exposed by the object model using its PropertyAccessor.
The relevant MAPI property for OLE objects is PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ, which can be accessed using the PropertyInspector as in the following example:
Function SaveOLEAttachmentToFile(Attachment:Variant; fn:String): boolean;
OPA, PropName : Variant;
Result := false;
OPA := Attachment.PropertyAccessor;
PropName := 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x3701000D '; //PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ
?????? := OPA.GetProperty(PropName);
I am stuck at this point as I can't know work out what Delphi type to save the data to and I am not even sure this is possible having read the MS documentation (Click here). PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ returns a PT_OBJECT. I am hoping that this object contains the raw data which (if I could work out how to access it in Delphi) can be simply saved to a file. However, the documentation suggests it may not be that simple and it's possible I may have to work with Extended MAPI. I have spent a few hours researching the latter with no concrete result other than a headache. I appreciate I could use Redemption, but I don't want to use a third party tool for something which is fairly minor in the round.
If anyone can advise as to a data type to hold the PT_OBJECT from which it can be simply saved to file that would be my route one.
Failing that, if I need to dig deeper into MAPI, I would be grateful if anyone could clarify/amplify my research so far. I have the following steps:
Initialize MAPI.
Get an IMAPIPROP interface. I think I should be getting the interface from my Attachment object and the following seems to work (ie compiles and executes without problems): MAPIPROP := IUnknown(Attachment.MAPIObject) as IMAPIPROP. Failing that, I would have to cast the parent MailItem to IMAPIPROP interface and work my way down to the attachment via GetAttachmentTable.
Load the attachment data into an IStream: if Succeeded(MAPIPROP.OpenProperty(PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ, IStream, STGM_READ, 0, IUnknown(SourceStream)) then
Extract the data from the IStream and save to file
I have failed to get as far as point 3 as something would seem to be wrong with my initial casting to IMAPIPROP albeit it does not cause any violations. I have tried reading a single property from the MailItem cast to IMAPIPROP using the following code:
if (Succeeded(HrGetOneProp(MAPIPROP, PR_SUBJECT, Prop))) then
And I get an access violation. Likewise if I cast the Attachment object and query an attachment property I also get a violation. I don't think the problem lies with the call to HrGetOneProp, I think it has to be the casting to IMAPIPROP.
Any pointers re the above would be greatly appreciated.
Not quite an answer to my question, but I have thought of an alternative solution. What I am ultimately trying to do is convert a msg email as a pdf. To do that I need to extract the body and then somehow insert the embedded images. With an html email this seemed pretty straightforward ((1) extract all the attachments to a folder, (2) parse the html body for references to SRC IMG and update the location of the image to reference the saved files and (3) save the edited html body to file and open it in Word and save as PDF).
RTF emails cannot be handled in this way. However, for my specific problem there is a much easier way to achieve what I need for all email types using Outtlook and Word.
Use the MailItem.SaveAs function and save the email in either html format or mthml. The former format will save all embedded images to a sub-folder (in png and jpg formats) should you need them for any other reason. once you have your html file, open it with Word and save to PDF.
If Office is not a solution then you need to figure Istorage or use one of the Extended MAPI solutions such as Redemption.
For Delphi users there are also the following commercial offerings that I have come across in my recent travels:
I did come across one more solution which I can't find at the moment! Will post an update if I do.
PropertyAccessor (and the Outlook Object Model in general) does not handle PT_OBJECT type properties.
What you need to do is open the PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ property as IStorage, and then extract the data from there (it depends on the actual type of the attachment). You can see the data in the streams in OutlookSpy (I am its author) - select the message, click IMessage button on the OutlookSpy rubbon, go to the GetAttachmentTable tab, double click on the attachment to open it, select the PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ property, right click, select IMAPIProp::OpenProperty, then IStorage.
If using Redemption (I am also its author) is an option, its version of RDOAttachment.SaveAsFile handles OLE attachment for the most popular formats (Word, Excel, bitmap, Power Point, Adobe PDF, etc.) - create an instance of the RDOSession object (using either CrealeOleObject or RedemptionLoader) and use RDOSession.GetRDOObjectFromOutlookObject method (pass either Attachment or MailItem object) to get back RDOMail or RDOAttachment object respectively.

FireDAC - Show SQL after Macro Expantion

I am trying to use Macros in FireDAC to Preprocess my SQL Queries. I have a TADQuery object on a Data Module with the SQL set to something like:
Select * from MyTable
join OtherTable on MyTable.Key = OtherTable.Key
Then in my code I do this:
WhereClause = 'stuff based on my form';
Query.MacroByName('Where').AsRaw := WhereClause;
This has worked great for complicated queries because it lets me make sure my fields and join conditions are correct using the SQL Property editor.
My problem is when the SQL statements ends up invalid because of my where clause. Is there any way to see the SQL after pre-processing that is going to be executed? Right now I am catching the FireDac errors and showing the SQL that is on EADDBEngineException object. However that is still showing my original SQL with the macros. If I can't get to it after the error happens is there anyway to force the Macro replacement to take place so I can look at the SQL in the debugger to help me see what is wrong.
If it matters I am connecting to a MS Access database with the goal of moving to SQL Server in the near future.
Apart from using Text property, to monitor what SQL is actually going to the database engine, consider using the "FDMonitor" FireDAC utility. According to the DokWiki pages (below):
drop a TFDMoniRemoteClientLink component on your form,
Set its Tracing property to True,
Add the MonitorBy=Xxx connection definition parameter to your existing FDConnection component. You can do this in the IDE object inspector, by selecting your FDConnection component, expanding the Params property, and setting MonitorBy to mbRemote.
Note that the TFDMoniXxxxClientLink should come before TFDConnection in the data module or form creation order, so adjust this by right clicking on the form or data module, then Creation Order, and moving the TFDMoni.. component above the FDConnection.
Also, it's helpful in the options of the TFDMoniXxxxClientLink, to disable most of the events being recorded, otherwise all the data returned is also shown in the FireDAC monitor. Expand the EventKinds property, and turn all the event kinds off, except for perhaps ekConnConnect, ekConnPrepare, and ekCmdExecute.
Then open the FireDAC Monitor from the IDE, (Tools > FireDAC Monitor). Start your app only once the monitor is running. Double click on a trace event (in the Trace Output tab), and you will see the actual SQL sent to the database in the bottom pane.
It also seems likely that adding the EventType of ekConnPrepare as mentioned above, would show you when the query's Prepare is called, but I haven't played enough with it say for sure.
Please see the following pages on the DocWiki for more information:
Overview: FDMonitor
How to: Tracing and Monitoring (FireDAC)
Other FireDAC utilities: Utilities (FireDAC)
(Just to remove this question from list of unanswered questions)
From comments:
Well, I've roughly checked what's happening there and I'm still not
sure if calling Prepare (which is useless for you as I get) is the
minimal requirement to trigger that preprocessing. Though, the
preprocessed SQL, the one which is sent to the DBMS you can access
through the Text property (quite uncommon name for such property). – TLama Feb
21 '14 at 8:18

Fastreport VCL Setting header visibility on odd pages

In fastreport VCL 4 is there a way to set headers visibility only on odd pages of report? Found no answer on google, neither on fastreport's site, documentation & forum.
You do it in code. In your page object's OnBeforePrint event, you put some code sort of like this:
procedure PageHeader1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
PageHeader1.Visible := (Frac(<Page#> / 2) > 0.01)
Maybe there is an easier way to figure out whether you are on an odd page or not, but I resorted to the Frac function because they don't have a Mod function. In practice, I would probably add that function within my own code and make it accessible within the report.

How to break date field into year, quater, month, day in FastCube (under Delphi XE2) using coding?

What I want to achieve:-
I want to add the fields such as year_mydatefield, month_mydatefield, quater_mydatefield on x-axis.
These break down fields are available during runtime in fields list, but I want to code them so that they appear automatically.
Is there any variable defined in fcCube.pas for this type of fields?
Or I can use other methods such as fcslice.AddCalcFieldTo? How to use them?
Research done:-
From the example, I have learn how to put measures on X-axis using sMeasuresFieldName.
fcSlice1.AddFieldTo(sMeasuresFieldName, '', rf_CapXAx);
sMeasuresFieldName is defined in fcCube.pas. Unfortunately, Delphi XE2 cannot locate the fcCube.pas, and the programmer manual from fastCube only lists out all the methods and parameters but does not explain how to use them, limited example as well.
Alternatively, you could add DateUtils to your unit and the use
myReportValue1 := YearOf(MyDateField);
myReportValue2 := MonthOf(MyDateField);
myReportValue3 := DayOf(MyDateField);
