JSF Page Navigation+Data flow - jsf-2

I am new to JSF and started learning and have worked on struts. Just wanted to understand how navigation works in JSF2.0. I understand in JSF2.0 navigation rules can be done in faces-config.xml. But I would like to understand how it works in real world.
Suppose I have a screen to enter search criteria and the next screen should dispaly the search results.Where do I process the result set <h:commandButton value="Show Results"
action="#{simpleController.doNavigation}"/>and my doNavigation() does the job of querying the database and fetch the results, how do I carry it next screen. Do I need to hold the value in SESSION

Just assign the data as a property of the current bean instance.
public String doNavigation() {
results = searchService.find(query);
return "nextpage";
By default, navigation doesn't fire a new request, it just sets the target page to the current response. In the target page, you can just use #{simpleController.results}.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, this is a poor practice (bad for SEO and UX). Rather show the results in the very same page and don't perform navigation on postbacks.
See also:
How to navigate in JSF? How to make URL reflect current page (and not previous one)
Problems with navigation cases from an embedded JSF 2.0 application


Open a new tab don't create new ViewAccessScoped bean

I have a sample use case: I have an edit page that use GET parameter "id".
eg. edit?id=1
This edit page is backed by a ViewAccessScoped (CODI) Bean.
In this edit page, I have a datatable with links that link to the same "edit" page, but with another id. (eg. edit?id=2)
<h:link value="#{mecaPart.id}" outcome="edit" target="_blank">
<f:param name="id" value="#{mecaPart.id}" />
The problem, is that the window open correctly, but it is the same bean that is used! And so I am editing the same part...
I have placed a log in #PostConstruct, and it is the same bean reference that is called multiple times. (even with the new ID!)
My question, how can I tell JSF to create a new ViewAccessScoped backing bean when I click the link, and not re-use the actually used one?
Finally, I discovered that #ViewScoped CODI bean did not preserved the backing bean from page refresh. So, I have to use ViewAccessScoped.
According to Gerhard Petracek: http://os890.blogspot.fr/2011/08/scopes-view-scope-vs-view-access-scope.html
the view-scope of jsf2+ is bound to a concrete jsf page. that means: as soon as you navigate to a different page, the state gets lost. that's better than nothing, but not useful for a lot of use-cases. the main use-case which needs it are ajax-requests on a page and the data used by them aren't needed on other pages, but it's pretty easy to break it e.g. with a browser-refresh on a page which stores the data in a view-scoped bean and has no form with input components. (in a previous blog post i described how to use the infrastructure provided by codi to create a session based view-scope to overcome such disadvantages cause by storing view scoped beans as part of the tree-state.)
like with the view-scope view-access-scoped beans are available on a page, but they also exist for the next page. that means: they are forwarded to the next page and get destroyed autom. if they don't get used during the first request of the next page. that's e.g. useful for wizards. if you have a wizard page which doesn't use the bean or you have to support the possibility to interrupt a wizard, you can use the grouped-conversation scope (and even the window-scope) provided by codi. however, due to the powerful api of codi you can also destroy the scope manually at any time (if needed).
So, to solve the problem of opening a new tab with another "ID", I had to set "CODI Client Side WindowHandler", according to the CODI Wiki.
So I added:
To the file beans.xml, and I used #ViewAccessScoped. Everything is working smoothly now.
You can use #ViewScoped which also works in CODI

Difference in navigation by action="xyz" and action="#{bean.returnXyz}"

How is navigation from a Facelet page
<p:commandLink action="xyz.xhtml">
or a backing bean
<p:commandLink action="#{bean.redirect}">
public class Bean{
public String redirect(){
return "xyz.xhtml";
different from each other?
How is navigation from a xhtml page or a backing bean different from each other.
There's no difference. The both examples invoke a POST request and instructs JSF to render the view associated with the given outcome. The backing bean method has the only advantage that it allows you to perform some business logic beforehand or even control the outcome value programmatically.
However, if you don't have any business logic at all and solely want to have an idempotent link to another page, then using a command link is actually a bad practice. Using POST for page-to-page navigation is not user nor SEO friendly. The target page is not bookmarkable (the URL remains the one of the page where the POST form was been submitted to) nor searchbot-crawlable (it is using JavaScript to submit a hidden form).
You should instead use a normal link.
<h:link outcome="xyz.xhtml">
This generates a SEO-friendly <a> element with the full URL in its href and ends up in an user-friendly bookmarkable URL.
See also:
When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink?
How to navigate in JSF? How to make URL reflect current page (and not previous one)
Check out the documentation of p:commandLink here, which says the following for action attribute:
A method expression or a string outcome to process when command is
Now, as action="xyz.xhtml" returns String xyz.xhtml you're redirected accordingly and for action="#{bean.redirect}" which again returns xyz.xhtml you are again redirected according to the returned String.

Dynamic breadcrumbs with primefaces

I would like to add to my web app a dynamic breadcrumb using the Primefaces component. I've created a model to push items on the breadcrumb so that when one of its links is followed, the trailing links are removed. This works in most scenarios, but sometime the bradcrumb doesn't behave the way I expect. Basically, in order to track the landing page, I've added a preRenderView listener on each navigable page and implemented the model update logic in a session scoped bean.
<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{bcb.onRenderView}" />
<f:attribute name="pageName" value="ThisPage" />
The listener receives the page name as an attribute and obtains the complete URL (including query string) from the external context; these information, along with a unique id created from the UIViewRoot, are used to build a BreadCrumbItem that is pushed on the model:
public void onRenderView(ComponentSystemEvent evt) {
UIViewRoot root = (UIViewRoot)evt.getSource();
final String reqUrl = FacesUtils.getFullRequestURL();
String pageName = (String) evt.getComponent().getAttributes().get("pageName");
if(pageName != null) {
model.push(new BreadCrumbItem(root.createUniqueId(), pageName, reqUrl));
} else {
The push() and reset() methods of the model are implemented as follows:
* When a link is pushed on the bread crumb, the existing items are analyzed
* and if one is found to be equal to the pushed one, the link is not added
* and all the subsequent links are removed from the list.
* #param link
* the link to be added to the bread crumb
public void push(BreadCrumbItem link) {
boolean found = removeTrailing(link);
if(!found) {
* Reset the model to its initial state. Only the home link is retained.
public void reset() {
BreadCrumbItem home = new BreadCrumbItem();
Is this approach feasible? Can you suggest some better way to track page navigation without the need to leverage a life cycle listener? Thanks a lot for your help.
I have implemented my own one for my web app, in my case I didn't use the p:breadCrumb component because it's implemented using buttons.
Basically, I have an #SessionScoped bean which contains a stack (navigation stack), storing all the url's you have in the breadcrumb and the params for each of them. The view (xhtml) part is composed by p:button elements, which have the outcome of the stack's stored urls.
When you navigate to an url, corresponding bean's f:event type="preRenderView" is called (as the way you're doing it) and the bean takes the params from the url, after that it establishes itself into the stack (not the bean itself, cause it's #ViewScoped and going to be destroyed, just the url and params).
In case you click on a back button in the breadcrum, you send an additional param which indicates the index of the button. Based on that index, the destination bean knows that you're trying to recover such view, so asks the navigation stack for that view params and navigation stack removes navegables which are after it.
It took me a while, but it's fully functional. Good luck.
Be careful when using session scope for saving the current navigation state. It'll have influence in all the opened tabs, so probably it's not what you want, unless you expect your end user to use your application in one tab only. Anyway, the general usability guidelines say you should use categories instead of navigation paths for your breadcrumbs (HTTP is stateless and the history itself is kept by the browser). So a dynamic breadcrumb doesn't make sense anymore, at least if you're using different urls for your views.

jsf clearing the form

I need help. I'm new to JSF and im using JSF2 and richfaces in my project.
I want to clear the form for which I'm using <f:ajax render="#form"/> in refresh button. I have an ADD button on that screen which adds one record and I hit refresh then it's going to the default page. But when I once again go to enter a record then those values which I entered earlier remain in the form fields.
Can anyone please help me out with this issue?
Assuming that you mean the browser's refresh button when you say "I hit refresh", then that can happen if you've incorrectly placed the bean holding view scoped data in the session scope. You're then basically reusing the very same bean as the form is previously been submitted to. Putting the bean in the view scope instead of the session scope should fix this problem. The view scope ends when you navigate to a different page or fires a new request (as by hitting browser's refresh button).
See also:
How to choose the right bean scope?
Update if you're due to bad design restricted to using session scope, then you might want to hack this around by a
<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{sessionScopedBeanWhichShouldActuallyBeViewScoped.resetModel}" />
public void resetModel() {
if (!FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().isPostback()) {
model = null;
This will clear the model on every GET request. However, regardless of this hack, you'll still run into serious problems when the enduser opens the same view in a different browser tab/window within the same session.
The right solution is to put the bean in the view scope instead of the session scope, as said earlier.

Providing data to Menu in my ASP.NET MVC Master Page

We are beginning the process of moving from Web Forms to MVC for all of our new applications. I am working on porting our Master Page over and am trying to satisfy the requirements that we need a single master page to be used by all applications. The primary navigation for the application needs to be in a menu within the master page. Accomplishing this was easy, the hard part is that each application may need to determine what to display in the menu using a unique set of rules. Some apps can simply say, here's the menu structure to use via something like a SiteMap. Others need to determine what is displayed in the menu based on what roles the user has, this can also be handled easily with a SiteMap. The situation that I'm struggling with is that some apps need to generate the menus based on the roles the user has, but also on the data on which they are working. i.e. The same user may have different option in the menu for a page if they are working on object 'foo' than they do if working on object 'bar'.
What I've done at this point, is I've created an HtmlHelper that is called by the master page view and takes a list of objects of a custom type and returns an unordered list that is styled by a jQuery plugin to display the menu. The list of objects the helper method takes are passed to the view using the ViewData dictionary. Currently, the value of this ViewData node is set within the constructor of each controller. This allows each page, and potentially each method, to set a different menu without having to set the value in each action method, unless its needed. I have also created a class that parses a SiteMap and returns the list of items needed to build the menu. This class is what I'm using to set the ViewData value in the controller. The idea being that if an application needed more control of how the menu data was generated, they could create their own class to generate the data as long as it returns a list of the correct type of objects.
This solution seems to work fine so far, it just doesn't 'feel' right for some reason. I'm hoping that I can either get some ideas of better way to do this or some reassurance that this is a valid approach to solving this problem.
If it is something that will be on every page, do something like this:
Create a base controller:
public class MyBaseController : Controller
Have this controller get the data it needs and send that data in the ViewData["menu"] to the View. Then have all your controllers inherit from this one:
public class HomeController : MyBaseController
In the Master Page, loop through your ViewData and create your menu.
(I did something like this for my sub-menu which displayed a list of categories.)
In the book I am reading (Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework by Apress) they use Html.RenderAction for the menu in the masterpage. I am a Asp.net MVC novice so maybe somebody else can give more info about this.
You can download the sourcecode at apress.com though so maybe that could help.
