Highcharts & Joomla debug - highcharts

I've been playing around with highcharts for the first time because it looks amazing! I'm trying to implement it on the Joomla platform but don't seem to be able to get it working.
I think I've successfully called the highcharts.js and jquery in the head. And I've added the div with the sample code down the page but the chart does not seem to be drawing. If I look at the console in firebug I can see there is a syntax error but unfortunantly I can't see what might be causing it given that I just cut and paste the sample code.
Thanks in advance,

It looks like a problem with jquery / mootols problem, have you tried to use highcharts mootos wrapper without jquery or use noConflict jQuery.noConflict(); ?

Ah fixed it myself, I googled the error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL and it turns out sometimes when you copy and paste js it does some weird things at the end. So I deleted the last line and simple retyped it and hey presto!


Filter not working on Tablesorter 2.17.8 > probably my bad

Been working on getting the UITheme Widget (Bootstrap v3.x) version going to behave exactly the same as this. https://mottie.github.io/tablesorter/docs/example-widget-bootstrap-theme.html.
Paging & sorting are working fine. When I click on a search box in the 2nd row to type something, for some strange reason, the sort feature fires & as I type nothing happens.
Ive checked over the head code to compare with the documentation & they are the same. When I inspect with Chrome, I can see an additional class of table sorter-header-inner yet this is not in the code of the 2nd row (search row)
An example page with my code can be found here
It could very well be that I have not added a css file or something. Ive searched the files that come with the download above & can't seem to find any additional files related to a filter widget.
Would really appreciate some assistance getting this nailed.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks #Mottie, Little bit embarrassing & a trap for new players but I found myself inspecting elements & copying that code directly into the header. not following your documentation to the letter & simply having say English and letting all the magic happen behind the scenes... I'm probably not the first person to have tried this but hope other newbies benefit from me sharing

Is export server ready to Highcharts V3?

Does anybody knows if Highcharts exporting server at export.highcharts.com is currently supporting Highcharts 3.0beta? I'm trying to send my bubble charts to it and it fails, and displays a common error...
Thanks for answers!
A small test on jsFiddle with my own Highcharts config, and I find : Highcharts export server seems to be strict on which characters are sent to it. And I was sending it some... strange... characters ; replacing them fixed the problem.
Hope it will be useful to others,
Thanks !

$.jgrid.stripHtml is not a function error...!

In my application i am using jqgrid to create the table , but sometimes it works fine & sometime not..showing $.jgrid.stripHtml is not a function .its very strange kind of situation here which i am not able to understand where i am wrong.
// I am using jquery 1.3 plugin for ui devlopement
please give me any solution to get rid from this problem
Did you see this post? You need to load the language file before the jqgrid script.

Code for jQuery Mobile selector menu?

I must be missing something obvious. I'm looking at the docs for jQuery Mobile, and nowhere do they give you the code to do the stuff they're demonstrating. I'm trying to create a selector menu... Where can I get the code for this (it must be like, one line, right)?
As a complete newbie, I'm at a loss here. Thanks for any help!
To get the code:
remove the # from the link: jquerymobile.com/demos/1.0a4.1/docs/forms/forms-selects.html
open in browser
view source (the old way, not with firebug or anything)

Can't get sIFR to display

I can't get sIFR to display. It just shows the regular web text. I've went through the steps several times.
Maybe I'm just missing some tiny bit of code, but I think I've followed all the steps correctly. Just can't get it to display.
Anyone want to look and see if I'm just screwing up some mundane detail? Here is a link to my test page
Test Page
Any help would be appreciated!
You're including the config file before the main library file. Try to switch it around.
If you're in Firefox, you can look at the Error Console. Where it says.
Error: sIFR is not defined
Source File: http://www.creativewhirlwind.com/reallynewversion/sifr_test/js/sifr-config.js
Line: 25
You should also look at using FireBug.
