qmake extra compiler with multiple outputs per file - qmake

As described in Undocumented qmake, I declared an extra compiler in my qmake project file:
TEST = somefile.h
test_c.output = ${QMAKE_VAR_OBJECTS_DIR}${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}_1.cpp
test_c.input = TEST
test_c.commands = C:/somedir/some.exe /i ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} /o ${QMAKE_VAR_OBJECTS_DIR}${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}_1.cpp
test_c.variable_out = SOURCES
test_c.name = MyTestC
And this works fine. But I also want to generate a header file. I can easily make a second custom tool for parsing this file (or files, if >1 will be in TEST), but I don't want to parse each file twice. I tried:
test_c.output = ${QMAKE_VAR_OBJECTS_DIR}${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}_1.cpp \
Just to test that the extra compiler can make two files per run. I expected some error like "file somefile_2.cpp doesn't exist", but project compiles without errors and second output file is ignored. In Makefile somefile_2.cpp is not present.
Now I'm thinking about two variants:
Make an extra compiler that produces an archive, where all needed output files will be saved at once. Set tool1.variable_out = TOOL_1_OUT, and add two more extra compilers with toolN.input = TOOL_1_OUT to just "unzip" the archived files (one per tool) and append them to some variables.
In this case three executes will be called per one input file. This is not optimal, but at least the parser will run only once per file.
Experiment with the .output_function option. Make a qmake function that returns the same name as .output now does, but also append second filename to HEADERS.
P.S. I am using MinGW x32 4.7, QtCreator 2.7.1, Qt 5.1.0, C++11.

Your variant #2 is the right idea. This works for me:
defineReplace(addToHeaders) {
source = $$1
source_split = $$split(source, ".")
source_without_extension = $$first(source_split)
HEADERS += ${QMAKE_VAR_OBJECTS_DIR}$${source_without_extension}_1.h
defineReplace(FILE_IN_addToHeaders) {
# qmake emits a warning unless this function is defined; not sure why.
TEST = somefile.h
test_c.output_function = addToHeaders
test_c.input = TEST
test_c.variable_out = SOURCES
test_c.name = MyTestC
It produces a Makefile which builds somefile_1.cpp and somefile_1.h, with somefile_1.cpp added to SOURCES and somefile_1.h added to HEADERS.

This works ok (variant #1):
MY_COMP = src/precompiled.h \
GENERATE_FOLDER = generated/
# build package file
my_build.clean = $${GENERATE_FOLDER}gen_${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.pack
my_build.depends = [somepath]/my_precompiler.exe
my_build.output = $${GENERATE_FOLDER}gen_${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.pack
my_build.input = MY_COMP
my_build.commands = [somepath]/my_precompiler.exe /i ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} /o $${GENERATE_FOLDER}gen_${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.pack
my_build.variable_out = MY_PACKAGES
my_build.name = "package build"
# unpack cpp
my_unpack_cpp.clean = $${GENERATE_FOLDER}${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.cpp
my_unpack_cpp.depends = $${GENERATE_FOLDER}${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.h
my_unpack_cpp.output = $${GENERATE_FOLDER}${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.cpp
my_unpack_cpp.input = MY_PACKAGES
my_unpack_cpp.commands = [somepath]/my_precompiler.exe /unpack cpp /i ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} /o $${GENERATE_FOLDER}${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.cpp
my_unpack_cpp.variable_out = GENERATED_SOURCES
my_unpack_cpp.dependency_type = TYPE_C
my_unpack_cpp.name = "unpack code"
my_unpack_cpp.CONFIG = no_link
# unpack header
my_unpack_h.clean = $${GENERATE_FOLDER}${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.h
my_unpack_h.output = $${GENERATE_FOLDER}${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.h
my_unpack_h.input = MY_PACKAGES
my_unpack_h.commands = [somepath]/my_precompiler.exe /unpack h /i ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} /o $${GENERATE_FOLDER}${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.h
my_unpack_h.variable_out = HEADERS
my_unpack_h.name = "unpack header"
my_unpack_h.CONFIG = no_link
QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += my_build my_unpack_h my_unpack_cpp
With this technique number of output files per one parse may vary, but may be constant for all files in project, of course.
In my_precompiler I parse file if unpack option isn't preserved and build two files (cpp + h) into two QBuffers. After that I simply write builded data to QFile:
QDataStream ds(&file);
ds << qCompress(output_cpp.data(), 9);
ds << qCompress(output_h.data(), 9);
In fact, now qCompress isn't profitable, because generated files too small to compression size exceeded the size of the headers zlib - sizeof(.pack) > size(.h + .h).
QByteArray ba;
QDataStream ds(&file);
ds >> ba;
if(unpack != "cpp")
ds >> ba;
ba = qUncompress(ba);
if(!file.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate)) return 1;
When generating:
Write #include "original header" in begin of generated header
Write #include "generated header" in begin of generated code
Therefore I set this:
my_unpack_cpp.depends = $${GENERATE_FOLDER}${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.h
So /unpack cpp (and, therefore, building) performs after building needed header file. And this:
my_build.depends = [somepath]/my_precompiler.exe
Sets builded pack (and, therefore, generated cpp+h) depends on my_precompiler, so all will be rebuilded if I modify and rebuild precompiler.
P.S. IMHO these lines must works as cleaners before rebuilding:
my_build.clean = $${GENERATE_FOLDER}gen_${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.pack
my_unpack_cpp.clean = $${GENERATE_FOLDER}${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.cpp
my_unpack_h.clean = $${GENERATE_FOLDER}${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.h
But they don't :( At present I ignore that, but now if building .pack is failed than previously builded pack-file is used


Instantiating a Bazel macro twice with same generated output file

Suppose I have a Bazel macro that is using a generator rule to generate an output file given an input file:
def my_generator(
args = []
args.extend(["--arg1", "$(location %s)" % output_file])
args.extend(["arg2", "$(locations %s)" % input_file])
cmd_params = " ".join(args)
name = name,
srcs = [input_file],
outs = [output_file],
cmd = "python $(location //path/to:target_generator) %s" % cmd_params,
tools = ["/path/to/tool:mytool"],
Then I was previously using this macro as:
name = "gen1",
input_file = ":targetToGeneratetextFile",
output_file = "outputfile.txt",
visibility = ["//myproject/oath/to/current/package/test:__subpackages__"],
where a target is passed as input_file. This was working.
Then I wanted to reuse it with a different input but to generate the same output, where the input is now a file within the project but in another folder.
name = "gen2",
input_file = "//path/to/the/file/realFile.txt",
output_file = "outputfile.txt",
visibility = ["//myproject/oath/to/current/package/test:__subpackages__"],
I am getting two errors in this way:
For how it is, Bazel cannot find the realFile.txt: it tries to read it as a target:
no such package '//path/to/the/file/realFile.txt': BUILD file not found in any of the following directories. Add a BUILD file to a directory to mark it as a package
If I copy the file in the current package folder, it is able to read it.
Bazel is complaining that gen1 and gen2 are writing/overwriting the same output file outputfile.txt:
Error in genrule: generated file 'outputfile.txt' in rule 'gen2' conflicts with existing generated file from rule 'gen1', defined at ...
How can I solve these issues?
I think that the problem is that these two calls are both executed, whereas I would like them to be executed depending on some target, i.e., target A needs only run gen1 and target B gen2 exclusively. I do not if that is possible but for example moving each of these call inside the target they belong to might be a solution that avoids this issue.
I was thinking as solution to do something like:
name = "gen2",
input_file = select({
":opt1": [":targetToGeneratetextFile"],
":opt2": ["realTextFile.txt"],
"//conditions:default": [":targetToGeneratetextFile"],
output_file = "outputfile.txt",
visibility = ["//myproject/oath/to/current/package/test:__subpackages__"],
with proper config_setting and then call it from the target with the proper flag but I am getting the error:
expected value of type 'string' for element 0 of attribute 'srcs' in 'genrule' rule, but got select({":opt1": [":targetToGeneratetextFile"], ":opt2": ["realTextFile.txt"],"//conditions:default": [":targetToGeneratetextFile"],
The label //path/to/the/file/realFile.txt is shorthand for //path/to/the/file/realFile.txt:realFile.txt, aka <repository root>/path/to/the/file/realFile.txt/realFile.txt. Depending on where the deepest-nested folder with a BUILD file is (which determines the package), you're looking for something like //path/to/the/file:realFile.txt or //path/to:the/file/realFile.txt instead.
You can't have two rules which write the same file, because then Bazel can't tell which way to build it if you bazel build the file. Some alternatives:
Put them in separate packages (aka separate folders with BUILD files)
Name them differently, like gen1_outputfile.txt and gen2_outputfile.txt, or gen1/outputfile.txt and gen2/outputfile.txt. You could automate this in the macro like srcs = [name + '/outputfile.txt'].
Use a single rule to generate it with an appropriate select, like your edit.
With the select, you're trying to create something like this:
srcs = select({..., "//conditions:default": [":targetToGeneratetextFile"]}),
but as written you have this instead:
srcs = [select({..., "//conditions:default": [":targetToGeneratetextFile"]})],
Effectively, between the list in the select's value and the macro body, you're creating a nested list. I would change your macro argument to input_files and then do srcs = input_files in the body, so the caller of the macro can bundle things into lists as desired.

How to generate cc_library from an output directory from a genrule?

I have a binary that takes as input a single file and produces an unknown number of header and source C++ files into a single directory. I would like to be able to write a target like:
name = "my_x_library",
src = "source.x",
where x_library is a macro that ultimately produces the cc_library from the output files. However, I can't bundle all the output files inside the rule implementation or inside the macro. I tried this answer but it doesn't seem to work anymore.
What's the common solution to this problem? Is it possible at all?
Small example of a macro using a genrule (not a huge fan) to get one C file and one header and provide them as a cc_library:
def x_library(name, src):
srcfile = "{}.c".format(name)
hdrfile = "{}.h".format(name)
name = "files_{}".format(name),
srcs = [src],
outs = [srcfile, hdrfile],
cmd = "./generator.sh $< $(OUTS)",
tools = ["generator.sh"],
name = name,
srcs = [srcfile],
hdrs = [hdrfile],
Used it like this then:
load(":myfile.bzl", "x_library")
name = "my_x_library",
src = "source.x",
name = "tgt",
srcs = ["mysrc.c"],
deps = ["my_x_library"],
You should be able to extend that with any number of files (and for C++ content; IIRC the suffices are use for automagic decision how to call the tools) as long as your generator input -> generated content is known and stable (generally a good thing for a build). Otherwise you can no longer use genrule as you need your custom rule (probably a good thing anyways) to use TreeArtifact as described in the linked answer. Or two, one with .cc suffix and one with .hh so that you can pass them to cc_library.

How to invoke CROSSTOOL tools from Bazel macros / rules?

I'm building ARM Cortex-M firmware from Bazel with a custom CROSSTOOL. I'm successfully building elf files and manually objcopying them to binary files with the usual:
path/to/my/objcopy -o binary hello.elf hello.bin
I want to make a Bazel macro or rule called cc_firmware that:
Adds the -Wl,-Map=hello.map flags to generate a mapfile
Changes the output elf name from hello to hello.elf
Invokes path/to/my/objcopy to convert the elf to a bin.
I don't know how to get the name of a CROSSTOOL tool (objcopy) to invoke it, and it feels wrong to have the rule know the path to the tool executable.
Is there a way to use the objcopy that I've already told Bazel about in my CROSSTOOL file?
You can actually access this from a custom rule. Basically you need to tell Bazel that you want access to the cpp configuration information (fragments = ["cpp"]) and then access its path via ctx.fragments.cpp.objcopy_executable, e.g.,:
def _impl(ctx):
print("path: {}".format(ctx.fragments.cpp.objcopy_executable))
# TODO: actually do something with the path...
cc_firmware = rule(
implementation = _impl,
fragments = ["cpp"],
attrs = {
"src" : attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
"map" : attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
outputs = {"elf" : "%{name}.elf"}
Then create the output you want with something like (untested):
def _impl(ctx):
src = ctx.attr.src.files.to_list()[0]
m = ctx.attr.map.files.to_list()[0]
command = "{objcopy} -Wl,-Map={map} -o binary {elf_out} {cc_bin}".format(
outputs = [ctx.outputs.elf],
inputs = [src, m],

Qmake get the target output file path

I have a qmake project that looks like this:
CONFIG += dll
TARGET = mydll
SOURCES += ...
HEADERS += ....
Now I want to add an INSTALLS section, so I have:
target.path = /path/to/somedir/
target.files =./$$TARGET
INSTALLS+= target
Unfortunately this will not work, because $$TARGET contains the target name, and not the output file name. Is there a portable way to obtain the output file name? (Please no platform dependent string concatenation like lib + $$TARGET + .so)
You don't have to specify target.files, target is a special case and it's predefined in qmake.
If you append a built-in install set to the INSTALLS variable and do not specify files or extra members, qmake will decide what needs to be copied for you. Currently, the only supported built-in install set is target:
target.path = /usr/local/myprogram
INSTALLS += target
In the above lines, qmake knows what needs to be copied, and will handle the installation process automatically.

How do I disable assertions for the entire project?

I have some code in Delphi that has Assert statements all over it. I know that there is a compiler directive {$C-}, but there are too many units to add it to. Is there a way to have it done by the compiler command line or somewhere in the dpr file?
You can use $C- from the command line as well, or configure it in 'Project->Options->Compiler' from the IDE (which configures it in the .dproj file).
There's a list of command line switches and options available by typing dcc32 from the command line. It can be redirected to a text file using command redirection (as in dcc32 > dccCommands.txt), which produces the following output with XE5's version of dcc32:
Embarcadero Delphi for Win32 compiler version 26.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2013 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Syntax: dcc32 [options] filename [options]
-A<unit>=<alias> = Set unit alias
-B = Build all units
-CC = Console target
-CG = GUI target
-D<syms> = Define conditionals
-E<path> = EXE/DLL output directory
-F<offset> = Find error
-GD = Detailed map file
-GP = Map file with publics
-GS = Map file with segments
-H = Output hint messages
-I<paths> = Include directories
-J = Generate .obj file
-JPHNE = Generate C++ .obj file, .hpp file, in namespace, export all
-JL = Generate package .lib, .bpi, and all .hpp files for C++
-K<addr> = Set image base addr
-LE<path> = package .bpl output directory
-LN<path> = package .dcp output directory
-LU<package> = Use package
-M = Make modified units
-NU<path> = unit .dcu output directory
-NH<path> = unit .hpp output directory
-NO<path> = unit .obj output directory
-NB<path> = unit .bpi output directory
-NX<path> = unit .xml output directory
-NS<namespaces> = Namespace search path
-O<paths> = Object directories
-P = look for 8.3 file names also
-Q = Quiet compile
-R<paths> = Resource directories
-TX<ext> = Output name extension
-U<paths> = Unit directories
-V = Debug information in EXE
-VR = Generate remote debug (RSM)
-VT = Debug information in TDS
-VN = TDS symbols in namespace
-W[+|-|^][warn_id] = Output warning messages
-Z = Output 'never build' DCPs
-$<dir> = Compiler directive
--help = Show this help screen
--version = Show name and version
--codepage:<cp> = specify source file encoding
--default-namespace:<namespace> = set namespace
--depends = output unit dependency information
--doc = output XML documentation
--drc = output resource string .drc file
--no-config = do not load default dcc32.cfg file
--description:<string> = set executable description
--inline:{on|off|auto} = function inlining control
--legacy-ifend = allow legacy $IFEND directive
--zero-based-strings[+|-] = strings are indexed starting at 0
--peflags:<flags> = set extra PE Header flags field
--peoptflags:<flags> = set extra PE Header optional flags field
--peosversion:<major>.<minor> = set OS Version fields in PE Header (default: 5.0)
--pesubsysversion:<major>.<minor> = set Subsystem Version fields in PE Header (default: 5.0)
--peuserversion:<major>.<minor> = set User Version fields in PE Header (default: 0.0)
Compiler switches: -$<letter><state> (defaults are shown below)
A8 Aligned record fields
B- Full boolean Evaluation
C+ Evaluate assertions at runtime
D+ Debug information
G+ Use imported data references
H+ Use long strings by default
I+ I/O checking
J- Writeable structured consts
L+ Local debug symbols
M- Runtime type info
O+ Optimization
P+ Open string params
Q- Integer overflow checking
R- Range checking
T- Typed # operator
U- Pentium(tm)-safe divide
V+ Strict var-strings
W- Generate stack frames
X+ Extended syntax
Y+ Symbol reference info
Z1 Minimum size of enum types
Stack size: -$M<minStackSize[,maxStackSize]> (default 16384,1048576)
