The following grammar has left recursion.
X is the start simbol.
X -> Xa | Zb
Z -> Zc | d | Xa
How to remove it? Please explain it step by step.
-- remove Z left recursion--
X -> Xa | Zb
Z -> dZ' | XaZ'
Z' -> cZ' | empty
--next remove Z --
X -> Xa | dZ'b | XaZ'b
Z' -> cZ' | empty
--next factorize X--
X -> XaX' | dZ'b
X'-> Z'b | empty
Z'-> cZ' | empty
--next remove X recursion--
X -> dZ'bX''
X'' -> a X'X'' | empty
X' -> Z'b | empty
Z' -> cZ' | empty
I am trying to create a parser for a given language
The input language contains conditional statements if ... then ...
else and if ... then, separated by a symbol ; (semicolon). Condition
statements contain identifiers, comparison signs <,>, =, hexadecimal
numbers, sign assignments (:=). Consider the sequence as hexadecimal
numbers digits and symbols a, b, c, d, e, f starting with a digit (for
example, 89, 45ac, 0abc )
I ended up with this version of the grammar. Also removed left recursion and ambiguity
S -> if E then S S' | I := H
S' -> else S S'' | ; S | $
S'' -> ; S | $
I -> p | q
E -> HE'
E' -> >HE' | <HE' | =HE'
H -> DH'
H' -> LH' | DH' | EPS
L -> a | b | c | d | e | f
D -> 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Will it be possible to create an LL(1) parser according to this grammar. I am confused by the rules with two non-terminals (for example HE')
Do I have to use an explicit match statement to identify its wildcard value?
For example, take the following function:
let (|Positive|Neutral|Negative|) = function
| x when x > 0 -> Positive
| x when x = 0 -> Neutral
| x when x < 0 -> Negative
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "unknown: %d" _)
Unexpected symbol '_' in expression
I learned that I can do this without any errors:
let (|Positive|Neutral|Negative|) v =
match v with
| x when x > 0 -> Positive
| x when x = 0 -> Neutral
| x when x < 0 -> Negative
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "unknown: %d" v)
Here's the result from a posted answer:
let (|Positive|Neutral|Negative|) = function
| x when x > 0 -> Positive
| x when x = 0 -> Neutral
| x when x < 0 -> Negative
| x -> failwith (sprintf "unknown: %d" x)
You can change it to this and it will work:
let (|Positive|Neutral|Negative|) = function
| x when x > 0 -> Positive
| x when x = 0 -> Neutral
| x when x < 0 -> Negative
| f -> failwith (sprintf "unknown: %d" f)
Lets say I have this grammar
E -> T+Ex | F
T -> T*Fy | w
F -> E | z | ε
Now I need to make it LL(1). I've been following the steps but the solution I came up with doesn't seem quite right.
Fist lets eliminate ε-productions
E -> T+Ex | F | T+x
T -> T*Fy | w | T*y
F -> E | z
Now we'll eliminate cycles
E -> T+Ex | T+x | z
T -> T*Fy | w | T*y
F -> T+Ex | T+x | z
No we'll eliminate immediate left recursion
E -> T+Ex | T+x | z
T -> wT'
T' -> *FyT' | *yT' | ε
F -> T+Ex | T+x | z
Finally we'll replace certain RHS productions where T occurred
E -> wT'+Ex | wT'+x | z
T -> wT'
T' -> *FyT' | *yT' | ε
F -> wT'+Ex | wT'+x | z
Now this doesn't seem to be LL(1) to me since the parse table generated by this will have multiple entries for several of the terminals. What do I seem to be missing?
I figured out how to do it, so out last step we have this configuration
E -> wT'+Ex | wT'+x | z
T -> wT'
T' -> *FyT' | *yT' | ε
F -> wT'+Ex | wT'+x | z
We now need to perform left-factorization to remove productions of the form
S -> aB | aC
And make them into the proper form
S -> aA
A -> B | C
Using this we can transform our grammar into
E -> wT'+E' | z
E' -> Ex | x
T -> wT'
T' -> *T'' | ε
T'' -> FyT' | yT'
F -> wT'+F' | z
F' -> Ex | x
Since F and F' are the same as E and E' we can just remove this production so we are left with.
E -> wT'+E' | z
E' -> Ex | x
T -> wT'
T' -> *T'' | ε
T'' -> EyT' | yT'
I've written a typical evaluator for simple math expressions (arithmetic with some custom functions) in F#. While it seems to be working correctly, some expressions don't evaluate as expected, for example, these work fine:
eval "5+2" --> 7
eval "sqrt(25)^2" --> 25
eval "1/(sqrt(4))" --> 0.5
eval "1/(2^2+2)" --> 1/6 ~ 0.1666...
but these don't:
eval "1/(sqrt(4)+2)" --> evaluates to 1/sqrt(6) ~ 0.408...
eval "1/(sqrt 4 + 2)" --> will also evaluate to 1/sqrt(6)
eval "1/(-1+3)" --> evaluates to 1/(-4) ~ -0.25
the code works as follows, tokenization (string as input) -> to rev-polish-notation (RPN) -> evalRpn
I thought that the problem seems to occur somewhere with the unary functions (functions accepting one operator), these are the sqrt function and the negation (-) function. I don't really see what's going wrong in my code. Can someone maybe point out what I am missing here?
this is my implementation in F#
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
type Token =
| Num of float
| Plus
| Minus
| Star
| Hat
| Sqrt
| Slash
| Negative
| RParen
| LParen
let hasAny (list: Stack<'T>) =
list.Count <> 0
let tokenize (input:string) =
let tokens = new Stack<Token>()
let push tok = tokens.Push tok
let regex = new Regex(#"[0-9]+(\.+\d*)?|\+|\-|\*|\/|\^|\)|\(|pi|e|sqrt")
for x in regex.Matches(input.ToLower()) do
match x.Value with
| "+" -> push Plus
| "*" -> push Star
| "/" -> push Slash
| ")" -> push LParen
| "(" -> push RParen
| "^" -> push Hat
| "sqrt" -> push Sqrt
| "pi" -> push (Num System.Math.PI)
| "e" -> push (Num System.Math.E)
| "-" ->
if tokens |> hasAny then
match tokens.Peek() with
| LParen -> push Minus
| Num v -> push Minus
| _ -> push Negative
push Negative
| value -> push (Num (float value))
tokens.ToArray() |> Array.rev |> Array.toList
let isUnary = function
| Negative | Sqrt -> true
| _ -> false
let prec = function
| Hat -> 3
| Star | Slash -> 2
| Plus | Minus -> 1
| _ -> 0
let toRPN src =
let output = new ResizeArray<Token>()
let stack = new Stack<Token>()
let rec loop = function
| Num v::tokens ->
output.Add(Num v)
loop tokens
| RParen::tokens ->
stack.Push RParen
loop tokens
| LParen::tokens ->
while stack.Peek() <> RParen do
stack.Pop() |> ignore // pop the "("
loop tokens
| op::tokens when op |> isUnary ->
stack.Push op
loop tokens
| op::tokens ->
if stack |> hasAny then
if prec(stack.Peek()) >= prec op then
stack.Push op
loop tokens
| [] ->
(loop src).ToArray()
let (#) op tok =
match tok with
| Num v ->
match op with
| Sqrt -> Num (sqrt v)
| Negative -> Num (v * -1.0)
| _ -> failwith "input error"
| _ -> failwith "input error"
let (##) op toks =
match toks with
| Num v,Num u ->
match op with
| Plus -> Num(v + u)
| Minus -> Num(v - u)
| Star -> Num(v * u)
| Slash -> Num(u / v)
| Hat -> Num(u ** v)
| _ -> failwith "input error"
| _ -> failwith "inpur error"
let evalRPN src =
let stack = new Stack<Token>()
let rec loop = function
| Num v::tokens ->
stack.Push(Num v)
loop tokens
| op::tokens when op |> isUnary ->
let result = op # stack.Pop()
stack.Push result
loop tokens
| op::tokens ->
let result = op ## (stack.Pop(),stack.Pop())
stack.Push result
loop tokens
| [] -> stack
if loop src |> hasAny then
match stack.Pop() with
| Num v -> v
| _ -> failwith "input error"
else failwith "input error"
let eval input =
input |> (tokenize >> toRPN >> Array.toList >> evalRPN)
Before answering your specific question, did you notice you have another bug? Try eval "2-4" you get 2.0 instead of -2.0.
That's probably because along these lines:
match op with
| Plus -> Num(v + u)
| Minus -> Num(v - u)
| Star -> Num(v * u)
| Slash -> Num(u / v)
| Hat -> Num(u ** v)
u and v are swapped, in commutative operations you don't notice the difference, so just revert them to u -v.
Now regarding the bug you mentioned, the cause seems obvious to me, by looking at your code you missed the precedence of those unary operations:
let prec = function
| Hat -> 3
| Star | Slash -> 2
| Plus | Minus -> 1
| _ -> 0
I tried adding them this way:
let prec = function
| Negative -> 5
| Sqrt -> 4
| Hat -> 3
| Star | Slash -> 2
| Plus | Minus -> 1
| _ -> 0
And now it seems to be fine.
Edit: meh, seems I was late, Gustavo posted the answer while I was wondering about the parentheses. Oh well.
Unary operators have the wrong precedence. Add the primary case | a when isUnary a -> 4 to prec.
The names of LParen and RParen are consistently swapped throughout the code. ( maps to RParen and ) to LParen!
It runs all tests from the question properly for me, given the appropriate precedence, but I haven't checked the code for correctness.
I've defined an expression tree structure in F# as follows:
type Num = int
type Name = string
type Expr =
| Con of Num
| Var of Name
| Add of Expr * Expr
| Sub of Expr * Expr
| Mult of Expr * Expr
| Div of Expr * Expr
| Pow of Expr * Expr
| Neg of Expr
I wanted to be able to pretty-print the expression tree so I did the following:
let (|Unary|Binary|Terminal|) expr =
match expr with
| Add(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
| Sub(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
| Mult(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
| Div(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
| Pow(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
| Neg(x) -> Unary(x)
| Con(x) -> Terminal(box x)
| Var(x) -> Terminal(box x)
let operator expr =
match expr with
| Add(_) -> "+"
| Sub(_) | Neg(_) -> "-"
| Mult(_) -> "*"
| Div(_) -> "/"
| Pow(_) -> "**"
| _ -> failwith "There is no operator for the given expression."
let rec format expr =
match expr with
| Unary(x) -> sprintf "%s(%s)" (operator expr) (format x)
| Binary(x, y) -> sprintf "(%s %s %s)" (format x) (operator expr) (format y)
| Terminal(x) -> string x
However, I don't really like the failwith approach for the operator function since it's not compile-time safe. So I rewrote it as an active pattern:
let (|Operator|_|) expr =
match expr with
| Add(_) -> Some "+"
| Sub(_) | Neg(_) -> Some "-"
| Mult(_) -> Some "*"
| Div(_) -> Some "/"
| Pow(_) -> Some "**"
| _ -> None
Now I can rewrite my format function beautifully as follows:
let rec format expr =
match expr with
| Unary(x) & Operator(op) -> sprintf "%s(%s)" op (format x)
| Binary(x, y) & Operator(op) -> sprintf "(%s %s %s)" (format x) op (format y)
| Terminal(x) -> string x
I assumed, since F# is magic, that this would just work. Unfortunately, the compiler then warns me about incomplete pattern matches, because it can't see that anything that matches Unary(x) will also match Operator(op) and anything that matches Binary(x, y) will also match Operator(op). And I consider warnings like that to be as bad as compiler errors.
So my questions are: Is there a specific reason why this doesn't work (like have I left some magical annotation off somewhere or is there something that I'm just not seeing)? Is there a simple workaround I could use to get the type of safety I want? And is there an inherent problem with this type of compile-time checking, or is it something that F# might add in some future release?
If you code the destinction between ground terms and complex terms into the type system, you can avoid the runtime check and make them be complete pattern matches.
type Num = int
type Name = string
type GroundTerm =
| Con of Num
| Var of Name
type ComplexTerm =
| Add of Term * Term
| Sub of Term * Term
| Mult of Term * Term
| Div of Term * Term
| Pow of Term * Term
| Neg of Term
and Term =
| GroundTerm of GroundTerm
| ComplexTerm of ComplexTerm
let (|Operator|) ct =
match ct with
| Add(_) -> "+"
| Sub(_) | Neg(_) -> "-"
| Mult(_) -> "*"
| Div(_) -> "/"
| Pow(_) -> "**"
let (|Unary|Binary|) ct =
match ct with
| Add(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
| Sub(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
| Mult(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
| Div(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
| Pow(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
| Neg(x) -> Unary(x)
let (|Terminal|) gt =
match gt with
| Con x -> Terminal(string x)
| Var x -> Terminal(string x)
let rec format expr =
match expr with
| ComplexTerm ct ->
match ct with
| Unary(x) & Operator(op) -> sprintf "%s(%s)" op (format x)
| Binary(x, y) & Operator(op) -> sprintf "(%s %s %s)" (format x) op (format y)
| GroundTerm gt ->
match gt with
| Terminal(x) -> x
also, imo, you should avoid boxing if you want to be type-safe. If you really want both cases, make two pattern. Or, as done here, just make a projection to the type you need later on. This way you avoid the boxing and instead you return what you need for printing.
I think you can make operator a normal function rather than an active pattern. Because operator is just a function which gives you an operator string for an expr, where as unary, binary and terminal are expression types and hence it make sense to pattern match on them.
let operator expr =
match expr with
| Add(_) -> "+"
| Sub(_) | Neg(_) -> "-"
| Mult(_) -> "*"
| Div(_) -> "/"
| Pow(_) -> "**"
| Var(_) | Con(_) -> ""
let rec format expr =
match expr with
| Unary(x) -> sprintf "%s(%s)" (operator expr) (format x)
| Binary(x, y) -> sprintf "(%s %s %s)" (format x) (operator expr) (format y)
| Terminal(x) -> string x
I find the best solution is to restructure your original type defintion:
type UnOp = Neg
type BinOp = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Pow
type Expr =
| Int of int
| UnOp of UnOp * Expr
| BinOp of BinOp * Expr * Expr
All sorts of functions can then be written over the UnOp and BinOp types including selecting operators. You may even want to split BinOp into arithmetic and comparison operators in the future.
For example, I used this approach in the (non-free) article "Language-oriented programming: The Term-level Interpreter
" (2008) in the F# Journal.