ASP.Net MVC - Designing Views for Premium (Paid) Version -

I have a service that is currently given away for Free!
Im now reaching the point where I have enough clients that I want to offer them a "Premium" Version.
So, some of "premium" features will include some extra text boxes on views.
I've built some custom attributes to handle security on the controller, but whats the best way to handle the view?
Should I create another view and present either the free of premium view?
Should I only have a single view? (if so how would I handle showing only certain text boxes\areas)
Suggestions and samples welcomed.

One option would be to make your main URL's very simple, and simply have them render a child action based on the membership level of the user.
Using HTML.Action() you can completely render a different view, and simply have your view look like this:
#model mymodel
#User.IsInRole("Premium") ?
Html.Action("PremiumView", "MyController") :
Html.Action("NormalView", "MyController")
If you have parameters, you can just pass them along.
Also, make sure you mark those subactions as Child Actions, using [ChildActionOnly] so they can't be accessed independently.
This way you can keep your free and premium versions totally separate but keep the same URLs.
You could also use Route Constraints to route to different controller actions based on various factors such as membership level.

You could create a custom view engine that supplied premium content when applicable, then name your views according (e.g. MyView.cshtml & MyView.Premium.cshtml). This gives you the flexibility to extend views with premium content while also not committing yourself to a major change up-front. You'll also need to validate when and when not to accept "premium" changes in the actions, but that should be simple role checking when you go to process.

If your views contain more controls than your models are different and therefore your controllers are different, too. Your paid version may evolve at the different pace than the free version so I would suggest you keep the code separate.

This seems like it would be best done on a per-view basis. If the free vs premium views are mostly the same with a few differences, then I would suggest using partial views within the main view checking the membership status for altering the display.
If there are major differences in the views for UI and functionality, then you might look at swapping out a different view entirely within the controller.


Multirole iOS application - Should Logic in Same or Different View Controllers for Multiple Roles?

I'm a newbie to iOS and now trying to design an app for multiple roles who can log in from home page.
At first, I tried to give each role a completely separate line of its own view controllers. But later, I found a lot of interfaces and codes are the same among different roles and it will be a huge amount of work to copy and paste.
So now, I try to have only one major line of view controllers and then capture the user identity to change the display (hide and unhide functions) according to different roles. But I'm not sure if this is the real preferred way to handle this kind of multirole application?
(If my question is not clear, please tell me!)
have only one major line of view controllers and then capture the user identity to change the display (hide and unhide functions) according to different roles.
This is the most efficient way to do this, because that way you don't repeat yourself. Having too much code (view controllers) for just small changes will create unnecessary clutter, both code-wise and space-wise.
Even if you are a newbie, try to implement best practices wherever you can, because people generally get used to what they did when they were new, and changing how you write code when you are more experienced is much harder.
First you are new to iOS.Now you are going to develop application with
multiple roles like Register,Login,Showing List,Edit
Page,Settings.....etc.If you are a newbie you can create separate view
controller for above thing.If you want to use string,id,number,...or
anything globally you can create singleton class for access that.If
you gain experience or If you get more knowledge,you can create common
view controller and class for accessing functions,variables in whole
project.Now you must learn basic things for creating application and
use without any error,crash.Learn all basics first.

ASP.NET MVC: different functionality for authorized users - single view

Let's say that I have an MVC view that has one set of features available to non authorized users, and an extended set of features that is available to authorized users. Currently, I have implemented this by marking up my view with
#if(User.IsInRole(...)) {...}
in several places in the view file. This wasn't a big deal when it was just 2 or 3 things that authenticated users could do beyond the non-authenticated functionality, but now I have this all over the place in a "dashboard" type of page. It seems to be getting kind of messy.
Is there a cleaner or more elegant way to implement this? I am using viewmodels. I am wondering if I should use different viewmodels/views based on role, but then using different viewmodels seems like it might be more difficult to maintain. I am not sure what the best practice is for this, and I am open to ideas.
One example of what I am doing: I have several lists/tables that allows managers to edit the record, so the code adds an extra
for the manager-allowed actions. Another use case: when the manager is signed in, an employee name is now an actionlink instead of just text.
What you could try is encapsulating each portion of the view that will be interchanged based on roles into partial views. This has worked well for me in the past, and is much cleaner when trying to troubleshoot code as opposed to seeing a bunch of #if statements in a single view.
Hmmm. I have this idea. You need list of dashboards enumerations where you have a property like RolesAllowedToAccess (string[])
On the view you can foreach by dashboards enumerations where RolesAllowedToAccess contains current user role.
After you can render partials for each of dashboards. Make sence?

ASP.NET MVC Controller design

I have a question about how to design my controllers properly.
Project is fairly simple: blog, immage gallery with categories and images inside them, news secion.
However I don't know how to organize my controllers for this because I want to make somewhat admin panel where administrators can edit, add and modify these things. I've came up with 3 scenariosu so far...
Admin panel will have links to site/controller/edit, but layout for these action results will be different from standard one.
Admin controller will have all these actions like BlogAdd, BlogEdit so that url will be something like /site/admin/blogedit.
Create copies of Blog controller in admin folder so url will be like /site/admin/blog/edit - i sense problems with routing since 2 controllers with same name does not sound like a good idea, however I like ho URL looks in this situation.
What I'm trying to make is CMS somewhat similar to wordpress, where blog creation,editing and deletion is completely separated from default blog itself.
I suggest you stop thinking about URLs and Controllers being a 1->1 relationship. This will make things MUCH easier and less confusing. You can make the URLs work however you want with MVC's routing mechanism and there's no reason to restrict your controller design/organization because of the URLs you want, because you can always adapt the routing to with with the URLs you have in mind.
While building the website, just focus on the controllers (and the general interface) and ignore the URLs until you get to that point, and then when you come up with a good URL scheme go into the routing system and add the routes to connect to your existing controller actions as you want.
Once you code out your blogging engine you will have a much better idea of the user workflow and will probably find different ways to organize your URLs, and you can then reorganize your URLs without touching the controllers themselves.
As to your first requirement:
There are two ways to do this depending on your end goal. If your goal is to display the same core content, but have different user options available (different overall layout, additional buttons on the page, etc..) then the best idea is really to just pass in an IsAdministrator property in your view model, and make the slight changes to the page based on if that's true or false. The reason is because you still (most likely) want the core of the page to be the same, and this keeps you from duplicating code that is related to the core data (data that's being displayed for both admins and non-admins).
Edit: So in summary, organize your controllers based on what makes it easier to develop with, not based on how the user interacts with the system with. You can always change the latter, changing the former is harder and will make maintenance annoying.
You can create Areas in your MVC project and have your admin functionality in a controller in your admin area.
This will allow you to easily seperate your administration functionality from your general blog functionality.
That's how I'd do it.
Why don't you keep the routes the same and handle the different roles via security? For example:
/blog/name-of-topic/view to view a topic (all users)
/blog/name-of-topic/edit to edit a topic (only enabled for logged in users)
/blog/add to create new topics (only enabled for logged in users)
You can handle these actions in a single controller and decorate the actions that require logged users via the [Authorize] attribute. Same thing with the links on your views, you would enable the links to edit and add topics only to visible users.
You could still have a separate panel to allow admins to hit the aforementioned add/edit links .

How do I create composite views in ASP.Net MVC 3?

How do I create a view in ASP.Net MVC 3 that defers creation/rendering of a portion of the view to another view/controller, without knowing at design time what view/controller will be deferred to?
I have a Dashboard view/controller that uses a Layout page. the dashboard view does most of the work of rendering the overall screen. However a certain placeholder section of the overall screen will differ based on business rules, configuration, user interaction etc. There are three separate plugin views/controllers that may need to be rendered in the placeholder section. How do I instruct the Dashboard view to render a specific plugin view once the Dashboard controller has determined which plugin should be visible. I have accomplished this already by putting flags in the Dashboard model and then having conditional logic in the Dashboard view call Html.RenderAction with the appropriate parameters based on the flags. This seems unsatisfactory and I would assume there is already a simple built in functionality for this kind of scenario, please advise.
Thank you
You are really asking "how do I dynamically render partial views who's identity is known at design time."
One can get there two ways, either through Html.RenderPartial or Html.RenderAction. And both have their place. If the main page "knows" enough to have the view data, then RenderPartial is your the better bet as it is a bit more efficient than RenderAction. If you only know, say, a unique identifier for your portal widget than RenderAction works because you've now got a fully capable controller method that can do things like go back to a database and render a view.
You could write your own htmlhelper and use that in your view instead of using the flags.

How to place logic for several different roles in MVC 2

I am a bit new to ASP.NET MVC and I have a bit of an ordeal. I am developing a website with several roles in it and of course the logic and gui that the user gets depends on the role (duh).
There are 10 separate roles in this application. They do share most of the same functionality but some screens will be different depending on which roles they are in.
Heres my question. All examples and tutorials I've read on the internet and the Apress book that I have been reading show an example how to implement roles with one role (Admin) in which the common way is to provide an Admin Controller (or even Admin area) for the authorized section of the site. However, what if there are 10 roles? Do I really need to code up 10 separate controllers?
Let me help the question by giving detail what is being developed. There will be a menu and the menu items will be filtered by role of what views(or pages) they can and cannot get.
The from what they select, it will provide them a restricted view(or authorized page) which from within will provide a plethora of functionality limited to just that role.
I know there are several different ways to do this, I just want to know what is the recommended or "clean" way.
Have any of you been in this situation and if so, how did you organize the logic for multiple roles? Separate all roles to separate controllers? Have few controllers but just apply authorize filtering on the action methods? Apply the role filtering within the views or partial views and leave the controllers alone?
Unfortunately there are little resources for how to implement several roles out there, I just want to know how to do it the "correct" way in terms of separating the logic.
I would put the pieces of functionality into partial views. Have one controller per piece of website and load partial views based on the role and what should be exposed.
I would only stray from that if you have an excessive amount of differences, like an administrator would possible have. Then I typically make an area to encapsulate that functionality.
Regardless of the controller separation I would definitely use partial views to minimize duplication of similar code. You will reap the benefits when you need to maintain that code.
Use Authorize on the action methods and apply the roles allowed for the operation.
Depending on what's appropriate for the scenario, build a list of available actions from the controller and send that to the view as part of the view model. In some cases its more appropriate to send a simpler view model that tells the view whether each operation is allowed i.e. CanDelete, CanEdit, CanViewDetailedInfo etc.
I'd start with that, and depending on the actual complexity re-factor to any combination of:
An ActionFilter that populates the available actions / instead of explicitly doing it in the controller
Use reflector to look for the list of roles applied in authorize / so you only specify roles once
Your own html helpers that take authorization into account. So when you declare an action link, its only output when the action is supported.
