how to get all speakers' name using actionscript - actionscript

i don't know how actionscript get all speakers' name, how actionscript can do this?
i know actionscript can get microphone name list by using Microsoft.names
but how to do for speakers ?
like the skype, it can specify which speaker to ring, but how actionscript to implement the same function

I'm assuming you mean the left and right speakers? If that's the case, use the SoundTransform class and the pan property:
Using a value of -1.0 will mean that your sound will play out of the left speaker, while a value of 1.0 will mean that your sound will play from the right speaker. This is what Skype is doing from what I can tell.
// create our sound and play it, storing the SoundChannel created
var sound:Sound = new Sound( new URLRequest( "../assets/myMusic.mp3" ) );
var channel:SoundChannel = 0, 10 ); // loops 10 times
// create our SoundTransform object
var st:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform( 1.0, 0.0 );
// add a stage listener for mouse click - we'll take the x position of the click
// and use it to set the pan
this.stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, function( e:MouseEvent ):void
// sets the pan between -1.0 and 1.0 depending on where on the stage
// important - we need to set the soundTransform property on the
// SoundChannel for our change to take effect
st.pan = -1.0 + ( e.stageX / stage.stageWidth ) * 2.0;
channel.soundTransform = st;
trace( "Set the pan to " + st.pan );


Tile-based movement with Lance game engine?

I'm using Lance for a game where the gameplay area is a tiled map. When a player presses the left-arrow key, their character should move one tile to the left, etc. I tried two approaches, see below, but got neither to work.
Could either approach be modified to work with tile-based movement? Or is a third approach needed? Or is Lance not suited to this kind of game?
Approach 1: Adjust the player's position directly when a key is pressed. From my GameEngine class:
if (inputData.input == 'left') {
player.position.x -= 32;
player.angle = 180;
While this works well for a single player, it doesn't in multiplayer. When player A moves, their position is not updated on player B's screen.
Approach 2: Set the player's state when a key is pressed:
if (inputData.input == 'left') {
player.state = 'walkLeft';
Then add a postStep handler in the common GameEngine class. (Adding it to Player didn't work). This code turns the player (over many steps) to face 180 degrees and then accelerates the player in that direction:
onPostStep(event) {
let players ={instanceType: Player});
players.forEach(player => {
if (player.state == 'walkLeft') {
if (Math.abs(player.angle - 180) > 2)
else {
player.state = '';
With this approach, if a player presses the left arrow key, their angle changes as expected at first, but the acceleration and movement is erratic. Also, Player A's position appears different on their screen vs the screen of Player B.
The Spaaace demo is the base for my project, so my project uses the same bending, physics engine, etc.
The first approach is better. The Brawler game in the sample collection does exactly what you describe. You can look at the BrawlerGameEngine.js code in
Make sure that the action is processed in the method
GameEngine::processInput(inputData, playerId)

ARCore Unity: How do I Start and Stop Plane Detection on Command?

I am creating an app with ARCore, but I don't want ARCore to look for planes as soon as the app starts. Instead, I want the plane detection to begin when I hit a button in my app. It would also be great if I could stop the plane detection on command as well.
Does anyone know how I could do start and stop the ARCore plane detection on command?
I am building the app in Unity.
Thanks so much in advance!
on ARPlaneVisualizer.cs, there is this code
void OnEnable()
m_PlaneLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer ("ARGameObject");
ARInterface.planeAdded += PlaneAddedHandler;
ARInterface.planeUpdated += PlaneUpdatedHandler;
ARInterface.planeRemoved += PlaneRemovedHandler;
void OnDisable()
ARInterface.planeAdded -= PlaneAddedHandler;
ARInterface.planeUpdated -= PlaneUpdatedHandler;
ARInterface.planeRemoved -= PlaneRemovedHandler;
you can use the OnEnable() code as start tracking and OnDisable() code to stop tracking.
Initially create bool to restrict surface detection code and inatially make bool to true.
bool isSurfaceDetected = true;
if (isSurfaceDetected) {
Session.GetTrackables<TrackedPlane> (_newPlanes, TrackableQueryFilter.New);
// Iterate over planes found in this frame and instantiate corresponding GameObjects to visualize them.
foreach (var curPlane in _newPlanes) {
// Instantiate a plane visualization prefab and set it to track the new plane. The transform is set to
// the origin with an identity rotation since the mesh for our prefab is updated in Unity World
// coordinates.
var planeObject = Instantiate (plane,, Quaternion.identity,
planeObject.GetComponent<DetectedPlaneVisualizer> ().Initialize (curPlane);
// Debug.Log ("test....");
// Apply a random color and grid rotation.
// planeObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetColor("_GridColor", new Color(Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f), Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f), Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f)));
// planeObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetFloat("_UvRotation", Random.Range(0.0f, 360.0f));
Create a stop button in canvas and attatch below method
public void StopTrack()
// Make isSurfaceDetected to false to disable plane detection code
isSurfaceDetected = false;
// Tag DetectedPlaneVisualizer prefab to Plane(or anything else)
GameObject[] anyName = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Plane");
// In DetectedPlaneVisualizer we have multiple polygons so we need to loop and diable DetectedPlaneVisualizer script attatched to that prefab.
for (int i = 0; i < anyName.Length; i++)
anyName[i].GetComponent<DetectedPlaneVisualizer> ().enabled = false;
Make sure that stop button method is in ARController

ray doesn't reach JSON

I'm trying to catch a JSON object with a mouse click event. I use ray to identify the object, but for some reason, the objects are not always identified. I suspect that it is related to the fact that I move the camera, because when I click nearby the object, i is identified.
Can you help me figure out how to set the ray correctly, in accordance with the camera move?
Here is the code :
this is the part of the mouse down event *
document.addEventListener("mousemove", onDocumentMouseMove, false);
document.addEventListener("mouseup", onDocumentMouseUp, false);
document.addEventListener("mouseout", onDocumentMouseOut, false);
mouseXOnMouseDown = event.clientX - windowHalfX;
targetRotationOnMouseDown = targetRotation;
var ray, intersections;
_vector.set((event.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1, -(event.clientY / window.innerHeight) * 2 + 1, 0);
projector.unprojectVector(_vector, camera);
ray = new THREE.Ray(camera.position, _vector.subSelf(camera.position).normalize());
intersections = ray.intersectObjects(furniture);
if (intersections.length > 0) {
selected_block = intersections[0].object;
_vector.set(0, 0, 0);
block_offset.sub(selected_block.position, mouse_position);
intersect_plane.position.y = mouse_position.y;
this is the part of the camera move *
camera.position.x = (Math.cos(timer) * 10);
camera.position.z = (Math.sin(timer) * 10);
Hmmm, It is hard to say what your problem might be without seeing some kind of demonstration of how your program is actually acting. I would suggest looking at my demo that I have been working on today. I handle my camera, controls, and rays. I am using a JSON as well.
First you can view my demo: here to get an idea of what it is doing, what your describing sounds similar. You should be able to adapt my code if you can understand it.
--If you would like a direct link to the source code: main.js
I also have another you might find useful where I use rays and mouse collisions to spin a cube. --Source code: main.js
Finally I'll post the guts of my mouse events and how I handle it with the trackball camera in the first demo, hopefully some of this will lead you to a solution:
/** Event fired when the mouse button is pressed down */
function onDocumentMouseDown(event) {
/** Calculate mouse position and project vector through camera and mouse3D */
mouse3D.x = mouse2D.x = (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1;
mouse3D.y = mouse2D.y = -(event.clientY / window.innerHeight) * 2 + 1;
mouse3D.z = 0.5;
projector.unprojectVector(mouse3D, camera);
var ray = new THREE.Ray(camera.position, mouse3D.subSelf(camera.position).normalize());
var intersects = ray.intersectObject(maskMesh);
if (intersects.length > 0) {
SELECTED = intersects[0].object;
var intersects = ray.intersectObject(plane);
killControls = true;
else if (controls.enabled == false)
controls.enabled = true;
/** This event handler is only fired after the mouse down event and
before the mouse up event and only when the mouse moves */
function onDocumentMouseMove(event) {
/** Calculate mouse position and project through camera and mouse3D */
mouse3D.x = mouse2D.x = (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1;
mouse3D.y = mouse2D.y = -(event.clientY / window.innerHeight) * 2 + 1;
mouse3D.z = 0.5;
projector.unprojectVector(mouse3D, camera);
var ray = new THREE.Ray(camera.position, mouse3D.subSelf(camera.position).normalize());
var intersects = ray.intersectObject(plane);
killControls = true;
var intersects = ray.intersectObject(maskMesh);
if (intersects.length > 0) {
if (INTERSECTED != intersects[0].object) {
INTERSECTED = intersects[0].object;
INTERSECTED.currentHex = INTERSECTED.material.color.getHex();
else {
/** Removes event listeners when the mouse button is let go */
function onDocumentMouseUp(event) {
SELECTED = null;
killControls = false;
/** Removes event listeners if the mouse runs off the renderer */
function onDocumentMouseOut(event) {
SELECTED = null;
And in order to get the desired effect shown in my first demo that I wanted, I had to add this to my animation loop in order to use the killControls flag to selectively turn on and off the trackball camera controls based on the mouse collisions:
if (!killControls) controls.update(delta);
else controls.enabled = false;

Drag, rotate and ease in ActionScript

I need to make a MovieClip rotate around it's center point to the left or right depending on mouse drag. I got some basic semblance of what i want going, but it's pretty hackish. Normally i calculate the angle and such but i only really need to use the distance the mouse travels and apply it to the movieclip and for flavor add some nice easing when you let go.
public function Main()
var wereld:MainScreen = new MainScreen();
addChild( wereld );
wereld.x = -510;
planet = wereld["planet"];
wereld.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startRotatingWorld );
private function startRotatingWorld( e:MouseEvent ):void
m_mouseStartPos = stage.mouseX;
stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopRotatingWorld );
stage.addEventListener( Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, stopRotatingWorld);
private function applyRotationToWorld( e:MouseEvent ):void
//Calculate the rotation
var distance:Number = (m_mouseStartPos - stage.mouseX) / 10000;
//apply rotation
planet.rotation += -distance //* 180 / Math.PI;
private function stopRotatingWorld():void
stage.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, applyRotationToWorld );
here is source and demo of a potential solution for you:
I based the drag rotation detection on keith peter's minimalcomps, specifically the source for his knob component
In the Minimal Comp's Knob source, you can get rotational, horizontal, and vertical movement in the 'onMouseMoved' function.
Finally I used TweenLite to handle the easing back. In my code I Tween the 'this' object, but in practice you should create a public value in the object you are tweening and tween that item, so you can have more that one item tweening easily.
If this is for a public facing project, let me know when you've implemented it; wouldn't mind taking a look on what it is for ^_^

Actionscript 3, rotate object on drag

I have an object I need to rotate by clicking and dragging. Following some AS2 code I got the object to rotate a bit every time the mouse is clicked, but can't get it to work with drag.
needle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, fl_ClickToDrag_2);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, fl_ReleaseToDrop_2);
function fl_ClickToDrag_2(event:MouseEvent):void
var angle = Math.atan2(mouseY-needle.y,mouseX-needle.x);
// apply rotation to handle by converting angle into degrees
needle.rotation = angle*180/Math.PI;
// rotate the grip opposite the handle so it won't rotate along with it
//this.grip._rotation = -this._rotation;
function fl_ReleaseToDrop_2(event:MouseEvent):void
Well the problem I see is that the MOUSE_DOWN event only fires once per click, so you only run the code in the handler once.
There could be a better way than this but this is how I'd consider doing it:
public class Test extends MovieClip {
private var n:Needle;
public function Test() {
// constructor code
n = new Needle();
n.x = stage.stageWidth/2; //center needle on stage
n.y = stage.stageHeight/2;
addChild(n); //add needle to stage
public function mouseDownF(e:MouseEvent):void {
public function rotate(e:MouseEvent):void {
var angle:Number = Math.atan2(mouseY - n.y,mouseX - n.x); //get angle in radians (pythagoras)
angle = angle * 180/Math.PI -90; //convert to degrees , the 90 is to have it point to the mouse
n.rotation = angle; //rotate
public function mouseUpF(e:MouseEvent):void {
So when the user clicks down (mouseDown) it activates an event listener that fires the rotate handler every time the mouse moves. When the user lets go of the click the event listener is destroyed. The false,0,true); when adding the event listener is to make it a weakly referenced listener so that it gets collected by the garbage collector and doesn't just sit in memory taking up space forever.
