MVC SPA routing -

I'm planning to build a SPA with MVC4 but I'm not quite sure how I have to Setup my Project because of the Routing. Most SPA's work with hashrouting like this mypage/#/News/today for instance.
What would happen if the browses directly to mypage/News/today if I haven't specified a Controller named News with an action today?
The App should handle both types of Routing, how can I achieve this?
Do I have to build my App in a classic way, like Adding several Controllers with appropriate Actions and views and also build a clientside MVC structure with knockout, jquery etc?

You'll have to let all routes to "pages" fall through to let your SPA handle them (including essentially fake 404s if it's not to a real page in your SPA), but at the same time, need to make sure that you get the correct responses for API calls and/or file requests.
Below is the setup I have (I am using Vue as the js framework but that doesn't matter much for this, and not at all for the server-side piece).
First, add this to your Startup.cs, in addition to your default route setup:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
app.Use(async (context, next) =>
await next();
var path = context.Request.Path.Value;
// If there's no available file and the request doesn't contain an extension, we're probably trying to access a page
if (context.Response.StatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound && !Path.HasExtension(path) && !path.StartsWith("/api"))
context.Request.Path = "/Home/SpaRedirect"; // attempts to redirect to the URL within the SPA
context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; // Make sure we update the status code, otherwise it returns 404
await next();
So the newly added SpaRedirect to HomeController looks like this, and just stores the requested URL in ViewData...
public IActionResult SpaRedirect()
ViewData["RequestUrl"] = HttpContext.Request.Path;
return View("Index");
Then in Index.cshtml, just capture that requested url in session storage so we have it available on the client-side:
<script src="~/dist/main.js" asp-append-version="true">
sessionStorage.setItem("redirectAttempt", #ViewData["RequestUrl"]);
Then in your boot script file (the entry-point for your SPA), add something like:
let redirectAttemptUrl = sessionStorage.getItem("redirectAttempt");
if (redirectAttemptUrl) {
Which just checks for the presence of a requested url, and then the SPA's router attempts to navigate to it (in the example above it is a vue-router), then removes it from storage.
So this way, if a user attempts to navigate directly to a URL by entering it in the url bar (or via a bookmark) the app will load and take them to the right place, IF it exists... which takes us to the last piece...
Finally, you have to handle "404s" within your SPA, which is done by adding a catch-all route to your routes defs that takes user to a 404 component page you set up, which for Vue would look like this:
// adding an explicit 404 path as well for programmatically handling when something is not found within the app, i.e. return this.$router.push('/404')
{ path: '/404', component: NotFound, name: '404', alias: '*' }, // remove alias to not show the actual url that resulted in our little 404 here
{ path: '*', redirect: '/404' }, // this is the catch-all path to take us to our 404 page
Caveat: I'm no expert so could be missing something, would love additional comments on how to improve this. One thing that this doesn't handle is if the user is ALREADY in the SPA and for some reason edits the URL directly to navigate to someplace else, it would still trigger a server call and full reload, which ideally wouldn't be the case, but this is a pretty trivial issue I'd say.


How to resolve links to content items inside a rich text ? ( - ASP.NET framework)

So I followed the Kontent doc from the github which allows to retrieve content from a link (
First I implement a resolver to redirect when we click on the link like this :
public class CustomContentLinkUrlResolver : IContentLinkUrlResolver
public string ResolveBrokenLinkUrl()
return "/404";
public string ResolveLinkUrl(ContentLink link)
case "author":
return $"/author/{link.UrlSlug}";
return $"/not_found";
Then I register my resolver within a IDeliveryClient
client = DeliveryClientBuilder
.WithContentLinkUrlResolver(new CustomContentLinkUrlResolver())
At this moment if i click on the link it will redirect to /author/linkName with an error on the page what I think is normal
I don't get the last part of the doc (how just by doing a getString on the contentItem the link will work ?) so I would like to know how to display the content on the redirect page
I don't know if i was clear enough and sorry for my english
Here is the error thrown on the redirect page
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
The last part of the wiki article refers to something that you already have:
At this moment if i click on the link
If you have a link that you can click on, then you have done what that part of the article describes.
What you need is to resolve the request. If you are getting a 404 that you expect, then you know that you need to add a route to your application to handle the request. In the handler (a controller, a component, etc.) extract the urlSlug from the route and use it with a IDeliveryClient to retrieve the item and then render the content. You will need to filter the GetItems call with something like new EqualsFilter("elements.urlSlug", urlSlug).

Azure AD B2C ASP.NET redirect loop

We've implemented Azure AD B2C in Umbraco on the front end using Microsofts webapp sample
Most of the time this is generally working, but after a while everyone starts getting hit by a redirect loop. Restating the website then clears the issue.
It seems to be something causing the .AspNet.Cookies cookie to stop being set when the user is redirected back to the site with an id token.
Any ideas?
For the folks that will run into the same problem and find this question, I wanted to share what caused this in my case and how I resolved it.
The AD B2C App Registration expects to have a RedirectURI. I forgot to put signin-oidc
So changing:
resolved my problem.
This is the default value - /signin-oidc - unless something else is explicitly set.
I had infinite loop issue at logout and it was because of missing support of Razor pages. The default Microsoft.Identity.Web.UI SignOut action uses /Account/SignedOut Razor page as callback url.
var callbackUrl = Url.Page("/Account/SignedOut", pageHandler: null, values: null, protocol: Request.Scheme);
I added Razor support in my Asp.Net core web app and it fixed the issue.
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
name: "default",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
Please ensure that your Reply URL in your application registration matches your Redirect URI in the web.config. Try setting both of these to your main homepage URL to ensure that your app is registered properly. Also make sure that the Application ID and the Client ID are matching and the right tenant is set in your web config. This needs to be the tenant. Also, ensure that your users have the right permissions for the application.
Please follow the instructions in my blog and video to ensure that these are set properly.
You can also try deleting the application and republishing it. If none of these things work, it may actually be an issue with the platform itself.
enabled HTTPS only under TLS/SSL settings in web app .
For me, it was because I didn't have the scope defined in my b2c configuration settings, like this:
"Resources": {
"myApi": {
"ResourceUri": "https://localhost:44361",//"",
"ResourceScopes": [
"" // this was wrong, which caused my looping
I was also getting a logout redirect loop. It would actually log out, but just get stuck in a loop. In my case, the redirect URL I had configured in Azure was fine (I had /signin-oidc).
I followed the guide on adding my own account controller action rather than using the built in 'MicrosoftIdentity/Account/SignOut' (while also adding the 'id_token' validation to secure the logout):
My startup.cs code is per the documentation, my controller code looks like this (the documentation code is missing 'AuthenticationProperties' variable):
namespace Cosmos.WebPortal.Controllers;
public class MyAccountController : Controller
public async Task<IActionResult> SignOutAsync([FromRoute] string scheme)
scheme ??= OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
var redirectUrl = Url.Content("~/");
var properties = new AuthenticationProperties { RedirectUri = redirectUrl };
//obtain the id_token
var idToken = await HttpContext.GetTokenAsync("id_token");
//send the id_token value to the authentication middleware
properties.Items["id_token_hint"] = idToken;
return SignOut(properties, CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, scheme);
So my logout link is now to this controller instead e.g. 'MicrosoftIdentity/MyAccount/SignOut'
That seems to work fine, no infinite loop. A bit frustrating as I don't really understand the cause or difference, but it works.
For me, it was an expired secret/certificate in Azure B2C. It's important to look at the network log to see if any message, thankfully there was message telling me exactly where to look

Refreshing the browser bypasses angular on routerProvider based URLs

I have a grails app backing an angularjs front-end. They are deployed as a single WAR. I've removed the context path from the app so that it runs on http://localhost:8080.
I have a list of articles and I have the $routeProvider setup to redirect / to /articles at which point the controller takes over and pulls the list via $http. Pretty standard stuff.
Initially, I was using the default location provider config in that hashes (#) are used in the URL. I've changed it via
and everything still works. However, if I change the URL directly in the address bar and hit enter, or if I just refresh the browser when it is at /articles, the server side takes over and I just get my list of articles as json. No angular. I understand why this happens and for now what I've done is detected a non-ajax request on the server and am issuing a redirect to / which will allow angular to kick into gear.
I'm wondering if this is the right thing. Or is there something else I can do that is a better practice.
Redirecting is the right solution.
I was able to make it work using url mapping. So far it works :-)
I started with something like this:
"/**" (controller: 'app', action: 'index')
with app/index being the angular app page. But this will also match everything else (e.g. /$controller/$action). I had to explicitly map each $controller/$action to the correct controller. Not so good... ;-)
To solve this problem I'm prefixing all uris with /client for angular routes and /server for grails uris. This makes url mapping easy and it helps to distinguish angular routes from template uris etc.
My final url mapping looks like this:
class UrlMappings {
static excludes = [
static mappings = {
// - all client uris (routes) will start with '/client/',
// - all server uris (load) will start with '/server/'
// redirect /$appName/ to /$appName/client
"/" (controller: 'redirect', action: 'redirectTo') {
to = '/client/'
permanent = true
// redirect any angular route
"/client/**" (controller: 'app', action: 'index')
// standard controller/action mapping
"/server/$controller/$action/$id?" {
constraints {
You can't redirect directly in the url mapping, so I use a simple controller:
class RedirectController {
def redirectTo () {
redirect (uri:, permanent: params.permanent)
The routing entries look like this:
$routeProvider.when ('/client/login', {templateUrl: './server/security/login'});
just answered on this question here
angularjs html5mode refresh page get 404
be sure that you rewrite rules on server work correctly

best way to redirect .cfm locations to new locations .net mvc 3 IIS 7.5

I am trying to determine the best way to redirect a set of files I have from an old site (coldfusion) to new locations on my new site ( mvc 3).
I want to redirect these pages with a 301 status to let engines know that this is a permanent change.
Currently I have in my web.config a custom errors section set up to redirect any 404 to the home page, which works great for all of the old links that are no longer in service, but it's sending a 302 status which I don't want and it's sending all my redirects to home thereby not giving me the SEO that was getting from my old links.
I thought about just adding .cfm as a module mapping in IIS to my .net Isapi and creating all of my pages as cfm with a redirect by adding headers, but then realized that'd be a LOT of work...
is there another "easier" solution to achieve this?
Yes, HttpHandler. in your web.congig you register it to handle all *.cfm URLs ( ), and implementation will be just your 301 redirect. 10 lines of code at most.
using System.Web;
public class CfmHandler : IHttpHandler {
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) {
// redirect here, you have HttpContext ready
public bool IsReusable {
// To enable pooling, return true here.
// This keeps the handler in memory.
get { return true; }
More at :

What is the correct response to an HTTP POST request?

For a POST method, the W3 specs say:
If a resource has been created on the origin server, the response
SHOULD be 201 (Created) and contain an entity which describes the
status of the request and refers to the new resource, and a Location
header (see Section 10.4). (section 8.5)
The standard response actually seems to be to send a Redirect to the newly created resource.
I'm building my site with ASP.NET MVC, and tried to follow the spec, so created a ResourceCreatedResult class:
public class ResourceCreatedResult : ActionResult
public string Location { get; set; }
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 201;
context.HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("Location", Location);
And my action looks something like this:
public ActionResult CreateNew(string entityStuff)
Entity newEntity = new Entity(entityStuff);
IEntityRepository entityRepository = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IEntityRepository>();
ActionResult result = new ResourceCreatedResult()
{ Location = Url.Action("Show", new { id = newEntity.Id }) };
return result;
However, IE, Firefox and Chrome all fail to redirect to the new resource. Have I messed up generating the correct response, or do web browsers not expect this type of response, instead relying on servers to send a Redirect response?
To be explicit, browsers (including modern browsers like Firefox 3 and IE8) do not "take the hint" and follow up an HTTP 201: Created response with a GET request to the URI supplied in the Location header.
If you want browsers to go to the URI supplied in the Location header, you should send an HTTP 303: See Other status instead.
Redirect after post or post/redirect/get is something your application must do to be user friendly.
Edit. This is above and beyond the HTTP specifications. If we simply return a 201 after a POST, the browser back button behaves badly.
Note that Web Services requests (which do NOT respond to a browser) follow the standard completely and do NOT redirect after post.
It works like this.
The browser POSTS the data.
Your application validates the data. If it's invalid, you respond with the form so they can fix it and POST.
Your application responds with a redirect.
The browser gets the redirect and does a GET.
Your application sees the GET and responds.
Now -- hey presto! -- the back button works.
My solution is to respond with a '201 Created' containing a simple page with a link to the new resource, and a javascript redirect using location.replace().
This lets the same code work for API and browser requests, plays nicely with Back and Refresh buttons, and degrades gracefully in old browsers.
As stated in the spec the response SHOULD be a HTTP 201 with redirect. So it isn't mandatory for a browser vendor to implement the correct answer...
You should try to change to a 30x code to see if it is correctly redirected. If so, it's a browser problem, else it may come from your code (I don't know anything in ASP.NET so I can't "validate" your code)
Shouldn't that only count for when something is "Created" and therefore a simple redirect to action should be genuinely sufficient?
