How to use ssh_connection:exec in Erlang? - erlang

This is an interesting situation, focused on the behavior of erlang ssh modules. I had spent a few hours troubleshooting a problem that turned out to reveal that the Erlang ssh_connection *exec/4* function operates asynchronously.
If you issue the ssh_connection:exec/4 function to run a script that takes several seconds to complete, and then in your erlang program you close the ssh connection, the script execution will terminate. My expectation was that the ssh_connection:exec would be synchronous rather than asynchronous.
Because the time to complete the remote script invoked by ssh_connection:exec is unknown, I chose to not issue the closure ssh:close(). I would like to understand the consequences of that:
Will the gc clear it at some point ?
Will it stay open for good during the whole node existence ?
Is there a way to make the ssh_connection:exec synchronous, as I would believe it should be.
Here is an example of the test erl program that I used to verify this issue. As a script you can run a simple sleep 10 (sleep 10 seconds) to emulate a slow running program.
test (ServerName, Port, Command, User, Password) ->
{ok, SshConnectionRef} = ssh:connect(ServerName, Port, [ {user, User}, {password, Password} , {silently_accept_hosts, true} ], 60000 ),
{ok, SshConnectionChannelRef} = ssh_connection:session_channel(SshConnectionRef, 60000),
Status = ssh_connection:exec(SshConnectionRef, SshConnectionChannelRef, Command, 60000),
Remote script:
sleep 10

I never had to use the ssh application myself, but you should be reading something wrong, it is clear in the doc that the result will be delivered as messages to the caller:
[...] the result will be several messages according to the following pattern. Note that the last message will be a channel close message, as the exec request is a one time execution that closes the channel when it is done[...]
So after you call ssh_connection:exec/4 , test with a loop like this:
wait_for_response(ConnectionRef) ->
{ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, Msg} ->
case Msg of
{closed, _ChannelId} ->
_ ->
io:format("Got: ~p", [Msg]),
You should receive the command output, and other ssh messages, and finally a 'closed' message that is your signal that the ssh command has properly finished.


Can my gen_server become a bottleneck?

I'm currently writing a piece of software in erlang, which is now based on gen_server behaviour. This gen_server should export a function (let's call it update/1) which should connect using ssl to another service online and send to it the value passed as argument to the function.
Currently update/1 is like this:
update(Value) ->
gen_server:call(?SERVER, {update, Value}).
So once it is called, there is a call to ?SERVER which is handled as:
handle_call({update, Value}, _From, State) ->
{ok, Socket} = ssl:connect("", 5555, [], 3000).
Reply = ssl:send(Socket, Value).
{ok, Reply, State}.
Once the packet is sent to the remote server, the peer should severe the connection.
Now, this works fine with my tests in shell, but what happens if we have to call 1000 times mymod:update(Value) and ssl:connect/4 is not working well (i.e. is reaching its timeout)?
At this point, my gen_server will have a very large amount of values and they can be processed only one by one, leading to the point that the 1000th update will be done only 1000*3000 milliseconds after its value was updated using update/1.
Using a cast instead of a call would leave to the same problem. How can I solve this problem? Should I use a normal function and not a gen_server call?
From personal experience I can say that 1000 messages per gen_server process wont be a problem unless you are queuing big messages.
If from your testing it seems that your gen_server is not able to handle this much load, then you must create multiple instances of your gen_server preferably under a supervisor process at the boot time (or run-time) of your application.
Besides that, I really don't understand the requirement of making a new connection for each update!! you should consider some optimization like cached connections/ pre-connections to the

On external port how to only close the output and wait for exit_status

Im using a port to run a pipeline with uncompresses and dd's some data:
Port = open_port({spawn, "bzcat | sudo dd of=/dev/foo},
[stream, use_stdio, exit_status]),
What I would like to do is produce a end-of-file situation on the output which causes the pipeline to complete and eventually exit.
I would like to wait for this completion and also capture the exit_status.
When I just call port_close it looks to me as if the pipeline is just terminated and there is no wait for completion. Also I don't get any exit_status ....
How can I accomplish waiting for exit before my next step (which requires the dd to have completed).
Did some experiments and it looks like at least port_close doesn't kill the process, you just don't find out when its done. Is this correct?
If you just need to wait for spawned by open_port command to complete you need to wait for exit_status message:
1> Port = open_port({spawn, "sleep 7"}, [exit_status]).
2> receive {Port, {exit_status, Code}} -> Code after 10000 -> timeout end.
Update (about to say a port just close the output pipe): I think you can't just close the output pipe with the default spawn driver. Default driver doesn't have any control commands and port_close although don't kill spawned command but completely erase all port's state.
Possible solutions:
Write input stream to a file first and then run bzip/dd sequence on that file;
Write your own driver or NIF (Maybe some open source implementations already exist?)
Use some external script and control protocol, for example full (or chunk) length can be transferred before the actual content so the script will know when to close the connection
Several rather ugly workarounds to this problem can be found here: limitations of erlang:open_port() and os:cmd()
Some even use netcat to map the problem to a tcp connection.

Long Polling in Mochiweb - How to tell if client aborts request?

I have a basic mochiweb polling loop that looks like the following, except it does other things instead of printing to the console and eventually returns:
blah() ->
loop(Req) ->
PathParts = string:tokens(Req:get(path), "/")
case PathParts of
["poll"] ->
This works great until the client aborts their request. For instance if the client window is closed, this process keeps running indefinitely.
I would like to know if there is an option in mochiweb's start() or maybe something else I'm overlooking that would have mochiweb automatically terminate this process, or at least send a message on client abort. Any ideas?
Looks like one solution is setting up another process to repeatedly call gen_tcp:recv(Req:get(socket), 0, 1) and looking for the result {error, closed}, then killing the polling process if it is received... Not sure if that's optimal though.

Tailing a binary file in Erlang adds mysterious bit-string

I want to run tail on a named pipe to facilitate some binary logfile processing. The problem is that mysterious data is being added to the beginning of the stream. I run my tests by starting the erlang process with the opened port (open_port) and then I use another shell to cat the bin into the named pipe.
Here is a simple function for getting data from the port:
bin_from_tail() ->
open_port({spawn,"/usr/bin/tail -F named_pipe"},
{_,{data,<<Data/binary>>}} -> Data
So here are two ways for me to grab the same data...
Create the named pipe
mkfifo named_pipe
This command blocks until you run "cat log.bin > named_pipe" from another shell
{ok,TailBin} = file:read_file(log.bin).
Read the entire file into memory using the erlang file library
FileBin = file:read_file(
But TailBin and FileBin are not the same! TailBin has a mysterious 120-byte string at the beginning:
Thanks for the idea about the endlessly looping cat/restarting a dead port. It appears that named pipes buffer just a little bit, so if the port opens up fast enough the writer process (another program) won't crash! Definitely risky stuff, but as far as hacks go... it works.
Because all the mailing list posts just said do this, do that without examples, I'm going to post how mine works! If anyone wants to offer up improvements, please feel free to do so. My solution:
read() ->
Port = open_port({spawn,"/bin/cat /path/to/pipe"},
do_read(Port) ->
{Port,{data,<<Data/binary>>}} ->
case do_something:with(Data) of
ok ->
io:format("G") % Good
Any ->
io:format("B") % Bad
{Port,eof} ->
Any ->
io:format("No match fifo_client:do_read/1, ~p~n",[Any])
I found the same thing happened outside erlang. The problem is that tail is trying to show you the end of the file, not the whole file. If you use it on a normal file, anything written would be new, and picked up by -f, but in this case it looks like tail is waiting until the end of the file (the eof that comes through the pipe) and then showing the last 10 lines (treating the binary as text).
tail -F -c 9999999
(assuming your log is 9999999 bytes or less) would probably work.
Maybe try using cat instead of tail -F, that seemed to work for me. Then you just need to avoid the fact that cat exits upon eof, which I assume you were trying to avoid by using tail.
So a shell script which loops cat endlessly, maybe?
Or get erlang to restart close and recreate the port when it dies, since you're getting the eof signal anyway. Or use the exit_status flag to open_port to be signalled when the process exits, incase you need to distinguish eof and process exit. (If you use both exit_status and eof, the eof never comes, a brief test with cat < /dev/null indicates)

Make a process end before timeout

It seems that an erlang process will stay alive until the 5 sec default timeout even if it has finished it's work.
I have gen_server call that issues a command to the window CLI which can be completed in less than 1 sec but the process waits 5 sec before I see the result of the operation. What's going on? is it soemthing to do with the timeout, or might it be something else.
EDIT This call doesn't do anything for 5 seconds (the default timeout!)
handle_call({create_app, Path, Name, Args}, _From, State) ->
case filelib:ensure_dir(Path) of
{error, Reason} ->
{reply, Reason, State};
_ ->
Response = os:cmd(string:join(["Rails", Name, Args], " ")),
{reply, Response, State}
I'm guessing the os:cmd is taking that long to return the results. It's possible that maybe the os:cmd is having trouble telling when the rails command is completed and doesn't return till the process triggers the timeout. But from your code I'd say the most likely culprit is the os:cmd call.
Does the return contain everything you expect it to?
You still have not added any information on what the problem is. But I see some other things I'd like to comment on.
Current working dir
You are using file:set_cwd(Path) so the started command will inherit that path. The cwd of the file server is global. You should probably not be using it at all in application code. It's useful for setting the cwd to where you want erlang crash dumps to be written etc.
Your desire to let rail execute with the cwd according to Path is better served with something like this:
_ ->
Response = os:cmd(string:join(["cd", Path, "&&", "Rails", Name, Args], " ")),
{reply, Response, State}
That is, start a shell to parse the command line, have the shell change cwd and the start Rails.
Blocking a gen_server
The gen_server is there to serialize processing. That is, it processes one message after the other. It doesn't handle them all concurrently. It is its reason for existence to not handle them concurrently.
You are (in relation to other costs) doing some very costly computation in the gen_server: starting an external process that runs this rails application. Is it your intention to have at most one rails application running at any one time? (I've heard about ruby on rails requiring tons of memory per process, so it might be a sensible decision).
If you dont need to update the State with any values from a costly call, as in your example code, then you can use an explicit gen_server:reply/2 call.
_ ->
spawn_link(fun () -> rails_cmd(From, Path, Name, Args) end),
{no_reply, State}
And then you have
rails_cmd(From, Path, Name, Args) ->
Response = os:cmd(string:join(["cd", Path, "&&", "Rails", Name, Args], " ")),
gen_server:reply(From, Response).
