Unmarshalling using castor mapping - mapping

I have a doubt in using castor mapping.
I know Castor will look for classes with the same name as that of element name. I have my castor mapping ready and it is working fine.
My doubt is, what if an element is received as null [I mean no value is being passed]? Castor will try to instantiate the class and assign null? or will it skip those classes?
If it tries to create an instance of that class, what performance are we going to loose? something to discard or does it have much impact on performance?
EDIT-Including the XML
</Activity> </Order>
Above is just a part of my XML. "Order can have any number of activity child within it".My question is,
What if I pass the XML like without any value? Will it instantiate Order and Activity class or Order class alone or none of the two?


How to use the instance name as a string in Modelica code?

I have a Modelica simulation model composed by some models connected to each other.
I would like to save some data of some of the model instances in my simulation model at a given time using the built-in function
To be sure which instance writes which file, I would like to include the instance name in the writeRealMatrix() output file name, e.g., in case I have an instance called myModel, using the name:
To do this, I need a way to get the instance name and put it into a string.
I know that Modelica allows using instance names in model icons, through a Text record, using the keyword "%name", but I don't know how to do the same in a regular string (I mean outside any record or icon annotation).
Does anyone know if there is a way to do this?
Thank you in advance.
In your case I think the function getInstanceName() should be a good approach. Using it will need you to edit the model, but given you are writing information from with the class using writeRealMatrix() this shouldn't be an issue.
I have created a small example package with a constant block, that stores its name into final parameter of type String. The example then writes the string to the console at the termination of the simulation:
package GetName
block ConstantNamed "Generate constant signal of type Real"
extends Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant;
final parameter String name = getInstanceName();
end ConstantNamed;
model Example
extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
ConstantNamed myConst(k=23) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
when terminal() then
Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("### Here is the models full path: '" + myConst.name + "'");
end when;
end Example;
annotation (uses(Modelica(version="4.0.0")));
end GetName;
This should result in a simulation log containing the path of the instance of ConstantNamed, which is Example.myConst:
Note: The print function is added to Example in the above code. It could be added to the ConstantNamed as well. For the case from the question, the print shouldn't be necessary anyways...
Besides that, in case you are using Dymola, there is the ModelManagement library, which contains some functions like ModelManagement.Structure.AST.Classes.ComponentsInClass. But these are more intended to be applied from "outside" to a given model.

How to update an instance value with another document

We are using XSLTForms and XSLT to display a page.
I have an instance on a page whose value is set as a document.
<xf:instance id="myDetails">
<xsl:copy-of select="$detailDocument" />
It works fine and the instance value is set correctly. However, later I need to update the value of this instance with another document. I tried something like follows but didn't work:
<xf:setvalue ref="instance('myDetails')"><xsl:copy-of select="$updatedDetailDocument" /></xf:setvalue>
This just makes the instance empty even though I know updatedDetailDocument is not empty. Does xf:setvalue even support setting instances ? Or is there any other way of doing the same ?
<xf:setvalue> is used to set text within an XML attribute or XML element. In order to set a tree or subtree of XML, you would need the <xf:insert> action instead.
You don't say how you are getting $updatedDetailDocument, but since this is dynamic you probably need to retrieve that updated document using <xf:submission>, in which case you won't need <xf:insert> because <xf:submission> can directly update your instance with replace="instance".

grails: how to properly edit/update a collection?

I just wasted half a day trying to figure this out, reading about some workarounds, and thinking "it can't be that bad - there must be a straightforward to do edit a collection in Grails, whethere using scaffolded views or my own."
Let's say I have this domain object:
class TreeGroup {
String name
List<Tree> trees
static hasMany = ['trees': MyTree]
Just to explain the choice of data structure - I need my records to be unique, but in the order I set. That's why I chose List, AFAIK one cannot rely on order in a Set. So there are 2 pieces to this question - 1) how to remove from any Collection, for example a Set, 2) is List the best replacement for Set in this context (preserving order).
I want to be able to create a group record with no trees in it and make 4 updates:
edit the group record to reference 2 trees A and B
add another tree C
remove A
remove B and C
And obviously, I want the desired state after every step. Currently though, I can only add records, and if I even edit/save to list, the list elements are added to it again.
I am using the multiple select tag for this. It looks like this:
<g:select name="trees" from="${allTrees}" optionKey="id"
multiple="true" class="many-to-many"
value="${trees ? trees*.id : treeGroupInstance?.trees*.id}" />
and that's fine, in the sense that it generates an HTTP header with these variables on update:
But the data binder only adds new elements, it never lets you edit a list.
What is the cleanest way to do it ? Is it me, not reading something obvious, or is this a design flaw of grails data binding (and of so, when/how will it be fixed) ?
Is there a way perhaps via a hidden HTTP parameter to clear the list before (re)adding elements ?
I ended up doing this:
private repopulate(def domainObject, String propertyName, Class domainKlaz) {
if (params[propertyName] != null) {
params[propertyName].collect { domainKlaz.get(it) }
and I am calling it in update controller method before save(), for every collection. OMG how ugly.

Core Data Object for ID Only Found Once

I've got a huge xml File which needs to be parsed.
For different Tags inside the xml, e.g Football Soccer Data, I create NSManagedObjects e.g. SoccerPlayer and so forth.
I also need to use these objects a few times within the parsing method and so I created an Object which finds me the right object for the id I provide.
This works fine for the first game inside the xml but won't work for any one after that.
Could be the problem that I have to delete a few objects as I parse through the xml?
For my XML Parsing Framework, I use TouchXML.
Has anyone else experienced this behaviour before?
I agree with the comment that some code would help -- it's hard to understand exactly what the problem is. Nevertheless, I'll point out that the documentation for NSManagedObject's -objectID says:
Important: If the receiver has not yet been saved, the object ID is a
temporary value that will change when
the object is saved.
So, if you're creating an object, storing it's objectID, saving the context, and then trying to find the object with the objectID that you stored, you're probably going to fail because the temporary objectID was replaced with a permanent one when the context was saved.

How can I use nHibernate to get a small subset of object properties for list view

I am using ASP.NET-MVC and nHibernate for the first time. Great tools, but big learning curve!
I have a list view of objects that are quite large (each has about 60 properties). In the list view I am only using about 10 of these properties. Performance is not too bad, but it seems a waste to fully hydrate these objects. What is the recommended practice?
I tried using HQL to select fewer properties, but it seems like it won't partially hydrate an object. I also tried making property on the main object that was a header class with the list view properties, but I couldn't seem to get it mapped properly. I think this should be easy but I've really been struggling with it.
I kept coming back to this because I knew Anton had given me the answer and I just couldn't see it.
There are three things you need to do:
Make an object with the properties you want.
Make a mapping file to import this object.
<import class="RequestHeader" />
If you are using HQL, your object must contain a constructor with all the properties, in the same order, as your select new statement. If you use the Criteria API, you don't need to do this.
public IList<RequestHeader> ListAll()
using (ISession session = GetSession())
using (ITransaction tx = session.BeginTransaction())
IList<RequestHeader> results = session.CreateCriteria(typeof (Request), "r")
.CreateCriteria("Requestor", "req", JoinType.InnerJoin)
.CreateCriteria("r.Grant", "g", JoinType.InnerJoin)
.Add(Projections.Property("r.Id"), "Id")
.Add(Projections.Property("r.Status"), "Status")
.Add(Projections.Property("r.SubmissionDate"), "SubmissionDate")
.Add(Projections.Property("req.Name"), "Requestor")
.Add(Projections.Property("g.Number"), "Number"))
.SetResultTransformer(Transformers.AliasToBean(typeof (RequestHeader)))
return results;
60 properties is too much. See Component mapping.
As for selecting a subset of properties, see this: you need a select new HQL construct. Be aware, though, that you need an appropriate constructor and that an object you'll get cannot be saved back to the DB.
