How does Orchard CustomProperties Part work? -

Literally I think the part will let me customize the property name of a specific content type in orchard. But when I attach this part to a newly created content type from the admin UI. All I got is 3 text fields with property names called "Custom One, Custom Two, Custom Three".
I couldn't find any examples from the web or from Orchard Source code explaining how should I work with it...

This part is obsolete. It used to be necessary for the List feature (also obsolete) to be able to sort on custom data. You should not be using that part.


TFS 2013: Custom TreePath Fields

according to this Thread: it is not possible to create a TreePath or AreaPath for a custom-field.
I kinda can't believe nobody is running into extreme problems without this crucial controls.
Since the last answer in this Thread (and the others about this I found) is from earlier last year, was there anything changed about this control?
Has anyone found a solution about this? I tried to google about creating own custom controls, but I think this is not possible. Is there any workarround to create a easy tree-structure in a control?
Thanks and greetings
Read more carefully. You cannot have fields with TreePath data type, but you can create custom controls for other data types.
In other words, you can create custom controls that display hierarchical information as long as you are able to represent this in an existing data type, in practice the String type.
Examples of custom controls at

Building a site with Orchard CMS

I'm in the early stages of trying to learn Orchard, and I'm still seem to be struggling with the basics on how to build a page containing a multitude of various content that can be easily managed by non-technical users.
Ideally, what I'm trying to do is the following, I just can't figure out how to fit it into the Orchard architecture using Content Types, Parts, Fields, Widgets, Zones, etc. Also, since I'm still learning, I'm also trying to avoid any custom modules, or hard-coding content into the site (though I'm open to the idea, if that's the best way to get it done!).
Goal: Create a "home page" layout containing a Menu, Image slideshow, and several feature descriptions. For each image in the slideshow, I need a title, sub-title, description, and an image. To make this easy for non-technical users to manage, I would like to define the HTML template (custom Content Type, Part, or whatever), and allow authors to specify just those well-defined properties. I tried using Content Parts for this, but unfortunately, I can only have one Content Part of a particular type on a piece of Content. I also saw recommendations to create multiple Content Parts with the same set of properties, but I don't know how many images will be displayed (and I don't want to assign an arbitrary number).
I need to do something similar for feature descriptions, allowing authors to specify an image, title, description, and a page to link to. I'm running into the same problem as above, I'm not sure how to allow authors to specify a finite list of content, but have each content item be well-defined.
So far, the best option appears to be creating some sort of custom widget to "host" the content, but for some reason, my gut tells me that creating a custom layer for a single page just to specify which content to display is abusing the purpose of layers, which is begin able to customize a particular layout based on some criteria (whether or not the user is authenticated, for example).
I hope that made sense, and I apologize that it took so many words to explain my issue, I've just really reached my peak of frustration, and although I think that the Orchard guys definitely have it figured out in terms of architecture, I just can't get past these seemingly simple problems to build a simple website.
I greatly appreciate any tips, suggestions, advice this community has to offer!
TIA, -Jeremy
What you defined in Orchard terms is a Content Type named Feature.
Go to Contents -> Content Type, and click Create.
Select those parts by default:
Title, because you want your authors to provide a nice title/name for the features
Autoroute, which will create a SEO friendly url based on the Title (can be customized)
Click Save
Add specific Fields
SubTitle, of type TextField. Configure it to Default, Required.
Description, of type TextField. Configure it to TextArea, Required.
Image, of type Media Picker. Configure it to Required.
You can add some Hints to each fields, which will be displayed in the Feature editor to describe what to enter in each field. Very useful for authors.
Now you can create Features by clicking on the link in the top left part of the Dashboard.
Next step is to put those features on the homepage. What I suggest is to create a Projection which will be set as the homepage. A Projection is just a Page with an Url, which will display the result of a query as its content. The Query in your case will be "Give me all Features ordered by Creation Date".
In the dashboard, click on Queries
Click on "Create a new Query"
Enter "All Features"
Click on "Add a new Filter"
Select Content Type, then select Feature, Save
Click on "Add a sort Criterium"
Select "Creation Date", then Descending, Save
At this point, you can already preview the result of the query by clicking on Preview. But what we want is a front-end page.
Create a new Projection by clicking on Projection in the "New" section of the dashboard (top left again)
- Give it a title, and don't forget to check "Set as Home page" to make it the home page
- Select the only available query, named "All Featrues"
- Save
On the home page you should see all the features, ordered by date. But what you want is a slider. At that point you need two more steps:
- Integrate a slider jQuery plugin
- Render the HTML compatible with your jQuery plugin
By default, when you render a Projection it will use the standard "Summary" layout. But using projections you can decide exactly what layout you want to apply, and exactly what html tags and classes.
Edit the query named "All Features"
Add a new Layout
Select Html List
Select "Properties" and Save
Click Add Properties
Select Display Text, Save
Do the same for
Save your query
Edit the home page projection and select this specific Layout instead of the default one.
You will see that each property is rendered in an html container.
By editing each property you can decide which class to apply, and which html tag to use. By changing them you can render exactly what you want, and customize your CSS/HTML to render the slider nicely. This is purely your HTML know have to apply here, or find some articles about that.
For your editors, they just have to go to the dashboard and add/update some feature content items, it will be reflected on the website.
Optionally there is a Slider module on the Orchard Gallery. You can try this one too. But if you want to handle exactly what happens the technique I described is better.
I've just gone through this exact scenario myself. I think that what you want can be accomplished using Orchard Lists. The UX is not exactly intuitive for the end user, but it seems like it's the most straightforward way to accomplish this goal without installing/developing a custom module.
First, make sure you're using Orchard 1.4 because you'll need the built-in support for generating alternates for Container Widgets for each zone. Enable the Shape tracing, Url alternates and Widget alternates modules.
Now, create a list of items as described in the documentation (see Translate "book review" into "slide" and "book reviews" into "slides" and you get the idea. You can add custom fields to represent your subtitle, description, etc. I'd just keep the image as part of the content itself instead of creating a custom field for it.
If you've followed the steps in the documentation, you should now be seeing a list of your slides rendered as ul/li's. Now you'll want to customize how things are rendered so you can show your custom fields and generally customize the tags. Use the shape tracer and create alternates for the list as you see fit. Now you're free to control all the rendering. See and for ideas.
Managing this list from your end-user's perspective is actually quite easy, but I don't really feel that it's very intuitive.
It took me three days of digging through blogs and docs to figure this out for myself.
I'd also recommend this wonderful module called Featured Item Slider. It has all the basic functionalities of a slideshow, including all mentioned in the question, plus some fantastic additional capabilities, such as different animations. You can also fine tune the layout and styling by providing additional css. Get the source here. And here is the slideshow in action. If a module already exists providing the functionality you're looking for, then it's best to use that rather than reinvent the wheel, unless you do it for learning purposes.

All struts2 tag's each attributes usage examples

I need to know how to use each and every attribute of Struts2 tags. I
have gone through all possible websites by searching via Google, But
no one has understandable explanation or examples of each and every
attributes of each struts2 tags.
for example: In "optiontransferselect" tag, for
allowAddAllToRight attribute I have no idea what String do I need to give for it.
here is one of the site I refered...
If you want to understand every single option, do two things:
Use every single option.
Read the source code.
When something is listed as "enable", it's almost always a true/false value, as it is in this case. Why it's listed as a string, not sure; either an issue with the annotation processor, or it was added and the type conversion was done manually, or...?
While I (sort of) understand the motivation for wanting to understand "each and every attribute" of each tag, IMO your time would be better spent learning more important framework details.
I am afraid you will find them at anywhere as these attributes have been defined and provided based on generic needs and its quit possible that some one need few of them and some need others.
i even never used all of the tag properties and in most of the cases we end up using few as per our choice.
If you want to find what each and every property/ attribute making end effect best way is to create a demo struts2 application pick up few tags go to struts2 tag reference page read there description and start playing with them and see how things are changing and check generated HTML code.
There is no other shot-cut for this.
But why you need to know all the properties? i am just curious
Struts2 tag refrence

Extending Blogpost Contenttype in Sharepoint 2007

Has anybody ever used blogpost contenttype and extended it and added some column to it. I know we can add columns to it using the GUI (List Setting).
Can we do this declaratively and add it to the portal using feature, so that we can create a deployable solution.
I have not tried this, but I don't see any reason why you couldn't. The only thing that gives me pause is that Blogs are a little different than most lists because the List Definition is not in a Feature but is rather part of the Site Definition. You could create a Feature with your custom Content Type and staple it to BLOG#1. However, you will still need something (probably a Feature Receiver) that will modify the instance of the Posts lists by adding your custom columns and associating your custom Content Type.

Creating custom content sections with umbraco

I'm working on an umbraco website just now and one of the requirements is to have a custom section in the back end that can be used to manage publish smaller micro-sites.
I have been able to create the new section and added some nodes to it. What I can't get to work is publishing them and making them viewable at the correct url.
As an example, say i have created a new section called microsite, inside that there is a folder called myportfolio. this should route to something like
Does anyone know how to get this sort of thing working? Is it even possible to publish content from outsite of the main content section?
Any help would be greatly apprechiated.
Kind Regards
Colin G
From my understanding the custom sections are for linking to custom databases or data somewhere that needs an interface.
That said, you can use UrlRewriting and an existing content page with a macro to do something like that.
If you had a page called microsite, then using UrlRewriting you could make the parameter passed in to microsite.aspx (a content page in Umbraco) be "myportfolio".
With a user control on the microsite template it could display some content from your external database (or wherever your custom section stores it).
Not sure that's what you're looking for...
Why are you trying to create a new section for more content? The current Umbraco content area has all kinds of permissions for both users and members. Are the microsites all in the same install of Umbraco?
Another option is that the custom section could simply be used as a setup wizard for the new sites. You could create new content and users in their normal places and just use the new section to create them. It's not too hard to create content from C#, so it would probably be the same as doing it from a user control.
Could you provide a little more info?
