Trying to create multiple conversations to the same person/participant - sdk

I'm wondering is there someway to create more than 1 conversation to the same person? We receive inbound messages through an SMS service and then forward the text message on to the user via a Lync conversation. When we create the conversation we pass in some contextual information so that if the user responds in the lync conversation we can send the reply back to the sender via SMS.
My problem is that if more than one text message comes in from different people for the same internal user then the lync sdk is sending both message into the same conversation (which is the default behaviour for Lync) which means I lose the contextual info for the first message that initially created the conversation, also if the user writes a reply in the lync conversation I have no way of knowing to whom that message should go to. Hopefully I haven't lost you....
I can't see a setting or property in the sdk when creating conversations to create a new instance of a conversation even if one already exists for the intended sip address.
Any suggestions?

I came across the same problem recently, it looks like the Lync (specificly the 2013 client, we had no problems before) automaticly merges conversations from the same user address.
If we set up a second conversation to a user from the same sip uri (our application endpoint), the first conversation will be terminated, and the second conversation becomes active. This is all seamlessly merged in the Lync 2013 client, you dont even notice.
The (crude but working) fix was to call Conversation.Impersonate() with a different uri for each new conversation. Mind you this only works when creating conversations on a Trusted Application Endpoint.


How to get the Slack DM channel ID of the Slack App

I have created a simple Slack App app where the only purpose is to send a message to a channel. I understand that there is the conversations.list API to list all public channels to get the correct ID.
However, as a first step, I just want to send the message to the app channel itself. If I use the D... ID it works as expected. No invite by the channel is needed. But how do I get this ID? conversations.list only returns publich channels, but no the app channel itself.
In Slack, there is no such thing as an app's channel. There is a DM channel between every user and your app/bot. In these terms, to send a DM message from your app/bot to the user, you need to know ID of this user and specify it as a channel argument of the postMessage API request.
The ability to pass a Slack user ID as channel is somewhat unique to chat.postMessage. If you try this with other API methods which expect a channel ID only (, you'll get "error": "channel_not_found". The docs state:
Begin a conversation in a user's App Home
Start a conversation with users in your App Home.
With the chat:write scope enabled, call chat.postMessage and pass a user's ID (U0G9QF9C6) as the value of channel to post to that user's App Home channel. You can use their direct message channel ID (as found with, for instance) instead.
Note: The above behavior assumes you're using the bot token. If you provide the user token instead, you'll make the user DM themselves.
Now, if you *do* need to get a user's App Home channel ID for use outside of chat.postMessage, keep reading... Here are three ways to do it, each with their own shortcomings:
1. chat.postMessage
Well, it's worth mentioning that if you are going to use chat.postMessage, it returns the resolved channel ID in its response: "channel": "D01234ABCDE". You can save this for later use.
The API method referenced in the docs above has been renamed to, which can be used to obtain the user's App Home channel ID:
Use the user token, and set users to the app bot ID, or
Use the bot token, and set users to the user ID.
Though, I've observed some weirdness with, which may or may not be a dealbreaker for you:
It requires stronger OAuth permission scopes than ones required to initiate a private DM with a user than chat.postMessage (a bot token with chat:write is insufficient), and
It behaves strangely with respect to the "open state" of a conversation. For example...
I tested this method with a user token.
The user for that token already had a DM channel with the app! (Doesn't that mean the conversation is already open?)
Strangely, the first response had is_opened: false (and subsequent responses had is_opened: true).
3. app_home_opened
The event app_home_opened fires when the user opens your App Home. If you handle this event, you can save the channel in the event payload on your server and use it later, obviating the need to later call
Since the event only occurs if and when the user opens your app's App Home, this approach is more of an optimization than a standalone solution.
4. A better way...?
Due to the drawbacks outlines above, if anyone knows a better way of getting the App Home channel ID for a Slack user, please, comment on this answer!
You can get the channel ID of the app channel through the GUI if you:
navigate to a message in the channel
go to the more actions men
select copy link
The channel ID will be the string following archives/ eg:
Using this approach would work for any channel in the slack app, though it's unlikely to be the best approach since it's manual vs something more programmatic.

MSGraph - Getting external email conversation from reply

My team is building a ticketing system. The goal is when we receive a new email we create a new ticket. All responses to that email are saved on the same ticket.
We have these basic goals working in simple cases, however, there is one case that we are struggling to find a good solution for. A client will email us, which creates a ticket, and we reply back requiring information. The client will send our reply to someone internal to their company. Then they will send the response back to us by replying with "see below". This response will have the conversation between them and their co-worker in the comment section of the email. The comment section will also contain our entire email chain which we don't want to duplicate.
The issue we are having is grabbing the conversation they had from the comment section to include with their response of "see below" and add them to the ticket. The only method we have come up with to solve this is manually parsing the comment section of the email, however, this is error-prone.
Does anyone know of a better way of tracking conversations they send you through the email?
We are using msgraph internally to send and receive emails and using their apis they have uniqueBody and body, but they don't seem to have a way to break the body up into its different parts.
What I need any of these options
1- get list of unique bodies from the email chain without using conversation Id as it will not be sufficient in some cases.
2- get the previous conversation Id of the incoming email. I mean if that email is a list of emails and it forwards to me.
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
message.addProperty("InternetMessageId", String.format("%s",uuid.toString()));
send InternetMessageId with a unique identifier to grab conversation id
change order only

Programmatically get reply / forward state via office-js?

I have an Outlook Office-JS addin that adds what is basically a third-party send via an addin command button. In the background, this does some processing on the draft message then sends it via the Office365 / Graph send API:
I've verified when I do send the message from the backend component of my app, I do see that the e.g. reply headers are set correctly, but apparently this isn't enough to set the parent message as replied / forwarded in Outlook.
Given that, I'd like to manually set the parent message as replied to / forwarded when sending. From reading other posts it looks like the following attributes could help me do that.
However, I'm not sure how to identity a draft message on either the Office-JS side or via the Graph API as a reply / forwarded email, nor do I know how to get the parent message (original email replied to / forwarded) handle or ID.
Currently you cannot get the state of a draft or the parent ID with Office JS. What is your scenario for saving a message as a draft and then sending with Graph? We track Outlook add-in feature requests on ourĀ user-voice page. Please add your request there. Feature requests on user-voice are considered when we go through our planning process.

Cannot delete a chat message via Slack API

I have a Slack team with a public channel.
My goal is to use the channel only for announcements posted by bot-A.
I understand that it is not possible to configure Slack channel to be writable for only one person and read-only for the rest, I created a bot-B (Python thing running on an external machine) that monitors the channel via RTM and if there is any message not coming from bot-A, bot-B's task is to delete the message by calling chat.delete ( Bot-B is also in the channel.
Unfortunately bot-B is getting "cant_delete_message" which, according to the chat.delete doc, means that he has no permissions.
However, according to, chat.delete is allowed for Custom Bots.
So is my bot-B not a "Custom Bot"? If so, what does a Custom Bot actually is and how can I create one?
Or what am I doing wrong?
I believe that a Slack user (bot or otherwise) is only allowed to delete its own messages. There's no way to delete messages posted by someone else.
EDIT: I stand corrected. Admins can delete other people's messages. From
Owners and Admins can delete messages from any sender as long as the messages are in public or private channels that the Owner or Admin has joined.

How can I integrate internal messaging with emails in

in github when a user sends you a message two things happen. You get a "new Message" on your github dashboard and you receive an email.
if you reply to that email it triggers a new Github message internally... so the users can actually have a full conversation through their email client without going into github even though Github is managing it all.
I know Malgun/Sendgrid have apis to manage receiving of emails (they send a POST request to your app when an email is received) but I need a little more info on how to do it... how exactly can I set up my app so that when a user receives a message they can just hit reply on their favorite email client while still maintaining track of that conversation. (they can still check their messaging history through my site)
Does anyone have an idea how exactly they do it?
Please help.
How this is implemented really depends on how you can handle incoming messages. If you're able to receive your emails as a POST to your application, then the email is really no different to a user sending the message on your site, you just need to parse the From: header from the email, and look up the user, and strip the fluff out of the email.
If you're writing your own code to handle the emails (eg. that polls a mailbox), then you could just POST them over to your app in the same way, or parse them up and POST more structured data.
Once you have the data, it's easy to construct a message and write it to your DB (and fire off email notification to the user, remembering to set the Reply-To: or From: headers so your script gets the replies). Most of these kind of messaging systems don't keep track of conversations/threads, but just store a string subject (and use "Re: ...") to keep things simple, though you could obviously add this if you're feeling ambitious!
If you're doing this, you should be security in mind - malicious users may POST to your email script, and email headers can easily be forged. Spammers will also use any possible scripts they can find to relay mail through other peoples servers.
