iOS TableViewCell lifecycle - set outlets - ios

What TablleViewCell method is called once the outlets of a custom TableViewCell are set when the TableViewCell is instantiated from a storyboard? So a method similar to viewDidLoad essentially. I tried awakeFromNib but it appears that outlets aren't set there as I would expect.

It seems that
does the trick.


IBOutlets are nil when dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier method is called? Call goes to awakeFromNib but even after super call IBOutlets are nil

CollectionViewCell is registered with the same name as used for identifier.
I checked the IBOutlets and they are connected to file and also, xib's file owner is also correct.
While you are accessing IBoutlets of cell in your cellForRow method, make sure you unrap the cell after calling dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier method.

Where is the place to programmatically adjust the view of a UICollectionViewCell?

I would like to programmatically apply some view modifications once a UICollectionViewCell has been created and all its view outlet are being assigned (right as a UIViewController's viewDidLoad method). However I don't want the code to be re-run when the cell is being reused as this view initialization/modifications have to be done only once. Is there a method that I should override in my custom UICollectionViewCell implementation that is being called as soon as the view outlets are assigned?
There is the applyLayoutAttributes: methods that is just called after the view is added to the collection view. However from its name and its description it doesn't sound to be the right place to initialize the view. In addition this method might be called for every re-use as well. However using an initialized-flag this could be worked around.
If it's being loaded from a storyboard or nib then you can do that in.
- (void)awakeFromNib
If it's in code then there is an init method something like initWithFrame:reuseIdentifier.
Somrthing like that anyway.
These are both run once when the cell is first loaded.

UICollectionViewCell not detecting touches

I've tried adding a UIButton to the cell's contentView, which wasn't getting called. Then I tried adding a touchesBegan method to the cell. It's not being called. The cell has it's background color being set, and I can see in the extrapolated view that XCode now provides that it's the topmost view.
Any thoughts as to why interaction might not be working?
I think answer lies into UICollectionView delegate methods and datasource, you don't need touchedBegun etc,
I guess you want to know which cell has been tapped. More codes will definitely helps.
In storyboard do this,
A viewController with UICollectionViewCell inside it.
Add UIViewController subclass in your project and make your storyboards viewController as its subclass.
Add UICollectionView subclass and make your UICollectionViewCell its subclass.
read upon this link

why awakeFromNib can't be called in controllers? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the process of a UIViewController birth (which method follows which)?
(7 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am a new developer, two questions as follows
In controller, why can't I call the awakeFromNib method?
NSLog(#"awakeFromNib");// can't be printed ?
Do the methods awakeFromNib and initWithNibName , layoutSubviews have some relations?
When and where should I use them?
- (void)awakeFromNib is only called inside of an object that is being directly loaded from a nib or storyboard. This is usually not a UIViewController.
So, the reason awakeFromNib is not on a view controller is that the view controller is the one that is calling its subviews to awake from the nib as set from the method initWithNibName:bundle:. The layoutSubviews method is also called in a subclass of UIView since a view may have subviews that it needs to layout. If I'm not mistaken, the layoutSubviews on a UIView gets called after awakeFromNib.
Hope this helps!
awakeFromNib is called on the controller after all the connections in it's nib are created and set up.
initWithNibName is the designated initialiser for the class. You call this when you are creating the controller in code.
layoutSubviews is a method that you implement that allows you to give precise layout to subviews.
You should also know about initWithCoder which is the initialiser that is called when the controller is created from a xib file or a storyboard.
Your view controller was likely not awaken from a NIB and instead initialized initWithNibName:bundle:. Only objects that are initialized from a NIB get awakeFromNib.
There is a method that gets called when the view is initialized, either from a NIB or loadView: viewDidLoad
Using viewDidLoad accomplishes pretty much the same thing you'd be expecting from awakeFromNib.
You may be able to use awakeFromNib when your view controller is created from a storyboard, as Abizem suggests, but that will still invoke viewDidLoad immediately afterward.

UICollectionView doesn't call delegate methods

I've setup a UICollectionView in a storyboard and connected the dataSource and delegate outlets. I've registered a cell via nib which I dequeue in the cellForItemAtIndexPath: method.
All works perfectly expect that the delegate methods are never called. For example: When touching on a cell, I expect the didSelectItemAtIndexPath: to be called.
I've double-checked the delegate of the collection view - it's assigned correctly.
Does anybody know the reason why the methods are not called?
It's completely my fault. I've added a transparent subview to the front which consumes the touches - a really bad mistake.
