I'm making slight modifications to Logan/Merritt/Carlson's simple cache, Chapter 6, pp 149-169, Erlang and OTP in Action. So far, no code changes, just renaming the modules.
I start the application:
I insert an item:
gridz_maker:insert(blip, blop).
I get this error:
** exception error: no match of right hand side value
in function gridz_maker:insert/2 (src/gridz_maker.erl, line 15)
Here's the code:
insert(Key, Value) ->
case gridz_store:lookup(Key) of
{ok, Pid} -> gridz_edit:replace(Pid, Value);
{error, _} -> {ok, Pid} = gridz_edit:create(Value), %% line 15
gridz_store:insert(Key, Pid)
I look at line 15:
{error, _} -> {ok, Pid} = gridz_edit:create(Value),
I expect the error because this is a new item. gridz:edit is a gen_server (sc_element in Logan et/al.) Here's the code for create/1:
create(Value) ->
create(Value, ?DEFAULT_LEASE_TIME).
create(Value, LeaseTime) ->
gridz_sup:start_child(Value, LeaseTime).
And here's the code for gridz_sup:start_child/2:
start_child(Value, LeaseTime) ->
supervisor:start_child(?SERVER, [Value, LeaseTime]).
init([]) ->
Grid = {gridz_edit, {gridz_edit, start_link, []},
temporary, brutal_kill, worker, [gridz_edit]},
Children = [Grid],
RestartStrategy = {simple_one_for_one, 0, 1},
{ok, {RestartStrategy, Children}}.
If I execute supervisor:start_child/2 directly, here's what I get:
Line 51 in gridz_edit is an init function:
init([Value, LeaseTime]) ->
Now = calendar:local_time(),
StartTime = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Now),
#state{value = Value,
lease_time = LeaseTime,
start_time = StartTime},
time_left(StartTime, LeaseTime)}.
If I execute it directly, it works:
120> gridz_edit:init([blop, (60 * 60 * 24)]).
So now I'm baffled. What am I missing? Why does supervisor:start_child/2 throw an error?
The error says you are passing in a tuple with 2 members, {blop,86400}, when you seem to be expecting a list of 2 members: [Value, LeaseTime]. In your direct execution, you are also using a list, so it works. You should figure out where the tuple is being created, and create a list instead.
Supressing irrelevant code, i've the following:
% somefile.erl
-record(task, {description, date, completed = false}).
init() ->
{atomic, _} = mnesia:create_table(task, [{attributes, record_info(fields, task)}]).
In other file, where the {aborted, {bad_type, {}}} is ocurring:
-record(task, {id, description, date, completed = false}).
create_task(Req, State) ->
Task = create_task_record(),
Transaction = fun() -> mnesia:write(task, Task, write) end,
{atomic, _} = mnesia:transaction(Transaction),
% ...
When i'm running the code, in the line {atomic, _} = mnesia:transaction(Transaction), i'm receiving the error {aborted, {bad_type, {task, ...}}}.
After hours trying to find, the problem here is in the record task definition. I wasn't using the hrl to share definitions, so i have the definition where i was using it, because of this, in one file the definition was missing the id attribute, so i was having different types.
Now Im playing with the gen_server
I have two modules - one is Gen Server mod, second - logic module
and would like to send the message to the PID through the gen_server:call
here is the snip of code:
lookup_by_date(FromTime, ToTime) ->
gen_server:call({global, ?MODULE}, {lookup_by_date,FromTime,ToTime}).
here is the handle_call func:
handle_call({lookup_by_date, FromTime, ToTime}, _From, _State) ->
FromSec = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(FromTime),
ToSec = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(ToTime),
Pid = spawn(fun()-> logic:handler() end),
{reply, Pid !{lookup_by_date, FromSec, ToSec}, _State};
aand the logic mod code:
lookup_by_date(FromTime, ToTime) -> lookup_by_date(FromTime, ToTime, ets:first(auth), []).
lookup_by_date(_FromTime, _ToTime, '$end_of_table', Acc) -> {reply, Acc, ok};
lookup_by_date(FromTime, ToTime, Key, Acc) ->
case ets:lookup(auth, Key) of
[{Login, Pass, TTL, Unix, Unix2}] ->
F = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Unix2),
T = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Unix2),
F >= FromTime, T =< ToTime -> NewAcc = [{Login, Pass, TTL, Unix, Unix2}|Acc],
N = ets:next(auth, Key),
lookup_by_date(FromTime, ToTime, N, NewAcc);
true -> N = ets:next(auth, Key),
lookup_by_date(FromTime, ToTime, N, Acc)
handler() ->
{lookup_by_date, FromTime, ToTime}->
lookup_by_date(FromTime, ToTime),
io:format("Error message for ~p~n" ,[Other]),
but i am getting the error (actually not an error)
2> c(cache_server).
3> c(logic).
4> cache_server:start([{ttl, 15000}]).
5> cache_server:insert(test, root, 15000).
6> cache_server:lookup_by_date({{2017,1,13},{14,15,11}},{{2017,1,13},{14,15,11}}).
I am receiving data from - {reply, Pid !{lookup_by_date, FromSec, ToSec}, _State};
but dont receive data from the "logic:lookup_by_date" function
Is there anyway you show me the right direction because Im stuck a little bit.
In your code, the reply to the gen_server call is:
Pid !{lookup_by_date, FromSec, ToSec}
In Erlang messages are asynchronous, they are just sent to the process, so this code doesn't wait for a response, and it simply returns, immediatly, the message you are sending. It is why you get the reply {lookup_by_date, FromSec, ToSec}.
In your case you don't have to spawn a process, but simply call the lookup_by_date function:
handle_call({lookup_by_date, FromTime, ToTime}, _From, _State) ->
FromSec = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(FromTime),
ToSec = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(ToTime),
{reply, logic:lookup_by_date(FromSec, ToSec), _State};
Note: Your gen_server doesn't use the result, its state is not modified by the request, so you could directly call the function lookup_by_date and include the time conversion in it.
I'm an experienced programmer new to Erlang and I'm stuck on the following:
myread() ->
{_, MyData } = file:read_file( "hands.txt" ),
io:format( "hands-out.txt", "~w", MyData ).
yields, when myread() is invoked from the shell:
** exception error: no function clause matching io:request("hands-out.txt",
{format,"~w", <<"3h 5h 7h 8h 3h 5h 7h 8h q"...>>})
(io.erl, line 556) in function io:o_request/3 (io.erl, line 63)
Any help would be appreciated.
Two things:
"hands-out.txt", "~w" needs to be one string: "hands-out.txt: ~w"
and the data that's replacing the ~w needs to be a list. So:
io:format( "hands-out.txt: ~w", [MyData] ).
See http://erlang.org/doc/man/io.html#format-2
Also, you should pattern match on the status value in the return from file:read_file/1. In your version, an error, which would be returned as {error, Reason} would match here, since you're using _, and you'd print the error reason rather than the file, which might be confusing.
So either make it {ok, MyData } = file:read_file( "hands.txt" ) if you want to crash on read error, or something like the following if you want to handle that case:
myread() ->
case file:read_file( "hands.txt" ) of
{ok, MyData } ->
io:format( "hands-out.txt: ~w", [MyData] );
{error, Error} ->
io:format("Error: ~w~n", [Error])
I am trying to figure out what is wrong with this code, cause it is giving me errors preventing it from compiling properly into a beam file. I do not see what is wrong with the syntax. Is there an IDE which could help me out?
These are the errors:
parallels#parallels-Parallels-Virtual-Platform:/var/backend/ejabberd_modules# erlc -I /var/tmp/ejabberd/src/ mod_stanza_ack.erl
./mod_stanza_ack.erl:97: syntax error before: '.'
./mod_stanza_ack.erl:98: syntax error before: Body
./mod_stanza_ack.erl:16: function route/3 undefined
./mod_stanza_ack.erl:3: Warning: behaviour gen_mod undefined
./mod_stanza_ack.erl:111: Warning: function strip_bom/1 is unused
./mod_stanza_ack.erl:114: Warning: function send_presence/3 is unused
./mod_stanza_ack.erl:120: Warning: function echo/3 is unused
./mod_stanza_ack.erl:123: Warning: function send_message/4 is unused
This is the code:
-define(PROCNAME, ejabberd_mod_stanza_ack).
-define(BOTNAME, stanza_ack).
start_link(Host, Opts) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
gen_server:start_link({local, Proc}, ?MODULE, [Host, Opts], []).
start(Host, Opts) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
ChildSpec = {Proc,
{?MODULE, start_link, [Host, Opts]},
supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_sup, ChildSpec).
stop(Host) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
gen_server:call(Proc, stop),
supervisor:terminate_child(ejabberd_sup, Proc),
supervisor:delete_child(ejabberd_sup, Proc).
init([Host, Opts]) ->
?DEBUG("ECHO_BOT: Starting echo_bot", []),
% add a new virtual host / subdomain "echo".example.com
MyHost = gen_mod:get_opt_host(Host, Opts, "echo.#HOST#"),
ejabberd_router:register_route(MyHost, {apply, ?MODULE, route}),
{ok, Host}.
handle_call(stop, _From, Host) ->
{stop, normal, ok, Host}.
handle_cast(_Msg, Host) ->
{noreply, Host}.
handle_info(_Msg, Host) ->
{noreply, Host}.
terminate(_Reason, Host) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, Host, _Extra) ->
{ok, Host}.
% Checks a presence /subscription/ is a part of this.
% we may want to impliment blacklisting / some kind of
% protection here to prevent malicious users
%route(From, #jid{luser = ?BOTNAME} = To, {xmlelement, "presence", _, _} = Packet) ->
route(From, To, {xmlelement, "presence", _, _} = Packet) ->
case xml:get_tag_attr_s("type", Packet) of
"subscribe" ->
send_presence(To, From, "subscribe");
"subscribed" ->
send_presence(To, From, "subscribed"),
send_presence(To, From, "");
"unsubscribe" ->
send_presence(To, From, "unsubscribed"),
send_presence(To, From, "unsubscribe");
"unsubscribed" ->
send_presence(To, From, "unsubscribed");
"" ->
send_presence(To, From, "");
"unavailable" ->
"probe" ->
send_presence(To, From, "");
_Other ->
?INFO_MSG("Other kind of presence~n~p", [Packet])
%route(From, #jid{luser = ?BOTNAME} = To, {xmlelement, "message", _, _} = Packet) ->
route(From, To, {xmlelement, "message", _, _} = Packet) ->
case xml:get_subtag_cdata(Packet, "body") of
"" ->
Body ->
case xml:get_tag_attr_s("type", Packet) of
"error" ->
?ERROR_MSG("Received error message~n~p -> ~p~n~p", [From, To, Packet]);
_ ->
echo(To, From, strip_bom(Body))
strip_bom([239,187,191|C]) -> C;
strip_bom(C) -> C.
send_presence(From, To, "") ->
ejabberd_router:route(From, To, {xmlelement, "presence", [], []});
send_presence(From, To, TypeStr) ->
ejabberd_router:route(From, To, {xmlelement, "presence", [{"type", TypeStr}], []}).
echo(From, To, Body) ->
send_message(From, To, "chat", Body).
send_message(From, To, TypeStr, BodyStr) ->
XmlBody = {xmlelement, "message",
[{"type", TypeStr},
{"from", jlib:jid_to_string(From)},
{"to", jlib:jid_to_string(To)}],
[{xmlelement, "body", [],
[{xmlcdata, BodyStr}]}]},
ejabberd_router:route(From, To, XmlBody).
./mod_stanza_ack.erl:97: syntax error before: '.' is saying the error is in line 97.
At line 97 change ok. to ok;. This will fix the issue.
Erlide plugin for eclipse is a good IDE to try out.
On line 97 in the function route/3 the first clause of the case is
"" ->
The . here ends the function which is illegal in the middle of a case, it should be a ;. This also means that the parser assumes that the variable Body on the next line starts a new function which is also illegal as a function name cannot be a variable.
Seeing the function route/3 has not been defined it cannot be exported which is the cause of the undefined function error on line 16.
Sometimes the compiler error messages are a bit cryptic but the line numbers usually help.
I've taken the cowboy example code and brooken it.
The code for the default request handler looked like this:
-export([init/3, handle/2, terminate/2]).
init({_Any, http}, Req, []) ->
{ok, Req, undefined}.
handle(Req, State) ->
{ok, Req2} = cowboy_http_req:reply(200, [], <<"Hello world!">>, Req),
{ok, Req2, State}.
terminate(_Req, _State) ->
its straight forward, but I wanted to make return files so I changed it to:
-export([init/3, handle/2, terminate/2]).
init({_Any, http}, Req, []) ->
{ok, Req, undefined}.
handle(Req, State) ->
{Path, Req1} = cowboy_http_req:path(Req),
{ok, File} = file:read_file(Path),
cowboy_http_req:reply(200, [], File, Req1)
{ok, Req2} ->
{ok, Req2, State}
_ ->
{ok, Req3} = cowboy_http_req:reply(200, [], <<"Hello world!">>, Req),
{ok, Req3, State}
terminate(_Req, _State) ->
The try-catch thing should handle the fact that there might not be a file, but it does not. Why is that?
When I try to fetch a file that is not there I get a large error report in the console, can anyone tell me why?
=ERROR REPORT==== 15-Jun-2012::14:24:54 ===
** Handler default_handler terminating in handle/2
for the reason error:{badmatch,{error,badarg}}
** Options were []
** Handler state was undefined
** Request was [{socket,#Port<0.1515>},
<<"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/10.10 Chromium/18.0.1025.151 Chrome/18.0.1025.151 Safari/535.19">>},
** Stacktrace: [{default_handler,handle,2,
probably because of how it evaluates the catch clause, see http://www.erlang.org/doc/reference_manual/expressions.html#try
If an exception occurs during evaluation of Exprs but there is no matching ExceptionPattern of the right Class with a true guard sequence, the exception is passed on as if Exprs had not been enclosed in a try expression.
You need to specify an error class (error, throw or exit) if not looking for the default, which is throw.
try Exprs of
Pattern1 [when GuardSeq1] ->
PatternN [when GuardSeqN] ->
[Class1:]ExceptionPattern1 [when ExceptionGuardSeq1] ->
[ClassN:]ExceptionPatternN [when ExceptionGuardSeqN] ->
a catch-all-errors would be written as
_:_ ->
notice how you specify both class and ExpressionPattern as "don't care".
Hope this helps because I only 'dabbled' in erlang until now. :)
This line:
{Path, Req1} = cowboy_http_req:path(Req),
Actually returns a list of binaries, like [<<"path">>,<<"path2">>] instead of something like "/path/path2" which should be what you're actually looking for.
So, to form the filesystem path:
{Path, Req1} = cowboy_http_req:path(Req),
FsPath = lists:foldl(
fun(PathComponent, Acc) ->
string:join([Acc, erlang:binary_to_list(PathComponent)], "/")
{ok, File} = file:read_file(FsPath),
(The badarg error you're getting is because the argument to file:read_file/1 is not a string (a list) but a list of binaries, which is not the expected argument.
And the catch needs a _:_ clause, just like Harald answer states.