Best GDI drawing approach - delphi

I am developing an interactive CD most of my life I wrote console applications writing something mostly graphical is akward for me.
So here is my approach :
I am drawing on the canavas using shapes and images the left and top position are stored in a file. Is there any easier approach ? I thought using shapes objects would simplify my work what do you guys think ?
Any examples are welcome.
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The proper way is to write an OnPaint handler (that is, listening to the WM_PAINT message) and drawing using the GDI.
Here are a couple of simple examples:
Moving triangles
Bouncing ball
Drawing by moving controls is very awkward.

Since you didn't specify a any version, I assume you're not wasting your time with an ancient Delphi, so maybe you should also take a look at FireMonkey.
That also opens the door to having your interactive stuff work on other platforms..

I recommend the Delphi GDI+ Library which I have used with success. It's a wrapper around GDI+ which takes alot of the pain out of it.


Implementing PSD processing in web (like in

Is there a Windows server with Photoshop running that process all these templates? It just happens too quickly. How did they achieve that?
I've been looking for the answer for quite a long time and didn't find anything worthy.
A way something like this would be done would be to have an overlay template that you'd place your image under and then all of the shading and such would would go on top of it. Then it's just a mater of rotating and skewing the angle of the picture underneath the overlay to get the right perspective. This can be done programmatically in a language of your choice like PHP, Python, C#, etc.
I believe what you're describing may be achieved using the Adobe Photoshop API. Click on try demo and take a look at the various options, including the Smart Object demo.

How to check intersection of two images that aren't rectangular?

New user to the site, but I have used it in the past so I felt it best to ask my question here, for the best chance of getting a response.
What I'm dealing with is one object, this being the sprite for my latest app, which I need to check for when it comes in to contact with another object, in this case, a tunnel which will curve.
Now, I'm aware of CGRectIntersectsRect, however I can't see that being helpful, as if I've got 2 UIImages, that being the top and bottom of a "mountain", and said pieces curving, there's no doubt that the sprite would touch the "rectangle".
What I need is something to trigger when the sprite hits the actual wall, however my limited knowledge of Objective-C isn't helping my case.
I imagine someone out there will know what I can do to resolve this, as for all I know it could be a simple solution.
Thank you in advance everyone!
First, I'd probably not build these basic pieces yourself. For iOS 7, you can use SpriteKit, which is built-in. If you want to support older versions of iOS, look at cocos2d (it's good for iOS 7, too).
But to the question, one approach for detecting arbitrary overlaps is to draw both objects into a buffer and check if there are any overlapping pixels (for instance, by drawing one in in pure red, and another in pure green, and then looking for pixels that have both). For a discussion of how to do this kind of thing in Core Graphics, see Clipping a CGRect to a CGPath, which provides sample code for the simplest version (checking for the intersection of a rectangle and curve), but the same approach can be used more generally. Note that this drawing can get expensive if you're doing it constantly, so usually you first check whether the bounding rectangles overlap. That tells you whether it's even worth the trouble to look closer.
But first I'd look at SpriteKit.

up-to-date simple OpenGL ES tutorial / template for iOS

At the moment i can draw a route on a map.
On the map i can zoom and i can pan. If the route is very big it goes really slow.
Therefor i want to do it with OpenGl.
From the map i can convert coordinateToPixel and get the current zoom.
I thought it would be the best to base the translation and zoom on that for the transformation matrix.
I never worked with OpenGL before. I have been reading stuff for the last few hours but most stuff i read is outdated or goes into things i don't care about for now like shaders.
Can someone provide me with resources for simple stuff like on the image?
I never worked with OpenGL before.
You are asking a lot, and I do mean a lot, of work from yourself if you want to switch from using native iOS drawing methods to using an advanced real-time rendering system that you don't even know yet.
I agree with Brad Larson that you are going to go much further and faster by leveraging the tools in iOS for your purpose. However, that does not mean you can't improve performance while using them.
I have found that when using Core Graphics for complicated drawing, you can dramatically reduce the time it takes to render a drawing by drawing it on a background thread. And Apple makes it much much easier to learn and use Grand Central Dispatch than the time it would take you to do all of this in OpenGL.
I learned how to use dispatch queues also for the single purpose of making drawing go faster. The simple technique is to render in the background, then take the results to the main thread for displaying them. Since you already have your drawing code figured out, you won't have to do much extra work to take this extra step, and I think you will be impressed with the performance.
I saw an improvement of at least 5 - 10 times in drawing speed when I implemented Core Graphics drawing with dispatch queues. They are really awesome.

XNA How to Render and Update while resizing

Is it even possible to continue rendering and updating while resizing the window so that it doesn't stretch?
This is pretty deeply baked into XNA's Game class's behaviour. I'm dealing with this exact problem now, but I don't have a good solution yet. EDIT: I how now found a solution - but it doesn't answer the bit about scaling - so I've posted it as a question/answer pair over here.
You could possibly dive in with reflection and disconnect the events that pause the game's timer when you start resizing (and unpause it when you stop). I haven't tried this yet, I'm a bit loathe to do it without understanding why they exist in the first place.
(Personally I am thinking of having my game subscribe to the resize start/end events as well, and then pumping Update myself on an appropriate timer until XNA comes back. I wasn't going to worry about the scaling of the display.)
One way to work around this problem is to replace the Game class entirely. The XNA WinForms Sample provides a suitable replacement - although you have to implement your own Draw/Update loop and timing. I've just tested this in an old level editor and it works just as you want when resized.
Although it does slow down quite a bit when you make the window larger, as it constantly re-allocates the backbuffer to make it bigger. You could replace that behaviour to make it over-allocate the backbuffer size, so it doesn't reallocate so often.
The underlying problem has something to do with win32, and is described in some detail in this thread on But it doesn't really provide a satisfying solution either.
It might be interesting to note that the WinForms sample draws on its OnPaint method (and you get a loop by constantly calling Invalidate). Whereas XNA's built-in Game class subscribes to Application.Idle.

Procedurally animating the growing of a 2D plant

I'm trying to figure out the best way to procedurally animate the growing of a 2D plant in iOS.
I want the plant to animate to give an encroaching feeling to the user.
Basically, to animate the growing of a branch, with little buds that will eventually animate into full grown leaves.
To breathe a little life into it, I'd also like the plant to sway a bit as it grows, rather than feeling hand painted on the screen.
One way I've thought of is to use CGPaths and Bezier curves to create the shape of the stalk and the leaves, but I'm not entirely sure how to animate the drawing of the paths. Once I get the "drawing" of the stalk, i'd like to "plant" little buds at certain points on the stalk, as the line is growing/animating and these buds will also start to grow outwards from the plant.
Any suggestions on what route to take to accomplish this task? I'd prefer to procedurally animate as opposed to hand drawing each frame and animating that way. My reasoning is that I imagine procedurally animating will be less time consuming, give me more control over different aspects of the animation, and be reusable in other projects (not to mention, it will be fun to program!)
I've come across this blog posting for the drawing of animated lines:
Perhaps this would be a starting approach for achieving the results I want, I need to sit down and go through the code he posted.
Also, maybe this is something that would be easier to do using cocos2d or something similar? Or perhaps quartzcore and core animation will work fine.
Thanks for any suggestions you might have, any information is helpful at this point.
(Great question! Posting this as a "community wiki" since it is not an answer but just some references and I didn't want the links to get screwed up in comments. Perhaps people want to add to this?)
I did a simple search on "procedural tree branching code" and there were lots of interesting hits - really rich area.
A post on gameDev.stackExhange pointed to this great resource: Algorithmic Botany
Also Snappy Tree is pretty amazing and the source code is available.
These two also sound interesting:
TReal is a program capable of generating realistic 3D tree models.
Arbaro is an implementation of the tree generating algorithm described in Jason Weber & Joseph Penn: "Creation and Rendering of Realistic Trees" written in Java.
Perhaps more accessible to the OP and with a less complex result are these actionScript tutorials on fractal trees. ActionScript drawing code is pretty easily translated to Core Graphics.
