Rails: Every user has a own database user - ruby-on-rails

My customer has a existing database where every user has it's own database user and he wants that every user uses his own database user to log into the rails application.
For my models of this database I use ActiveRecord::Base::establish_connection to connect with the username and password of the login form.
Now I thought to close this connection in an after_filter so no other user can get this connection from the connection pool. But this doen't work.
I want something like this in my controller:
class Demo < ActiveRecord::Base
before_filter :connect
after_filter :close_connection
def action
# do some stuff with the database
How can I achive this with ActiveRecord or is there a better solution for this problem? Or is there an other ORM mapper that my be better for this problem?
I can't change the database or the fact that every user has its own database user that he needs to login becuase my customer does use this structure for other applications :(
It's a Postgres database. And Rails 3.2.13 (JRuby).

First off, I've never developed this kind of authentication system, but if I had to I would do probably choose Warden, which is an authentication system integrated as a rack middleware.
Warden allows to build your own authentication strategies. So I made an example for your case, but be aware that it does not work. It is just for the sake of clarity.
The idea is to reconfigure your database pool with a given username/password in a rack middleware. Rack middlewares are the first components called in a request, so I think it should avoid performance issues.
Warden::Strategies.add(:database_user) do
def valid?
def authenticate!
# Disconnects all connections in the pool, and clears the pool.
# Reconfigure the pool with the new username/password
config = Rails.application.config.database_configuration[Rails.env]
config['username'] = params[:username]
config['password'] = params[:password]
# Establish connection with the new configuration
# Check if the connection works
# It means that the username/password is correct
if ActiveRecord::Base.connected?
user = build_user(params[:username])
fail!("Wrong username/password")
rescue # Errors thrown by Postgres
fail!("Wrong username/password")
def build_user(username)
OpenStruct.new({username: username}) # Dynamic object
Then configure Warden in your Rails configuration file.
Rails.configuration.middleware.use RailsWarden::Manager do |manager|
manager.default_strategies :database_user
manager.failure_app = LoginController
Once again this is just a prototype to give you an insight of how you could resolve your problem. I hope that will help you a little bit.

This is not a good choice to reset connection on each request per user. Most importantly it looses the db cache as you have to initiate connection in each request.
Better try to use Mongodb (if possible) where each record will belong to a user and everything of that user will be under that record. This solutions is possible if you are trying to develop a system. Existing system with giant db might consider this solution impossible :)


How to select attributes when devise setting current_user?

At this point, I'm not sure how or where the helper current_user is loaded. I'd like to select only certain properties from the user table, but devise to
select * from users table
I want to do something like select (id, email, additional_stuff) from users
I would like to be able to modify the current_user set by devise so I can optimise my application from a security point.
Using Rails version 7.0.4
RUby Version 3.1.3
Devise is build on top of the Warden gem which handles the grunt work of actually authenticating users.
Fetching the user from the database is done by the Warden::Manager.serialize_from_session method which can be reconfigured.
# app/initializers/devise.rb
config.warden do |manager|
manager.serialize_from_session(:users) do |id|
User.select(:id, :email, :additional_stuff)
However, I'm very sceptical that this will have any real benefits to security and you'll most likely just end up breaking parts of Devise/the rest of your application. For example authenticating the user for password updates may fail unless you load the password digest.
Make sure you have tests covering your whole Devise implementation before you monkey around with it.
It's hard to know what you actually mean by "Certain class in the application use the current_user object, one such class is template creator" . But that smells like a huge gaping security hole in itself. If this is running code that comes from the user it should not have access to the entire view context (for example the current_user method). If the user has access to the actual object then whats preventing them from querying and getting any missing data?
If you really need this feature you should be sandboxing it in a separate renderer (not using Rails build in render methods) which only has access to the context and data you explicitly pass (like a struct or decorator representing a user) which is deemed safe.

Is it safe to use Thread.current with Unicorn in Rails?

I need to get current login user name in model code, but I dont want to add a new additional parameter that will require many changes. So I am thinking whether it works to put the login user name in Thread.current, and then access it in model code.
It works in a simple try, but I have a concern whether it can work properly with unicorn multi workers, for example
- the login request is handled by worker 1, and the 2nd request is handled by worker 2. My basic understanding is that it should be ok because I set it from session into Thread.current in ApplicationController before filter that should be executed in the beginning of each request.
- if a unicorn worker is killed and restarted for whatever reason, is the request will be re-initiated, and still have the session data?
I dont have enough knowledge on unicorn... so probably it is a naive question...
And any other possible issue to use Thread.current?
Thanks in advance for your help!
You don't have to use Threads directly, you can use this gem https://github.com/steveklabnik/request_store
Your User model code can look something like this:
def self.current_user
def self.current_user=(logged_in_user)
RequestStore.store[:current_user] = logged_in_user
And in your controller, after login you can set User.current_user = current_user

Migrating sessions from cookie_store to Redis in Rails 3

I need to switch the session store in my Rails 3 app from cookie_store to redis-session-store. There are many reasons for this (security, SSO with other Rails and non-Rails apps). Are there any best practices on how to do it without loosing all current sessions?
What i could imagine is a two steps approach:
Collect all user sessions for N days and store them in the DB or in Redis (update if already stored).
Use stored user sessions to create entries in Redis.
Alternatively, on the fly migration would also be possible. Means read cookies, use secret key to decrypt the session data and store it as a new session in Redis.
I realize this ticket is pretty old, but this may help others. We ended up changing our session store to Redis, but then still looking for the legacy cookie (for a week or two) before no longer respecting them.
There are probably some security concerns to consider before using this strategy - you want to make sure those risks are worth it compared to the cost of having to sign your entire user-base out all at once. With Rails, the cookies are encrypted and can't be tampered with.
Here's what we used:
class SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
LEGACY_COOKIE_NAME = "_old_session_name".freeze
def new
return if detect_valid_cookie
def detect_valid_legacy_cookie
legacy_cookie = request.cookie_jar.encrypted[LEGACY_COOKIE_NAME].presence || {}
valid_user_id = legacy_cookie['warden.user.user.key'].try(:first).try(:first)
return unless valid_user_id
user = User.find_by(:id => valid_user_id)
return unless user
if sign_in user
redirect_to root_path # or whever you want
Stolen from here:
http://www.happybearsoftware.com/almost-protect-yourself-from-cookie-session-store.html (the last two sections)
Basically, use this:
Rails.application.config.action_dispatch.cookies_serializer = :hybrid
Quote follows:
This will cause Rails to accept sessions serialized with Marshal and exchange them for sessions serialized with JSON.
After you're confident that all your users sessions have been converted to JSON, you can roll out another release that flips the config value to :json.
Note: If you're storing complex Ruby objects in the session and need them to be serialized with Marshal, you won't be able to use the JSON serializer.

Creating smart model in Ruby

I want to create an ActiveRecord-like interface for Salesforce, such that I can call
class Account < Salesforce::Model
and be able to call methods like Account.find_by_FirstName() using my own method_missing function.
However, connecting to Salesforce can be done in two ways: username and password, and oauth. If a username/password is used, I can have it defined in a salesforce.yml file and load automatically. But with oauth, I can't do that since each user will have this defined. I don't want to initialize a class with Account.new('oauth', oauth_parmas) or Account.new('username','password','sec_token'), but have the model determine which to use based off of rules and by seeing if one or the other is present.
Is there a way to implement this? In other words, is there a way for the model to know if the current user has a current oauth token or if a username/password defined?
Additionally, if I were to use this in a Rails app, the user would be logging in after the app was started, so the oauth token would be defined after the application started, and would be different for each of the multiple users. For example, let's say I call Account.find_by_FirstName('John') in AccountController#Show. I want the Account model to use the oauth token or usename/password without having to be asked. I also don't want to establish connection directly in my show method in the controller. I have two questions:
How would I implement this? Should I use a before_filter in the controller, or is there a way to implement this application-wide?
If I have multiple users connecting to Salesforce, would this cause issues in my application? In other words, would I have to worry about a connection being used by another user since the connection is dynamic?
Your needing is not different from ActiveRecord::Base connection establishment: you establish the connection using ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection and every model you use after the connection establishment know which connection to use, because you memorized the connection at superclass level.
For Salesforce you can use the same concept:
class Salesforce::Model
def self.oauth_params
def self.establish_connection(oauth_params)
#oauth_params = oauth_params
def self.find(id)
# use oauth_params here
class Account < Salesforce::Model
Now you can do something like
Salesforce::Model.establish_connection ['username', 'password']
Account.find 2 # without specifying authentication params
Since you know authentication params after knowing the logged user, you can establish the connection after the user is logged:
def sign_user
# user = ...
oauth_params = get_oauth_params(user)
Concurrency (threads)
If I have multiple users connecting to Salesforce, would this cause issues in my application? In other words, would I have to worry about a connection being used by another user since the connection is dynamic?
Legitimate question. If you run the Rails application in a threaded environment (threaded application server - f.e. Puma, multi-threaded architecture - JRuby, Rubinius...) AND Rails is configured as threadsafe (config.threadsafe!), you could have concurrency problems (the explanation is not trivial - check out this).
If this is your case you can scope the #oauth_params variable accessor to Thread.current:
class Salesforce::Model
#oauth_params = { Thread.current => nil }
def self.oauth_params
def self.establish_connection(oauth_params)
#oauth_params[Thread.current] = oauth_params
Would it be possible that the thread for the current user changes?
It is possible, if some code you execute runs inside a new thread. F.e.:
Thread.new{ p Salesforce::Model.oauth_params }.join #=> puts nil
In this case you have to reestablish the connection in the new thread (I can do it just if you need it).
I could request something on thread 1 and complete that request, but afterwards, someone else uses thread 1 and I have to use thread 2. Is this possible?
Thinking about it, you need to reset the variable at the beginning of the call in order to avoid that the next request uses the params set in any previous request:
before_action :reset_connection, :sign_user
def reset_connection
def sign_user
# ...

How to handle Shopify API connection with Shopify gem?

Hi I'm using the Shopify gem in my Shopify app and I'm looking for suggestions on how to handle the API connection to Shopify.
I'm using webhooks and delayed_jobs so I need a way to open the connection outside of the controller.
At the moment I added this method to my Shop model:
def connect_to_store
session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new(self.url, self.access_token)
So I can open the connection very easily, for example:
The problem is that, inside my Product module, I need the connection open inside several methods but I end up calling the connect_to_store method several times and I'm worried about opening several connections to the same store, without a real need.
Is there a way to check if a connection is already opened and open a new one only if another one is not found?
------------------- UPDATE -------------------
I explain better my issue.
Let's say that in my Product model I want to see if a given product has a compare_at_price greater than its price and, in this case, I want to add a "sale" tag to the Shopify product.
In my Product model I have:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :shop
def get_from_shopify
#shopify_p = ShopifyAPI::Product.find(self.shopify_id)
def add_tag(tag)
#shopify_p = self.get_from_shopify
shopify_p_tags = shopify_p.tags.split(",")
shopify_p_tags.collect{|x| x.strip!}
unless shopify_p_tags.include?(tag)
shopify_p_tags << tag
shopify_p.tags = shopify_p_tags
def on_sale?
#shopify_p = self.get_from_shopify
sale = false
shopify_p.variants.each do |v|
unless v.compare_at_price.nil?
if v.compare_at_price > v.price
sale = true
return sale
def update_sale_tag
if self.on_sale?
My problem is that if I call:
the Shop.connect_to_store is called several times and I authenticate several times while I'm already authenticated.
How would you refactor this code?
I approach this by storing the OAuth token that is returned by Shopify with the store (you should be doing this anyway). All you need to access the API is the token, so in your shop model you would have a method like:
def shopify_api_path
Then if you want to access the API for a particular store in a Delayed Job worker, you would simply:
ShopifyAPI::Base.site = shop.shopify_api_path
# Make whatever calls to the API that you want here.
products = ShopifyAPI::Product.all
ShopifyAPI::Base.site = nil
Hopefully that helps a little. I find working with Sessions outside of controllers to be a bit messy, particularly since this is nice and easy.
Once your application has authenticated once, you can hold on to that computed password – it’s good until the app is uninstalled for that particular store.
In other words, authenticate just the once when the merchant first installs the app, save the password to a db, and load it up whenever you need it. Your self.shop.connect_to_store call should then just set the ShopifyAPI::Session instance.
I think there is some misunderstanding here. You do know that you are really just using Active Resource for all your API work? And therefore when you authenticate, you are probably authenticating a session? And that once authenticated, no matter how many times you actually use the API, you're not actually opening "new" connections.
You are doing it wrong if you are constantly authenticating in a single session to do more than one API call.
If you happen to be in a block of code that has no authentication (for example your App may process a WebHook from N shops) or a Delayed Job, simply pass the myshopify_domain string to those code blocks, look up the Shop in your DB, find the auth token, authenticate (once)... and away you go... it really quite simple.
