Modifying channels in an image - ios

How does one modify the colour and alpha channels in an image?
I am able to apply a colour to an image using CGContextSetRGBFillColor which creates a weird effect.
How can a colour channel be modified?

You want to create a bitmap (CGBitmapContextCreate) and draw your image to it. That will give you access to the image pixels. To change image data, you can then modify the bitmap bytes directly.
If your use case is simple enough, you can use different techniques, e.g. multiple images with transparency, masks...
Also, check out Core Image Filters (CIFilter) available on iOS. One of them may be suitable for you use cases.


How do I extract a common part of multiple images and put it as a single transparent PNG

Similar to this “Diff” an image using ImageMagick but lets say I have 2+ images of different sizes. Say from a game with multiple screenshots and I just want to extract the "coins" image so I detect it in a tool like Sikuli which accepts a transparent PNG and ignores the transparent areas.
I am thinking it is something with the compare tool to create a mask for one of the images then apply the mask using magick/convert to extract the final PNG.
Say I have three images where each are slightly off...
I want to somehow extract the following from the three images.
Note I am not really requiring a full imagemagick solution. I am thinking that the alignment best be done with another tool like Gimp, but I am not sure how to even create a "difference layer" that I can shift around so I can align the images.

How to get rid of empty transparent areas in a PNG image so that it conforms to actual image size?

I have a series of images that I would look to loop through using iOS's [UIView startAnimating]. My trouble is that, when I exported the images, they all came standard in a 240x160 size, although only 50x50 contains the actual image, the rest being transparent parts that are just taking up space.
When I set the frame of the image automatically using image.size.width and image.size.height, iOS takes into images' original size of 240x160, so I am unable to get a frame that conforms to the actual parts of the image. I was wondering if there is a way using Illustrator or Photoshop, or any other graphics editing software for me to export the images based on their natural dimensions, and not a fixed dimension. Thanks!
I am a fan of vector graphics and thinks everything in the world should be vector ;-) so here is what you do in illustrator: file - document setup - edit artboards. Then click on the image, and the artboard should adjust to the exact size. You can of course have multiple artboards, or simply operate with one artboard and however-many images.

How to render images that have a transparent background using oCanvas.js

I have been designing an app with oCanvas.js. It's a really nice canvas library that makes it much easier to create an app that can create and manipulate images, but I ran into a snag when I was trying to implement image filters:
I need transparent backgrounds so that I can have multiple layers, each of which is represented by its own display object, rendered separately (meaning one at a time) on a hidden "staging" canvas. Immediately after being rendered, a layer is then drawn on top of the previous layers on the visible canvas, so that different image filters can be applied to each layer independently during render.
The issue I am having is that, when attempting to extract the image from an oCanvas object's canvasElement, the resulting images never have a transparent background. For example: Imagine I have a 50x50 canvas that has been oCanvas.create() processed, but has display: none; (this is used as the rendering canvas) and another canvas (same dimensions) without an oCanvas instance. I am trying to do something like this (Pseudocode):
visibleCanvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(MyOcanvasCore.canvasElement, 0, 0);
I have also tried using URL = MyOcanvasCore.canvasElement.toDataURL() and then having my visibleCanvas do a drawImage with src=url.
The images always transfer, but they have a white background, even though I specify background: "transparent" during canvas.create(). As such, they completely overwrite all previous layers.
Do you have any tips for me? Am I doing it wrong? I tried transferring stuff from one canvas to another using classic drawRect, drawImage, etc methods, and transparency was retained. That's why I believe it is either the library or my code.
I guess you are using the image format other than png.
You should have your image format in PNG which keeps all the details of every pixel >including transparency of pixels
and not a compressed format.
So just try keep your image in png format after edting them in some image editor and save > result as .png .

How to figure out, If an imagefile (base64) has transparency?

i wonder, how i could figure out if an image has a transparency effect applied. Is there any way in JavaScript or HTML5? I have a Base64-coded image. Is there a way to read out the transparency-information (alpha-channel). For example, if i load a PNG-Image, then convert it to base64, then drop it to html5-canvas, now how can i know if this has transparency-effect activated?
thanx alot
When you say 'drop it to html5-canvas', I assume you mean using an image element with the 'data:' URI scheme. Also, let's take it as given that you don't want to write javascript code to parse the image files.
You could do something like this pseudo-code:
create 2 off-screen canvases
color one opaque white and the other opaque black
draw the image on both of them
call getImageData on each canvas, using the image bounds
compare the image data
If the image has any transparent or partially-transparent pixels, then presumably the two canvases will end up at least a little different. One exception would be if the image has the transparency feature enabled but is entirely opaque anyway. Another would be if the non-opaque pixels are only very slightly transparent - not enough to alter a white or black background. But this technique would catch images where transparency is noticeable.

How to get great looking transparent PNGs on BlackBerry?

I am able to use PNGs that have drop shadows but the effect when displayed on the BlackBerry looks like it collapses the transparent channel down from its original smooth gradient to only several transparent values giving it a choppy look.
The same issue is encountered by drawing on the UI using BlackBerry fields or the graphics.drawBitmap method. Anyone want to share hints for getting great looking transparent effects on the BlackBerry?
Dither your images or pre-composite them. When loading an image on a BlackBerry, you get at most 4 bits of alpha data, which allows 4 bits each for RGB. So, if you want to dither your transparent images, go for RGB4444. If you don't dither them, that's what causes 8-bit alpha to just be mapped to the nearest 4-bit value.
If you include no alpha data (i.e., precomposite), you can get RGB565, which will have a better image quality overall, but you will have to deal with static positioning for your dropshadows.
