QuickBooks API no longer accepting my Access Token: token_rejected - oauth

I am connecting to the QB API using a Go library that I found for OAuth 1.0a: https://github.com/kurrik/oauth1a. I actually had everything working, and I cannot think of anything that I changed, but now every request I make is returned with token_rejected. From what I have read elsewhere, this usually means that my access token has expired, but even if I start the whole 3-legged OAuth process from the beginning I will get the same response as soon as I am verified. I have triple-checked my consumer key and secret, I know they are correct. I can plug in the Access Token and Secret created using the API Explorer into my code and it works just fine, so I know the problem is something related to the Access Token that I am getting back from QB. Everything looks OK when I print out the tokens that I am using, they do match what QB sends me back via the querystring after the handshake process. I have been banging my head against the wall all day now, any help would be great.

Just adding the answer, it was an issue with the Oauth Library code and is now resolved.


OAuth2.0 works from Postman UI (authorization helper), doesn’t work via manual request

The issue I’m facing is I’m trying to manually get the token from the API for the sake of automation. What I did is I configured IdentitySever to grant token on user credentials it worked fine when request has been sent via OAuth UI:
I’m getting the following request/response (viewed in console):
Now the issue is that I’m sending the exact same request but manually, but it fails:
I'm getting 'invalid_client' error instead of Token
I'm not overriding IResourceOwnerPasswordValidator so I'm using default implementation.
Anything else that I’m missing? Does UI do something else under the hood? Did I miss something?
The requests are identical, I copied over clients, passwords etc in case anything is different.
I’ve also tried to do the token request via get+query string, but same result
I tried changing the clientid, clientsecret, but no luck so far
There's a typo in your manual request. It should be 'client_secret' but not 'cliend_secret'.
OAuth2 doesn't understand this field and as a result of this, it assumes that you didn't pass the secret of the client in the request and thus it throws an 'invalid_client' error.

Calling Microsoft Graph API results with OrganizationFromTenantGuidNotFound

I'm trying to use this sample code https://github.com/microsoftgraph/aspnet-snippets-sample to talk to GraphAPI but when request is being sent I'm just getting OrganizationFromTenantGuidNotFound (in an exception 401 unauthorized).
I went through readme, step by step, and recheck already dozens of times to make sure that clientId, tenantId, secret are valid. Even decoded JWT token to make sure that's valid.
Googling it doesn't really helped. Does anyone have may have an idea what's changed to GraphAPI since this sample code have been provided?
I'm using currently Azure 30-days free plan.
App registration permissions given:
In scenarios where you are working with Office 365 and exchange, your app needs to be registered in the same AD as your exchange or Office365.As Jason rightly pointed out, please try out in an account with the said privileges' and provide your feedback.

Discord API - random "invalid code" error passing back generated OAuth2 code

I've successfully implemented Discord's OAuth2 flow using the authorization code grant type into my application. The end user navigates to Discord's OAuth2 link for my bot, authorizes its access, and Discord redirects them back to my site with a code querystring. The bot then exchanges this code for an access token by querying Discord's API. Documentation on this process is available here for reference.
However, roughly every 50-100 requests to the exchange endpoint, I receive a 403 with the error invalid_grant and the description Invalid "code" in request. Frankly, I don't understand how the code just provided by Discord's system is instantly invalid. The same user can complete the process again and no error is returned the second time.
Out of desperation, I tried toggling on the option in the Developers Dashboard named Requires OAuth2 Code Grant seeing that it said "if your application requires multiple scopes," but it made no effect. I've also tried endless debugging, but the circumstances under each occurrence are apparently random. Oddly enough, I can't find anyone with the same issue online.
Below is the request I'm making in Node.js using the superagent library. It matches the documentation and works perfectly, other than the response randomly being the error described.
.set('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
client_id: process.env.BOT_ID,
client_secret: process.env.BOT_SECRET,
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
redirect_uri: process.env.OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI,
scope: 'identify guilds.join',
I can confirm that all variables match their expected values. The value of redirect_uri matches that of redirect_uri in the original URL used. code is the value of the code querystring returned through the OAuth2 flow.
What (if anything) am I doing wrong that's causing the error?
Update 1:
Discord has directed me to the API GitHub repo, and I found the issue closed here. Commented and will update here if I receive any helpful info or resolve the issue completely (hopefully the case).
Ran into the same issue using nodejs. Leaving here notes for prosperity:
On Node, if there is no explicit app.head() handler, the .post() handler receives all head requests
Several Android phones, upon being redirected from discord, first send a head request to the endpoint
The user authenticates on discord, then through the redirect back, does a head request. This pulls discord with the code, BUT directly afterwards it also does a post request, which will fail (as you already used the code once), and possibly un-authenticates the user.
Solution for my specific issue was an explicit .head handler for all callback endpoints, which basically just returned the same headers (a redirect) as the post one did, but without calling discord.
Hope this helps.
did you use the OAuth2 link to invite your bot to your server - with the correct permissions? If so, in your main.js file did you define the token?
I.e. bot.login(“YOUR_TOKEN_HERE”)
I would recommend not toggling the ‘Requires OAuth2 Code Grant’ as it is a pain to do anything with in the beginning.
Please let me know of any progress :)

Asana API Personal Access Token return 401 (Unauthorized)

When we are accessing Asana API we are using the Asana node client v0.15.0 together with an Tampermonkey script. The Api is responding with an 401 (Unauthorized).
This worked a couple a days ago. I have tried with new Personal Access Tokens but still get the same error.
While fiddling the request I tried to change the auth-header Bearer to be lower cased.
Authorization: Bearer my-personal-access-token ->
Authorization: bearer my-personal-access-token.
This seems to work fine, that indicates that something changed on Asana's side.
The node-asana js client lib does not let me modify the request before sending it to Asana API.
According to Asana API support it is on stackoverflow that I should ask about help on this matter.
By some further investigation it seems that when we send in the cookie
auth_token=My auth token we do get the 401 error. But If removing the cookie and reissue the request in fiddler it works fine.
Another note is that now we do not get any custom_fields in the response from e.g https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/tasks/TaskId
I'm a Developer Advocate at Asana. You've caught something that is a known issue and we're working on a fix :) We're rolling out a new version of our API. It's intended to be backwards-compatible with the older implementation, but giving us multiple forms of authentication is one of those cases where we do something different between the two.
For security purposes, we initially implemented this in the new version to not allow requests with multiple forms of authentication, but it turns out that in-browser integrations were affected in precisely the way you're seeing: being logged into Asana, which causes your browser to send your authorization credentials for requests to asana.com automatically, and also authorizing "the right way" for our API with OAuth or a Personal Access Token will end up breaking. We're working on a fix that will allow this to work for the case when both the logged in (cookie) user and the API (access token) user are the same.
If this is an urgent issue and you want to force the old behavior to happen while we roll out the fix in our newer API implementation, you can set a header as described in that link --^ to force your requests on to the old API. Once we get the new API fully deployed and stable, though, we'll deprecate that header, so please be cautious in relying on it for a long-term solution.
Sorry that this has caused issues for you, and thanks for creating this question to let us know!

Thinktecture Authorization Server TokenRequestValidator returns 'Anonymous Client'

I have an interesting problem. We have set up the Thinktecture Authorization Server from the trusty Identity Server 2 and gotten it to work a few months back. It is configured as a relying party for an already existing corporate identity server, so when we use the Code Flow example, click the "Start authorization handshake" we bounce over to the identity server, supply our credentials and get bounced back to the callback of the code flow with an access code, click the Get Token, and are granted with this fine jwt token. All seems fine.
When we try this either from, for instance, postman, or our app development team from their development devices (android and iphone), it starts fine but when we call the token endpoint with our newly minted access code we get an "Anonymous client" response.
Looking at the web example from the CodeFlow example I see it posts basic authentication including a base64 value of the secret wich is missing from postman and our app team. I see no reference to this in the CodeFlow example so I have no idea where this comes from. If I hard code the Authorization BASIC [including the Base64 secret I snatched from the previous example] it does not change anything.
We'be been stuck for several days on this so any help would be gratefully appreciated. Any Ideas?
After a lot of recearch and hair pulling it seems the Postman client we are using does not support Code Flow and therefore does not include the Authorisation header we are missing. After capturing the traffic from Postman with Fiddler we manually added the basic authorization header with the client name and secret and got everything working. So as of now, postman does not work.
I hope postman does add support for codeflow in the future.
