Getting audio visualization using Web Audio API to work on iOS - ios

I'm developing an HTML5 audio player for use specifically on iPhones, and am trying to get an EQ visualizer working. From what I've found there are two ways to set this up:
One where you load the mp3 file on demand using an XMLHttpRequest:
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'sampler.mp3', true);
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
request.addEventListener('load', bufferSound, false);
function bufferSound(event) {
var request =;
var buffer = myAudioContext.createBuffer(request.response, false);
source = myAudioContext.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = buffer;
You then use the source.noteOn and source.noteOff functions to play and pause the audio. Working this way, I AM able to get the EQ visualization going. BUT, you have to wait until the mp3 file completely loads to start playing, which won't work in our situation.
The other way to do this is to have an <audio> element already on the page, and you get the audio data from that using:
source = myAudioContext.createMediaElementSource(document.querySelector('audio'));
You then use the audio tag's play and pause functions. This solves the loading problem as it allows the media to be played immediately once the page loads... BUT, EQ visualization is gone.
Both methods show the EQ when testing on Chrome (WIN), so there seems to be something specific with iOS/iPhone that isn't allowing me to get the data from an <audio> tag, but will allow me to get it if I load the mp3 file on demand.
Any ideas out there?

Unfortunately Safari doesn't properly support MediaElementSource. It's a bug: Why aren't Safari or Firefox able to process audio data from MediaElementSource?


DASH Streaming ExoPlayer android studio

I'm streaming video from URL stored in firebase storage and I'm using the following code for streaming the video using ExoPlayer
BandwidthMeter bandwidthMeter = new DefaultBandwidthMeter();
TrackSelector trackSelector = new DefaultTrackSelector(new AdaptiveTrackSelection.Factory(bandwidthMeter));
LoadControl loadControl = new CustomLoadControl();
exoPlayer = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(SafetyTVHomeActivity.this, trackSelector, loadControl);
Uri videoUri = Uri.parse(videourl);
DefaultHttpDataSourceFactory dataSourceFactory = new DefaultHttpDataSourceFactory("exoplayer_video");
ExtractorsFactory extractorsFactory = new DefaultExtractorsFactory();
MediaSource mediaSource = new ExtractorMediaSource(videoUri, dataSourceFactory, extractorsFactory, null, null);
exoPlayer.addListener(new PlayerEventListener());
exoPlayer.prepare(mediaSource, false, false);
exoPlayer.seekTo(0, 0);
Everything is fine and the video gets streamed. But the problem I'm facing is the initial load time to start the video is too long (5+ seconds). I want to reduce the initial loading time to start the video to (0-2 seconds). Is there a way to achieve this using exoplayer?
I also tried using DASH media source in exoplayer using the code below
Uri videoUri = Uri.parse(videourl);
DataSource.Factory dataSourceFactory = new DefaultHttpDataSourceFactory(Util.getUserAgent(SafetyTVHomeActivity.this, "app-name"));
MediaSource mediaSource = new DashMediaSource.Factory(dataSourceFactory).createMediaSource(videoUri);
exoPlayer = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(this);
exoPlayer.addListener(new PlayerEventListener());
I used the same firebase storage URL in the dash media source but I'm getting the following error
ExoPlayerImplInternal: Source error. org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: Unexpected token (position:TEXT G#��B�%���������...#2:79 in at at........
Could anyone please help me on how can I work around this.
My main objective is to stream video from URL and the initial load time to start the video should be 0-2 seconds (The way TikTok does it). Any help would be really helpful.

Working Audio Loop Example in Dart

I'm trying to use Dart to get an OGG file to loop using the HTML5 <audio> element. Does anyone have a working example for this. I'm specifically having trouble getting the audio to loop.
I was not able to have a fully controlled loop using the html5 AudioElement; sometimes the loop option was simply not working, sometimes there was a gap, sometimes patterns would overlap.
I had better chance using WebAudio using something like:
source = audioContext.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = buffer;
gainNode = audioContext.createGain();
gainNode.gain.value = 1;
// play it now in loop
source.loop = true;
I was not able to load the source buffer from the html audio element which could have been a solution for the CORS issues I had. The samples were loaded using http requests.
I created a dartpad example that demonstrates looping using AudioElement native loop feature and WebAudio

IOS WebAudio only works on headphones

I've been running into an issue now for a while where on some ios devices my webaudio system only seems to work with headphones where as other devices (exact same os, model, etc) the audio plays perfectly fine through the speakers or headphones. I've searched for a solution to this but haven't found anything on this exact issue. The only thing I can think of is that maybe it's an audio channel issue or something.
How can I fix this?
#Alastair is correct, the mute toggle switch does mute WebAudio, but it does not mute HTML5 tags. Thanks to his work I managed to find a work around for the web which enables WebAudio to play even when the mute toggle switch is on. I'd post this as a comment on his reply, but I don't have the reputation.
In order to play WebAudio you must also play at least one WebAudio sound source node and one HTML5 tag during a user action. It is fine if these sounds are short bits of silence. I found that this self contained code works without any extra files needed:
EDIT 11/29/19:
Removed vestigial typescript typedefs. Thanks #Joep. I also realized the code below is woefully out of date and janky. Just consider it an example. Editing this post prompted me to create an open source solution for this. You can see a demo of it here: and check out the repo here:
* If you want a drop in solution I have a script on git hub
* Demo:
* #see
* Github Repo:
* #see
var isWebAudioUnlocked = false;
var isHTMLAudioUnlocked = false;
function unlock() {
if (isWebAudioUnlocked && isHTMLAudioUnlocked) return;
// Unlock WebAudio - create short silent buffer and play it
// This will allow us to play web audio at any time in the app
var buffer = myContext.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050); // 1/10th of a second of silence
var source = myContext.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = buffer;
source.onended = function()
console.log("WebAudio unlocked!");
isWebAudioUnlocked = true;
if (isWebAudioUnlocked && isHTMLAudioUnlocked)
console.log("WebAudio unlocked and playable w/ mute toggled on!");
window.removeEventListener("mousedown", unlock);
// Unlock HTML5 Audio - load a data url of short silence and play it
// This will allow us to play web audio when the mute toggle is on
var silenceDataURL = "data:audio/mp3;base64,//MkxAAHiAICWABElBeKPL/RANb2w+yiT1g/gTok//lP/W/l3h8QO/OCdCqCW2Cw//MkxAQHkAIWUAhEmAQXWUOFW2dxPu//9mr60ElY5sseQ+xxesmHKtZr7bsqqX2L//MkxAgFwAYiQAhEAC2hq22d3///9FTV6tA36JdgBJoOGgc+7qvqej5Zu7/7uI9l//MkxBQHAAYi8AhEAO193vt9KGOq+6qcT7hhfN5FTInmwk8RkqKImTM55pRQHQSq//MkxBsGkgoIAABHhTACIJLf99nVI///yuW1uBqWfEu7CgNPWGpUadBmZ////4sL//MkxCMHMAH9iABEmAsKioqKigsLCwtVTEFNRTMuOTkuNVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV//MkxCkECAUYCAAAAFVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV";
var tag = document.createElement("audio");
tag.controls = false;
tag.preload = "auto";
tag.loop = false;
tag.src = silenceDataURL;
tag.onended = function()
console.log("HTMLAudio unlocked!");
isHTMLAudioUnlocked = true;
if (isWebAudioUnlocked && isHTMLAudioUnlocked)
console.log("WebAudio unlocked and playable w/ mute toggled on!");
window.removeEventListener("mousedown", unlock);
var p =;
if (p) p.then(function(){console.log("play success")}, function(reason){console.log("play failed", reason)});
window.addEventListener("mousedown", unlock);
This is likely because the iPhone's side switch is on "mute". It's very confusing - HTML5 <audio> tags still play fine when the phone is muted, but WebAudio does not. Why? Who knows. But it's a restriction I currently haven't found a way around.
If the iPhone mute button is down, meaning that the iPhone is muted, what is played through Web Audio Api will be muted.
Unfortunately there is no way to check if that physical button (located on the left edge towards the top of the iPhone) is on or off through Javascript.
This issue is completely independent from the fact that in iOS Safari the audio has to be started by a user action for it to be unmuted. There are some tricks that can be done to overcome that fact, including the one suggested by here Spencer, were you use "any action or a specific action" started by the user to "play" a silent audio file to allow subsequently playing audio files to play unmuted.
had same issue, and finally understood problem.
indeed WebView don't play sound on internal speakers if phone is in mute.
when i dig deeper i found a workaround :)
original post =>
do {
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback)
//print("AVAudioSession Category Playback OK")
do {
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true)
//print("AVAudioSession is Active")
} catch _ as NSError {
} catch _ as NSError {

Blackberry java radio streaming

I'm developing a radio app for BB 5.0 in java. I don't find a way to play the radio from the url stream address that I have. I use multiple formats but nothing works (.pls, .aac, .m3u). I get a RuntimeException every time I try to play the stream. The content is ok, I've checked it.
InputStream stream = Connector.openInputStream(urlPlay);
StreamConnection streamConnection = (StreamConnection), Connector.READ);
InputStream readAhead = streamConnection.openDataInputStream();
byte[] audioData = new byte[500];,0,audioData.length);
ByteArrayInputStream in2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(audioData);
player =, "audio/aac");
When I use a URL from my .pls file I hear a little bit of my streaming but It stops immediately.
I suspect the problem is that you are trying to play playlist files instead of an actual stream. Generally, you need to parse those files yourself to get the real stream URLs.
If you open up that .m3u file, you will see that it is just a list of URLs. Take one of those URLs and then try it. Also, be sure you are setting the right content type. You can determine what that type is with cURL or VLC.

Ipad html5 load multiple audio files

I want to preload multiple audio files. To do this, I tried to create multiple Audio elements in JavaScript.
function loadAudio(){
audio1 = new Audio();
audio1.addEventListener('canplaythrough', isLoaded, false);
audio1.src = 'assets/audio/Maid with the Flaxen Hair.mp3';
function isLoaded(){
audio1.removeEventListener('canplaythrough', isAppLoaded);
alert('start audio 2');
audio2 = new Audio();
audio2.addEventListener('canplaythrough', isLoaded2, false);
audio2.src = 'assets/audio/Kalimba.mp3';
function isLoaded2(){
I only get the first alert, the second one never works.
I found that I can only play one sound at a time, but can I also only load one? Does the script need another user input for every new Audio object I create? Or does anyone have another way to create a preloader for audio?
this could have to do with the limitations on autoplaying (and, as far as i know autoloading) audiofiles on ios-devices (see here: Limitations of HTML5 Audio on iOS 4?).
In short: You cannot programmatically start audio-playback on ios devices, this is only allowed from within event-handlers for trusted (=initiated by the user) events.
Yo can play multiple audio on IOS device
using following way
alert("audio clicked");
var aud=new Audio();
var aud1=new Audio();
The above code play multiple audio on device
