dust js partials not working inside loop - dust.js

I'm trying to do something similar to the below code.(trying to print an partial inside a loop)
Hello {.name}
But im getting an output like below:
As you can see that partial is not printed inside the loop.
My actual code http://jsfiddle.net/WKxzb/1/

Most of the documentation examples suggest something like this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/cnftm/
In short, in greeting.tl:
Hello, {name}!
then in projects.tl:
{>greeting /}
If where you store name didn't happen to be named name:
{>greeting name=someOtherVar /}
Anything you want to be parametrized has to be, ahem, passed as a parameter, and no body is supported.
The exception to these is blocks with inline partials, which are like this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/PWYBr/1/
In short, in greeting.tl:
Hello, {+name}Anonymous Coward{/name}!{~n}
then in projects.tl:
This works great for loops, but you can't reuse the greeting partial ANYWHERE else on the page... basically, whoever writes {<name} last wins, such that this will do weird things:


How do I parse wikitext using built-in mediawiki support for lua scripting?

The wiktionary entry for faint lies at https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/faint
The wikitext for the etymology section is:
From {{inh|en|enm|faynt}}, {{m|enm|feynt||weak; feeble}}, from
{{etyl|fro|en}} {{m|fro|faint}}, {{m|fro|feint||feigned; negligent;
sluggish}}, past participle of {{m|fro|feindre}}, {{m|fro|faindre||to
feign; sham; work negligently}}, from {{etyl|la|en}}
{{m|la|fingere||to touch, handle, usually form, shape, frame, form in
thought, imagine, conceive, contrive, devise, feign}}.
It contains various templates of the form {{xyz|...}}
I would like to parse them and get the text output as it shows on the page:
From Middle English faynt, feynt (“weak; feeble”), from Old French
faint, feint (“feigned; negligent; sluggish”), past participle of
feindre, faindre (“to feign; sham; work negligently”), from Latin
fingere (“to touch, handle, usually form, shape, frame, form in
thought, imagine, conceive, contrive, devise, feign”).
I have about 10000 entries extracted from the freely available dumps of wiktionary here.
To do this, my thinking is to extract templates and their expansions (in some form). To explore the possibilites I've been fiddling with the lua scripting facility on mediawiki. By trying various queries inside the debug console on edit pages of modules, like here:
>> table
>> table#1 {
["code_to_name"] = function#1,
["name_to_code"] = function#2,
But, I can't even get the function calls right. p.code_to_name("aaa") doesn't return anything.
The code that presumably expands the templates for the etymology section is here:
How do I call this code correctly?
Is there a simpler way to achieve my goal of parsing wikitext templates?
Is there some function available in mediawiki that I can call like "parse-wikitext("text"). If so, how do I invoke it?
To expand templates (and other stuff) in wikitext, use frame.preprocess, which is called as a method on a frame object. To get a frame object, use mw.getCurrentFrame. For instance, type = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess('{{l|en|word}}') in the console to get the wikitext resulting from {{l|en|word}}. That currently gives <span class="Latn" lang="en">[[word#English|word]]</span>.
You can also use the Expandtemplates action in the MediaWiki API ( https://en.wiktionary.org/w/api.php?action=expandtemplates&text={{l|en|word}}), or the Special:ExpandTemplates page, or JavaScript (if you open the browser console while browsing a Wiktionary page):
new mw.Api().get({
action: 'parse',
text: '{{l|en|word}}',
title: mw.config.values.wgPageName,
}).done(function (data) {
const wikitext = data.parse.text['*'];
if (wikitext)
If the mw.api library hasn't already been loaded and you get a TypeError ("mw.Api is not a constructor"):
mw.loader.using("mediawiki.api", function() {
// Use mw.Api here.
So these are some of the ways to expand templates.

How to show String new lines on gsp grails file?

I've stored a string in the database. When I save and retrieve the string and the result I'm getting is as following:
This is my new object
Testing multiple lines
-- Test 1
-- Test 2
-- Test 3
That is what I get from a println command when I call the save and index methods.
But when I show it on screen. It's being shown like:
This is my object Testing multiple lines -- Test 1 -- Test 2 -- Test 3
Already tried to show it like the following:
But still the same thing.
Do I need to replace \n to or something like that? Is there any easier way to show it properly?
Common problems have a variety of solutions
1> could be you that you replace \n with <br>
so either in your controller/service or if you like in gsp:
2> display the content in a read-only textarea
<g:textArea name="something" readonly="true">
3> Use the <pre> tag
4> Use css white-space http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_text_white-space.asp:
<div class="space">
//css code:
.space {
Also make a note if you have a strict configuration for the storage of such fields that when you submit it via a form, there are additional elements I didn't delve into what it actually was, it may have actually be the return carriages or \r, anyhow explained in comments below. About the good rule to set a setter that trims the element each time it is received. i.e.:
Class Advice {
String advice
static constraints = {
advice(nullable:false, minSize:1, maxSize:255)
* In this scenario with a a maxSize value, ensure you
* set your own setter to trim any hidden \r
* that may be posted back as part of the form request
* by end user. Trust me I got to know the hard way.
void setAdvice(String adv) {
${raw(adviceInstance.advice?.encodeAsHTML().replace("\n", "<br>"))}
This is how i solve the problem.
Firstly make sure the string contains \n to denote line break.
For example :
String test = "This is first line. \n This is second line";
Then in gsp page use:
${raw(test?.replace("\n", "<br>"))}
The output will be as:
This is first line.
This is second line.

Prestashop all translatable-field display none for product page

Just new in Prestashop (, I've a problem with my product page in admin. All translatable-field are to display:none (I inspect the code with chrome).
So when I want to create a new product I can't because the name field is required.
I thought that it was simple to find the .js whose do that but it isn't.
If somebody could help me, I would be happy.
Thank you for your help
I make some searches and see that the function hideOtherLanguage(id) hide and show translatable-field element.
function hideOtherLanguage(id)
$('.lang-' + id).show();
var id_old_language = id_language;
id_language = id;
if (id_old_language != id)
When I set the Id to 1 (default language), it works. It seems that when I load the page, the function is called twice and the last calling, the id value is undefined. So the show() function will not work.
If somebody could help me. Thank you.
In my console, I see only one error
undefined is not a function.
under index.php / Line 1002
But I find the form.tpl template and set this lines in comment but nothing change.
EDIT: According to comment on this link http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFV-2928 this can possibly be caused by corrupted installation file(s) - so when on clean install - try to re-download and reinstall...
I got into a similar problem - in module admin page, when creating configuration form using PrestaShop's HelperForm. I will provide most probable cases and their possible solutions.
The solution for HelperForm was tested on PS
Generally there are 2 cases when this will happen.
First, you have to check what html you recieve.
=> Display source code - NOT in developer tools/firebug/etc...!
=> I really mean the pure recieved (JavaScript untouched) html.
Check if your translatable-fields have already the inline style "display: none":
Case 1 - fields already have inline style(s) for "display: none"
This means the template/html was already prepared this way - most probably in some TPL file I saw codes similar to these:
<div class="translatable-field lang-{$language.id_lang}"
{if $language.id_lang != $id_lang_default}style="display:none"{/if}>
Or particularly in HelperForm template:
<div class="translatable-field lang-{$language.id_lang}"
{if $language.id_lang != $defaultFormLanguage}style="display:none"{/if}>
Case 1 is the most easy to solve, you just have to find, where to set this default language.
Look where you've (or someone else) prepared the HelperForm object - something like:
$formHelper = new HelperForm();
Somewhere there will be something like $formHelper->default_form_language = ...;
My wrong first solution was to get default form language from context - which might not be set:
$this->context->controller->default_form_language; //THIS IS WRONG!
The correct way is to get the default language from configuration - something like:
$default_lang = new Language((int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'));
$formHelper->default_form_language = $default_lang->id;
...this particularly solved my problem...
Other form-creations
If there is something else than HelperForm used for form creations, the problem is still very similar.
You have to find where in files(probably tpls) is a condition for printing display:none for your case - then find where is the check-against-variable set and set it correctly yourself.
Case 2 - fields don't have inline style(s) for "display: none"
This means it is done after loading HTML by JavaScript. There are two options:
There is a call for hideOtherLanguage(), but there is wrongly set input language - that means no language will be displayed and all hidden.Solution for this one can be often solved by solving Case 1 (see above). In addition there can be programming error in not setting the after-used language id variable at all... then you would have to set it yourself (assign in JavaScript).
Some script calls some sort of .hide() on .translatable-field - you will have to search for it the hard way and remove/comment it out.
PS: Of course you can set the language to whatever you want, it is just common to set it to default language, because it is the most easier and the most clear way how to set it.

Custom Tag Library in grails not passing HTML tags out properly

I am learning grails using the definitive guide to grails 2 (using grails 2.3.7), and when I'm looking at the custom tag library it gives an example custom tag as follows:
def repeat = { attrs, body ->
int n = attrs.int('times)
n?.times { counter ->
out << body(counter +1)
so when I use this tag like so:
<g:repeat times="3">
Hello number ${it}<br>
I expect to get three separate lines on my rendered HTML:
Hello number 1
Hello number 2
Hello number 3
Instead I get:
hello number 1<br>hello number 2<br>hello number 3<br>
I have found methods that look like they should help, like decodeHTML() however I am thus unable to change the output that I want, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
I have tried doing:
out <<body.decodeHTML()
but I get a null pointer error...
That does not make sense unless there is something else in your taglib or something unusual in the GSP which is invoking the tag.
Does your taglib maybe have something like defaultEncodeAs='html' in it?
Use the tag like this:
<g:repeat times="3">
Hello number ${it}<br/>
HTML5 can render <br>, but it seems you are using version 4 or lower.

what is the difference between chunk.write and chunk.render

I saw this,
chunk = chunk.write("<li>").render(bodies.block, context.push(items[i])).write("</li>\n");
Before seeing this code, i thought, render as something similar to flush, and write as something similar to "write in buffer", naturally leading to a code like below.
for loop
end for loop
But, as you can see in the first code, render is coming in between the writes. Can somebody explain the difference between these two functions.
After reading your answer i tried the below code:
temaplate: You have {render} {write}
"name": "Mick",
"render": function(c,ct,b){
chunk.render("Rendered {~n}");
chunk.write("Written {~n}")
Expected output:
you have Rendered
Written {~n}
Please note the {~n} after the word "Rendered" is interpreted but the {~n} after "Written" is not interpreted.
But the actual output is not same as the expected output.
Could you post a jsfiddle, that will help me in understanding.
The actual output is an empty string, which also indicate that there could be an error in the code.
The chunk.write method writes strings directly to the buffer.
On the other hand, chunk.render resolves variables contained in its argument and then writes the resulting string to the buffer.
You don't have to override the write and render function in the context.
Let me show you how it works.
Hello {name}!, how are you?
Dust compiles the template to convert them in javascript. After compiling that template you are going to obtain something like:
return chk.write("Hello ").reference(ctx.get("name"), ctx, "h").write("! how are you?");
As you can see for "Hello" and "how are you?", dust uses chunk.write because it knows what it should print. However, dust doesn't know the value of {name} until it gets the context (JSON).
For that reason, it uses chunk.reference, because it will have to resolve the value of the variable name in the future. Dust is going to obtain the value of name from the JSON data.
You can read more about dust.js here:
And you can see working examples and try yours here:
