Ruby on rails finding unique entries - ruby-on-rails

I want to populate a select menu with options from my database. There are many copies of the same entree, and because of that I get a drop down menu that have the same name again and again. I want to just get entries from my table so i have one of each possibility on it.
I have tried looking around for different ways to call information from the database, including that fact that Conditions can be applied to the call, unfortunately I must not have found the right one. also I found that
returned the full list, so I am probably using that wrong also. If I cannot do it in a single call, what would I need to do to get the same result.

I'm not sure I understand exactly the desired outcome. Are you looking for an array of values from the products.brand column where no entry is repeated? If so, you can do the following:
If you need to add extra conditions it's easy enough to do, you can just add a where(:foo => :bar) (but you need to add it before the pluck call).


How do I fix inconsistent types in InfluxDB?

In InfluxDB (1.5), I have a table where the fields have become inconsistently typed. Most rows in the table are Integer, however, some rows have become strings.
How is this possible? I thought, once a field's types were set (upon first insert), any insert into the table with incorrect typing would fail.
What do I do now? If I go back and attempt to overwrite the data in the inconsistent rows, I get errors saying the field is a string.
After some more research, here's what I've discovered:
Answer to Part 1:
InfluxDB uses a system they refer to as 'sharding' - while I don't know the specifics, I do know that data from the same measurement/table can be stored across multiple, different 'shards'.
According to the InfluxDB documentation, field types can differ between these shards, within the same field, on the same table.
Answer to Part 2:
In order to fix this, the currently-suggested answer is to make a new table, download all the data, and re-insert while ensuring the data that gets inserted is the proper types.
If you had a tag which changed type and became a field, this can be especially difficult to fix, the link above does not address that. To do selects only on tag or field, you can use tag_name::tag or field_name::field within a select statement.
The GROUP BY * clause suggested in the link is required in order to preserve tags, but seemed to cause issues when I used it.
My current solution is a PHP script that uses curl, downloads the points, chunks them, then re-inserts the points into the new table, ensuring each point that gets inserted is casted to the new, uniform type, and properly inserted.
The best way to stopping future issues, is simply not to have them. I went looking for how to lock field types in all cases, across all shards, for a particular measurement table.
Unfortunately, it seems impossible to guarantee 100% type consistency across all current and future shards. "Don't make mistakes because it's really difficult to clean up" seems to be InfluxDB's modus operandi.

Lua - search for key inside of multiple tables

For my program, I have multiple tables inside of each other for organization and readability. These tables can look something like this
local buttons = {
loadingScreen = {
bLoadingEnter = function()
}, ...
What I want to do is find the first element named bLoadingEnter in the table. I dont know that the element named bLoadingEnter will be in loadingScreen. I've thought of getting all the keys in the table then check them. I couldn't get that to work. Any help would be appreciated!
If execution speed is in any way relevant, the answer is:
you don't
Looking up a key in a nested table takes a lot longer than looking it up in just a normal table. The next problem is that of uniqueness. Two or more nested tables can have the same key with different values, which may lead to odd bugs down the road. You'd either have to check for that when inserting (making your code even slower) or just hope things miraculously go well and nothing explodes later on.
I'd say just use a flat table. If your keys are well named (like bLoadingEnter) you'll be able to infer meaning from the name either way, no nesting required.
That being said, nested tables can be a good option, if most of the time you know what path to take, or when you have some sort of ordered structure like a binary search tree. Or if speed really isn't an important factor to consider.
Okay try
for _, item in ipairs(buttons) do
if item.bLoadingEnter ~= nil then
return item.bLoadingEnter

appsheet prevent duplicate entries

I would like to know how I can prevent a duplicate entry (based on my own client/project definition of what that means-below), in an AppSheet mobile app connected to Google Sheets.
AppSheet talks alot about UNIQUEID() which they also encourage using and designating as the KEY field. row_number is another possibility.
This is fine for the KEY in the sense of its purpose is to be unique, meaningless, and uniquely identify a record, and relate to other tables.
However, it doesn't prevent a duplicate ("duplicate" again, as defined by my own client's business rules&process) from occurring. I mean, I assume the UniqueId() theoretically would, but that's abstract theory, because it would only produce unique ones anyway.
MY TABLE HAS THESE COLUMN: [FACILITY NUMBER] and [TIMESTAMP] (date and time of event). We consider it a duplicate event, and want to DISALLOW the adding of such a record to this table, if the 2nd record has the same DATE (time irrelevant), with the same FACILITY. (we just do one facility per day, ever).
In AppSheet how can I create some logic that disallows the add based on that criteria? I even basically know some ways I would do it. it just seems like I can't find a place to "put" it. I created an expression that perfectly evalutes to TRUE or FALSE and nothing else, (by referencing whether or not the FACILIY NUMBER on the new record being added is in a SLICE which I've defined as today's entries). I wanted to place this expression in another (random) field's VALIDIF. To me it seemed like that would meet the platform documentation. the other random field would be considered valid, only if the expression evaluated to true. but instead appsheet thought i wanted to conver the entire [other random column] to a dependent dropdown.
Please help! I will cry tears of joy when appsheet introduces FORM events and RECORD events that can be hooked into at the time of keying, saving, etc.
surprised to see this question here in stackoverflow --- most AppSheet questions are at
The brief answer is that you are doing the right thing providing a Valid_If constraint. Your constraint is of the form IN([_THIS], ) so AppSheet is doing the "smart" thing by automatically converting that list into a dropdown of allowed values. From your post, it appears that you may instead want to say NOT(IN([_THIS], )) -- thereby saying that the value [_THIS] is valid as long as it is not in the list specified (making sure it is not a duplicate).
Old question, but in case someone stumbles upon the same:
The (not so simple) answer is given in
From the reference:
NOT(IN([_THIS], SELECT(Customers[State], NOT(IN([CustomerId],
LIST([_THISROW].[CustomerId])))))): when used as the Valid_If
condition for the State column, it ensures that every customer has a
unique value for State. In this example, we assume that CustomerId is
the key for the Customers table.
This could be written more schematic like this:
NOT(IN([_THIS], SELECT(<TableName>[<UnqiueColumnName>], NOT(IN([<KeyColumnName>], LIST([_THISROW].[<KeyColumnName>]))))))
Technically it says:
Get me a list of the current values of the column of the table
Ignore the value of the current row (identified by [_THISROW] and looking into the column)
Check, if the given value exists in the resulting list
This statement has to be defined - with the correct values for , & - as Valid_If statement.

Get array of attribute values, along with an attribute from a join

I've gotten close, I believe. My current query is this
items ="items.icon,, AS type, items.level, items.rarity, items.vendor_value")
.where(" = '#{params[:item_type]}'")
This gets me an array of Item objects that at least respond to :type with the
What I am looking for is an array of arrays that look so:
[icon, name,, level, rarity, vendor_value]
I've already had it working fairly easily, but it is important to me that this be done in one fell swoop via sql, instead of creating a map afterwards, because there are times where I need to respond with 40k+ items and need this to be as fast as possible.
Not sure how to go from the above to an array of attributes, without performing a map.
Thanks for your help!
The pluck method does precisely what you want. In your case, it would look like this:
items = Item.joins(:item_type)
.where(" = ?", params[:item_type])
.pluck("items.icon", "", " AS type",
"items.level", "items.rarity", "items.vendor_value")
I also changed the where call to use parameterization instead of string interpolation—interpolation isn't recommended, especially when you're getting a value from the user.
Further reading:
Official documentation for pluck
An in-depth explanation of how to use pluck

How to order find results on value from either of 2 columns? (which ones depends) (Rails)

Total noob question. Would greatly appreciate any pointers.
I have a rails model that includes 2 possible values for a concept, e.g., distance (a value from a GPS file and an edited value). It's possible to have a value in either column (just file or just manual), both (manual overwrites file in this case), or neither:
distance-file distance-edited
10 11
In several places in my app, I want to do a find and sort the results by distance, where file vs. edited matters only in that I want to use distance-edited when present.
Because I do this sort in many places, ideally I'd like to centralize the logic for picking which distance value to use somewhere so in each find I can simply sort on distance.
What's the right way to do this?
Thank you!
So just to restate, you want to use distance-edited as the primary measure when it is present, and distance-file when it is not? You'll need something like:
ORDER BY COALESCE(distance-edited, distance-file)
Coalesce means "use the first value in this list that isn't NULL", and is a MS SQL-specific function. For other databases, you'll need to use the equivalent statement supported by that system.
What if both are NULL? Do you want it at the end of the list, or the beginning? You could us a "default" value by adding a third value in the coalesce list:
ORDER BY COALESCE(distance-edited, distance-file, 100)
I think that you should be able to simply pass :order => 'distance-edited, distance-file' as a condition to your find.
