Getting the raw base64 content out of an attachment in Indy? - delphi

So I have an attachment on my incoming Pop3 message,
Msg.MessageParts.Items[msgpart] as TidAttachmentFile
but, is it possible to get the content of this attached file in the format specified by Msg.MessageParts.Items[msgpart].ContentTransfer (so base64 ascii) instead of creating a temp file, calling SaveToFile, and then re-reading the file and re-connverting back to base64?

If TIdMessage.NoDecode is set to False, then no, it is not possible. When NoDecode is False, TIdMessageClient decodes the email as it is being read off the socket and places decoded binary data into attachment objects. The only way to get the original base64 data is to set TIdMessage.NoDecode to True and parse the raw email data manually (it is stored as-is in the TIdMessage.Body) as you would effectively be disabling TIdMessageClient's entire decoding system.
On the other hand, if you just want to avoid the temp file, you can use the TIdMessage.OnCreateAttachment event to have Indy create TIdAttachmentMemory objects instead of the default TIdAttachmentFile objects. The base64 will still be auto-decoded and stored as binary in the attachment, but at least the attachment would be solely in memory so your re-encode would be faster.


Getting wrong contentType from EML attachment

I am using Microsoft Graph to fetch mail and I recently noticed when an email has a .eml attachment, there are two cases:
If the sender attach that email through drugging emails to the composer, the attachment will be an item attachment type. <-- I can handle this case
If the sender attaches a .eml file through clicking "attach file", that attachment will be a type of file attachment. Up to this point, I think it is fine to be a file attachment. But when I try to fetch that attachment, the attachment content type is application/octet-stream which is wrong. Shouldn't it be message/rfc822? With application/octet-stream, I cannot create that attachment from our server.
It isn't wrong, application/octet-stream simply represents a generic/unknown binary file. From RFC 2046 ยง 4.5.1:
The "octet-stream" subtype is used to indicate that a body contains arbitrary binary data.
Your application can make its own determination on how to handle the file. In this case, the .eml is just a text file. You can simply fetch the attachment and treat it as raw text.

Finding file type of NSData recieved from server

I am receiving a text file from a socket over TCP/IP. There is no file extension (or filename for that matter) as the data is received as bytes. I can take the data from this (in the form of NSData) and load it into a UITextView and display it fine.
I want to persist this data to a file. However, I don't know what format the data is in (txt, rtf, doc, docx)? I assume it as .txt and save it in the documents directory, but is there a programmatic way of finding out for sure? I've looked around StackOverflow and at the documentation and haven't been able to find anything.
And is there a way to get the details of the file attributes like the file creation date.
Thanks in advance.
When you send a file over a TCP/IP connection, only the file contents will be converted to data and be passed across. If you want the filename,extension and the file attributes, then you will have to add those details separately and append it with the data to be sent. Then you can parse it at the receiver end and use the results inside your app.
You can choose the file type you want when you save the data, you can get attributes from file,please refer to Get file creation date.

How to validate a file as image on the server before uploading to S3?

The flow is:
The user selects an image on the client.
Only filename, content-type and size are sent to the server. (E.g. "file.png", "image/png", "123123")
The response are fields and policies for upload directly to S3. (E.g. "key: xxx, "alc": ...)
The case is that if I change the extension of "file.pdf" to "file.png" and then uploads it, the data sent to the server before uploads to S3 are:
The servers says "ok" and return the S3 fields for upload .
But the content type sent is not a real content type. But how I can validate this on the server?
Testing Redactorjs server side code ( it checks the file content type. But trying upload fake image (test here:, it not allows the fake image. Like I want!
But how it's possible? Look at the request params: (It sends as image/jpeg, that should be valid)
When I was dealing with this question at work I found a solution using Mechanize.
Say you have an image url, url = ""
Then you can use img =[:body]
The way to test whether img is really an image is by issuing the following test:
If the image is not legitimate, this will return false.
There may be a way to load the image from file instead of URL, I am not sure, but I recommend looking at the mechanize docs to check.
With older browsers there's nothing you can do, since there is no way for you to access the file contents or any metadata beyond its name.
With the HTML5 file api you can do better. For example,
Returns the mime type of the first file. I don't believe that the method used to perform this identification is mandated by the standard.
If this is insufficient then you could read the file locally with the FileReader apis and do whatever tests you require. This could be as simple as checking for the magic bytes present at the start of various file formats to fully validating that the file conforms to the relevant specification. MDN has a great article that shows how to use various bits of these apis.
Ultimately none of this would stop a malicious attempt.

how to process a mime email to vcl

I run a small e mail client build with delphi and indy 10. Some mails i receive have the mime format or html format. With the current code I just copy the bode.lines to a memo.lines
How do I copy the content of mime emails?
MIME-encoded emails do not use the TIdMessage.Body property. They use the TIdMessage.MessageParts property instead, where textual MIME parts are stored as TIdText objects and attachments are stored as TIdAttachment-derived objects. You have to look at the TIdMessage.ContentType property to know whether you are working with an HTML email or a MIME email. Even then, chances are that HTML emails are actually MIME encoded, as they usually include an alternative plain-text MIME part for non-HTML email readers. You can loop through the TIdMessage.MessageParts looking for a TIdText object whose ContentType is HTML, then copy the TIdText.Body content into your TMemo.

How to store content of text area from nicEdit with formatted text in a database

I am using the nicEdit editor for a text area, which may have text, image, links and other formated text. I don't know what datatype to use in a MySQL database to store its content.
If there is any other way to handle this stuff, please suggest.
You can try to save the data in a text column. I think it is a good idea to encode the data before saving. For example, save it as base64 (if you don't have to search in the content), or as url encoded string.
If the images are uploaded to the server, you have to save the images on the webserver too. A few options are:
Use Blob fields (binary large objects) to save the images
Convert the images to an base64 string directly for use in the html code.
Save the images on the file system, not the database
In my tests, options 1 and 2 create a lot of data. So it is better to save the images on outside the database.
Hope this Helps.
