Information on iOS app wrapping? - ios

There is a process called app wrapping:
IPA is disassembled (taken apart + sometimes executable part of is is really disassembled)
Some new binary code, resources, segments are added
IPA is assembled again
Quite often this process is used as compile time AOP (to add some aspect like security, audit etc to application).
Have you seen any guide + tools which are used for this?

Here is good overview on app wrapping for iOS:


How to decompile iOS apps?

I want to see the code of an iOS app.
The app I downloaded is .deb.
First question: Is it possible to install .deb file on iOS or I downloaded a wrong file?
After unpacking the .deb file, I got some files, including .nib, .storyboard and some other files.
My main question is, How to decompile these .nib files?
I tried to decompile these files using NibToXibConverter, but I didn't succeed.
Answer to your first question:
I think you downloaded the wrong file. .deb files for iOS are common for jailbreak community and not for apps, I think all of the Cydia stuffs are packed into .deb's. If your app is especially made for the jailbreak scene then you may try to install it using Cydia's auto install feature on a jailbroken device.
Answer to your main question:
This is general info about decompiling and modifying iOS apps (not specific for nibs, but you may still find it useful).
iOS apps are distibuted in .ipa archives, which are ordinary zip archives. They contain, usually one executable in the form of Mach-O file, and resources like .plist, sounds, images - every resource you include in your xcode project. Decompiling the executable file is only possible on jailbroken iDevice, because it is encrypted especially for the current device and the magic key to decrypt the binary is burned inside the device CPU and as far as I know there is no software way to read that key. The encryption system here is called FairPlay.
Briefly described, one way to decrypt that binary is to have the app installed on a jailbroken device, and launch it from command line using a debugger (gdb) which you can download from Cydia. You have to set a breakpoint somewhere, and when your code execution pauses at the breakpoint, you are doing a memory dump of the device ram - and that is your decrypted bin.
So when you have the decrypted binary, you can run one tool called "class-dump", and get the information for declared classes and their methods if the app is written in Objective C. Once you know this information you can alter the implementation of given method from some class used in your app using "Cydia Subtstrate" a.k.a "Mobile Substrate". In fact that is the way all of the jailbroken iOS tweaks are made. Basically you are hooking a method call, and when that method get invoked, it uses your implementation. Furthermore your implementation can call the original implementation, and that is really useful if you want to make some small code addition.
I am not sure whether those things possible in Swift, but if you are dealing with a Hybrid app like the ones done with cordova, phonegap, etc., then you can see all of its javascript source because it is persisted as a resource inside the "ipa" file. In addition you can alter that javascript code directly if you have a jailbroken device and find where the app is installed on file system (usually /var/containers/Bundle/Application/uuid_for_your_app/). However, I think there is no way to get that patched version and redistribute it (correct me if I'm wrong).

What are an iOS app's Compiled/Build Files?

I am delivering an iOS app for a client and they are asking for the compiled/build files for the app and not the source code or an exported .ipa. I am wondering what compiled/build files are.
Is it just the .app that is created in /products whenever I build my app or something else that I need to do? I believe they are after these files so they can sign the app with their own production provisioning profile and to create a .ipa themselves.
What is an iOS app's compiled/build files and if it is just the .app how it differs from an exported .ipa?
Although vague, it's also possible they're looking for an Xcode Archive. This includes the compiled .app file as well as symbol information. You can build an archive to seed an application for testing or to validate and submit an application to iTunes Connect. If they want to submit or distribute the app without the source code, this is how you would do it.
"Building" is a fairly general term, and it can refer to anything that is needed to go from editable source material (source code, scripts, raw data files, etc.) to a shippable software product. Building can (and usually does) involve several steps, such as pre-processing, compiling, linking, converting data files, running automated tests, packaging, etc.
"Compiling" is more specific, and almost invariably refers to a process that takes source code as its input, and outputs something runnable, typically machine code for either a physical or virtual machine, or source code in a different language.
I bet they are wanting the .app. Unfortunately, since they are being relatively vague with their request, I think you should confirm this with them. I wouldn't feel uncomfortable asking, because their terminology is not some universally accepted way of refering to some method of building iOS applications. Or, if you can find out what they plan to do with the compiled binary, that might help understand what they need.
FYI, here's a brief description of the difference between a .app or .ipa.

27MB IPA with just GStreamer iOS Framework... how do I make much smaller?

I'm very interested in using GStreamer's iOS framework for video streaming, but when I add the framework to a blank project and add a few lines of code to take advantage of its powerful features, the final IPA is 27MB. This is just way to big to be adding to my project, what is the best way to go about stripping this down the the bare necessities as I'm sure I'm only using a small percent of the code that is included in the SDK.
Here's a pic showing the package contents of the IPA:
In the gst_ios_main.h you can disable all the plugins that you don't need (make sure to enable linker optimizations so that unused code is removed). If that's not enough, you can build your own stripped down version of the iOS binaries with (you need to remove things from the .package and .recipe files to only build what you need). Just disabling things from gst_ios_main.h should be enough in 99% of the cases though.
Note that by default you'll build applications for multiple architectures, as such the resulting application will be rather large. Depending on your use case you can drop some architectures.
On another note, is providing an completely outdated version of GStreamer and is in no way related to the GStreamer project. The official website is .
SDKs have their source code encapsulated away from you, the user. You get access only to header files. Thus you just can't extract some class from it because you don't have access to the implementation file.
Of course if this library is opensource you can attempt to isolate one class, but sometimes everything is so deeply connected, that it is close to impossible.

Can I add a entitlements.plist to jailbreak tweaks?

I'd like to restrict how much access to resources jailbreak tweaks receive. Things like network/keychain/location access... Is it possible to manually add a entitlements plist per tweak?
Many thanks.
Tweak is a dylib - it will be loaded in a process. That process may have entitlements and those entitlements will be used for the tweak. That's it. Tweak doesn't have it's own entitlements.
As for your question. Because of what I said before you can't restrict just a tweak - your restrictions will be applied to the whole process that is being tweaked. You can't do anything about that. That's how tweaks work - they are dylibs dynamically loaded into process address space. After that the tweak becomes a part of the process. So any restrictions will be applied to the whole process which includes the tweak, application code and any other dylib/framework application is linked to.
So if you want to develop an application which will help a user put restrictions on tweaks, I don't think you can do such a thing. What you can do is to analyze which application are being tweaked, what entitlements does they have, what frameworks and dylibs are used by a tweak (mainly the private ones). And from that user can either enable or disable that tweak. You can even analyze import section and string literals of the tweak to determine exactly which APIs does it use.
Could you explain to me how a native process communicates with a
tweak, before being loaded within the process space?
It doesn't. Before injecting tweak is a separate dylib that is not linked to any binary. CydiaSubstrate does all the injecting. The main part of the CydiaSubstrate is a special loader dylib. It's linked dynamically to launchd process on device start, to the process which is the first process in the iOS that starts all other processes. When a new process is spawned CydiaSubstrate loader dylib checks all tweak filters to see which ones it needs to inject into the process and injects them. After that tweak is loaded into process address space (becomes a part of the process) and tweak's constructor is called where usually all the hooks are being setup.
Could you explain to me as to how this is accomplished?
Suppose you have an array of objc class names, C/C++ functions, frameworks and dylibs as strings usage of which you would like to detect. There's easy solution. You can open tweak's file and just search through it for any matches. As tweaks are usually not very large it shouldn't take much time. And there's more difficult solution. Use dyld or any other API to parse mach-o sections to find imported symbols and string literals and then search through them for any matches.
I'm not sure if this answers your question from a user side, but if you are making a tweak, you can add XXX_CODESIGN_FLAGS = -Sentitlements.xml to your Makefile to add the entitlements described in entitlements.xml.

How can you wrap iOS apps?

I'm working on research that requires me to be able to load an iOS app from a custom piece of code running on the device. I more or less want to modify the current sandbox and then run an existing application in it. I would rather not modify the application, although I realize at some point I'll at least have to re-sign it.
Mocana can apparently do this with their "MAP" technique, but I've not seen any papers or presentations explaining the technical details of how this is accomplished.
I was attempting to dlopen an application's executable and then dlsym on it's main. That moderately works, but requires a debug version of the application. Trying to use an archived version is problematic since the symbol table is separate. Not sure if there is a way to merge the symbol table with the executable. Tried unsuccessfully with lipo, but no real luck (says the architectures are the same and won't merge).
Any direction or good publications would be appreciated.
