Include files in bundle only for simulator - ios

I have a couple test files I'd like be included in the bundle but ONLY when the project is compiled to be run in the simulator.
Is there a flag/target/setting somewhere in Xcode to indicate certain files shouldn't be included in the bundle for different schemes?

What you need to do is not include the files in the standard build phase "Copy Files" block, but write a custom build script that examines the current platform (EFFECTIVE_PLATFORM_NAME -iphonesimulator), and copies the files only in that case. Create a custom Run Script and the variables get printed out to the build log - you can examine all your options there.


Make Xcode build a C file generated by processing a file with a custom extension

I'm trying to set up Xcode to build generated .c files just like it does for files generated by yacc (*.y) and lex (*.l) files.
Say I have input files with a *.corn extension that are meant to be processed by a tool of mine to create C source files. I then want these C source files to be compiled and linked using the rest of Xcode's mechanisms.
This is exactly what happens to my .y and .l files for yacc and lex. The project target contains only the .y and .l files and the rest happens automatically. Generated .c files get put in the derived files directory and those get compiled and linked automatically.
Here's what I've tried so far:
-If I just add a .corn file to my target, Xcode copies it into the bundle at build time presuming it is a resource. Okay, whatever.
-I then create a custom build rule to handle
Source files with names matching: *.corn
Using Custom Script:
I have to give it an output file so:
Note in this case I'm just copying the file as I rename it with .c extension. (As I'm playing around, the .corn file just contains C source.)
So now before the bundle directory even gets created I get the following warning:
unexpected C compiler invocation with specified outputs: 'blahblahblah/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/' (for input: 'blahblahblah/Build/Intermediates.noindex/')
Then after the link phase (sheesh!), the script above runs and I do end up with my foo.c in DERIVED_FILES_DIR. It doesn't get compiled however and notably, foo.corn didn't get copied into the bundle anymore so there's hope.
I've tried a bunch of other stuff, but this is the cleanest I can describe that others can try. Please what is the magic incantation to make this work?!
Note that I've also tried using DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR instead of DERIVED_FILES_DIR.
So I missed two things:
I needed to add the .corn files to the "Compile Sources" build phase.
By adding .corn files to the project/target before the adding the custom build rule, Xcode added the .corn files to the "Copy Bundle Resources" build phase which broke the build.

Automate the process of including generated proto files into an Xcode project

Our iOS app currently is using Google protobuffer gRPC as our API layer to communicate between App and backend. And so we have these .proto files in our backend directory which will be converting to .grpc.swift and .pb.swift files by gRPC-Swift-Plugins and then consumed by the App.
This works okay, but the process of converting is very tedious, and we would like to automate the whole process.
Below is how we're doing it:
Delete previously copied directory, and copy all .proto files from backend (.proto files are maintained by backend devs) to App directory named "Protos" via a shell script
We already set up Build rules and include .proto files in Compile Sources. Following the steps from an answer here on SO
Screenshot of the current setup in Xcode Build Rules:
Whenever we build the project, .pb.swift and .grpc.swift are generated and putting into a directory named "generated" under the "Protos" folder.
Here are the problems:
If the backend added a new .proto files into the source directory, my script will only copy the files into the Protos directory but not included news files in the Compile Sources list.
Similar to the first problem, we need to manually set up Compile Sources in Xcode and that means if a new dev joins our team, he/she also needs to do the same setup again.
We sometimes need to refer to the .grpc.swift and .ph.swift files while coding. But If we add these files into Xcode and build the project again, Xcode will complain that these generated files are there like (Sorry, we're working on a private repo, so the project name and file names are replaced):
Multiple commands produce '${user_path}/${proto_name}.pb.o':
Target '${my_project_name}' (project '${my_project_name}') has compile command for Swift source files
Target '${my_project_name}' (project '${my_project_name}') has compile command for Swift source files
Any answers or comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated!
It's interesting I didn't have those problems with Swift if I use the $DERIVED_FILE_DIR
protoc "$INPUT_FILE_NAME" --swift_out="$DERIVED_FILE_DIR" --proto_path="Your/proto/path"
I don't use the plugin because I've got the plugin installed in my /usr/local/bin
But I have exactly those problems when we use the output for cpp files.

There are missing files when I archived from custom build configuration

We have different build configurations in our project, like the release, debug, sandbox, etc. The interesting case is when I archived from the release or debug build configuration, all archive files extracted as expected as shown in Image 1, but If I change build configuration to sandbox, some files and folders are missing as shown in Image 2.
Although we created custom build configurations by duplicating from debug or release, the archive doesn't contain all files or folders like in Image 1.
We use carthage(for internal network) and cocoapods(for others) as a dependency manager.
I tried many suggestions but couldn't find a solution.
setting skip install to NO in build settings,
removing all archive and derived data files, clean and re-archive,
giving the archive folder to read & write permission
Thank you all
If you're using Carthage for internal frameworks you should have same custom build configurations for them, too. Otherwise, it will bootstrap with Release configuration automatically which won't generate SwiftSupport files etc.
You also can avoid this by adding below before archiving in your custom configurations.
carthage bootstrap --configuration Debug
You should make sure that those files are included in Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources

Is there a way to copy bundle resource to app folder when built finished?

Actually I have a xcode workspace, containing several projects, for example, projectA and projectB, projectA is the main project, and projectB will generate a bundle file which projectA will use, is there a way to copy the bundle file to the main app folder? I know one way to do this is to drag the generated bundle file here like the below image shows, but as we have several team members and use git to manage the project, this method will use my personal folder path, and when others want to build the project, they will have to drag the bundle again. Is there a way to copy the generated bundle using relative path? Or can I use a script to do this? So everyone can just checkout the code directly without dragging the bundle manually? Thanks.
In Target -> Build Phases can you just Run Script after that target is done to copy it to the other place?

XCode: 'Warning: Multiple build commands for output file' but I get error if I delete the duplicate

I get the errors:
Warning: Multiple build commands for output file /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myapp-csoyvdzaugzkszeagjrtzrfssudr/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
Warning: Multiple build commands for output file /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myapp-csoyvdzaugzkszeagjrtzrfssudr/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
Warning: Multiple build commands for output file /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myapp-csoyvdzaugzkszeagjrtzrfssudr/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
When I try to run my app in the simulator. I understand this is because of duplicate files. But when I remove either of the duplicates I get the errors:
error: /Users/me/Documents/Cordova27/myapp/myapp/Resources/icons/icon-72.png: No such file or directory
Does anyone know how to fix this at all? Have tried cleaning and restarting XCode to no avail.
open the Copy Bundle Resources Build Phase. find the twice files in that list and Delete the duplicate reference.
Remove both,Add again.[Drag and drop at the icon field in the summary page]
I moved bunch of images to a different folders and hit the same issue. To solve, basically go to build phases >> Copy Bundle Resources and remove earlier references as shown in the picture below.
Note: Another thing to check is to see if you have multiple references of the files in the left panel (you will see 2 files with the same name)
If you set the splash/launch icon from Xcode (Targets -> Summary ...), the Xcode has an annoying feature that will copy your png file into the root folder, and after that you will get the warning for "Multiple build commands". What you need to do is, delete your png file used for splash/launch and also check the copy bundle resources in Target section and make sure your file has been removed from there. It will appear in red if the file is removed from your project and not removed from Copy bundle resources.
My problem was also in Copy Bundle Resources, but my cause was fast lane. All of my fastlane files name.txt, keywords.txt, marketing.txt, etc. were copied from each of my support languages into the bundle.
Go to your target Build Settings. In the search tool, enter the name of each fastlane file. In this case, you can delete all fastlane files. These are used for uploading your bundle to the App Store and so the files don't need to be in the bundle at all.
Add a new image(PNG) only via Copy Bundle Resources. Remove duplicates same way.
