Merging Changes between NSManagedObjectContexts (Multithreaded) - ios

I have a problem/crash merging the data of different NSManagedObjectContexts (iOS 6.1, Xcode 4.6).
Most of the time the error that rises is the following:
CoreData: error: Serious application error. Exception was caught during Core Data change processing. This is usually a bug within an observer of NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification. statement is still active with userInfo (null)
One time i got this error:
An observer of NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification illegally threw an exception. Objects saved = { $OBJLIST } and exception = statement is still active with userInfo = (null)
Sadly there is no value in the stacktraces i got. They just show symbols that are CoreData internal (if any).
Our CoreData stack:
1 NSPersistentStoreLocator shared by all threads
1 unique MOC per thread ( created on first need )
All MOCs are saved in a Dictionary
An observer is added for the notification NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification to update the MOCs when one is saving to the store. The defined selector is calling mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification on every other thread/context except the one that did the save operation.
+ (void)mergeChanges:(NSNotification *)notification {
NSManagedObjectContext *ctx;
for ( NSNumber *threadId in [__managedObjectContexts keyEnumerator] ) {
ctx = [__managedObjectContexts objectForKey:threadId];
if ( notification.object != ctx ) {
[ctx mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:notification];
Steps to produce the error:
In a background thread CoreData data objects that arent needed anymore (unreferenced by other objects) are being deleted.
[[CDUtils managedObjectContext] deleteObject:obj];
[[CDUtils managedObjectContext] save:&error];
While this is happening the user can navigate throughout the application. Userinteraction (i.e. opening a tableview) can trigger executeFetch calls on the moc of the main thread.
Every thread uses the same NSPersistentStoreLocator but a different/unique MOC.
We tried different methods of locking with NSLocks and the lock on the NSPersistentStoreLocator for threadsafety. I.e. enclosing the mergeChanges Method and the save operation each by a lock/unlock or enclosing both methods in the same lock/unlock. Sadly we had no succes thus far.
[__storeCoordinator lock];
[__storeCoordinator unlock];
I'd be thankful for every piece of advice you can give me to approach a solution. Thank you for your time!

For the people interested. I managed to make things work with multiple threads / MOCs. I basicly solved the original problem / those errors i had by locking PSC and MOCs correctly. The next problem that arose was how to know if its save to mergeChanges on a context. I cant lock nor should mergeChanges on a MOC that has no running thread anymore. But how do i know if the thread is running or not? If i just check for NSThreads "isExecuting"-Method it might happen that the thread exits just after i checked the BOOL. Im trying an easier approach now where i just merge into the main thread.


iOS Core Data - Serious application error - attempt to insert nil - in less than 1%

iOS Core Data - Serious application error - attempt to insert nil
My app runs actualy stable, but in seldom cases it crashes with this error message...
2019-04-02 20:48:52.437172+0200 myAppName[4422:1595677] [error] error: Serious application error. Exception was caught during Core Data change processing. This is usually a bug within an observer of NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification. -[__NSCFSet addObject:]: attempt to insert nil with userInfo (null)
CoreData: error: Serious application error. Exception was caught during Core Data change processing. This is usually a bug within an observer of NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification. -[__NSCFSet addObject:]: attempt to insert nil with userInfo (null)
2019-04-02 20:48:52.438246+0200 myAppName[4422:1595677] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFSet addObject:]: attempt to insert nil'
...when it tries to save the current context (this part in my code is still in objc):
- (void)saveChanges
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSError *err = nil;
BOOL succesful = [self->context save:&err];
if (!succesful)
NSLog(#"ERROR MESSAGE DURING SAVING CONTEXT: %#", [err localizedDescription]);
'seldom' means:
Most Customers do never experience the issue, for few customers it happens several times per day.
I was able to produce it 2 times during the last two days although I tried several ways to force this error (see below).
This is the setup:
The respective data is in one Entity (table)
A NSFetchedResultsController shows the data in an UITableView
User can hit a button to add a new record.
New record has only some basic data and initiates two API calls to two webservers
Each webserver response does update the record
After both are done (or were cancelled due to timeout), I call the saveChanges function from above only once.
All functions use the same context created by NSPersistentContainer as follow (this part is already in swift)
#objc lazy var persistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer = {
let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "myAppName")
let description = NSPersistentStoreDescription(url: SomeHelper.urlForFileInDocFolder(""))
container.persistentStoreDescriptions = [description]
container.loadPersistentStores(completionHandler: { (storeDescription, error) in
if let error = error as NSError? {
fatalError("Unresolved error \(error), \(error.userInfo)")
return container
If I could reproduce the error somehow, I could find an appropriate solution, but as it almost never happens, I'm stuck.
Do you have an idea how I could reproduce the error from above? Or do you have a clue what could cause the error in my case?
What I tried already to reproduce the error:
Create hundereds of record
Create hundereds of record in a few seconds
Create hundereds of record during switching internet connection on / off / on / off /...
Create hundereds of record during mixed from background and main thread (I removed the dispatch from saveChanges for that)
Create hundereds of record with different delays on the API (added random sleep function on the webserver)
Long time execution, the app run for 24 hours on a real device and created record each 2 minutes
Mixes of all of them
NSManagedObjects are restricted to a single queue. They are not thread-safe for reading or writing. Reading an NSManagedObject can cause a fault, which is a write operation. That means that NSManagedObjects retrieved from a main queue context (like viewContext) cannot be passed to other queues.
The details of all of this are discussed in the Core Data Programming Guide:
NSManagedObject instances are not intended to be passed between queues. Doing so can result in corruption of the data and termination of the application. When it is necessary to hand off a managed object reference from one queue to another, it must be done through NSManagedObjectID instances.
The general approach with NSPersistentContainer is to use something like viewContext exclusively on the main queue, and to use performBackgroundTask to handle background operations, or you can use newBackgroundContext to generate a background context, and use perform or performAndWait on it to manipulate objects that are fetched from that context.
Moving an object between contexts is done by fetching the same objectID in the other context (keeping in mind that this will return a fresh instance from the store).
You can track down mistakes by adding 1 to your scheme. When you do this, errors will immediately trap on the delightfully named __Multithreading_Violation_AllThatIsLeftToUsIsHonor__.

Core Data concurrency issue and how to fix

I use multiple contexts in my Core Data app, and have recently had some core data concurrency crashes. I have added 1 to help track these down, but I am not understanding how to fix the issue that is shown.
Here is what I am doing:
- (void)getEvents:(void (^)(NSArray *fetchedItems))completionBlock {
// Initialize Fetch Request
NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] initWithEntityName:#"ZSSCDEvent"];
// Initialize Asynchronous Fetch Request
NSAsynchronousFetchRequest *asynchronousFetchRequest = [[NSAsynchronousFetchRequest alloc] initWithFetchRequest:request completionBlock:^(NSAsynchronousFetchResult *result) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Dismiss Progress HUD
[SVProgressHUD dismiss];
// Process Asynchronous Fetch Result
if (result.finalResult) {
NSArray *results = result.finalResult;
// Reload Table View
[self.activityIndicator stopAnimating];
[self.tableViewList reloadData];
// Execute Asynchronous Fetch Request
[self.managedObjectContext performBlock:^{
// Execute Asynchronous Fetch Request
NSError *asynchronousFetchRequestError = nil;
NSAsynchronousFetchResult *asynchronousFetchResult = (NSAsynchronousFetchResult *)[self.managedObjectContext executeRequest:asynchronousFetchRequest error:&asynchronousFetchRequestError];
if (asynchronousFetchRequestError) {
NSLog(#"Unable to execute asynchronous fetch result.");
NSLog(#"%#, %#", asynchronousFetchRequestError, asynchronousFetchRequestError.localizedDescription);
This gives me a Enqueued from (Thread 1) error. This is where I am confused, since I am running this on the main thread and didn't think I needed to use my private context here.
Any ideas on why I am getting a concurrency issue here?
EDIT: It looks like someone else had the exact issue and thinks it is an Xcode bug: CoreData asynchronous fetch causes concurrency debugger error
Every managedObject has a context. Each context has one and only one thread that it can run on. ManagedObjects are NOT thread safe - not even for reading. Passing managedObjects around with completions blocks is a bad practice. It can be hard to figure out which managedObjects are supposed to be on which thread. Also, even if you are passing it around on the correct thread it is still a bad practice. When you do a dispatch_async the entity may have deleted from the database in the interim and accessing the managedObject will cause a crash. A good practice is that any method that does a fetch should be explicitly told which context to use and return synchronously. In your code the method is using self.managedObjectContext, but I have no way to know looking at you code what thread that is related to. Furthermore the pointer to the context may change and that can cause bugs that are very hard to track down.
NSAsynchronousFetchResult contains managedObjects, so is not thread safe and can only be used inside that completion block (which is running on the correct thread for the objects). You cannot pass them to another thread. If you return them in a block then that code must also not pass them to another thread. You should just do whatever you need to do with them inside the block and then discard them.
If you need to display the information to the user, then generally it is better to just do the fetch on the main thread synchronously and get managedObjects that are associated with a main thread context. If your fetch is taking to long then you should fix that - there is no reason for a fetch to take so long. In your case you appear to be fetching ALL the items in you database. That is a mistake. You should use a predicate to only get the ones that you need.
Another possibility is to copy the values of managedObjects into a thread safe object (a dictionary or a NSObject subclass).
TL;DR You probably don't need a NSAsynchronousFetchRequest. Use a regular fetch request on the main thread and return synchronously. Use a predicate to limit the results only to the objects you are actually displaying.

How to avoid deadlock with CoreData

I have a CoreData stack that is like this:
Persistent Store -> (private)writingContext -> (main)UIContext
-> (private)backgroundContext
This is a commonly suggested stack to use in various blogs and people who have mastered CoreData, except that others will have the backgroundContext a child of the main context. But thats not the issue I am seeing. What I have is
[[self masterManagedObjectContext] performBlock:^{
NSError *error = nil;
BOOL saved = [self.masterManagedObjectContext save:&error];
if (!saved) {
// do some real error handling
[EventLogger logError:#"CoreDataService" message:#"masterContext save ERROR" error:error];
Now this is executed from a UIContext performBlock calls this master save within a block and because its not blocking the next code to run is a tableView reload where it gets the fetched objects, accesses the properties and puts them on the tableViewCells. I am getting a deadlock here because the save is still running but the UIContext is accessing the property values which are going into the master to pull the values into memory. This happens consistently.
From what I understand, the contexts don't operate but on a single thread with a queue, well with the UI being a child of the master if the master is doing something and the child is requesting something at the same time, its causing the deadlock. How do I avoid this? How can I async save whats in the UI and not deadlock on accessing a property of an NSManagedObject?

xCode 7.0 IOS9 SDK: deadlock while executing fetch request with performBlockAndWait

Updated: I have prepared the sample which is reproduce the issue without magical record.Please download the test project using following URL:
The provided project has following problem: deadlock on fetch
in performBlockAndWait called from main thread.
The issue is reproduced if code is compiled using XCode version > 6.4.
The issue is not reproduced if code is compiled using xCode == 6.4.
Old question was:
I am working on the support of IOS mobile application.
After the recent update of Xcode IDE from version 6.4 to version 7.0 ( with IOS 9 support ) I have faced with critical issue - application hangup.
The same build of the application ( produced from the same sources ) with xCode 6.4 works OK.
So, if the application is built using xCode > 6.4 - application hangs up on some cases.
if the application is built using xCode 6.4 - application works OK.
I have spent some time to research the issue and as the result I have prepared the test application with similar case like in my application which reproduces the problem.
The test application hangup on the Xcode >= 7.0 but works correctly on the Xcode 6.4
Download link of test sources:
The requirements for the test application is:
1. cocoa pods manager must be installed in the system
2. MagicalRecord framework of version 2.2.
Test application works in the following way:
1. At the start of the application it creates test database with 10000 records of simple entities and saves them to persistent store.
2. At the first screen of the application in the method viewWillAppear: it runs the test which causes deadlock.
Following algorithm is used:
-(NSArray *) entityWithId: (int) entityId inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)localContext
NSArray * results = [TestEntity MR_findByAttribute:#"id" withValue:[ NSNumber numberWithInt: entityId ] inContext:localContext];
return results;
int entityId = 88;
NSManagedObjectContext *childContext1 = [NSManagedObjectContext MR_context]; = #"childContext1";
NSManagedObjectContext *childContext2 = [NSManagedObjectContext MR_context]; = #"childContext2";
NSArray *results = [self entityWithId:entityId inContext: childContext2];
for(TestEntity *d in results)
NSLog(#"e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,; /// this line is the reason of the hangup
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^
int entityId2 = 11;
NSPredicate *predicate2 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"id=%d", entityId2];
NSArray *a = [ TestEntity MR_findAllWithPredicate: predicate2 inContext: childContext2];
for(TestEntity *d in a)
NSLog(#"e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,;
Two managed object contexts are created with concurrency type == NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType (please check the code of MR_context of magical record framework). Both contexts has parent context with
concurrency type = NSMainQueueConcurrencyType. From the main thread application performs fetch in sync manner ( MR_findByAttribute and MR_findAllWithPredicate
are used performBlockAndWait with fetch request inside ). After the first fetch the second fetch is schedule on the main thread using dispatch_async().
As a result the application hangs up. It seems that deadlock has happened, please check the screenshot of the stack:
 here is the link, my reputation is too low to post images.
If to comment the line
NSLog(#"e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,; /// this line is the reason of the hangup
(which is the line 39 in ViewController.m of the test project ) the application becomes working OK. I believe this is because there is no read of name field of the test entity.
So with the commented line
NSLog(#"e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,;
there is no hangup on binaries built both with Xcode 6.4 and Xcode 7.0.
With the uncommented line
NSLog(#"e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,;
there is hangup on binary built with Xcode 7.0 and there is no hangup on binary built with Xcode 6.4.
I believe the issue is happens because of lazy-loading of entity data.
Has anybody problem with the described case? I will be grateful for any help.
This is why I don't use frameworks that abstract (i.e., hide) too many details of core data. It has very complex use patterns, and sometimes you need to know the details of how they interoperate.
First, I know nothing about magical record except that lots of people use it so it must be pretty good at what it does.
However, I immediately saw several completely wrong uses of core data concurrency in your examples, so I went and looked at the header files to see why your code made the assumptions that it does.
I don't mean to bash you at all, though this may seem like it at first blush. I want to help educate you (and I used this as an opportunity to take a peek at MR).
From a very quick look at MR, I'd say you have some misunderstandings of what MR does, and also core data's general concurrency rules.
First, you say this...
Two managed object contexts are created with concurrency type ==
NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType (please check the code of MR_context of
magical record framework). Both contexts has parent context with
concurrency type = NSMainQueueConcurrencyType.
which does not appear to be true. The two new contexts are, indeed, private-queue contexts, but their parent (according to the code I glanced at on github) is the magical MR_rootSavingContext, which itself is also a private-queue context.
Let's break down your code example.
NSManagedObjectContext *childContext1 = [NSManagedObjectContext MR_context]; = #"childContext1";
NSManagedObjectContext *childContext2 = [NSManagedObjectContext MR_context]; = #"childContext2";
So, you now have two private-queue MOCs (childContext1 and childContext2), both children of another anonymous private-queue MOC (we will call savingContext).
NSArray *results = [self entityWithId:entityId inContext: childContext2];
You then perform a fetch on childContext1. That code is actually...
-(NSArray *) entityWithId:(int)entityId
inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)localContext
NSArray * results = [TestEntity MR_findByAttribute:#"id"
withValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:entityId]
return results;
Now, we know that the localContext in this method is, in this case, another pointer to childContext2 which is a private-queue MOC. It is 100% against the concurrency rules to access a private-queue MOC outside of a call to performBlock. However, since you are using another API, and the method name offers no assistance to know how the MOC is being accessed, we need to go look at that API and see if it hides the performBlock to see if you are accessing it correctly.
Unfortunately, the documentation in the header file offers no indication, so we have to look at the implementation. That call ends up calling MR_executeFetchRequest... which does not indicate in the documentation how it handles the concurrency either. So, we go look at its implementation.
Now, we are getting somewhere. This function does try to safely access the MOC, but it uses performBlockAndWait which will block when it is called.
This is an extremely important piece of information, because calling this from the wrong place can indeed cause a deadlock. Thus, you must be keenly aware that performBlockAndWait is being called anytime you execute a fetch request. My own personal rule is to never use performBlockAndWait unless there is absolutely no other option.
However, this call here should be completely safe... assuming it is not being called from within the context of the parent MOC.
So, let's look at the next piece of code.
for(TestEntity *d in results)
NSLog(#"e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,; /// this line is the reason of the hangup
Now, this is not the fault of MagicalRecord, because MR isn't even being used directly here. However, you have been trained to use those MR_ methods, which require no knowledge of the concurrency model, so you either forget or never learn the concurrency rules.
The objects in the results array are all managed objects that live in the childContext2 private-queue context. Thus, you may not ever access them without paying homage to the concurrency rules. This is a clear violation of the concurrency rules. While developing your application, you should enable concurrency debugging with the argument 1.
This code snippet must be wrapped in either performBlock or performBlockAndWait. I hardly ever use performBlockAndWait for anything because it has so many drawbacks - deadlocks being one of them. In fact, just seeing the use of performBlockAndWait is a very strong indication that your deadlock is happening in there and not on the line of code that you indicate. However, in this case, it is at least as safe as the previous fetch, so let's make it a bit safer...
[childContext2 performBlockAndWait:^{
for (TestEntity *d in results) {
NSLog(#"e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,;
Next, you dispatch to the main thread. Is that because you just want something to occur on a subsequent event loop cycle, or is it because this code is already running on some other thread? Who knows. However, you have the same problem here (I reformatted your code for readability as a post).
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
int entityId2 = 11;
NSPredicate *predicate2 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"id=%d", entityId2];
NSArray *a = [TestEntity MR_findAllWithPredicate:predicate2
for (TestEntity *d in a) {
NSLog(#"e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,;
Now, we know that code starts out running on the main thread, and the search will call performBlockAndWait but your subsequent access in the for-loop again violates the core data concurrency rules.
Based on that, the only real problems I see are...
MR seems to honor the core data concurrency rules within their API, but you must still follow the core data concurrency rules when accessing your managed objects.
I really don't like the use of performBlockAndWait as it's just a problem waiting to happen.
Now, let's take a look at the screenshot of your hang. Hmmm... it's a classic deadlock, but it makes no sense because the deadlock happens between the main thread and the MOC thread. That can only happen if the main-queue MOC is a parent of this private-queue MOC, but the code shows that is not the case.
Hmmm... it didn't make sense, so I downloaded your project, and looked at the source code in the pod you uploaded. Now, that version of the code uses the MR_defaultContext as the parent of all MOCs created with MR_context. So, the default MOC is, indeed, a main-queue MOC, and now it all makes perfect sense.
You have a MOC as a child of a main-queue MOC. When you dispatch that block to the main queue, it's is now running as a block on the main queue. The code then calls performBlockAndWait on a context that is a child of a MOC for that queue, which is a huge no-no, and your are almost guaranteed to get a deadlock.
So, it seems that MR has since changed their code from using a main-queue as the parent of new contexts to using a private-queue as the parent of new contexts (most likely due to this exact problem). So, if you upgrade to the latest version of MR you should be fine.
However, I would still warn you that if you want to use MR in multithreading ways, you must know exactly how they handle the concurrency rules, and you must also make sure you obey them anytime you are accessing any core-data objects that are not going through the MR API.
Finally, I'll just say that I've done tons and tons of core data stuff, and I've never used an API that tries to hide the concurrency issues from me. The reason is that there are too many little corner cases, and I'd rather just deal with them in a pragmatic way up front.
Finally, you should almost never use performBlockAndWait unless you know exactly why its the only option. Having it be used as part of an API underneath you is even more scary... to me at least.
I hope this little jaunt has enlightened and helped you (and possible some others). It certainly shed a little bit of light for me, and helped reestablish some of my previous unfounded skittishness.
This is in response to the "non-magical-record" example you provided.
The problem with this code is the exact same problem I described above, relative to what was happening with MR.
You have a private-queue context, as a child to a main-queue context.
You are running code on the main queue, and you call performBlockAndWait on the child context, which has to then lock its parent context as it tries to execute the fetch.
It is called a deadlock, but the more descriptive (and seductive) term is deadly embrace.
The original code is running on the main thread. It calls into a child context to do something, and it does nothing else until that child complete.
That child then, in order to complete, needs the main thread to do something. However, the main thread can't do anything until the child is done... but the child is waiting for the main thread to do something...
Neither one can make any headway.
The problem you are facing is very well documented, and in fact, has been mentioned a number of times in WWDC presentations and multiple pieces of documentation.
You should NEVER call performBlockAndWait on a child context.
The fact that you got away with it in the past is just a "happenstance" because it's not supposed to work that way at all.
In reality, you should hardly every call performBlockAndWait.
You should really get used to doing asynchronous programming. Here is how I would recommend you rewrite this test, and whatever it is like that prompted this issue.
First, rewrite the fetch so it works asynchronously...
- (void)executeFetchRequest:(NSFetchRequest *)request
inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context
completion:(void(^)(NSArray *results, NSError *error))completion
[context performBlock:^{
NSError *error = nil;
NSArray *results = [context executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
if (completion) {
completion(results, error);
Then, you change you code that calls the fetch to do something like this...
NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
[request setEntity: testEntityDescription ];
[request setPredicate: predicate2 ];
[self executeFetchRequest:request
completion:^(NSArray *results, NSError *error) {
if (results) {
for (TestEntity *d in results) {
NSLog(#"++++++++++ e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,;
} else {
NSLog(#"Handle this error: %#", error);
We switched over to XCode7 and I just ran into a similar deadlock issue with performBlockAndWait in code that works fine in XCode6.
The issue seems to be an upstream use of dispatch_async(mainQueue, ^{ ... to pass back the result from a network operation. That call was no longer needed after we added concurrency support for CoreData, but somehow it was left and never seemed to cause a problem until now.
It's possible that Apple changed something behind the scenes to make potential deadlocks more explicit.

Core Data: statement is still active

I am getting the following error in my app:
CoreData: error: Serious application error. Exception was caught
during Core Data change processing. This is usually a bug within an
observer of NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification.
statement is still active with userInfo (null)
Everything that I can find seems to indicate the I may be having multi-threading issues with my core data managed object context, but I can't seem to find anywhere in my app where this would be the case. I am accessing and managing a managed object context on a background thread. The context is only fetching and manipulating objects on that one background thread. When I detect saves to that context through NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidSaveNotification, I am merging the changes into a different context that I only access on my main thread. When I make the call to merge the changes, the error is thrown. It is very rare that this occurs, even with the same data sets.
I read somewhere that it is possible to 'enable multi-threading assertions' using ' 3', but I haven't been able to get this to work.
Does anyone know if this is possible? I was hoping this might turn on some assertions that would help me find where I am playing with the context on the wrong thread or something.
Any other clues on what might be happening or how to track this sort of problem down?
I had a similar problem and found a way to solve it.
I've created a mechanism creating different contexts based on thread names (1 thread = 1 context).
#include <pthread.h>
mach_port_t threadID = pthread_mach_thread_np(pthread_self());
NSString *threadName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%x", threadID];
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [singleton.threadsContexts objectForKey:threadName];
if (!context) {
NSLog(#"Creating managed context for thread named '%#'", threadName);
context = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] init];
[context setPersistentStoreCoordinator:[singleton.managedObjectContext persistentStoreCoordinator]];
//initialize dictionary in your singleton if it as not been yet
singleton.threadsContexts = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[singleton.threadsContexts setObject:context forKey:threadName];
return result;
and then, when i need a full version of a managed object in a background thread, I get a copy of the object dedicated to this thread :
NSManagedObjectModel *myNewObject = [myBackgroundContext objectWithID:[myObject objectID]];
Hope this answer will help.
