Detecting if user draws over given line - ios

I want to make a little iphone game where the User has to draw over a given line in a image. I know how to do the drawing code when the user touches the screen. But I have no clue how I can detect when the drawn line(s) are for example 95% over a given line in a png image.
An example of this is in the free 'dumb ways to die'-iphone/ipad game. The mini-game where you have to feed the snake by putting mustard on a hotdog.
Tips on how you would solve this problem are very welcome!

The easiest would probably be to have a secondary (invisible) image of the same size that contains just the line, but with a thicker stroke. You could then simply check the pixel color in that secondary image for all the points of the line that is drawn by the user.


In iOS, is there a method to make a button move around arc line or circle?

I have a custom control like the picture below, it is too complicated to draw all the images using core graphics. So I use the images designer give, but the problem is how to make the small circle(which is actually a button) on the big white circle(which is an UIImageView) move aroud the big circle? Thanks in advance!
You need to calculate all circumference points. Just set centre of your image to the points calculated by you. Automatically your image will start moving in circle.

Fill image with different color by detecting the different parts

I have an Image of a landscape which i need to fill with different colors.
When i select colors from palette and start scrubbing on any particular part, only that part should get the color even if by mistake i take my finger outside of that image part.
So basically i need to detect which part of image have i tapped so that only that part takes the color.
I am developing this app in Cocos2dx, but any help in logic would be a good point to start.
Here is an example of what i want.
Note : I know i could achieve this by taking separate images and then detecting touches, but that increases the app size by alot of MB's.
I guess user will be able to draw only on white part of the image.
If above is true, what i want you to do is, in your touchesMoved method, check if any black color (non white) pixel is present between previous touch point and current touch point.
If there is no such black pixel, then draw it else dont draw it.

flood fill performance issue on iPad

I am using 4-Way floodfill algorithm.
I have a transparent image with black out line.
That is staring point image(without color).
And after filling the color in this image it look like this
Please help me and let me know what can i do for proper fill.
I used and implemented myself FloodFill in other projects and the algorithm goes trough the whole draw, looking for closed spaces and then draw inside (or outside) them.
Your problem happens with every tool in the world that fills a draw, and the problem is the same, the spaces are not 100% closed.
The floodfill algorithm goes pixel by pixel and when it detect a black pixel, it stops. For example, the arm of the scuba driver is not thick enough or it has holes on it, and the flood fill algorithm manages to go trough it and not detect it as an empty space.
Nobody here can tell you why unless we take your project and analyse it, so the best I can offer is a guideline about where your error could be.
I tried the code with an image that has a very precise defined border around it (from here) and it seems to work OK with that image. I suggest perhaps that if you zoom into your image that there is some grey aliasing around the edges which won't get filled. Perhaps the algorithm has a threshold function that can be tweaked?
Try setting the andTolerance value (I tried 4 which seemed to improve my example).
//Call function to flood fill and get new image with filled color
UIImage *image1 = [self.image floodFillFromPoint:tpoint withColor:newcolor andTolerance:4];

Drawing a line with hidden parts in cocos2d for ios

Say you have an array of points and an array of rects, and you want to do the following:
Draw a line that connects all the points in the point array, such that the parts of the line that are contained in at least one of the rects are not visible.
What is the best practice way to accomplish such a task in cocos2d ios?
This may sound like a hack, but if you are drawing the rectangles as well then you can draw them with a higher zOrder with respect to the line and the rectangles would could cover the parts of the lines they contain making those parts invisible.
Hope it helps!

Drawing a non rectangular part of a picture in delphi canvas

Can anyone share a sample code to draw a non-rectangular part of a picture in delphi canvas?
You're looking for GDI paths. Start here, which explains what paths are in this context, and provides links on the left to explain the functionality available with them.
Google can turn up lots of examples of using paths in Delphi. If you can't find them, post a comment back here and I'll see what I can turn up for you.
Your question is pretty vague. But I suspect what you are looking for is clipping regions. Read up on them. Set the clipping region on the target device to the shape you want, and then draw the image onto the device. Only the part of the image that would be within the clipping region will be drawn.
Canvas.Ellipse(0, 0, 10, 20); // not a rectangle
I use so called runlists for this feature (generalized shapes and blitting them). I've seen them called warplists too. A shape is encoded as a runlist by defining it as a set of horizontal lines, and each line is two integer values (skip n pixels,copy n pixels).
This means you can draw entire lines, leaving you with only "height" draw operations.
So a rectangle is defined (the first "skip" pixels from top level corner to the left corner (xorg,yorg). The rectangle is width_rect wide, and width_pixels goes a line further. width_pixels can be wider than the width of the picture (alignment bytes)
(yorg*width_pixels+xorg , width_rect),
(width_pixels-width_rect , width_rect),
(width_pixels-width_rect , width_rect),
(width_pixels-width_rect , width_rect),
This way you can make your drawing routines pretty generic, and for simple, regular shapes (rects, circles) it takes only minor math to precalculate these lists. It simplified my shape handling enormously.
However I draw directly to bitmaps, not to canvasses, so I can't help with that part. A primitive that efficiently draws a row, and a way to extract a row from a graphic should be enough.
