Withings: getting oauth_callback to.. call back? - oauth

Im working with the withings oauth implementation in hopes of retrieving stored values from scales. I can get the request token which I send back in hopes of getting the userid and the oauth_verifier passed back to my application.
What is happening is that if I pass in a full URL via the oauth_callback ( EG "http://some.site.com/myapp.php" ) the withings page displays the results on its page. But if I pass in just a page ( EG "myapp.php" ) withings will append this page name to its site and attempt to pass the parameters there (resulting in a 404). (EG "http://oauth.withings.com/account/myapp.php?oauth_params=..." ).
Other bits:
1. Code is in Perl
2. All oauth_signature values are HMAC_SHA1 signed
3. Any bits passed on the URL are url encoded using uri_escape
My questions:
1. Has anyone succeeded in getting data from withings?
2. Has anyone seen and overcome this problem with oauth_callback?

Turns out the answer is to url encode the address.. and then encode it again when you use it in the resultant signature and URL that you pass to withings.
I was just encoding it once.


passing request params in twitter call back url

I am working on a CustomerEngagement solution that is integrated with twitter. Looking for suggestion with implementation.
I have configured multiple twitter-apps with a call back URL for each twitter-app (same callback URL), pointing to the same end point in CustomerEngagement application.
I have 2 java methods written, 1 for responding to CRC challenge by twitter(authentication) and 1 for actually receiving the tweet from twitter.
I would like to configure multiple twitter-apps to be served/used by the same single instance of the CustomerEngagement-application from the same endpoint
However, the CustomerEngagement application should have a hint about which twitter-app is responsible for posting the tweet to the application, so that CRC response to twitter can be generated accordingly.
Can I pass a different request parameter in each call back URL of different twitter-apps to identify the app?
I already see a conversation on the same
however, can some one please elaborate on how to achieve this ? I am assuming that this a 2 step process where registering the call back URL ( along with request parameter ) happens to be step 1, followed by setp 2 in which the call back by twitter having the request parameter registered in step 1 is passed !
Thanks in Advance!!
Say your configured callback_url is xyz.com/social/
append the query strings params when parsing the callback_url
import tweepy
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret, 'xyz.com/social/?var=val')
url = auth.get_authorization_url()
You get an authorization URL that redirects to a twitter login page. After login, it returns

How to fix encoded URL to bind parameters correctly

I'm using a Bank E-Payment webservice and set the redirectURL into http://Example.com/EPaymentResultCallback?Param1=0&Param2=1
when the bank finish it's job, browser redirects to preceding url.
But the problem is: Bank webservice has changed my url into http://Example.com/EPaymentResultCallback?Param1=0&Param2=1 (noticing the extra &).
In fact my innocent url encoded and therefore Param2 will be lost.
I cannot change the websercive obviously. but interested to know if there is a way to resolve the second url parameter (Param2) on my website?
For more general explanation: 'mywebsite' calls a webservice and redirected to a whole new website. after 'new website' done, browser redirects to the given URL (in fact 'mywebsite/somesubUrl/param1&param2') but parameter separator (&) changed into (&) so the second parameter (param2) won't delivered correctly to the action method and an exception raise, pointing that the second input parameter in the action method could not be null.
Actually i`m looking for a built-in solution to read encrypted url. that would be the best. but any other idea is welcomed.

Bitbucket API OAuth not redirecting properly

I'm trying to set up Bitbucket OAuth for my site but for some reason Bitbucket is not properly redirecting back to my site. I've created an OAuth key and secret and I'm using the Guzzle OAuth plugin in my Silex application.
First I request a temporary token via the oauth/request_token endpoint. Using that token I redirect to oauth/authenticate endpoint:
function () use ($app) {
$client = new Client('https://bitbucket.org/api/1.0');
$oauth = new OauthPlugin(
'consumer_key' => $app['bitbucket.key'],
'consumer_secret' => $app['bitbucket.secret'],
'signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
'callback' => urlencode('http://mysite.local/auth/bitbucket/callback')
$response = $client->post('oauth/request_token')->send();
parse_str($response->getBody(), $result);
return $app->redirect(sprintf('https://bitbucket.org/api/1.0/oauth/authenticate?oauth_token=%s', $result['oauth_token']));
This will bring up the page on the Bitbucket site where the user can grant or deny access to their account. After I click "Grant access" Bitbucket should redirect back to the callback url that was specified earlier but instead it will append my callback url to the Bitbucket url like this:
This obviously results in a Bitbucket 404 page. Does anyone have an idea why the redirect to my callback url is not working properly?
According to documentation, when requesting token from bitbucket's API, you MUST have those parameters when sending POST request to https://bitbucket.org/api/1.0/oauth/request_token:
Also, don't urlencode your callback URL. Replace this:
'callback' => urlencode('http://mysite.local/auth/bitbucket/callback')
With this:
'callback' => 'http://mysite.local/auth/bitbucket/callback'
When you are sending POST request, you do not need to encode any of parameters.
Indeed, as you mentioned in comment, documentation does show encoded parameters in example, as in:
Issue you have is not wrong documentation, but misunderstanding of POST method. Also check Wikipedia page. Unlike GET where parameters are passed in URL, POST request method stores it's data in body. That allows us to send any data type, arbitrarily long.
Data that is passed in body of request is automatically encoded as in this example (copied from Wikipedia page):
Looks similar to GET method when you encode data manually, right? However, if you urlencode data in POST request you actually end up with double encoded data, which is cause of problems in your case.
I really think that some basic knowledge of HTTP methods and Internet protocols is required before playing with any API.
Also, check some HTTP traffic monitor (debugger), like free Fiddler. It will allow you to see all HTTP data that is sent from your browser, essentially enabling you to learn by own examples.
I'm not sure how your framework works, but the callback parameter may be url encoded by the framework before the request is made. Since you also url encode it, your url is url encoded twice. Bitbucket will decode it once, leaving it with a url encoded url, which won't have the scheme set (http in this case), and your browser won't know it is an absolute URL, and will thus navigate to somewhere inside Bitbucket (as you observe). Try removing the extra url encode and see if that helps.

Getting "Could not authenticate with OAuth." from Twitter when trying to POST

I'm successfully able to get an access token through the OAuth process.
However, when I try to run a POST to the /statuses/update.json endpoint, I get a "Could not authenticate with OAuth."
I'm signing with the token I got back from authenticating with my consumer secret, I don't understand what else could be.
Twitter forums were no help either.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Making authenticated calls to Twitter can be a pain.
Make sure that the parameters in your signature base string are ordered alphabetically.
Take this:
oauth_consumer_key={consumerkey}&oauth_nonce={nonce}&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp={timestamp}&oauth_token={token}&oauth_version=1.0&status={tweet text}
fill out the values, encode it in Base64, and then put it together like this:
POST&{base64 encoded url}&{base64 encoded base string}
this will be the string you need to sign (without the brackets). (The url in this case will be https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json)
The signing key needs to be built like this:
{consumer secret}&{token secret}
The signature is a HMACSHA1 hash, which is then base64 encoded.
Then you need to put this in the Authorization header:
OAuth oauth_consumer_key="{consumer key}",oauth_nonce="{nonce}",oauth_signature="{signature}",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_timestamp="{timestamp}",oauth_token="{token}",oauth_version="1.0"
And finally put status=your tweet text as the posted data in your request.
I hope this helps.

Twitter oauth_callback parameter being ignored!

I'm trying to get Twitter authentication working on my ASP.NET site. When you create the app on the Twitter website, you have to specify a callback URL, which for sake of argument, I have set to http://mydomain.com
I've read the oAuth 1.0a spec, and to override this callback URL with your own custom one you have to send the oauth_callback parameter in the request_token phase (url-encoded of course).
So my request URL looks like this:
Supposedly, if all goes to plan, in your response data, you are supposed to receive a new parameter of oauth_callback_confirmed=true in addition to your token and token secret parameters.
However, my response comes through as:
I know I haven't given you guys the greatest amount to go on, but I'm at my wits end as to why I am not receiving the oauth_callback_confirmed parameter. Without this, my application keeps defaulting back to the callback URL hard-coded on the Twitter website. Please if anyone could help me out, I will be eternally grateful!
I've read the oAuth 1.0a spec, and to
override this callback URL with your
own custom one you have to send the
oauth_callback parameter in the
request_token phase (url-encoded of
So my request URL looks like this:
just because YOU read the spec doesn't mean that TWITTER read it. :P
kidding - this is essentially correct - but the way twitter likes to receive this data is a little different (and not well documented).
the way i've found to get the oauth_callback to confirm is as follows: specify the oauth_callback in the parameters of the request function, NOT within the URL.
python example (using oauth2):
''' Create our client.'''
client = oauth.Client(consumer)
''' do the request '''
resp, content = client.request(request_token_url,"POST",body=urllib.urlencode({'oauth_callback':callbackURL}))
''' note that it's called "body" in this particular OAuth function for Client but in OAuth Request object it's called "parameters." YMMV depending on programming language/ library of course. '''
this is ALSO the only way i've managed to get an oauth verifier back. supposedly one should not have to specify the callback URL every time, since we provide it in app settings...but experience seems to indicate otherwise.
finally, please be aware that at leg 3 you have to do the same thing AGAIN - this time including the oauth_verifier as well as the callback URL in the parameters.
hope this helps - can't begin to tell you how much effort i put into figuring this out.
good luck!
I've used this guide to set up my PC to be used as the callback location. Basically you set up your hosts file in a certain way, clear your cache and add a couple of Firefox registry values. At the end when you are debugging an oauth call the redirect comes back to your local PC.
As I said it worked for me.
// oauth-php example
$token = OAuthRequester::requestRequestToken(
array('oauth_callback'=> urlencode($callback_uri))
