Problems restarting Neo4j 1.8.1 - neo4j

I am using Neo4j version 1.8.1.
When I stopped the Neo4j service and started it up again, it will not respond at all.
I am unable to connect to the database using the Neo4j browser even though the service is running.
Any ideas/suggestions on how to troubleshoot this issue? It was working fine until I restarted the service.

If you log Java's garbage collection to a file, you can tail this file to get a clue how busy neo4j is during startup, especially, as pointed out, following an unclean shutdown.
The Java startup option you need is:
-Xloggc:neo4j-gc.log -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps


Neo4J Community 4.1.6 Stops after starting

I try to run Neo4J Community Edition 4.1.6 and need a hint. I have downloaded the winzip-package and unzipped it on a Windows 10 PC. I created a folder for the Neo4j files and another for the current JDK 15 package. The path for JDK has been put into system path variables. The log-flags in the neo4j conf has been set to DEBUG for HTPP. JAVA version throws the correct "15.0.2". No JAVA error message while starting.
I can start the service and the status gives back "Neo4j Service started...". After roughly 10 seconds the status shows that Neo4j has stopped without any further notice.
I can't see any logs in the \logs folder - the folder is empty.
I do not see a graphdb been created under neo4j-community-4.1.6\data\databases - the folder is empty
I cannot access the DB by localhost:7474
I do not see any error messages in the cmd windows.
I restarted the system several times but I still have the same outcome. Any hints?
Thank you
I believe we only support JDK 11 when using Neo4j 4.x.
Your errors may be because you are using JDK 15.
When diagnosing issues, it also helps to check the neo4j.log and debug.log files in the logs directory.

Copy Neo4j Desktop Edition DB to cloud

I am trying to get the Paradise Papers running on an AWS cloud server. I installed Neo4j Desktop on my mac, and commissioned a server by deploying the AMI from
I then copied the data from the Desktop install to the cloud install, updated the neo4j.template file to point to the new directory, and restarted the service.
The problem is that I can no longer connect to the server. In the log files I can see the following lines (along with a lot of diagnostic information).
2018-09-30 07:41:59.920+0000 INFO [o.n.k.i.f.CommunityEditionModule] No locking implementation specified, defaulting to 'community'
2018-09-30 07:42:00.104+0000 INFO [o.n.k.AvailabilityGuard] Requirement makes database unavailable: Database available
I suspect that there may be some kind of licensing or version constraint that is preventing the database from running. Could this be possible? Or is it something else?
Your issue is not related with a licensing or version problem.
In your debug.log, I don't see any message that can explained your issue.
Is there something useful in the neo4j.log file ?
Can you try to start neo4j after after removing all your plugins (apoc) ?
Can you try to start Neo4j on an empty database ?

Neo4J Enterprise 3.0.4 Indefinite Hang, Recovery Requires Restart

Neo4J enterprise is hanging indefinitely. Recovery requires a Neo4J restart. We use Python scripts with py2neo to ingest public data into Neo4J enterprise 3.0.4. So far we have been unable to complete the ingestion script. Before the script completes, Neo4J hangs indefinitely. There is nothing interesting in the logs. If we try the browser, the busy cursor appears and spins. This problem started for us when we upgraded from 3.0.2 to 3.0.4.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? For now, we'll try reverting the Neo4J release and see if that fixes the problem.

Neo4j database maxing CPU following upgrade to 3.0

I upgraded to Community version 3.0 and now when I open my database the CPU stays consistently above 85%. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, deleting the old installs and their config files and reinstalling, and letting it run in case neo4j was reindexing or similar and just needed time. The database was running very well under 3.0.0-M02 but I don't have that exe to try reinstalling that. I've tried 3.0.0-M05 which didn't help.
Can anyone suggest a way for me to get the database running properly again?
Is it doing recovery? If you start the database, does it fully start as expected and then go into this "mode"? Can you do a thread dump and paste here? For capturing a thread dump use jps -lm to figure out which process ID your neo4j process has and capture the thread dump using jstack <pid>, e.g. jstack 15432 > myfile.txt

Bizarre results when launching war in EC2 using elasticsearch 0.19.8

I'm using Grails 2.0.4 and elasticsearch 0.19.8, with a homegrown build of the elasticsearch-grails plugin to use 0.19.8, running on a micro Ubuntu instance of EC2.
I'm building my grails project locally as a war. When I drop this was in a jetty container locally (on my laptop), jetty starts and I'm able to navigate to the root context (as expected) and get my site.
However, when I take the same war (confirmed via md5sum) in the same version of jetty (confirmed via md5sum) on a micro EC2 instance, I get strange results.
Occasionally, jetty starts and my application is available...all is well. But then other times, jetty won't start...and the logs are complaining about elasticsearch.
Now, I'm the first to admit that running both elasticsearch and jetty (with a grails war) on the same node is, well, not the greatest idea...but, this is a test environment, and I'm okay with swapping to disk (not a perf testing lab).
But, what's driving me batty is the inconsistency in running my application. Currently, I cannot get it to start (which, I suppose, counters my "inconsistency" argument). But even taking a "starting" war, with MINIMAL changes in the war (no domain object changes, just changes in controller and/or view), my app won't start - complaining about elasticsearch.
Here's the gist
In the past, I've solved this by stopping elasticsearch, and blowing away /var/lib/elasticsearch/elasticsearch (which is basically, as I understand it, a crude way of blowing away the elasticsearch index).
But now, this doesn't appear to be working. Neither does uninstall/reinstall elasticsearch.
Can anybody offer any advice on what to look for and/or where to look?
Ok, this is driving my crazy, but I found an answer.
/data contains an elasticsearch directory which, apparently, had bad data...I deleted this directory and restarted jetty and...
I have NO idea how it got into this state, nor the actual ramifications of deleting the directory (I think elasticsearch data is persisted in the elasticsearch node...)
I suspect an incomplete shutdown of my app...
Thanks for everybody's input.
