I have recently deployed my Ruby on Rails app from running it locally on my machine to a VPS server. The Administration section isn't working, with username and password. It works locally, but online, I can't get in to administer my user details. The rest of the app seems to be working ok, just not the Admin.
In my db/seeds.rb I have:
Admin.create(:email => "admin#admin.com", :password => "admin_password")
#unless Rails.env.production?
# 1000.times do
# Factory.create(:user)
# end
categories_file = File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'categories.txt')
if File.exists?(categories_file)
File.open(categories_file, 'r') do |f|
while category = f.gets
Category.create(:name => category)
Is there something I need to do to get it working correctly? Thanks.
Someone ran:
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:seed
from the production instance (whatever that is) on the server, and now it's working.
Is there any conventions of rails or a right way to create/manipulate a table that will contain just one row?
If not, what is the best way to do that?
I need a way to store configurations of the system.
The rake db:seed command, basically execute whatever code you write in db/seeds.rb file of your application. Though can write any code in this file, by convention you should write code which populate your database with the basic data,
for example: when ever your deploy your application somewhere, and create a new database for it, you want that user with admin credential must be present there. So you will write the code which create that user in this file. Below is the sample code which will create a user and assign admin role to him.
puts "********Seeding Data Start************"
admin = User.create(:first_name => 'System', :last_name => 'Admin',
:email => 'systemadmin#sunpower.com', :password => 'sunpoweradmin',
:password_confirmation => 'sunpoweradmin', :source_system_id => 'systemadmin',
:source_system => 'LP',:entity_type => "Customer", :target_system => "OPENAM")
if admin.errors.blank?
puts "***User #{admin.first_name} #{admin.last_name} created ***"
admin.add_role :admin # add_role is method defined by rolify gem
puts "***admin role assigned to #{admin.first_name} #{admin.last_name}***"
puts "admin user failed to create due to below reasons:"
admin.errors.each do |x, y|
puts"#{x} #{y}" # x will be the field name and y will be the error on it
puts "********Seeding Data End************"
Now whenever you recreate your database, you just need to run below command to populate the database, with the basic data
$ rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=production
The correct order to setup database in production, with all the rake task available within db namespace is as below
$rake db:create RAILS_ENV=production
$rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
$ rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=production
NOTE: You can replace the first two commands with $rake db:setup RAILS_ENV=production , it will run both create and migrate internally
You could use the rails-settings-cached gem which is a fork of the rails-settings gem
Once setup, you'll be able to do things such as:
Setting.foo = 123
Setting.foo # returns 123
Hope this may help you or what you are looking for..
I generated a skeleton application using Rails Composer and included Figaro. It runs successfully locally. Before I modify it, I am pushing it down to Heroku. However, the heroku run rake db:seed failed. I've come to find out that the app/config/application.yml is .gitignored. So, I need to use rake figaro:heroku to set the environment variables before I run heroku run rake db:seed. But, the rake Figaro:heroku is failing as follows:
D:\BitNami\rubystack-2.0.0-11\projects\myapp>rake figaro:heroku
! Usage: heroku config:set KEY1=VALUE1 [KEY2=VALUE2 ...]
! Must specify KEY and VALUE to set.
This looks like it is just ignoring my app/config/application.yml and asking for line directed input to me, but I don't know. Again, the application runs successfully locally, so that application.yml should be correct. Here it is:
MANDRILL_USERNAME: valid.address#gmail.com
MANDRILL_APIKEY: a.valid.apikey
ADMIN_NAME: Admin Name
ADMIN_EMAIL: valid.address#gmail.com
ADMIN_PASSWORD: validpassword
ROLES: [admin, user, VIP]
The failure occurs in seeds when I issue heroku run rake db:seed. The file is:
puts 'ROLES'
YAML.load(ENV['ROLES']).each do |role|
puts 'role: ' << role
user = User.find_or_create_by_email :name => ENV['ADMIN_NAME'].dup, :email => ENV['ADMIN_EMAIL'].dup, :password => ENV['ADMIN_PASSWORD'].dup, :password_confirmation => ENV['ADMIN_PASSWORD'].dup
puts 'user: ' << user.name
user.add_role :admin
It fails on the first access to variable role because ENV['ROLES'] is uninitialized. It would be initialized by application.yml, and is locally, but it is .gitignored. Thus, the need for rake Figaro:heroku to succeed.
This seems so simple, especially since it runs smoothly locally. OBTW, I have tried application.yml as shown and with the strings double-quoted but it doesn't seem to make a difference in any case so...
Ideas? Thanks...
I understand from the path you're mentioning that this is a Windows question. Problem is that the arrays are not correctly dealt with on Windows. Workaround I once made is to override the "vars" method of Heroku in a rake file in lib/tasks, like
module Figaro
module Tasks
class Heroku # < Struct.new(:app)
def vars
Figaro.env(environment).map { |key, value|
if value.start_with? "["
value = "'#{value.gsub('"', '')}'"
elsif value.include? " "
value = "'#{value}'"
}.sort.join(" ")
I'd surmise the problem will likely be with Figaro's processing of your different variable types:
MANDRILL_USERNAME: "valid.address#gmail.com"
MANDRILL_APIKEY: "a.valid.apikey"
ADMIN_NAME: "Admin Name"
ADMIN_EMAIL: "valid.address#gmail.com"
ADMIN_PASSWORD: "validpassword"
ROLES: ["admin", "user", "VIP"]
Try removing any spaces & ensuring you only send KEY: "VALUE" to Figaro. Your spaces are basically going to cause the system to misinterpret it
I'm using Refinery CMS with a custom engine and I'm not able to run heroku rake db:seed. It seems that this is causing my app to break in production.
Everything works fine locally, but I'm getting this output when I try to seed my database:
Any thoughts on what might be causing this. Here's my seeds.rb file:
(Refinery.i18n_enabled? ? Refinery::I18n.frontend_locales : [:en]).each do |lang|
I18n.locale = lang
if defined?(Refinery::User)
Refinery::User.all.each do |user|
if user.plugins.where(:name => 'refinerycms-projects').blank?
user.plugins.create(:name => 'refinerycms-projects',
:position => (user.plugins.maximum(:position) || -1) +1)
url = "/projects"
if defined?(Refinery::Page) && Refinery::Page.where(:link_url => url).empty?
page = Refinery::Page.create(
:title => 'Projects',
:link_url => url,
:deletable => false,
:menu_match => "^#{url}(\/|\/.+?|)$"
Refinery::Pages.default_parts.each_with_index do |default_page_part, index|
page.parts.create(:title => default_page_part, :body => nil, :position => index)
In order to fix this I needed to specify ruby '1.9.3' in my gemfile. Apparently this is something related to deploying a Refinery CMS app to Heroku.
Once I deployed to heroku with ruby '1.9.3' in my gemfile I was able to do heroku run rake db:seed no problem.
More info on this here:
I followed the railscast http://railscasts.com/episodes/164-cron-in-ruby but I cant seem to make it worked.
I have schedule.rb in my config.
I wished to refresh my Database.count everyday in my homepage.
I cannot find the deploy.rb in my folder. Where is it?
For testing purpose, I changed it to every 2 seconds.
every '2 * * * *' do
rake "pages_controller:home"
class PagesController < ApplicationController
def home
#title = "Home"
#companies = Company.find(:all, :limit => 20)
#count = Company.count
I have put
gem 'whenever', :require => false
in my gemfile. What have gone missing?
I have used cron job but i run it as rake task please you can try it
every 3.minutes do
set :environment, 'development'
rake "daily",:output => {:error => 'error.log', :standard => 'cron.log'}
And my task is like
require 'rubygems'
task :daily => :environment do
puts "i am fine"
# do your code
If cron job run fine then there will be nothing in cron.log.Otherwise it will show you if
any error occurs and this file will be generate in your app root directory.
try it..
So... Couple things.
You need a Capfile and a config/deploy.rb to deploy your code using Capistrano and Whenver. You get this by running capify . ... You should most likely watch the railscast on capistrano deployment
Whenever is using configured like:
every 1.day, :at => '4:30 am' do
runner 'Rails.cache.clear'
I really don't think rake "pages_controller:home is going to work unless this is something you've already created elsewhere. I'm further assuming you are caching this page, and that's why you need to refresh the cache.
Finally, you're setting your environment to development, which makes me think you are not deploying this, but instead just wanting to reset the cached home page... So just run rake cache:clear
I am using resque in my application for delayed jobs, where i cant send emails & sms to bulk number of users asynchronously. And the data is stored in mongodb, mongoid is the ODM connects rails & mongo.
My mongoid model looks like this
class Item
include Mongoid::Document
include Geo::LocationHelper
field :name, :type => String
field :desc, :type => String
#resque queue name
#queue = :item_notification
#resque perform method
def self.perform(item_id)
#item = Item.find(item_id)
I can able to add jobs to resque, i have verified using resque-web. Whenever i start an resque-worker
QUEUE=item_notification rake resque:work
i got the uninitialized constant Item , since i am using resque as rails gem and starting rake in rails root, i believe my mongoid models should be loaded.
After digging lot, i found that we can explicitly ask rake to load the environment by
QUEUE=item_notification rake environment resque:work
but now also i got the same error uninitialized constant Item
can someone help me out?
and my
Actually, its a problem in dev environment. after adding this line to into resque.rake task file
# load the Rails app all the time
namespace :resque do
puts "Loading Rails environment for Resque"
task :setup => :environment
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:descendants).each { |klass| klass.columns }
it works fine
The code taken from GitHub-Resque-Wiki