In javascript, I can access every property of an object with a simple for loop as follows
var myObj = {x:1, y:2};
var i, sum=0;
for(i in myObj) sum = sum + myObj[i];
I am wondering if I can do similar thing with F#.
type MyObj = {x:int; y:int}
let myObj = {x=1; y=2}
let allValues:seq<int> = allPropertyValuesIn myObj //How do I implement allPropertyValuesIn
let sum = allValues |> Seq.fold (+) 0
Thank you for your input
Edit to clarify why I want to do such thing
I am working on an XML file generator. The input is rows read from Database, and the xsd is predefined.
Lets say I have a "Product" Element needs to be generated and depending on the business rule, there could be 200 Children element under product some are required, some are optional. Following the advise from this excellent blog, I have had my first (very rough) design for product record:
1. type Product{ Price:Money; Name:Name; FactoryLocation:Address option ... }
2. let product = {Price = Money(1.5); Name = Name ("Joe Tooth Paste"); ... }
3. let child1 = createEl ("Price", product.Price)
203. let allChildren = child1
404. let prodctEl = createElWithCildren ("Product", allChildren)
This is very tedious and un-succinct. There HAS to be a better way to do such thing in F#. I am not very kin on the reflection idea either.
Are there any other approaches or I am just doing it wrong?
Try this:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
type MyObj = {x:int; y:int}
let myObj = {x=1; y=2}
let allValues = FSharpType.GetRecordFields (myObj.GetType())
let sum =
|> Seq.fold
(fun s t -> s + int(t.GetValue(myObj).ToString()))
printfn "%d" sum
However, as John Palmer admonishes, there are not very many good reasons for doing something like this.
I am new in F# and I wonder whether is there a possibility (unsing NUnit) to construct a test class multiple parameters in its constructor with some similar construction - following end up with
OneTimeSetUp: No suitable constructor was found
// if data with one parameter, no problem to run the tests
// the data not only the constants at the compile time, so need to work TestFixtureSoource attribute.
type SimpleFixtureArgs =
static member Source = [| (String.Empty, String.Empty); ("hello", "hello") |]
[<TestFixtureSource(typeof<SimpleFixtureArgs>, "Source")>]
type ``simple tests class``(text, text2) =
member this.``simple test``() =
let expexted = text
let actual = text2
Assert.AreEqual(expexted, actual)
Since removing the one parameter (e.g. the text2) and having appropriate one-parameter TestFixtureSource it started to work...
So the question is how to write the NUnit test to work with TestFixtureSource with multiple parameters?
Individual items of text fixture source should be object arrays or derive from the TestFixtureParameters class (NUnit documentation). But tuple is not an object array - it's a single object. So change source property to return IEnumerbale (or array) of arrays:
type SimpleFixtureArgs =
static member Source = seq {
[| String.Empty; String.Empty|]
[| "hello"; "hello"|]
Later, I needed to deal with different types of parameters.
There is slightly modified code in F# from the previous answer, which worked for me.
type SimpleFixtureArgs2 =
static member Source : seq<obj []> =
seq {
yield [| String.Empty; String.Empty; 1; 1 |]
yield [| "hello"; "hello"; 2; 2 |]
[<TestFixtureSource(typeof<SimpleFixtureArgs2>, "Source")>]
type ``simple tests2 class``(text1, text2, num1, num2) =
member this.``simple strings and integers test``() =
let expextedText = text1
let actualText = text2
Assert.AreEqual(expextedText, actualText)
Assert.AreEqual(num1, num2)
I have a Discriminated Union ("DU") type and a property OR method which computes something based on the DU instance. I am trying to achieve a pattern where the instance property performs the calculation the first time it is requested and then remembers the result - akin to a Singleton Pattern in Object Oriented Terms.
I am finding this challenging without the aid of a local instance variable to store the state of things...
I have tried simple memoization of a method but I then run into the problem of not having anywhere (in the instance) to store the memoized result.
Note: there will be many instances of this DU type in my application.
// Terrible mutable variable needed alongside the DU to achieve a singleton-like pattern
let mutable result: int option = None
type DU =
| Good of int
| Bad of int
// behaves like a Singleton
member this.GetSomething =
match result with
| None ->
printfn "Big bad side-effect to let us know it's a first time"
// big bad calculation that we only want to do once
let x = 1 + 1
// "memoize" it
result <- Some x
| Some y -> y
let instance = Good 1
let f1 = instance.GetSomething // first time
let f2 = instance.GetSomething // second call - no side effect1
You can't memoize inside of an immutable value, because memoization involves changing and maintaining state.
Obviously, you can do it outside of an immutable value:
let smth = getSomething "foo"
As long as you reuse smth instead of calling getSomething "foo" again, you've essentially memoized the result. This is safe if getSomething is referentially transparent; otherwise, it's not.
From the sample code posted in the OP, it looks more like you're looking for lazy initialization, which you can get from the Lazy<T> class. You'll still need an object in which to store the Lazy<T> instance, though.
open System
type MyObject() =
let result =
printfn "Big bad side-effect to let us know it's a first time"
// big bad calculation that we only want to do once
1 + 1
member this.GetSomething = result.Value
As you can see, in F# you can also use lazy expressions for this.
> let mo = MyObject ();;
val mo : MyObject
> let smth1 = mo.GetSomething;;
Big bad side-effect to let us know it's a first time
val smth1 : int = 2
> let smth2 = mo.GetSomething;;
val smth2 : int = 2
The MyObject class may look immutable, but that's only because state is being kept inside of the lazy expression.
This way it is possible to have a lazy inside a DU.
Because the type is Lazy.
type DU =
| Good of Lazy<int> // Lazy not lazy
| Bad of Lazy<int>
type MyObject() =
let result =
printfn "Big bad side-effect to let us know it's a first time"
// big bad calculation that we only want to do once
1 + 1) |> Good
member this.GetSomething = result
let mo = MyObject()
let f() =
match mo.GetSomething with
| Good x -> x.Value
| Bad y -> y.Value
Big bad side-effect to let us know it's a first time
val it : int = 2
val it : int = 2
I thought I could force to retrieve all results through multiple page and skip, using the statistics function
type Linq.IRavenQueryable<'T>
with member q.getAll() = let mutable stat = Linq.RavenQueryStatistics()
let total = stat.TotalResults
let a = q.Statistics(&stat)
let rec addone n = seq { yield q.Skip(n*1024).Take(1024).ToArray()
if n*1024 < total then
yield! addone (n + 1) }
addone 0 |> Array.concat
It works when you do
let q = session.Query<productypfield>()
let r = q.getAll()
but breaks with
let q = session.Query<productypfield>().Where(System.Func ....)
let r = q.getAll()
As the type Linq.IRavenQueryable is not idempotent through Linq composition : If I use Linq, I get an IEnumerable on which no q.Statistics(&stat) is defined.
I read the doc, and I dont see anyway to keep the type through Linq composition.
IS the only way to loop a fixed (high) amount of times, or set a high servepagesize, and take(a lot of elements) ?
edit : actually, even the code above does not work as apparently, to get a valid count, you need to run the query once. one has to call Take(0) to trigger it.
use session = store.OpenSession()
let q = session.Query<productypfield>()
let mutable s = Linq.RavenQueryStatistics()
let a = q.Statistics(&s)
s.TotalResults = 0 //true
printfn "%A" a //triggers evaluation
s.TotalResults = 0 //false
Can you change your 2nd code sample to this (I'm not familiar with F#):
let q = session.Query<productypfield>().Where(Expression<System.Func<....>>)
let r = q.getAll()
that should let you keep the IQueryable that you need
Two functions are defined:
let to2DStrArray (inObj : string[][]) =
Array2D.init inObj.Length inObj.[0].Length (fun i j -> inObj.[i].[j])
let toTypedList typeFunc (strArray : string[,]) =
if (Array2D.length1 strArray) = 0 then
List.init (Array2D.length1 strArray) typeFunc
trying to call them from fsx as follows fails:
let testData = to2DStrArray [|[||]|]
let failingCall = testData
|> toTypedList (fun row -> (Double.Parse(testData.[row,0]),
What is a working/better way to get this code to handle the case of empty 2-dimensional string arrays?
The problem is not in toTypeList function so you don't have to check whether strArray is empty or not. It will give an error if you check inObj.[0].Length in to2DStrArray function when the input array is empty. A safe way to create an Array2D from an array of array is using array2D operator:
let to2DStrArray (inObj : string[][]) =
array2D inObj
Of course, you have to guarantee that all inner arrays have the same length. And the other function is shortened as follows:
let toTypedList typeFunc (strArray : string[,]) =
List.init (Array2D.length1 strArray) typeFunc
Given your use case, note that [|[||]|] is not an empty string[][]; it is an array which consists of only one element which in turn is an empty string array. Therefore, it causes a problem for the anonymous function you passed to toTypedList. Since the two dimensional array has length2 <= 1 and you accesses two first indices, it results in an index of bound exception. The function could be fixed by returning option values, and you can extract values from option values to use later on:
let testData = to2DStrArray [|[||]|]
let failingCall = testData
|> toTypedList (fun row -> if Array2D.length2 testData >= 2 then Some (Double.Parse(testData.[row,0]), Double.Parse(testData.[row,1])) else None)
Realistically you will have another problem as testdata.[0].Length <> testdata.[1].Length - unless you know this from somewhere else. I suspect that the best approach
let ysize = (inobj |> Array.maxBy (fun t -> t.Length)).Length
I quickly tested this and it seems to work - although it may still fail at the point where you access the array
Is there a way to have mutable function arguments in F#, that would allow something like
let mutable i = 9
let somefun n = n <- 12; ()
somefun i
(* *not* a real-world example *)
I do understand that this can be made to work by wrapping it into a record type
type SomeRec = { mutable i: int }
let ri = { i = 9 }
let someotherfun r = r.i <- 12; ()
and that this can be done in a similar fashion for class members. However, even after browsing through the whole F# Language Specification (yes, I did!), there seems to be no syntax to allow the first case, and the compiler appears to be quite unhappy about my trying this. I was hoping there would be some sort of type annotation, but mutable cannot be used in such.
I also know that I should not be doing this sort of thing in the first place, but the first case (int binding) and the second (record type) are semantically identical, and any such objection would hold for both cases equally.
So I think that I am missing something here.
You can use ref as arguments
let v = ref 0
let mutate r =
r := 100
mutate v
printfn "%d" !v
Or byref keyword
let mutable v = 0
let mutate (r : byref<_>) =
r <- 100
mutate &v
printfn "%d" v
Use byref keyword which is equivalent to C# ref.
See Passing by reference.