How can I validate purchases with Amazon IAP API - in-app-purchase

In an IOS app, I normally validate that purchases have succeeded and been processed by my application by comparing Apple's list of receipts with one that I add to locally when I've processed the purchase myself. This safeguards against things like app crashes during purchase, bugs, etc that can make things get out of sync. I'm trying to do something similar with Amazon.
I have come across statements like this repeatedly in Amazon docs about purchase validation/restoration:
It is possible for a purchase transaction to have more than one Purchase Token representation, so they should not be used as transaction IDs.
This was a huge help as I thought the exact opposite. Unfortunately, I haven't found the rest of the thought: "The transaction ID can be found here:...". I'm starting to think that their transactions don't offer a stable ID...! Please tell me what I'm missing or, if it really doesn't exist, how I can safeguard against the problems I mentioned above?

The initiatePurchaseUpdatesRequest call under Amazon IAP takes an offset parameter which is a permanent identifier for a restore point. Each time you start up you issue an initiatePurchaseUpdatesRequest starting from the last offset you saw (or Offset.BEGINNING the first time). When the response comes in, you save off the offset from the response for the next startup. In this way, any new but unrecorded sales (due to bugs or multiple device issues) will get caught on the next startup. One, minor, impact of this is that you can actually get notified of a purchase twice - once when it occurs and once on the next onPurchaseUpdatesResponse.
As usual you also have the ability for a user to manually request a "restore purchases" that issues the initiatePurchaseUpdatesRequest with the Offset.BEGINNING parameter in case all else fails.
Ps. The actual receipt validation should be performed by calling an Amazon web service from your own server using the receipt values from either the restore or the purchase responses.

With the current Amazon IAP api, keep track of whether you've fulfilled the IAP item by the "requestId" in the PurchaseResponse object. This "requestId" can be used as a sort of pseudo transaction id. You should save this requestId to a server or to the device's local storage.
See the quick start link below for more details:


Apple In-App Purchase and Receipt Refresh

I have a side project and I recently worked on my receipt manager to make it stronger and to relies more on the receipt of the app rather than persistently storing a value after a transaction.
However, there are 2 main points which although I read Apple docs and other answers on the web, I'm still confused about:
1. When a user restore their purchase, does the receipt get refreshed?
I made several tests in sandbox, and I have seen that when restoring, the receipt gets refreshed, and when I verify the receipt through the iTunes server verification, it returns a JSON including the latest transactions. This is very helpful because even if I close/open the app, the app receipt is updated and I can always verify it without refreshing it.
However, in production, this didn't work. The app receipt wasn't refreshed after restoring purchases and my users got asked to restore purchases continuously. Can anyone answer on this point?
2. Does the refresh receipt request triggers an alert asking for the Apple ID's password in production?
From the previous point, I thought ok, I will force receipt refresh after a user restores their purchases. However, in development / sandbox, I get asked to insert my sandbox user's pass every time I try to refresh the receipt (although I could restore purchases without a password request before asking for the refresh). I read a lot about this and someone says that might not happen in production. Does any of you have a clarification on this?
I know that when restoring / purchasing I get back a transaction with the receipt, however, I need to use the App Receipt to verify transactions (and this is also what Apple says to do).
Thank you in advance.
1. Refreshing the receipt
In theory, calling restore purchases should get the latest receipt. In the instances where you are experiencing issues, take a look at SKReceiptRefreshRequest. Typically, I use this in production when a call to restore purchases has encountered errors.
Use it wisely, triggering that API can lead to showing the Sign In prompts for the App Store.
2. When is the user asked to sign in?
Sadly, I have seen this vary so I cannot give a definitive answer. More often than not, a call to restore purchases should not trigger a sign in. Explicitly using SKReceiptRefreshRequest will.
If the user is not signed in to the store, calling any Store API like attempting a purchase or restoring purchases could trigger the sign in flow.
What Apple Says
From the docs
Refreshing a receipt doesn't create new transactions; it requests the latest copy of the receipt from the App Store. Refresh the receipt only once; refreshing multiple times in a row has the same result.
Restoring completed transactions creates a new transaction for every transaction previously completed, essentially replaying history for your transaction queue observer. Your app maintains its own state to keep track of why it’s restoring completed transactions and how to handle them. Restoring multiple times creates multiple restored transactions for each completed transaction.
My Recommendation
Store the hash of the last receipt you used on device. You can use this hash to check against the latest receipt so you know if anything has changed. Whenever your App resumes you can always check if the current receipt hash is different from the last cached value.
Try and submit the receipt as soon as possible. Typically when the App has launched.
If a user tries to manually restore purchases, I would start with a call to restoreCompletedTransactions. This can trigger an App Store sign in but is often less likely. Most of the time this is enough as the receipt on the device is often pretty up to date.
If the user tries another restore purchases, OR if the call failed, then move to SKReceiptRefreshRequest to guarantee a fresh receipt.
When using SKReceiptRefreshRequest, I would recommend wrapping this behind UIAlertController. I normally show something that indicates it has failed and have a "Retry" button that uses the request. This will trigger a new store sign in.
Use restoreCompletedTransactions to get a playback of all completed transactions the device is aware of.
When a user restore their purchase, does the receipt get refreshed?
Yes, it should. But it also sounds like you're doing some server-side validation? If that's the case, you can send any receipt from the user to the /verifyReceipt endpoint to get the latest status. You don't need to send the latest receipt, since /verifyReceipt will also refresh it.
Does the refresh receipt request triggers an alert asking for the Apple ID's password in production?
There's no clear Apple documentation on this, but it definitely will if there's no receipt file present in the app (rare in production). But if you're doing server-side validation (see #1), then you can send up any receipt you have, no need to refresh it. So you're only refreshing the receipt if nothing is present, which will trigger the sign-in. Keep in mind a receipt file is not present on the device after installing in sandbox - only after a purchase. This differs a lot from production where a receipt file is generated after installation.
From what it sounds like you're trying to do, my recommendation would be to check if any receipt file is present at launch, send it to /verifyReceipt to get the latest status for the user and cache the result. You can do this on every app launch.
In a perfect world you're storing the receipt server-side and keeping it up-to-date there, but you mentioned side project so that sounds like overkill. However, an out-of-the box solution that correctly implements all of this and will scale with you - such as RevenueCat - is another alternative (Disclaimer: I work there).
After many tests and after I sent my app in production, I'm now able to answer my questions properly:
1. When a user restores their purchase, does the receipt get refreshed?
YES, this is immediate as for Sandbox, BUT the problem is that the receipt DOESN'T include non-consumable purchases.
This means in other words that the receipt will include the purchased subscriptions, but you won't find purchases of non-consumable products.
However, when the user restores or purchases, you get the transactions in return, and you can extract the non-consumable products, and store this info somewhere like UserDefaults or Keychain, so you can use them when the user opens your app.
For the rest, the best approach is to always validate and check the receipt when the app is opened.
2. Does the refresh receipt request trigger an alert asking for the Apple ID's password in production?
YES. For sure it does the first time.
Thank you to Daniel and enc for their answers that can still be useful.

How to find user's lost in-app purchases on iOS?

So I followed the official manual and implemented this:
user pays in app
app gets receipt info from Apple
this receipt info is sent to my server
my server verified receipt by calling Apple API and activates membership for client
The obvious problem is that 3. can fail. I have clients complaining they paid, they are sending me SS of the amount being deducted, but my server was never notified. And I have no way to find these users. Is there some CP where I can search by customer e-mail or transaction ID to check if this is Photoshopped screenshot or valid one?
Is there some API that can be called to list transactions by product and e-mail of client? - Apple CP is useless for this
There is no method to correlate the customers details with your transaction details. Only Apple can do this.
My first suspicion is that you may have a logic problem in your purchasing process. If implemented correctly, a transient failure at step 3 doesn't matter.
You should:
Create your transaction queue observer a soon as your app starts. This will enable any pending transactions to be delivered to your observer
When you get a purchase transaction in your observer you verify with your server
Only once you have a response from your server that the purchase has been recorded successfully do you call finishTransaction.
This way if something goes wrong with your server or the app crashes the transaction is still pending in the queue.
If you are using auto-renewing and/or non-consumable IAP then I
strongly suggest you provide a "restore purchases" button in your
UI. This makes it simple for the user if something goes wrong or when
they move to a new device.
If you have users who claim that they did not get what they paid for then you can refer them to Apple App Store support who can refund the transaction.
If step three fails you can fall back to local verification and then let the user through for this session (or some number of sessions before you require it to succeed). Unfortunately local authentication is a pain in the ass because the receipt is encrypted. See this link for an example: . You can also report failures of step 3 to your analytics tool so you can see who is actually affected by this issue (obviously this only works if the analytic eventually get an internet connection.

StoreKit: Is it OK to keep unfinished transactions around on purpose?

I'm working on an iOS app and am currently trying to come up with strategies of how to manage in-app purchases:
Android has the nice capability that it caches product ownership information locally on the device and can therefore check ownership without having to prompt the user for a password. iOS, on the other hand, cannot restore purchases at all without asking the user to log in and Apple therefore specifically discourages ownership-checks at app-launch in their Restoring Purchased Products documentation (last sentence of first paragraph).
Now, technically, you can get iOS to provide the same "ownership caching" for non-consumable items as Android does, by just never calling finishTransaction:, except in the case of failed transactions. That way, at every app launch, as soon as you call addTransactionObserver:, you get a list of owned products without a user login request.
Clearly, I can also provide this cache myself using something like NSUserDefaults, but that would be a bit more work and just adds more opportunities to make mistakes in implementing the ownership tracking. And since I need to handle randomly reported transactions from the transaction observer anyways for good measure, I would basically have to implement the above idea and then duplicate its functionality again using NSUserDefaults or such.
Thus my questions: Is it OK to (mis-)use unfinished transactions in this way? Will they ever expire automatically? Might Apple reject my app if they notice that this is what I'm doing? Are there any negative implications of this idea (reliability, performance, wasted memory/storage)?

How can I debug a failed in app purchase?

From time to time, our users claim that they've made an in app purchase in our IOS application but they did not receive their product.
Our purchase flow goes like this:
Once the user purchases an item, the app makes a request to server including the transaction receipt.
Server saves this purchase with the transaction receipt in "new" state.
Server tries to verify this receipt on Apple servers.
If verification succeeds, the product is granted to user.
If verification succeeds, the purchase is marked as "Success".
If verification fails, the purchase is marked as "Fail".
On some occasions, we can find the purchase attempt in between one of these steps and we recover from there.
But sometimes we cannot find any purchase records relative to this user. I personally believe that most of our users are not lying but some bugs or network problems exist instead.
Is there a way I can debug these issues? Is there any information that I can request from the customer and compare that information to some records on iTunes pages or somewhere? Are we doing any mistake during our purchase process? What can we do better to prevent these issues?
We are verifying purchases by making calls to Apple Api (by using We are verifying purchases by making calls to Apple api (by using nodejs's iap_verifier).
We do not handle any duplicates since we had none so far but I do not think that that is relevant for this specific case.
I understand that this might be an Apple outage, a problem on the Apple side, a network problem or any other problem that are not related to our servers. But I still need a way to confirm a user's purchase when he or she approaches us claiming that he or she made a purchase but did not get their product. Does such a way exist?

Best practices in Server side validation of In app purchase in iOS

We are using server side validation of the payment like so -
User makes payment.
Store kit API sends transaction receipt to App.
App sends base64 encoded transaction receipt to our server.
Our server calls and validates the transaction recept.
User is marked as paid.
For a particular user, we didn't get the transaction receipt at the server, due to which the receipt couldn't be verified. We are guessing something went wrong in steps 2 and 3.
If there were connection problems at the time of sending receipt to server, the app retries again on subsequent app resume.
Now we have one missing transaction receipt and an angry user. How do you suggest we go forward? How can we prevent this in future? Are there any guidelines or best practices that we can follow to prevent such situation?
Thank you.
Based on my experience, the likely issues are
The base64 data got url-encoded along the way and so + and / got messed up - replace these with safer characters before transfer
The whole transaction is bogus.
The way to check for the second case is to look at your account and see if there is a matching purchase record. Unfortunately, the web site can be a bit difficult to review unless you have a low purchase volume.
The are two things you need in your code to correctly handle errors on your server or on, if it happens, Apple's end.
Do not call finishTransaction: until you have successfully communicated with your server (it wouldn't help in this case but worth noting)
Have a "Reload Purchases" button or action that calls restoreCompletedTransactions: on the SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue. For non-consumable/entitlement objects, this will resend all transactions with receipts that can be re-verified on your server.
If the problem you are facing is with non-consumables/entitlements, then the second item is the way out.
