I've got some helper code (monkey patches) I tend to carry around from rails project to rails project via simply copying files or pasting code into the initializers folder.
I think a clean way to deploy different categories of my initalizer code would be to simply add gems to my project Gemfile that would do the equivalent of this for me. I'm not very skilled at creating gems or the deeper side of ruby on rails engineering so I just wanted to know if this were possible before I got started with it.
Yes, this is definitely possible. It should be probably enough to make a simple gem, put your monkey-patches there and require them in the gem entry point (e.g., if the gem is called foobar, then bundler will require lib/foobar.rb by default).
There is a guide on creating gems available in Bundler docs. In case you need to interact with Rails application configuration, you can take a look at Rails Engines.
I have a small gem that I have created and a separate small Rails application that I use to test the gem.
I have been looking for information about how I could embed the test rails app inside the gem so it's packaged as one and so I can launch it to test the application.
I have currently got it inside the gem tree in a subdirectory of test. I can change to that subdirectory and run the app up ok, or I can run its tests with rake. But is this the correct way to do this ?
(in case it makes any difference, this gem and the small test app are for Rails 2.x)
I'd suggest you take a look at some other gems on github and what they do. Some probably don't need a full rails app, but devise, for instance has a barebones rails app embedded at /test/rails_app
I want to learn how to create a rubygem with a generator etc.
When I create a gem, do I create a separate project?
The reason being, since it will have generators and hook into the lifecycle of a Rails 3 application, I want to create a test rails 3 application at the same time to see how things are working etc.
Can someone outline what I should do to do this?
For example, I'm using git, so what I want to do is, when I run a generator for my gem and it doesn't do what I want, I can then easily rollback to the previous version using git.
This will be a simple gem, just trying to get a feel for things and how I can hook into various parts of rails etc.
Use bundler to create the new Gem with the following command:
bundle gem foogem
Then go to the Gemfile of the application you're going to use and add something like the following:
gem 'foogem', :path =>'/path/to/foogem'
In this way you can easily test your gem inside your rails project.
It's easy to create a new Rails application using "rails new myapp" (or start with a template from Rails Wizard or the RailsApps project).
But after that, what do you do? What gems do you always add? What decisions do you make before beginning development? What important items are often overlooked before deploying an app?
I'd like to put together a reference checklist to share. Any suggestions?
For example:
Create a new RVM gemset
Modify the .gitignore file
Switch from TestUnit to RSpec
Set up Guard to run tests in the background during development
Add the viewport metatag to the default application layout
Don't forget to create a sitemap.xml file
Add a Google Analytics snippet
What else?
Starting with a Rails template.
You should look theses resources :
For me usual process involves:
Add CSS framework (grids, text, forms)
Add Cells
Add Slim (www.slim-lang.com)
Remove Test::Unit for RSpec
Add application config settings (config.yml)
Add Cucumber
Add FactoryGirl
Add Spork
Add Guard (guard-rspec, guard-cucumber, guard-sass, guard-livereload, guard-spork)
Add Git, Github space, + amend .gitignore
Add Heroku (stage + production) spaces
I'll usually copy over my google_analytics helpers and sitemap_controller from other projects during the development process instead of being organised enough to do it from the start. I like to the the testing and deployment options setup from the get go so I can start developing and releasing early and often.
create rvm gemset, create .rvmrc, modify .gitignore
Then add gems
gem 'pg'
gem 'thin'
gem 'ruby-debug19', :require => 'ruby-debug'
gem 'rspec-rails'
gem 'factory_girl_rails'
gem 'capybara'
then depending on the project, I often use aws3, paperclip, resque, will_paginate and haml (although I try not to use it on new projects anymore)
Most of the time:
add .rvmrc
amberbit-config gem (avaible at GH)
modify .gitignore
haml to sass/coffee stack
rspec instead of unit tests
capybara, factory_gril, spork, timecop
guard-livereload, with guard, libnotify etc.
active_reload for faster development with assets pipeline
annotate if relational db
I almost forgot to mention: mix of html5 boilerplate for rails with twitter bootstrap it's good combo.
The first think that I do is head to http://railswizard.org/ and create a template, before "rails new app".
I always want to set up Factory Girl under /fixtures, and setup
Cucumber along Rspec. Sometimes I use shoulda too.
Initialize the project as a git repository and link it to
github. Set up the app to use PostgreSQL instead of SQLite.
And last I can think of is that I often make an entry, from the
beginning, to load .rb files form /lib automatically.
I don't add anything. Things get added if project requires them.
I don't load up CSS framework just because there's a need for two columns and a rounded button somewhere.
I don't load FactoryGirl because rails test fixtures actually do a fine job as long as you know how to use them. (Hint: you don't need 100 instances of User in your fixtures)
I don't load RSpec/Cucumber/etc because UnitTest is just as good and I prefer keeping things simple.
There's absolutely no reason to bloat project with things just because you "might need it"
I got tired of having to remember and repeat the mundane tasks required for every new app.
If you're looking for guidance on getting started, we've recently (yesterday!) released a tool to speed up the process, with all sorts of tried and tested libraries for the various aspects of a Rails web app, as well as cleanup scripts to get the fresh app just the way it should be.
Check out http://drone.bz to build an app the same way we do. Under the hood, it uses the app_drone gem to resolve dependencies and build the actual template, but the UI is probably all you need to get started.
There are several similar tools out there, but I decided to be highly opinionated in my recipe choices, and the end result is a solid foundation on which to start developing :)
P.S. Even if you don't use the drones, you can take a look at the steps that are common enough in Rails dev to be automated.
I would like to write my own gem that helps me in my rails apps. It will also inculde some controllers that deliver html. So i need to test that in a browser (html/css/js).
Whats the best practice for that?
Now im using the echoe gem to build my gem (are there any better gems?).
rake install
switch to other tab
stop the rails app
start the rails app (so it has loaded the gem)
and then testing it, in a browser with good old refresh.
This is no fun. Can i do it more efficient somehow? Is it insane not to write tests for the ruby files?
You could use two resources to help you:
This will help you creating a gem which will basically be an engine (enabling controller and views). The first link as great and helpful documentation.
The main principle is to code in a separate folder and add your 'gem' in local by doing gem ‘cheese’, :path => "../rails_3_engine_demo"
Once you feel ready, pack it with jeweller or bundler. Here is another link: http://sirupsen.com/create-your-first-ruby-gem-and-release-it-to-gemcutter//
Including the gem this way in your app will enable you to properly test it's behaviour.
jeweler:Opinionated tool for creating and managing Rubygem projects