How to replace async calls with mocks and predefined answers? - ios

I have simple class for perform network stuff. It's a singleton and it encapsulates NSOperationQueue inside it. When class' user calls some method to getting data from network, this class creates proper instance of operation class inherited from NSOperation sets up it and adds to queue for performing. Obviously, that performing is making asynchronously in separated threads. After getting data from network NSOperation inherited object notifies my network class and it notifies interested delegates about data getting finished or error.
Question is, how can I make unit tests for checking network class' logic? Also, I don't actually want to test server side behavior. I just want to replace actual async call to server with mock and predefined answers to after test handlers' behavior. I want to check how are my classes work, not server side. I understand commonly logic for testing stuff like that but I little bit confused with using OCMock for it.
Best answer will be code example. I'm using OCUnit and OCMock in my project for unit testing.
Also any articles or github links will be perfect.

If all the asynchronous calls go through an internal method in your class, you can simply create a partial mock on your object and use stub/expect on that method. You can then call the public methods as normal and use the mock to verify that the internal method is called. Using the partial mock stops the real implementation from being called, so no network activity should occur.
As to the other half, the call-backs from the asynchronous operation, simply call the method that would be called directly from your tests, then check that your class does the right thing, either by checking its state with OCUnit asserts, or, if it in turn uses callbacks, with another mock.

So I know this is regarding OCMock... but I thought I'd put it out there that I do this successfully with Kiwi and it looks like this.
it(#"should refresh the client's temporary API key if it is stale before sending the request", ^{
ISLDataServiceAdd *addRequest = [ISLDataServiceAdd withRecord:#{ISLFieldContact_FirstName: #"Jason"} table:ISLTableContact];
[[clientMock shouldEventually] receive:#selector(apiKey) andReturn:VALID_API_KEY];
[[clientMock shouldEventually] receive:#selector(hasTemporaryAPIKey) andReturn:theValue(YES)];
[[clientMock shouldEventually] receive:#selector(isTemporaryAPIKeyStale) andReturn:theValue(YES)];
[[clientMock shouldEventually] receive:#selector(refreshTemporaryAPIKeyAndWait:)];
[addRequest sendRequestUsingClient:clientMock completion:nil failure:nil];
sendRequestUsingClient:completion:failure: is an asynchronous call, so by using shouldEventually with Kiwi, it knows that it needs to wait some time (default is 1 second) before those selectors will be called.


Asynchronous swift 3

I need to make an asynchronous call so that the second method is only called after the first one is completed.Both methods are network calls. Something like this:
I want to make sure that getContacts only gets called after the signIn is completed. FWIW, I can't edit the methods signatures because they are from a Google SDK.
This is what I tried:
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "")
queue.async {
Async calls, by their nature, do not run to completion then call the next thing. They return immediately, before the task they were asked to complete has even been scheduled.
You need some method to make the second task wait for the first to complete.
NauralInOva gave one good solution: use a pair of NSOprations and make them depend on each other. You could also put the 2 operations into a serial queue and the second one wouldn't begin until the first is complete.
However, if those calls trigger an async operation on another thread, they may still return and the operation queue may trigger the second operation (the getContacts() call without waiting for signIn() to complete.
Another option is to set up the first function to take a callback:
signIn( callback: {
A third option is to design a login object that takes a delegate, and the login object would call a signInComplete method on the delegate once the signIn is complete.
This is such a common thing to do that most networking APIs are built for it "out out of the box." I'd be shocked if the Google API did not have some facility for handling this.
What Google framework are you using? Can you point to the documentation for it?
You're looking for NSOperation. You can use NSOperation to chain operations together using dependencies. Once one operation complete's it can pass it's completion block to the next operation. An example for your use case might be:
// AuthOperation is a subclass of NSOperation
let signInOperation = AuthOperation()
// ContactsOperation is a subclass of NSOperation
let getContactsOperation = ContactsOperation()
Ray Wenderlich has a great tutorial covering NSOperation. The tutorial uses a downloading operation to load images asynchronously with a dependency that will filter the photo upon completion of the network request.
There is also a great sample project by Apple that uses operations with asynchronous network requests.

Serialize webservice calls and callbacks

I have a class that sends webservice calls and delivers the response via delegation.
I now want to add a caching layer in between the views and my webservice class.
This new class should serialize the calls in a way that every call is delayed until the callback of the previous call has finished.
I tried to realize that with GCD:
- (void)callWebserviceFunctionX {
dispatch_group_notify(self.serviceGroup, self.serialQueue, ^{
// call webservice
And in the callback:
-(void)callbackFunctionXWithResponse:(id)response {
// do something
The idea to group each call and its callback with dispatch_group_enterand dispatch_group_leave and wait for previous groups using dispatch_group_notify.
However, this approach does not seem to work as I intended.
Is there a better way to achieve this?
I tried every combination of dispatch_group_enter, dispatch_group_leave, dispatch_group_notifyand dispatch_group_async I can think of without success.
I also thought about NSOperationand NSOperationQueue, but - if I understood correctly - that would force me to write a separate class for every webservice call.
Is there another alternative I did not think of yet?
I think you'd be better off using NSOperation, dependencies between them to ensure serialisation and NSOperationQueue to run them.
To avoid creating a NSOperation subclass for each request you could use the builtin NSBlockOperation, you provide a block to each instance and adding dependencies between the NSBlockOperation instances should give you the aimed serialisation.
Hope this helps.
You could use MKNetworkKit as your Networking solution. This uses NSOperationQueue under the hood and you can use NSOperation dependencies to serialize your request / responses. MKNetworkKit also supports caching of the responses so might help with your caching implementation also.
MKNetworkKit Overview
Someone had a similar problem using MKNetworkKit and GCD
MKNetworkKit and GCD dispatch_group_t

objective-c, possible to queue async NSURLRequests?

I realize this question sounds contradictory. I have several Async requests going out in an application. The situation is that the first async request is an authentication request, and the rest will use an access token returned by the successful authentication request.
The two obvious solutions would be:
run them all synchronous, and risk UI block. (bad choice)
run them async, and put request 2-N in the completion handler for the first one. (not practical)
The trouble is that the subsequent requests may be handled anywhere in the project, at anytime. The failure case would be if the 2nd request was called immediately after the 1st authentication request was issued, and before the access token was returned.
My question thus is, is there any way to queue up Async requests, or somehow say not to issue them until the first request returns successfully?
Why (2) is not practical: The first is an authentication request, happening when the app loads. The 2nd+ may occur right away, in which case it is practical, but it also may occur in a completely separate class or any other part of a large application. I can't essentially put the entire application in the completion handler. Other accesses to the API requests may occur in other classes, and at anytime. Even 1-2 days away after many other things have occurred.
//pseudo code using semaphore lock on authentication call to block all other calls until it is received
// at start of auth
_semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0)
// at start of api calls
if(_accessToken == nil && ![_apiCall isEqualToString:#"auth]){
dispatch_semaphore_wait(_semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
// at end of auth with auth token
dispatch_semaphore_signal([[SFApi Instance] semaphore]);
_accessToken = ...;
This sounds like a case where you'd want to use NSOperation's dependencies
From apple docs:
Operation Dependencies
Dependencies are a convenient way to execute operations in a specific order. You can add and remove dependencies for an operation using the addDependency: and removeDependency: methods. By default, an operation object that has dependencies is not considered ready until all of its dependent operation objects have finished executing. Once the last dependent operation finishes, however, the operation object becomes ready and able to execute.
note that in order for this to work, you must subclass NSOperation "properly" with respect to KVO-compliance
The NSOperation class is key-value coding (KVC) and key-value observing (KVO) compliant for several of its properties. As needed, you can observe these properties to control other parts of your application.
You can't really have it both ways-- there's no built-in serialization for the NSURLConnection stuff. However, you are probably already funneling all of your API requests through some common class anyway (presumably you're not making raw network calls willy-nilly all over the app).
You'll need to build the infrastructure inside that class that prevents the execution of the later requests until the first request has completed. This suggests some sort of serial dispatch queue that all requests (including the initial auth step) are funneled through. You could do this via dependent NSOperations, as is suggested elsewhere, but it doesn't need to be that explicit. Wrapping the requests in a common set of entry points will allow you to do this any way you want behind the scenes.
In cases like this I always find it easiest to write the code synchronously and get it running on the UI thread first, correctly, just for debugging. Then, move the operations to separate threads and make sure you handle concurrency.
In this case the perfect mechanism for concurrency is a semaphore; the authentication operation clears the semaphore when it is done, and all the other operations are blocking on it. Once authentication is done, floodgates are open.
The relevant functions are dispatch_semaphore_create() and dispatch_semaphore_wait() from the Grand Central Dispatch documentation:
Another excellent solution is to create a queue with a barrier:
A dispatch barrier allows you to create a synchronization point within a concurrent dispatch queue. When it encounters a barrier, a concurrent queue delays the execution of the barrier block (or any further blocks) until all blocks submitted before the barrier finish executing. At that point, the barrier block executes by itself. Upon completion, the queue resumes its normal execution behavior.
Looks like you got it running with a semaphore, nicely done!
Use blocks... 2 ways that I do it:
First, a block inside of a block...
[myCommKit getPlayerInfoWithCallback:^(ReturnCode returnCode, NSDictionary *playerInfo) {
if (playerInfo) {
// this won't run until the first one has finished
[myCommKit adjustSomething: thingToAdjust withCallback:^(ReturnCode returnCode, NSDictionary *successCode) {
if (successCode) {
// this won't run until both the first and then the second one finished
// don't be confused.. anything down here will run instantly!!!!
Second way is a method inside of a block
[myCommKit getPlayerInfoWithCallback:^(ReturnCode returnCode, NSDictionary *playerInfo) {
if (playerInfo) {
[self doNextThingAlsoUsingBlocks];
Either way, any time I do async communication with my server I use blocks. You have to think differently when writing code that communicates with a server. You have to force things to go in the order you want and wait for the return success/fail before doing the next thing. And getting used to blocks is the right way to think about it. It could be 15 seconds between when you start the block and when it gets to the callback and executes the code inside. It could never come back if they're not online or there's a server outage.
Bonus way.. I've also sometimes done things using stages:
switch (serverCommunicationStage) {
serverCommunicationStage = FIRST_STAGE_WAITING;
// either have a block in here or call a method that has a block
[ block {
// in call back of this async call
serverCommunicationStage = SECOND_STAGE;
// this just waits for the first step to complete
// either have a block in here or call a method that has a block
Then in your draw loop or somewhere keep calling this method. Or set up a timer to call it every 2 seconds or whatever makes sense for your application. Just make sure to manage the stages properly. You don't want to accidentally keep calling the request over and over. So make sure to set the stage to waiting before you enter the block for the server call.
I know this might seem like an older school method. But it works fine.

Iphone connecting to a web server, design issues/questions

Currently I am working on building an iOS app that asynchronously connects to a web server. I make about 5 different calls to the web service, depending on which view controller I am in. On a lot of the views, I end up making the same calls, so I have a lot of identical/similar code. Do you guys have any suggestions on how I can limit the amount of code reuse I am making. I was thinking about creating a special class that has the method/code for all these asynchronous calls, then on each View controller, I can just instantiate the special class and invoke whatever methods I want. The problem with this is that since I am making asynchronous calls, how will I know which view controller to send the data back to (via a callback). I know there should be a simple, elegant way to achieve this but I am just new to this way of thinking so help would be greatly appreciated.
Usually what I do is a class that is responsible for the requests (or part of them depending on the amount of requests you have and how they are logically related).
Imagine that you have a NetworkManager. In this manager you can have a singleton if you need to persist state or just use class methods. All methods should have at least a completion block that will be called when the async method that you use for your server has the response.
The block can be defined with a typedef:
typedef void (^NetworkCompletionBlock)(NSError *error, NSArray* data);
Then you call methods like this:
+(void) requestInfoFromServerOnCompletion:(NetworkCompletionBlock)onComplete;
Then, on your method, you call your async functions and when they are complete you call the onComplete block with the parameters he requests, like this:
onComplete(yourError, yourDataArray);
To call this class method just do:
[NetworkManagerrequestInfoFromServerOnCompletion:^(NSError *error, NSArray* data)){
NSLog(#"Ops, an error ocurred");
NSLog(#"Received data: %#", data);
You can also have two blocks, one for error and one for completion.
Depending on how you are doing your requests you might need to save the block in the NetworkManager. Imagine that you use a NSURLConnection with delegates. You had to save your block in a networkManager singleton and then call it when the request is complete.
To do this you need to declare a property on your singleton:
#property (nonatomic, copy) NetworkCompletionBlock onRequestCompletedBlock;
And then on your method you do:
self.onRequestCompletedBlock = onComplete;
When the request is completed you can call with:
self.onRequestCompletedBlock(requestError, requestDataArray);
Note that if you do this you need to be careful with retain cycles.

Testing if performSegueWithIdentifier is called within a view controllers method

I am going through an application and adding Unit Tests. The application is written using storyboards and supports iOS 6.1 and above.
I have been able to test all the usual return methods with no problem. However I am currently stumped with a certain test I want to perform:
Essentially I have a method, lets call it doLogin:
- (IBAction)doLogin:(UIButton *)sender {
// Some logic here
if ( //certain criteria to meet) {
variable = x; // important variable set here
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"memorableWord" sender:sender];
} else {
// handler error here
So I want to test that either the segue is called and that the variable is set, or that the MemorableWord view controller is loaded and the variables in there are correct. The variable set here in the doLogin method is passed through to the memorableWord segues' destination view controller in the prepareForSegue method.
I have OCMock set up and working, and I am also using XCTest as my unit testing framework. Has anyone been able to product a unit test to cover such a situation??
It seems that Google and SO are pretty bare in regards to information around this area.. lots of examples on simple basic tests that are pretty irrelevant to the more complex reality of iOS testing.
You're on the right track, your test wants to check that:
When the login button is tapped doLogin is called with the loginButton as the sender
If some criteria is YES, call performSegue
So you should actually trigger the full flow from login button down to performSegue:
- (void)testLogin {
LoginViewController *loginViewController = ...;
id loginMock = [OCMockObject partialMockForObject:loginViewController];
//here the expect call has the advantage of swallowing performSegueWithIdentifier, you can use forwardToRealObject to get it to go all the way through if necessary
[[loginMock expect] performSegueWithIdentifier:#"memorableWord" sender:loginViewController.loginButton];
//you also expect this action to be called
[[loginMock expect] doLogin:loginViewController.loginButton];
//mocking out the criteria to get through the if statement can happen on the partial mock as well
BOOL doSegue = YES;
[[[loginMock expect] andReturnValue:OCMOCK_VALUE(doSegue)] criteria];
[loginViewController.loginButton sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[loginMock verify]; [loginMock stopMocking];
You'll need to implement a property for "criteria" so that there is a getter you can mock using 'expect'.
Its important to realize that 'expect' will only mock out 1 call to the getter, subsequent calls will fail with "Unexpected method invoked...". You can use 'stub' to mock it out for all calls but this means it will always return the same value.
IMHO this seems to be a testing scenario which has not properly been setup.
With unit tests you should only test units (e.g. single methods) of your application. Those units should be independent from all other parts of your application. This will guarantee you that a single function is properly tested without any side effects.
BTW: OCMock is great tool to "mock out" all parts you do not want to test and therefore create side effects.
In general your test seems to be more like an integration test
IT is the phase of software testing, in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group.
So what would I do in your case:
I would either define an integration test, where I would properly test all parts of my view and therefore indirectly test my view controllers. Have a look at a good testing framework for this kind of scenario - KIF
Or I would perform single unit tests on the methods 'doLogin' as well as the method for calculating the criteria within your if statement. All dependencies should be mocked out which means within your doLogin test, you should even mock the criteria method...
So the only way I can see for me to unit test this is using partial mocks:
- (void)testExample
id loginMock = [OCMockObject partialMockForObject:self.controller];
[[loginMock expect] performSegueWithIdentifier:#"memorableWord" sender:[OCMArg any]];
[loginMock performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(loginButton:) withObject:self.controller.loginButton waitUntilDone:YES];
[loginMock verify];
Of course this is only an example of the test and isn't actually the test I am performing, but hopefully demonstrates the way in which I am having to test this method in my view controller. As you can see, if the performSegueWithIdentifier is not called, the verify with cause the test to fail.
Give OCMock a read, I have just bought a book from amazon about Unit Testing iOS and its really good to read. Looking to get a TDD book too.
