Loading a Youtube Channel - ios

After looking for hours I still can't find a proper example of how I would load a YouTube videos into a -UItableView or something similar. Something similar to this http://gyazo.com/cb89587662fab215312c764cda281309 . Does anyone know how to do anything like this or similar ?

You should use YouTube IFrame Player for iOS.
You can check out Objective C samples from YouTube and use YouTube Objective-C client library.
Here's a great talk about Mobile best practices for YouTube

Try this out.
IBM DeveloperWorks
I used this for help when I was starting out with the api for my site.
It uses SimpleXML and PHP, but can with some changes be used with json.
Hope this helps you on your way.


Is it possible to use the YouTube API to automatically create a comment when a new YouTube video is uploaded?

I am working on a personal program to use with my Google account. I don't have a custom website or domain to use. Basically, the idea of my request was to create a personal bot that would comment "First" on a video as a joke between my friends. I looked into the YouTube API a bit, but I got differing answers on the capabilities of the v3 data API. I found the commentThread page but am also confused about its usage. If anyone could give me a basic idea on if this project is possible, I would love to hear it.
welcome to Stack Overflow!
As you said, you want to create a comment when a video uploaded. YouTube has provide the webhooks for this.
You can see the docs push_notifications. I think that is what you want. :)

Has anyone found a working implementation of YouTube Direct?

I'm working on a website that has a need to accept user-submitted videos. After some research, it seemed like YouTube Direct would be a good fit for our purposes. Most Google products are very well-designed, so why should YouTube Direct be any different?
Unfortunately, I can't find a working implementation of YouTube Direct to explore. I've found several broken versions...
...but they all seem to be plagued with errors.
Does anyone know of a working, error-free implementation of YouTube Direct? Is this a neglected or failed Google product? Is there a better solution to accept user video?
Thank you for any help or recommendations that come to mind.
You can check out project page for YouTube Direct Lite.
There is also a live demo available.

YouTube API 3.0 Query Search

I had a working script written in PHP YouTube API 2.0 that would retrieve a feed of videos based on a search query.
Over the couple months it has been getting choppy and it won't consistently retrieve the amount of video views that each video has which is messing up my website.
Does anyone have or know where I can find a working Zend PHP YouTube API 3.0 example that will retrieve videos based on a specific search query?
Anything helps!
Check https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/code_samples/php
But be aware, that the V3 is still "experimental" and therefore some things might not work as expected ;)
you can find many code samples like https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/live/code_samples/php
Getting started - https://developers.google.com/gdata/articles/php_client_lib
YouTube API Samples project has a great example. Make sure, you enabled Data API v3 in your dev console first. Also Data API v3 is highly supported and not experimental anymore.

Why the link get from youtube get_video_info doesn't work for download?

I test with browser with the link I get from "http://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?&video_id=xx" to see if it is be able to download.
After remove some parameters from original link, some works but some still don't.
I read some post here but most of are pretty old. A lot of change since then.
I wonder if there are somebody working on this recently.
The purpose I need this is because my youtube view program need a better quality video to display.
This is link doesn't work:
http://r17---sn-tt17rn7e.c.youtube.com/videoplayback?fexp=902529%2C932000%2C906383%2C902000%2C919512%2C929903%2C931202%2C900821%2C900823%2C931203%2C931401%2C908529%2C919373%2C930803%2C906836%2C920201%2C929602%2C930101%2C930603%2C900824%2C910223&ipbits=8&expire=1364854787&sver=3&mt=1364829200&newshard=yes&id=26c94a41dba396f5&key=yt1&upn=GrcnDUPfreQ&cp=U0hVSVhQUl9NUUNONV9QSlZIOm9BbnVkMTJzOXE5&sparams=algorithm%2Cburst%2Ccp%2Cfactor%2Cid%2Cip%2Cipbits%2Citag%2Csource%2Cupn%2Cexpire&ip=; codecs="avc1.42001E, mp4a.40.2"&itag=18&
What wrong with it? I removed fallback_path and replace sig with signature.
The working link is for webm. This is for h264. Both have the same kind of parameters.
And this is working now.
http://r17---sn-tt17rn7e.c.youtube.com/videoplayback?fexp=909708%2C912514%2C930802%2C932400%2C916624%2C931009%2C932000%2C906383%2C902000%2C919512%2C929903%2C931202%2C900821%2C900823%2C931203%2C931401%2C908529%2C930807%2C919373%2C906836%2C920201%2C929602%2C930101%2C930603%2C900824%2C910223&ms=au&itag=44&mt=1364825784&ipbits=8&cp=U0hVSVhQT19NUUNONV9QSlNCOlp5ZGoyMXJ3emlq&ip=; codecs="vp8.0, vorbis"&quality=large,itag=35&
That's not a supported method of interacting with YouTube. You need to use one of the official YouTube Player mechanisms to display YouTube videos.
Please familiarize yourself with the YouTube API Terms of Service if you have any more questions.

Recording to Youtube

is it possible to record a video straight to Youtube?
Say I have a site, can I have a recording functionality and use some kind of Youtube API that will have the end video posted on Youtube?
Found an upload API but not a streaming upload.
Thank you,
watch this vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M74K680WRyc
and read this article: http://arstechnica.com/old/content/2006/12/8387.ars and read this: http://www.youtube.com/my_videos_quick_capture
So basically it is possible with some Flash
Another approach is to save locally, then upload.
Hhhmm, seems like you can't do it.
The web interface described by jao is now at https://www.youtube.com/my_webcam
But it is only a web interface, and you asked for an API that your website could use.
The solution for you is probably the YouTube Live streaming API. You would still probably have to use some Flash-based library to capture a stream from the webcam and send it to the API, though.
