How to Edit address using X++ in AX 2012 - x++

I have a address filled corresponding to a Customer record in AX 2012. Now, My requirement is to Select Address from Address tab of a Edit Customer form and then to update the same using X++ Code.. I have tried to perform below code after passing current Party and Location ID..
obj_DirParty = DirParty::constructFromPartyRecId(obj_partyTable.RecId );
obj_DirParty.createOrUpdatePostalAddress(obj_postalAddress, formRun.purposecon());
But it is throwing error saying...
Microsoft Dynamics AX Views are read only.
So ultimately I have to press ESC button to disallow changes, however a new record is being added in a DirpartyPostalAddressView and I am able to see my changes before pressing ESC in a form. But after pressing ESC, changes being made to LogisticsLocation table record changes to previous data.
My question is: how to avoid this error so I can get my updated data in a form.


Im trying to update a long textbox in my db using an update qry, bt anytime I click on the btn to open the qry and input the value it overite the pre

I have a table called student and a field in it called miscellaneous. So any items given to the students should appear in the miscellaneous field. So I created and update query with field=miscellaneous
Table= students and update to =[""]&[""]
So on the form I created a btn to run the query and it ask for the value for [""] and after inputting the value and wants to add another one it overwrite the old one.
Will be glad if someone have seen this before

DataSnap using AutoInc key and refresh current record only after insert

I've not been able to find an answer on this anywhere. Using Delphi XE7 with TClientDataSet, DataSnap & SQL Server. I need to insert a record, apply updates and then refresh that record so I can get the Id and assign it to my object. Seems pretty basic requirement, but on the contrary it is proving to be a royal pain.
I've found the obvious stuff on EDN, SO and Dr Bob:
DataSnap and the autoinc field
However these seem to focus on a "Refresh" of the TClientDataSet to re-fetches the entire table/query. Whilst this does actually resolve the Id field itself (good!), it also moves the cursor off the current record which was just inserted and so I'm not able to get the Id and assign it to my object. Also, for performance over HTTP I don't really want to refetch the entire table every time a record is inserted, if there's 10,000 records this will consume too much bandwidth and be ridiculously slow!
Consider the following code:
function TRepository<I>.Insert(const AEntity: I): I;
AssignEntityToDataSet(AEntity); // SET'S ALL THE RELEVANT FIELDS
FDataSet.Refresh; // <--- I tried RefreshRecord here but it cannot resolve the record
AEntity.Id := FDataSet.FieldByName('Id').AsInteger; // <----- THIS NOW POINTS TO WRONG ROW
Does anyone know how to achieve this? I need to be able to refresh and stay on the current record otherwise I do not know the Id of the record just created and the GUI cannot stay focused on the current record.
Hopefully something obvious I'm missing.
Assuming you can get hands on the new ID inside the AfterUpdateRecord event of your DataProvider, your event handler then may look like this (the current record of DeltaDS is the one just inserted into SourceDS):
if (UpdateKind = ukInsert) then begin
DeltaDS.FindField('Id').NewValue := <TheNewID>;
Make sure to have the poPropogateChanges option set in the provider. This will transfer the changed Id field back to the ClientDataSet.
Now you can get rid of the FDataSet.Refresh call.
SQL Server does allow you to get the last identity it generated in several ways - there's no need to "refresh" the record/query which means re-issuing a SELECT and can generate undesiderable side-effects. You can use SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() or use an OUTPUT clause. If the Delphi database driver supports it, TField.AutogenerateValue should accomplish that task automatically (see
Otherwise you have to put that new data into your delta (see Raabe answer - this has to be done on the datasnap server which actually talks to the database) after reading it, so it's sent back to the client. You also need to set properly and TField.ProviderFlags to ensure data are applied correctly (see, usually you don't want those field appear in an UPDATE.

Display next value of a primary key in a textbox VB6

I just want to know if there is a built-in function or way to get the next primary key in ms access database wherein it will be displayed in textbox in my vb form? I am using ADODB for my connection.. Any help would be much appreciated..
I never came accross with a function giving the Next Key but I normally does is to Select Max(ID) from table and store it with +1 in the Textbox. That might help you
If you talk about my personal opinion on it I would create a Connection in SubMain() which I call at the start of the Application and Recordset will be created as and when required and close as soon the work is done. so if your application is ready to take the record when forms load the code will come on Form_Load() or else if it starts after clicking on a button then on BtnAddNewRecord_Click()
Private Sub BtnAddNewRecord_Click()
Dim Rs1 As New adodb.Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Set Rs1 = Conn1.Execute("SELECT Max(id) FROM <TableName>")
TxtID.Text=Rs1(0) + 1
End Sub

Wix: ListBox value limitation

Value field in ListBox table has String[64] type. Is there posible to expand this 64-characters limitation? I need to store some directory pathes there.
It's probably (never tried) possible in WiX to override the default schema of he ListBox table. I know in InstallShield I just go to the direct editor and adjust it. WiX has a template schema that is used to build the MSI and you might be able to use the Table element to redefine it. Or it might just give you an error message saying you are defining a well known table.
However, I'm not sure if there would be any side effects in the ListBox control if you exceed 64 char. I don't see anything in the MSI SDK saying what's allowed so I guess your milage may vary.
Here's a trick that you might like though. It's called the evil twin dialog trick. See, in MSI there's a bug that UI elements don't refresh very well and this trick works around it. Consider this:
Dialog1 with ListBox associated to property TESTPROP and Items One value 1 and Two value 2.
Textlabel that displayes [TESTPROP].
When start the dialog the text label is empty after clicking a row in the listbox. Click back and next and suddenly it has the expected text of 1 and 2.
Now create a clone of this dialog ( Dialog2 ) and put a control event on the Listbox of dialog1 that says NewDialog Dialog2 condition=1 and put a control event on the Listbox of dialog2 that says NewDialog Dialog1 condition = 1
Now when you run it the screen refreshes ( although with a big of an ugly flicker ) See it looks like it's the same dialog only it's really the evil twin dialog that's being transitioned to so that the data refreshes correctly.
Now for extra credit use your custom actions to do something like this
ListBox Item 1 Text C:\Pro...Foo\Bob value LISTBOXDIRPROP1
ListBox Item 2 Text C:\Pro...Foo\Ed value LISTBOXDIRPROP2
Property LISTBOXDIRPROP1 = C:\Program Files\Foo\Bob
Property LISTBOXDIRPROP2 = C:\Program Files\Foo\Ed
Then set your TextLabel to display [[TESTPROP]]. This tells it to get deference the value of the value of the property. In other words, TESTPRO = LISTBOXDIRPROP1 = C:\Proggram Files\Foo\Bob
This trick would allow you to display a line that fits the 64 char constraint yet gives additional information when the user selects it.

Get previous value of an entity

I need to get previous value of an entity.
My requirement is like; I have some input fields in an edit page.
1 User can enter some values there and press save button at this time the user should be able to save it.
2 User can enter some values there and press Cancel button at this time the page should be reloaded with whatever values were there before the user start editing the page.
My question is that can entity frame work, help us in getting previous value of an object?
Is self tracking is something related to this?
You mentioned "page" so I guess you are talking about web application. In such case you should simply load entity from the database again because pushing Cancel button will make a new request to your web application. You should use a new context per request so you don't have any previous data or entity to reload - you will run a new query and get last data persisted to database.
What you would want to do is:
myContext.Refresh(RefreshMode.StoreWins, myObject);
This will ask the context to reload the entity removing any changes to the object and replacing the property values from the data store.
