What is the best (less code) to use angularjs and twitter-bootstrap for forms backed in rails? [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 9 years ago.
I want to handle closer to 100% of my client side code with angularjs, I'm using twitter-bootstrap also, so the thing is twitter-bootstrap make me do so much html code to create forms, i like solutions like simple-form, but they consist in a model instance to do the form_for thing, and create an instance just for that doesn't sounds cool to me.
Does anyone knows any gem or something of those libraries that I'm missing?

There is a library full of directives for angularjs and bootstrap: http://angular-ui.github.io/


To build a 'very snappy' Rails app - JS MVC or WebSockets? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to build an app that needs to be pretty snappy, on the front-end, and do all sorts of fluid UI stuff.
Am I better off using something like Backbone, Node or Ember - or just using a WebSockets gem like EM-Websocket and PJax?
Why might I want to use one over the other?

Modular Rails 3 application [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'd like to build a control panel (let's call it "dashboard") for several applications. Each application has a REST-API which will be used by the dashboard. The dashboard should have a module for every managed application.
In Rails I could use Controller Namespaces to achieve something like this. The models and the views could be separated in a similar way. This would lead to the following directory structure:
But I don't like that. I would rather have something like this, to have the modules better separated:
Is something like this possible with Rails 3?
If you want that kind of separation you should investigate using Rails Engines to organize the components of your application. An engine is a sort of sub-application that's mostly self-contained.

Sample app using Ember Data and Rails backend [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Any sample app using ember data to recommend ? Ideally with Rails backend and models associations.
I have been using this app to follow as an example:
This blog post also has good direction:
Getting started with Ember Data and Rails
I was able to understand associations by looking at the Ember-Data project's documentation and tests:
I found this code very useful. Very well fragmented into individual files and a nicely written router.
Exactly mirroring the CRUD behavior.
Slightly outdated and simplistic, but I'll update this to revision 10 soon:

Why doesn't Twitter use their own Bootstrap? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I took a look at the Twitter CSS and it's completely diferent from the Twitter Bootstrap CSS. It doesn't use Bootstrap's grid system, and it isn't responsive.
Do they have anything in common other than the developers?
My answer at Quora:
Internally, we use it in a lot of applications. On Twitter.com, you
can find bits and pieces in our dropdown menus, forms, and buttons.
I think bootstrap is just a side project of two developers that work for Twitter. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with twitter itself.

What's the best method for stripping undesirable html in rails? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm making a fairly basic rails app and I was wondering what's the best way to strip undesirable html from text field (basically, all I'm looking to preserve are links and no more than 2 linebreaks).
Currently, I'm stripping all html and using simpleformat, since it seems to be less overhead than using RDiscount and Markdown/Textile, but this is not really an ideal solution.
Probably the sanitize helper.
Another option is Sanitize gem.
