Apple Developer Certificate: Incorrect Team ID - ios

A recent attempt to build an app failed and I realized that the App ID prefix (Team ID) was different from the Team ID of my developer certificate. The prefix of my Distribution certificate is correct and matches my Team ID. My account is an individual one and I have attempted several times revoking and reissuing my Development certificate, but each time it is generated, it produces a certificate with a different Team ID.
To recap:
App Identifier Prefix (on iTunes Connect): 8RJ7xxxx
Distro Certificate Team ID: 8RJ7xxxx
Development Certificate Prefix: 5PM6xxxx
Result: Develpoer team ID mismatches (between XCode and Certificates in Keychain) prevent app from being code signed.
Has anyone seen/corrected this issue?

After a back and forth with iOS Developer Help personnel, we've determined that:
The Team ID for the Development Certificate is randomly assigned and will be different from the Distribution Certificate. The arbitrary Team ID for the Development Certificate ultimately has no bearing on reality. The code signing issues I was having were coincidental and were eventually fixed by (what you can read elsewhere on this site) revoking everything, re-issuing all certificates...and (what I was not doing) WAITING PATIENTLY (took about a day) before everything went back into effect.

if you login into you will see in the "Identifiers" part, that every of your prefixes is an other one.
Check if your developer provisioning profile (I think it's the Wildcard profile) is connected correct with your certificate. Or you can delete it an synch again with xcode so it will create a new one by itself :)

I found the similar issue.
I had different ID’s both on generated certificate and provisioning profile.
When I restarted my machine Xcode was able to re-fetch the matching certificates.
This could be the Xcode bug to identify the exact certificate for the provisioning profile.
Restart you system and check Your Xcode settings

None worked for me so my solution is
Go to Signing & Capabilities (that tab you enable auto signing)
Disable app groups / entitlements. That worked for me.


Renew Apple developer certificate

I am just about a week away of expiration of the Apple developer certificate. Accidentally I lost the CSR file which I used when I created the last certificate which I am currently using.
Could you please let me know what all issue I may face if I will go with another CSR for new certificate?
Without CSR, you will be able to work with existing certificate but once it expires, you must create new one and you can use/create new CSR if previous one is lost.
Updating your certificate will not impact on your distributed build on public environment (Apple App Store). But of-course it won't allow you to distribute your new build with invalid/expired certificate.
Here is an instruction from Apple Developer Documentation for Code Signing Identity, that says,
If you lose control of your Apple-issued signing identity, such as
your Developer ID or Mac App Distribution identity, report this to
Apple immediately. Apple will invalidate the old identity and help you
to replace it. While this seems like a bit of work, it is critical,
because anyone possessing your identity can distribute potentially
malicious or destructive code that looks like it came from you.
This may also help you.
No Code Signing Identities Found
Xcode detects when you’re missing a signing identity. Typically, this happens when you move from one Mac to another. Follow the steps in Creating the Team Provisioning Profile to create your signing identity and add it to the team provisioning profile. You’ll have the option of importing your signing identity from another Mac or resetting it. If you use a custom development provisioning profile that you manage yourself, it becomes invalid after revoking the development certificate. Read Editing Provisioning Profiles in Your Developer Account to regenerate it.
To avoid this problem, export your certificates as a developer profile file on the other Mac, and then import them on your new Mac, as described in Exporting and Importing Certificates and Profiles.
As per apple documentation .CSR is used in combination with your App ID, provisioning profile and entitlements. So, if one have both (App ID and provisioning profile) it will harmful to you.
.CSR explanation

Xcode 6.3 - You already have a current iOS Development certificate or a pending certificate request

Xcode as of 6.3 is no longer allowing me to automatically perform device provisioning for a client. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I found no results when searching for this on Google...
This client has their own bundle ID and it's possible they also have their own provisioning profile for this device. So maybe Apple is matching up the bundle ID irrespective of the developer account being used for provisioning.
I was able to address the issue by modifying the app's bundle ID and manually going through the provisioning process, but I'm guessing this issue is extremely rare, so I'm not sure if this post will be of use to anyone.
When I am create new certificate from my Xcode 9.2 the error was appear
"You already have a current iOS Distribution certificate or a pending certificate request".
Just 2 step for fix this error.
Remove old certificate from
Create new certificate from Xcode or
My problem has been solved (I am using Xcode 9.2).
I just found that if I remove my account from Xcode, and then sign in again, it solved the issue. I did revoke my existing certificates and request new ones though as part of that process. I didn't import an existing profile.
My team has maxed out on release certificates, because apparently there is a quota.
We had to delete one of the existing release certificates.
This issue is actually more common than you think.
Some Solutions:
I usually find that opening Xcode's settings and signing out of my account and the signing in again resolves most of those issues.
You may have an older mac that already used up that one allotted development certificate. In that case you'll want to export the developer profile from that machine. If you no longer have access to that machine, it may be time to invalidate that certificate and simply request a new one.
Another option may be to double check your build settings in your project and ensure that it's looking for the right certificate. It's fairly common in my experience for these settings to make decisions on their own, and confirming that they're what you expect may help.
When dealing with provisioning, it's really easy to get caught up with the frustration of all of the steps you need to go through. The first thing to note is if the error you see is talking about a "Certificate" or a "Profile." In your case, it's a certificate. Good.
Certificates differ from provisioning profiles in a few ways. Certificates are usually only generated twice: once for development, and once for distribution. (Exceptions to this rule are if you decide to add support for some of the special features like push notification or for generating passbook passes on a server.)
The process for generating certificates is also a little more bureaucratic than profiles. You request a certificate from Apple's Member Center. You generate a provisioning profile.
The reason for the word request vs generate is because both Apple and your iOS team's admin need to approve certificate requests. This is because certificates identify you as part of your iOS developer team, and offer all the powers associated with that.
For the sake of completeness, I'll add that provisioning profiles are generated based on that certificate, and really only tell iOS what environment your app is meant to run in. (On any device via the store, specific devices, etc.)
Now, the important part for you is the request business. Most people don't pay much attention to this terminology, since indie developers and small teams (where the developers are admins) don't require developers to ask for permission.
Your error is talking about a previously generated certificate or request. You can only have one development certificate per developer. You either have one, or you've requested one and someone has to approve.
That's what's happening here.
This process is made simple with Xcode 8.3 and 9. Just delete one of your old certifcates in the "validate" interface and click the plus button to request new one, Xcode will request for you and add it in keychain. in my case, maximum number was reached, so I deleted one which was lost in a old Mac and created new one.
This error may also be occur if you reach your distribution certificate limit. After creating 3 iOS Distribution Certificates in an account, the following error message will be displayed when you try to create 4th one: "You already have a current Distribution certificate or a pending certificate request."
Open this link
Press + icon in front of Certificate
Check Apple Distribution section if its show the red text as shown in image then you should revoke you existing certificates to generate new one because you have reached you limit.
Just 2 step for fix this error.
Remove old certificate from
Create new certificate from Xcode or
Delete old developer certificate from and try to create developer certificate from xcode
1) Remove old certificate from apple developer account.
2) Go to the 'Xcode' 3) Select 'Preferences' option and then Select the 'Account' Tab
3) Select apple id from left side and click on 'Manage Certificate'.
4) Click on '+' (add certificate) button.
5) Add 'Apple Distribution' Certificate.
Unfortunately, only a macbook restart resolved this for me.
Creating another Distribution certificate was not an option, because it had already reached the max. number of certificates.
I manually added an existing one (incl. its private key) to the Keychain …and still Xcode said "Not in Keychain". I then tried to trigger a refresh of the Xcode listing by removing & adding my developer account to Xcode, but that didn't work — neither did restarting Xcode.
So, when all else fails, you try to reboot your system.
When you have three active distribution certificates that were created on distinct machines, you'll see this issue. You can either ask for the private key of a previously made one or simply revoke any of them and make your own.

Xcode 6 App Store submission fails with "Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate"

I'm using the latest XCode (6.1) and I need to submit the app as soon as possible, but I can't seem to get around the "Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate" error.
I have the client's provisioning profile and I have his distribution certificate (which is valid) and his private key (I've checked using Keychain, it's definitely there). The bundle ID is also correct. I've deleted my provisioning profiles and certificates and reinstalled the client's many times now.
What could be causing this issue? I've seen a lot of topics here on SO with this problem, so I apologise beforehand for creating yet another clone, but I really don't know how to fix this.
edit: I'm running a brand new install of Yosemite by the way
Got it solved by editing the iOS Distribution Provision Profile in the Developer Member Center.
For some reason there were 2 certificates to choose from for the Distribution Provisioning Profile. I switched over to the other certificate and I could Validate and Submit my Archive build for beta testing.
So, you may have more than one certificate for signing your Provision profiles. Make sure you have the right one (by trying all of them) and hopefully that should work.
I tried many things like Exporting Developer profile from Xcode Accounts and importing it in the organizer, installing the provision profiles from the member center, adding them to my keychain. But none of those worked. It started working only after editing the appropriate Provisioning Profile manually.
You could also trying removing all your available Provisioning Profiles and let Xcode create new ones for you. This will work too.
I also had this issue, which turned out to be caused by an attempt to export for ad hoc deployment using a development provisioning profile instead of a distribution profile. It seems this is no longer supported in Xcode 6.1. Once I created an ad hoc profile and installed that the problem went away. A more useful error message would have saved me hours of work and would be greatly appreciated, Apple.
This thread was helpful:
xcode 6 beta 2 issue with exporting ipa "Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate"
Besides all the other answers, there's one more possibility after 2/15/2016: the old World Wide certificate expired and I guess everyone has already downloaded the new cert (or check this out). However, you'll be seeing this error if you haven't remove the expired one. You may need to choose View -> Show Expired Certificates to unhide expired certs. If the error is still there, try regenerate provisioning profile as advised by the others.
I was moving to new Mac when I faced this issue.
On your older Mac:
Go Preferences > Accounts > Select Account > Details.
In the dropdown right click on iOS Distribution (or whatever is the name of your distribution certificate).
Set a password for the .p12 file.
Move and install this .p12 in the new mac.
Try Again.
Another possible cause for the problem (at least in my case) was that in my Keychain Access, I had two certificates for the team I was working with. One was expired, and the other one was the one I wanted to use. Deleting the expired certificate in Keychain Access solved the issue.
I ran into this problem, and I wanted to avoid screwing up my push notifications.
The easy fix for me was to just go to > project > certifications, ids, and profiles > profiles > create a new profile (for development or distribution)
Download the created profile, drag and drop the profile over the Xcode icon, and then in your project target, set the new profile as the provisioning profile.
This fixed my problem--it may provide further help in the future.
The error message could mean that you need to get the Distribution certificate and private key from the developer who created them.
This can happen if some other team member has pressed the enticing "Reset" button (which means revoke certificate and create a new one).
Here is a picture what the revoked certificate looks like:
You can export the valid certificate from the developer who created
it and import it to other team members keychains.
Go to "Keychain Access" app.
Click on the "Login" in the top left box
Click on the "Certificates" on the bottom left box
Check which team member has the valid certificate:
when clicking on the "iPhone Distribution" certificate
everyone else sees "This certificate is revoked" in red at the top.
(Maybe backup the deleted certificate to avoid doing anything irreversible)
delete the revoked certificates
Export the one valid certificate and distribute to team
Import the certificate file for everyone else
Today I was solve problem by delete from keychain old certificate Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority and install new one (exp. in 2023)
I'll add to here because while the accepted answer got me on the right track it wasn't the solution. There was a second (automatically created by Xcode) distro cert which I revoked. After doing that a new error came up. ("An App ID with Identifier '' is not available"... it also wasn't helpful) Eventually this lead me to the fact that my App Id in the member portal didn't have entitlements matching the build.
I solved this issue by editing the provisioning profile in the member center which is used in my app and re-install the provisioning profile.
I recently changed computer.
The reason for me was that I had several developer certificates in the Apple Developer member portal.
The solution was :
Go to Apple Developer Portal
Go Under Certificates -> Production
Click on "Revoke" for the oldest certificates and keep the most recent one
Revoking certificates won´t affect your Apple Store apps :).
I had this happen to me when I accidentally reset the certificate on another mac. Here's my scenario.
Mac1 - Had working certificate.
Mac2 - I accidentally reset the iOS distribution certificate
Mac1 stopped working and I get the message "Your account already has a valid distribution certificate"
The fix was
On Mac2, Keychain access -> certificates -> iOS Distribution certificate (for you/your company) -> export to p12 file (it will ask you to set a password)
Copy the exported file to Mac1
On Mac1, Keychain access -> certificates -> iOS Distribution certificate (for you/your company) -> delete (this is the old one that does not work)
On Mac1, double click the p12 file (then enter your password).
You should see a new iOS distribution certificate (for you/your company) in the certificate section of Keychain access.
This fixed the issue for me on Mac1.
Got it solved by deleting the provisioning profile which is managed by Xcode
(XC iOS Ad Hoc: *) from the member center

Apple Development Certificate issues

I have managed to get my Development and Distribution certificates in something of a mess (started with separate one for each App and more)
I'd like to start again with just one, generic, cert for each of Development and Distribution.
There are lots of tutorials on re-creating deleted or expired certificates but I can't find any confirmation that I can delete everything and start afresh (and, presumably, then use the new cert for new apps and/or updates to old ones?)
Has anyone actually gone through the steps of cancelling/deleting all Apple certificates and starting again? If so, any advice on steps and things to avoid will be appreciated.
Many thanks for the suggestions which I have now implemented.
I do now have just one each Development and Distribution certificate (although Xcode re-created the dozens of provisioning profiles I was trying to get rid of - I guess I will have to live with that long list for ever...).
An interesting result is the error message I received when I uploaded a new version of an App:
"Potential Loss of Keychain Access - The previous version of software has an application-identifier value of [''] and the new version of software being submitted has an application-identifier of ['']. This will result in a loss of keychain access."
Although the App has gone to review I am not sure of the consequences of this error message which I assume results from the certificate updates?
You have to clear your certificates in 2 places:
Follow these steps to navigate and clear the certificates:
Open LaunchPad
Keychain Access
Select your Keychain
Select My Certificates
Now here you need to delete every certificate that starts with iPhone Developer or iPhone Distribution
Apple Developers Members Center
Login to Apple Developers
Go to Member Center
Click: Manage your certificates, App IDs, devices, and provisioning profiles
You have 2 tabs to interact Certificates and Provisioning Profiles
Remove all of them (Remember you can't delete those Provisioning Profiles, that are already in App Store).
Then you need to create it from the beginning: Follow my answer here

Certificate identity 'iPhone Developer: ' appears more than once in the keychain. The codesign tool requires there only be one

Ok, I am completely pulling my hair out on this one.
Back in July I created a provisioning profile so I could test on my iPad.
Then at the end of August I tried submitting my first App to the iTunes Store. The process was a complete nightmare, and I struggled. A lot. In the end I found a tutorial with relatively recent information in it, and only by following it step by step could I actually get anywhere with this. Unfortunately the result of this was that I created a new provisioning profile.
Now when I try to test on my iPad I get the following error in Xcode:
Certificate identity 'iPhone Developer: MyName' appears more than once in the keychain. The codesign tool requires there only be one.
I check the keychain, and sure enough there are the two provisioning profiles for development, one from July and the one I used to submit to the iTunes Store in August.
Now what I want to do is get rid of the old one, and then connect my iPad up to the new one. I can get rid of the old one fine, but I cannot connect my iPad to the new one, it insists on using the old profile, even to the point of re-attaching it to the keychain after Ive deleted it.
Can anyone tell me:
How to connect my iPad to the new provisioning profile?
And while we are at it, can anyone shed any light on why this entire process is so convoluted and difficult? Considering that so much of Apples interface is so well designed and fluid, this process of registering certificates and applying them to different devices and Apps seems so backwards. I initially suspected this was just me, but googling for these error messages reveals that there are many who are struggling at various points along this process.
This has nothing to do with Xcode and everything to do with keychain.
Open keychain.
Find the signing certificates that are tied to your provisioning profiles.
Delete one. You probably want to keep the newer one, so look at the expiration dates and remove the one that expires first.
Restart Xcode
You may need to update your provisioning profile if it isn't tied to the new certificate, but it won't be as painful as creating a new certificate.
Here's a broad overview of how code signing in Xcode works. It a bit much but will explain what's wrong with your configuration, and how you can fix it.
There are three parts to the mechanism that ensures that you are who you say you are and that your app is allowed to run where it wants to.
You've got a pair of keys, one public and one private. Your public key matches your private key, which identifies you.
Your keys are used to generate certificates. Generally, you'll have one certificate for development and one for distribution,either on the App Store or via Ad Hoc distribution. These certificates permit you to provision your apps.
Each certificate is used to generate provisioning profiles. The profiles must be attached to either a development or a distribution certification. A distribution profile either works on the App Store, or it contains a list of device IDs which may run apps signed with that profile.
If your certificate is expired, the provisioning profiles that are created with it are going to be invalid. In this case, replace both the certificate and the profiles. Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) from Keychain Access and upload it to the developer portal.
If you have multiple certificates in your keychain, Xcode won't know which one to use. This may happen if you renew your certificate and don't remove the old one. (It may also happen if you exported your developer profile and then imported it later. Your old certificates will carry over.)
If your provisioning profile is expired or invalid, you can renew it in the developer portal without generating a new CSR. You can just attach it to an existing valid certificate.
Certificates can't be carried over from one machine to another without moving the original key pair that requested it. Exporting the certificate from Keychain will export the keys as well.
Delete the old one, and start build with new.
One more way you can try , set code signing identity with profile you want to run in both target as well as project build setting.
Hope it will help you.
Otherwise you have to delete old one.
